I went to a flea market today on a whim, try $4.50 for THESE!!! I didnt have any cash on me when I first asked the dude the price, I was fully expecting some ebay price BS(like the chump at a pawn shop who wanted $70, even though it was missing a disk.) I near blew a vein when the guy said 3 bucks for FF 7. I FLEW to the ATM down the street, thinking this was some cruel joke, but the game was there when I got back. I went a couple tables down and there was the nocturne strategy guide. Lady gave it to me for $1.50. In case you dont know about the guide, it runs about 70 bucks on ebay.
Nice. Reminds me of the story of the guy who found a Vectorex with games and an overlay at a tag sale for $10.
You should have been here 2 weeks ago: Games - PlayStation - Toys "R" Us They had that for $20.00 brand new. Check the link often, they might get more back in.
The only ones that don't run on the PS2 are the anthology ones (V and VI), and even then I think it's just V.
deathblade. i love and freaking hate you at the same time. BTW, i have all the FF games that are on ps1 and all work well on the ps2
Well, I've tried playing my copy of FF7 on two different PS2's and both always freeze at the observatory scene when you first arrive at Cosmo Canyon on Disc 1. Even after taking it to a local store that does scratch removal and having it cleaned up(all 3 discs look brand new now), still no dice. After that I just assumed that the PS2 simply didn't have the software/hardware/specs or whatever nessecary to run the type of the graphics that that particular scene produces that the PS1 did. Now though, I don't know what to think.
I own FF Origins, FF Anthology, FF Chronicles, FF7-9 and they not only worked on my PS2, but I've played them on my PS3. You're fine, and congratz on your find. I still have my original FF7, and I probably always will.
Great Score! on my PS2, I think 90% of my games play. (i have some crap i am glad that won't, lol.) But when i got FFX for the PS2, i never had a copy that would get past a certain cut scene at the beginning- it would lock up all the time. after buying 2 used and 3 minty fresh copies, i gave em to friends. Enjoy FFVII.
Okay, now I'm wondering something here. Why won't my copy of FF7 run in either of my PS2's? One's a launch Slim model, the other is a newer one. How new I don't know. A friend of my brother's bought it at a pawn shop to replace the borrowed "Fatboy" model that got trashed. Anyway, 2 different PS2's with 2 different PS1 drivers in them. YouTube - Let's Play Final Fantasy VII Part 49 Cosmo Canyon & Learning about the Planet This is the scene I was talking about where the game always freezes up in either system. Starts at about 6:15(ignore the commentor). Right after Aeris says "Hey look, a shooting star!" and that comet/whatever starts across the screen. It either freezes up outright, or the scene gets "cancelled" and I can walk around as Cloud while everyone else is froze. Just out of curiosity, you guys that can play it just fine, which version do you have, original black label or Greatest Hits? Mine is the GH version.