The TF Facebook Page Interviews Maighread Scott and Mike Johnson The Transformers Facebook page put up a new interview with Maighread Scott and Mike Johnson on the upcoming "Rage of the Dinobots" TFP mini. Pretty good read. There's the first look at Nick Roche's cover for issue #1 as well. Wall Photos | Facebook
Transformers Prime: Rage of the Dinobots Mini-Series Q&A with Mike Johnson and Mairghread Scott Transformers
If Grimlock shows up in Prime I'm 99% sure he's not going to look like that. The Grimlock in that picture is just a hand drawn FOC Grimlock.
Okay, I noticed that now. I feel dumb, FoC Grimlock is in all the other Rage of the Dinobot images I've seen(which is just that other one lol)... my mind instantly clicked to TFP mode when I read the "Transformers: Prime" logo on that front page.
I made a topic on this a few hours back:
The FOC characters don't look like the Prime ones so i hope the Dinobots don't look the same either. I'd love em to look plainer and more G1 as i can't get enough of that aesthetic. They are more distinctive and more distinguishable as their individual characters as opposed looking like messy parts... Love the story line here though, juicy...
Did anyone notice in the interview that the events take placeafter Fall of Cybertron and lead eventually to Prime - however, it's stated that somewhere in there, the events of Exodus have to occur....what? I do hope she meant Exiles. Because as I understand it, the timeline at the end of Fall of Cybertron is right where Exodus ends... Dammit, I hate this aligned continuity crap. Let each property be it's own separate canon, for chrissakes.
Technically, since 'canon' means 'the original works of a writer or writers', each one is its own canon. I think, and correct me if I'm wrong cause I don't like putting words it people's mouths, but you might've meant "continuities". (Semantics Man to the rescue again! =D)
We may see at least Grimlock on the show since Gregg Berger's been confirmed to do a role in the show. And since he looks like his FOC version in the comic I won't mind if they used the CGI model from the game into Prime with some modifications.
I think it's safe to say that Grimlock will show up in the show. Swoop, Snarl, and Slug maybe. Greg Berrger is confirmed to voice someone and I think that's Rexy himself.
They are making a TF Prime Grimlock?? How do you know? If they it going to be like they did Shockwave? [QUOTE=Driftveil;8491690]they're making Grimlock[/QUOTE]