He knows that,what he's saying is that Armada Thrust doesn't feel much like the character he's based on,while the Seekers feel much more similiar to their original G1 counterparts.Armada Thrust is obviously an entirly new character,but an homage still. I personally disagree with him,as I think Armada Thrust is actually pretty cool design wise. But I'll be looking foward to this custom,I like the Armada seekers,and I like what you did so far.I hope you give the mold some more articulation.
I feel like it was all coincidental, and then the design team realized and thought they should name him Thrust due to the few small similarities. So no, I don't believe he's a homage. Not everyone outside of G1 is.
He's a conehead,with an engine thing randomly thrown in to make the homage even more obvious,and even has a repaint that futher homages G1 Thrust. I don't remember how he was on the cartoon but TFwiki says this: "Like the Generation 1 Thrust, the Armada incarnation is portrayed as a braggart." Obvious homage is obvious,but whatever man,this is irrelevant.
Many parts of him homage his G1 counterpart, yes, but he is not in his entirety an homage. Some figures are, he is not. For example, TF 2010 Lugnut is an homage. TFP Bulkhead, who takes obvious design elements from TFA Bulkhead, is not. This is just my personal opinion.