Have to Trade Sell: Armada, All complete. Scavenger needs a Battery. Generation 1 and 2 parts Robots in Disguise: All complete as far as I know. One of magnus's tires are split and he needs batteries. Most of primes' tires are split except three up front. He also needs batteries. These were never played with. I have the guns for the small minicars, don;t feel like digging them out for the photos. 1984 Autobots Sunstreaker Missle Ratchet Red pin Mirage 2 Missles 1984 Decepticons Starscream Fist (right) 1985 Autobots Omega Supreme: Small Clip Jetfire: Leg Clip left, Leg Clip Right, Left forearm armor, Right forearm armor, Gun Clip, Right leg 2, Right leg 3, Left leg 2, Left leg 3 1986 Autobots Outback Gun Blurr Right Arm Panel Steeljaw Set of Guns Sky Lynx Shuttle Half 1986 Decepticons Cyclonus TargetMaster Scourge TargetMaster Trypticon: Almost all parts Need Complete With Parts Superion Hubcap Blast Off Defensor Onslaught Eject Octane Broadside Gnaw Sandstorm Wreck-Gar Reflector Metroplex Runabout 1987 Autobots Grotusque Wings Gun Hardhead Gun Chromedome Gun 1987 Decepticons Misfire Junk Body Slugfest Right Gun Scorponok: Fastrack (complete), 2 silver towers, 3 grey guns Need Complete With Parts Repugnus Sixshot Sureshot Slugslinger PointBlank Skullcruncher Crosshairs Weirdwolf Fortress Maximus Mindwipe Fastlane Snapdragon Cloudraker Noscone Overkill Strafe AfterBurner Lightspeed 1988 Autobots Hosehead Large Gun Small Guns x2 Nighbeat :Small Guns x2 Siren: Small Guns x2 Quickswitch: Right Gun Grand Slam: Small Guns x2 Scoop: Holepunch Gun Raindance Guns x1 Joyride Gun Slapdash Grey Fin Gun Powermaster Optimus Grey Gun 1988 Decepticons Finback: Harpoon Gun Belt Squalktalk: Left Gun Snaptrap: Left Pirancon Fist Footplate x2 Seawing: Left Gun Tentacle: Left Gun Smaller Footstand x4 Skalor: Fin Right Gun OverBite: Left Claw Gun Roadgrabber: Grey Gun Need Complete With Parts Catilla Quake Chainclaw Horri-Bull Landmine Dreadwind Cloudburst Darkwing Waverider Doubledealer Splashdown Sparkstalker Gunrunner Bomb-Burst Skullgrin Sub-Marauder Bugly Iguanus Carnivac Snarler Nautilator 1989 Autobots Pretender: Bumblebee Inner Robot Gun Pretender: Jazz Helmet Large Gun Ironworks: Missile, Micromaster 1989 Decepticons Flattop: Micromaster Figure Octopunch: Harpoon Gun Crab Leg x1 Pretender Starscream: Complete Inner Robot Greasepit: Launcher Missile Pumps Sign Post Sign Airwave: Missile Ramp Slog: Handgun Birdbrain: Back Panel Waist Connector Handgun Icepick: Inner Robot Rifle Scowl: Back Panel Footplate Gun Wildfly: Back Panel Bristlepack: Gun Back Panel Inner Robot Roadblock: Visor Gun Inner Robot Need Complete With Parts Off Road Patrol Air Strike Patrol Rescue Patrol Roughstuff Battle Patrol Skyhopper Overload Skystalker Erector Monstructor Vroom Bludgeon Crossblades Stranglehold Longtooth Thunderwing Pincher Double-Header Hothouse 1990 Autobots Action Master Wheeljack: Missile Action Master Sprocket: Missles x2 Rotor Jackpot: Gun Mainframe: Gun PushButton Left arm Action Master Optimus: Orange Stacks x2 Black Gun Right Trailer Side Action master Blaster: Figure Micromaster Countdown: Countdown micromaster Double Barrel Laser Small Ramp x3 Large Ramp Large Platform Small Laser Left Grey Rocket door White Rocket Door Mechanical Arm 1990 Decepticons Action Master Megatron: Missiles x2 Megatron Left leg Action Master Starscream: Missile Landing Gear Engine Cover Handle Bar Action Master Shockwave: Fistfight Hat Fistfight Fist Action Master Tread Shot: Catgut Action Master Soundwave: Wingthing Right Wing Action Master Banzai Tron: Gun Partner Need Complete With Parts Monster Truck Patrol Military Patrol Construction Patrol Race Track Patrol Air Patrol Battle Squad Metro Squad Anti-Aircraft Base Astro Squad Axer Tanker Transport Cannon transport Combiner Headquarters Action Master Gutcruncher Action master prowl Constructor Squad Over run Rollout Bumblebee Kickoff Autobot Missle Launcher Base G2: Need complete with parts: Rapido TurboFire Skram Electro Volt Firecracker Roadblock Dirtbag Road Pig Road Rocket Hero Optimus Windbreaker Afterburner Eagle Eye Terradive Windrazor Jolt Sizzle Deluge Drench Gotbots Jetstorm Please email me with all questions. I can submit pictures if necc. before a deal and I will use my ebay ID as a reference since I am new to the forums. The Ebay ID is chadquille4. Thanks, Chad [email protected]