Another commission Ark Crew Autobot- Huffer! Horrible mold to paint thanks to the way he transforms wanting to scrape so bad!
i could actually see hasbro doing that one and i could see how it would be a pain to paint, but it turned out fantastic what is that head from?
Wow. I think we now have another future possibility for this mold, going by the remolded head seen in the instructions.
Could you possibly tell me what do you use as far as repainting old transformers and how do you get the paint to cure so that when handling them you don't get any paint on your fingers? And how do you get the joints to stand out while transforming the figure?
I don't understand some of what you just asked, but I'll answer what I can. Old Transformers? Well for any I paint I use testors, Tamiya, and sometimes even Krylon fusion sprays. I mask parts off then lay down base coat colors, them paint in details with an array of fine tipped brushes and model masters paints. To let them cure.... i just let them cure for a few days. Some paints are dry enough in a matter of hours to keep working, and sometimes I can hold the toy in unpainted places to go on early. Not sure what you mean about joints standing out.