Images of what we are told are Binaltech 21 and 22, though we're not certain. The toys are recolours of Windcharger and Optimus Prime. The paper says TakaraTomy, but my initial Translations didn't result in much.
the Overdrive/Windcharger mold actually looks nice in what i hope is a nice light silver and not just a flat white with pink. i wonder what the Prime recolor's going to be.
Oh HELL FREAKING YES! I've been wanting a s2000 Arcee for the longest time and now TakaraTOMY will save me the trouble of kitbashing one myself. Although I'd like to do one much like the 2 Fast 2 Furious s2000, this will do nicely!
Might the yellow prime be Matrix Glow Ultra Magnus?
I don't like the Prime mould much at all but the S2000 is a good one and I didn't get the racing verison so I may be interested in this depending on what colour it actually is.
Clearer pics are now up. They are also available for ordering at Fan to Fan. Prime is actually green, not yellow, the first pic was really poor quality.
Looks like the updated images show Arcee is silver in car mode and the Dodge Ram is green. I bet it's Hoist or a Constructicon. Longhaul maybe? PLEASE be Longhaul.
I really, really hope that those are 1/24 and not the (possibly) shrunken Subaru and Mazda molds. I can't see those but a Arcee variant of the S2000 would be great. Edit: Saw them... hmmm... very obviously digibashes. What is the source?
I can't find the picture of BT Wildrider / Black Widow, but Arcee has more than a passing resemblance. Obviously the mold is the same, but the silver exterior harks back to that unreleased toy.
It's still some version of Convoy. Wonder what kind of story they come up with to explain that colour...
Stupid green convoy!!! A waste of what could have been a great Hoist or Trailbreaker. My excitement over the new BTs is waning already. (yes, I know Hoist is green but he's not THAT green!)
Yes. Oh, yes. These plus that other new Binaltech we saw a while back (Prowl, mebbe? Can't recall for sure...) are so promising for the future of this line. Even periodic and irregular releases would thrill me.