Also from his About me section: Love how he admits to having Post Tramatic Stress Disorder. Love how he follows up with the classic, But i'm much better now.. line. Some guy on Fark, Rabid dog, wrote the guy. Here is the email conversations:
Hmmm no payments for 3 months... lol develop it and stop myself bidding on it ... foolproof..... or perhaps not....
If they want to scam people, they should really learn not to capitalize almost every 2-3rd word in a sentence.
okay, i saw we all chip in a'll be th TFW time crew....and then we can go into the future, see what hasbros doing, come back, post it here, and have everyone else say "your full of crap, hasbro wouldnt do (insert awesome super cool future hasbro thing here)"
and then get unpainted versions of said figure, and sell them as prototypes of Transformers whatever show on Ebay for a bunch of money
The wha? After reading (skimming) the article, I'm confused, does the buyer get ownership of said machine once its finished? Are the sellers even contracted under law to finish it and make it work?
I love that it is listed under "Travel > Other Travel". I think this is big enough to have it's own catagory.
Someone should ask him if we can buy it, and after we have it built and working, we will come back in time to when the auction ended and pay him with the money we made from it. Can you wait until I can travel in time, make money on the stock market, and then come back and pay you when the auction ends? lol That way if the future me did not show up with his money at auctions end, I'll know his invention isn't real.
Just eat a lot of bacon and smoke a lot of cigarettes, it's much cheaper that way. (idly wonders if anyone will get his obscure reference)