So, in september I pre ordered MP-14 from I have not received an email from them stating anything was wrong with my order, however just on a whim I checked the order yesterday, and it still said the item is expected to ship on or about the 15th. I decided that I'd check today and it said the item is discontinued. WTF?? Anyone else order from them?
I have 1 on preorder and it says the same thing; what they mean is that they are out of stock and won't be getting anymore available for order. People who already have a preorder will get theres fine. They do this with all items that go out of stock during preorder, from my experience, as things I've pre ordered from them before have changed to "Discontinued" after they're close to release date and pre orders are out of stock, but are still sent out on time.
I just got my Confermation of my item being in stock! Yay! $63 shipped. Great price! I have read a lot of people complaining about the price... At this price I don't see it negatively at all i paid just about the same amount for binaltech smokescreen, and that is almost the same size. (of course with metal, and rubber tires) I thought shipping was going to be crazy, but it was only $8 or so. Anyone else order from HLJ?
I had ordered one, it's in my Private Warehouse as of 0 days ago. Cheap indeed, will keep him there until some Macross stuff or Soundwave comes in stock, I'm in no rush for him yet.
I have a paypal billing agreement with them so no payment requests from me. As for shipping, it depends on the method used, but this IS the busiest period of the year so it'll be later than usual. I personally avoid having items in the mail after the 15th December for EMS and whatnot.
Got a payment request in the last few hours, and i only ordered mine yesterday..... so it *looks* like most if not all the orders are going to be filled (?) ...which doesn't seem to be a guarantee where HLJ are concerned.