It's now impossible to see bidders' names in the bidding history, even when current bid is lower than $200. I would say it's pretty much impossible to catch shill bidding now.
I agree on the point of shill bidders, on the other hand scammers have been stealing user id's and hacking passwords. Ebay is more concerned with protecting user id's and account security than they are shill'ers.
What the? They brought this back? eBay did this a couple years ago, then lightened up a bit and made that $200 thing a standard. I see now they have this little system that tells you the anonymous bidders bidding history, particularly with the seller of an item, but how are people supposed to report obvious shill bidders? Though eBay claims they're smarter than their users, they've always done a crappy job of weeding out shill bidders without assistance of members reporting people.