i've had a thread up since 2010 on procustomizers.com but decided to post one here per Maximo prime's request. so here's what i got so far... yes i used unicron bits, and yes i know it doesnt look animatey enough but i'll fix that as a last step. i'm currently working on a forarm and hands as well as a head... head - scratch body - either bulkhead or ultramagnus or a mash up of both. arms - 2x jazz waist - unicron legs - rodimus & lockdown thanks for looking...
Honestly, you can take whatever parts you deem fit, if you have in your head how you want them to end up. Enough design work can turn anything into anything you want. You're off to a great start!!
thanks for the kind words guys. actually i scrapped the bulkhead idea. going with ultramagnus instead. it looks better and is much easier to use ultramagnus and the scale is better as well. i'll post more pics tonight.
Seeing those legs make me very interested in this. How does the Rodimus and Lockdown connect to those?
took the hook/engine part of a junker lock down afixed it to the unicron bit under the knee joint. same thing with rodimus just that the connection were different.
conceptual image for what the body will look like with the arms attached. i'll take better pics tonight.
That is AWWWWWESOOOOME! LOVE the transformation for Motormaster, Menasor could maybe use a chestplate though (Activator Bumblebee/Drone car?)
chestplate is definitely in the works... i want it to resemble something like the G1 version. we'll see what happens. thanks for the support everyone, i'd like all the CC i can get... this is my first combiner so im still learning... i've already made several mistakes that im never going to make again...