Just a quick thought on AOE and TF Animated The film lends heavily from Animated with a few bits Using Megatrons body for technology Lockdown being the villain Dinobots being left to their own devices at the end Just thinking if the writing team stays the same what else could they use for TF5 from animated
You forgot: -Megatron's decapitated head secretly still being alive and steering the humans into building his new body
I loved the Animated stuff. What does that tell you about how great and influential that show actually was that some of the stuff from it ends up in one of the movies? Sooo awesome.
Yes! I knew others had noticed. I just posted a thread about this. Also, main human character is an inventor with a young daughter, AND: Joshua Joyce is Porter Powell.
The main cast is similar, too. Optimus Bumblebee The big green guy (Hound) The samurai (Drift) The grumpy guy (Crosshairs)
OH, yes, I didn't even notice this wasn't in the first post, but absolutely Drift and Hound are Samurai Prowl and Bulkhead. And if they didn't replace Ratchet with Crosshairs, they really would have had visual representations of the same team. It's like the screenwriters FINALLY watched TF:A.
Also a pretty obvious and big G1 reference to City of Steel. Those who who saw the movie know what I'm talking about.
Yes just do what I did. Like a good crockpot meal just let your hope and excitement simmer and not bubble over. Then when it's ready(released) enjoy some great, deliciousness of a movie.
Holy wow, watched the movie last night and I didn't notice it till right now, would've been sweet if they gave megatron the same body from animated. Still one of my fav megatron designs till this day.
Also, the daughter of the inventor has to remind her father to eat. And they have an ignored "pet" robo-dog.