And Now, A Deleted Scene...

Discussion in 'Transformers Fan Fiction' started by Road2Earth2, Sep 6, 2018.

  1. Road2Earth2

    Road2Earth2 Well-Known Member

    Sep 6, 2018
    Trophy Points:
    Presenting a deleted scene from the final episode of "Fight! Super Robot Lifeform Transformers: Victory". (See if you can spot the source of spoofing...)

    [Jean Minakaze, adoptive son of Autobot leader Star Saber, has just set his Illumina II mech to self-destruct inside the power core of the Decepticon leader Deathsaurus's space fortress. In this version of events, Jean spots the self-destruct button on the core (labeled "Do Not Push"), and sets the Illumina II on autopilot to ram into it, which it does. An alarm then goes off all over the place, including where Deathsaurus is about to fire the large cannon at the Earth.]

    Deathsaurus: Huh? What's going on? Where the Pit is this, Paris??

    Computer voice: Thank you for pressing the self-destruct button. This space fortress will self destruct in exactly two minutes and forty-five seconds.

    Deathsaurus: WHAT?!?!?!?!? But I didn't even--I've got to stop it!! Gotta remember--is there any way to stop it???? [Sad realization suddenly dawns on him.] Scrap, I CAN'T!!! It's irreversible! Like my raincoat!!!

    Computer voice: Attention, attention--all personnel abandon ship. All personnel please head to the nearest escape pods. Close down the circus. Evacuate the zoo. Self-destruct mechanism has been activated. Please abandon ship.

    Deathsaurus: AUGH!!! Computer, you've gotta help me--I don't know what to do! I can't make decisions! I'm an emperor of destruction!!!

    Computer: This is your 2-minute warning. This ship will self-destruct in exactly 2 minutes. Launch all escape pods as soon as they are filled.

    (Deathsaurus starts making a break for the escape pods. He goes to one, only to find it occupied already.)

    Deathsaurus: HEY! Get outta there--where do you think you're going??

    Decepticon pizza delivery trooper: Pizza to go! *Defiant laughter* (Pod jettisons from the ship.)

    (Deathsaurus moves to the next open one, only to be knocked away by a Decepticon orchestral drummer with one of his sticks. He then heads to another one just as a bright red robot steps up to the doorway.)

    Deathsaurus: Heyheyhey that's my escape pod, who are you?

    Red robot: I'M the Bearded Ladytron 5000. What are you, one of the FREAKS??

    (She promptly brushes Deathsaurus aside as she gets into the escape pod, which then jets off as Deathsaurus watches on through the porthole in frustration.)

    Deathsaurus: NO!!! Come back, you fat bearded bucket of bolts!!!!

    (He heads to the one remaining pod left, and promptly gets inside. He finds it difficult to fasten the seatbelt--only to realize that for some strange reason a humongous grizzly bear is already sitting in the pod, startling Deathsaurus out of it. It then launches without him, the bear waving goodbye.)

    Computer voice: This ship will self-destruct in 20 seconds. This is your last chance to press the cancellation button.

    Deathsaurus: Cancellation button??!?!?!? Why didn't I remember that???

    (Deathsaurus hurries like crazy to the control panel and begins frantically searching for the button, until he finds a panel. He opens it up, only to find next to the button a sign that says--)

    Deathsaurus: OUT OF ORDER?!?!?!?!? SLAG!!! Even in the future nothing works!!!!!

    Computer voice: This ship will self-destruct in exactly 10 seconds. [A look of fear and panic appears on Deathsaurus's face.] Counting down: 10...9...8...6...

    Deathsaurus [shocked]: SIX?!?!? What happened to SEVEN?!?!?!?

    Computer voice: Just kidding! [Deathsaurus grumbles in frustration.] 7...6...5...4...3...2...1...Have a nice day!

    Deathsaurus [bracing for it]: Thank you.