I've been seeing a ton of Rollbars and Ricochets lately. I thought he was in the same wave as those guys...is he out yet?????
Nope... Not yet... I do believe he will be out in the next case with Meister, Skids, and Sunstreaker...
Meister doesn't ship until Mirage is shipped. They're in the same case, which is due out in a very very long time! (April? June?) I bet the first sighting of Prime will be in CA. I'd give 2-3 weeks, in a month from now at most
Wait, then WTF are you on about Razerwire? I'm confused. Based on RW's post, I thought KD meant that Prime does ship with Rollbar/Ricochet, but not the first assortment with Prime. Now I take it he means Prime ships with Rollbar/Ricochet, but not the first assortment that contains those two.
I could've sworn I read somewhere that OP and Meister were gonna be in a case together... So yeah, I'm just the messenger...
The info I have says this: OUT- asst 13 March 06 Rollbar, Ricochet, Skids, Sunny NOT OUT- asst 13 R1 April 06 Prime, Rollbar, Ricochet, Skids NOT OUT- asst 13 R2 May 06 Prime, Rollbar, Ricochet, Sunny I've no idea when Meister is supposed to show again. My info is a bit old though so it may have changed since.
OUT Prowl, Tracks, Skids, Sunny OUT Rollbar, Richochet, Skids, Sunny NOT OUT Prime, Rollbar, Ricochet, Skids NOT OUT April 06 Didn't know this one existed till now! NOT OUT Prime, Mirage, Meister, Tracks