Advice on Threezero Jetfire requested from a blind collector

Discussion in 'Transformers Toy Discussion' started by Xonic, Sep 21, 2024.

  1. Xonic

    Xonic Well-Known Member

    May 10, 2012
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    Hi. I'm really into these Threezero Dlx figures at the moment and have heard some amazing things about Jetfire. Even the old leader class toy was interesting to feel as he's such a clunky rusty parts formed thing.
    I know the Threezero model is supposed to be amazing but I also understand you have to assemble it. Assuming I can get someone to help me with that, I have heard bits can fall off here and there if you try to pose it etc. For the most part this is going to stay on the stand on a shelf and I@ll touch it very gently and that's it. I wondered what people thought, is it really a bucket of magnetic bits that flop about all over the place, or is it worth it despite all that and does it hold together well?
    My other option might be to wait for another release of Bumblebee Premium Prime, but I'm not sure if Threezero have any plans to do that in the near future.
  2. Xonic

    Xonic Well-Known Member

    May 10, 2012
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    I should say for clarity I have no eyesight, so I can't read printed instructions I just work on feel alone for my models etc.