Anyone know a cheap place to buy the acrylic cases for transformers? Planetforce is 39.99 for ones for jets or cars which is outrageous. AFA is $25 per which is still high imo when you can get ones for gijoe and star wars for 10-12 bucks each. Thanks.
i will call someone tomorrow and let you know cause i found some so i will give you the number in the morning
try these and they take paypal
The stuff they make those cases from isnt a cheap product so you are going to pay alot for it, its not normal plastic . It's also hard to work with from what a friend of mine who use to make custom cases has told me . He made me a plexiglass case for a football helmet and gave me a deal only charging me 50$ for it and it has a mirror backing .. The GI Joe ones are cheaper and are made smaller then the ones for boxed G1 figures. Im not sure what prices you are looking to pay but if your only looking to pay like 10$ a case i doubt you will find any. Better off just looking for the plastic cases for model cars , or those soft plastic bubbles.. You can find alot here on this site Hope that helps..
Thanks for the help was hoping to get some for my cars and jets in the 15-20 range. $40 at planetforce was just laughable dunno what that guy is thinking.
some places you can get the hard plasic boxes for 3-5.00 each try hobby stores and model stores or stores that sell baseball cards and comics