A Vent

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by TheDemonDzko, Sep 16, 2011.

  1. TheDemonDzko

    TheDemonDzko Some Internet Guy

    Oct 9, 2008
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    Some people have Facebook, and Twitter and constantly post their life on the internet everyday in everyway. For some reason I have the urge to post on a Transformers forum, just because the lot of you have more in common then the regular folk.

    So, I have reached a point in my life I would like to assume is called "adulthood" where pressure is coming at me left and right, between my love interest constantly complaining about how horrible her job is, and how she hates a school I wish I could go to, and my mom down my throat about bills, because she doesn't make enough at hers, and to top it off of I have classes myself, and I'm trying to sort out an art career myself, and pump out a couple graphic novels.

    I don't like this transition, it would be one thing if I was working, and had my licence that way I had some form of freedom, but really the only time I get out of the house anymore, is twice a week I go to school. That really isn't enough for me, I haven't seen most of my friends or my love interest in almost two months, due to my moving in December of last year (I see them off and on though, depending on schedules and whatnot.)

    So, it just makes me ponder life right now. Is there something I am doing wrong? I am looking for the thing to make my life better and progress me in terms of my future, but out of the four interviews in the last two years, I haven't gotten a single lead towards any form of job, and really the only sanity I have anymore is clinging onto something from my childhood, that lately I have become quite disinterested in.

    Don't get me wrong, I love Transformers, and I don't want to give any away, or sell them. Any of that whoo haa, and I know my collection is far from complete... Just, something feels off about these new toys, possibly the dull colouring if anything. But I digress.'

    I think in short, I'm possibly depressed due to the stress, and not really having anyone I can vent to without backlash in return, really just makes me feel as if the situation is worse then it actually is though I know for a fact this thread is going to receive a coupe "Do ho. Loser, sharpie up pooper! My life is worse then yours! My World of Warcraft subscription terminated so I attempted suicide, but my iron maiden made entirely out of twizzlers and chocolate wasn't powerful enough to give me diabetes." to which I say, "Do ho. You sure told me? I think?"

    So, yeah... just wanted to post that somewhere, if you actually read through all that, I salute you. If you have actual opinions, I would like to hear your thoughts. But, please no. "You are only eighteen. You don't know what suffering is!!!" Or smartassery along those lines. I'd appreciate it.

    - DZ
  2. TrueNomadSkies

    TrueNomadSkies Well-Known Member

    Apr 9, 2011
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    Well for starters, I can relate to quite a lot of this, what with the fact that I've been out of work for a lot longer than I'd expected, and of course because I've become disconnected from most of my friends since having to move with my family. As a result, Transformers & Yugioh have become salivations of sorts, and I've often felt that giving up these things will open up doors & help me grow back into myself. Sometimes it seems like these hobbies are holding me back from growing up, but that's really not the case. If anything, they've helped me grow as a person quite a bit, even if not in terms of moving back to my home or being able to make a life for myself here. Instead, what I think has really been holding me back from moving forward is the fact that I'm in an overall limbo right now (being unemployed being a big part of it), and a couple of simple hobbies aren't really hurting because I'm generally good with saving money.

    Also for what it's worth, the fact that we even have this shit at all means that we're really not that bad off in the grand scheme of things, especially considering that a painful number of people are literally homeless & counting the days until they die of hunger on the streets. Heck, even if we don't compare ourselves those who have it that bad, we can at least be greateful not to be on the Jerry Springer show, at least not seriously.

  3. Aernaroth

    Aernaroth <b><font color=blue>I voted for Super_Megatron and Veteran

    Mar 27, 2004
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    Growing up is hard to do.
  4. wildfly

    wildfly Fermenting pork tube.

    Feb 7, 2009
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    Over There
    You probably are somewhat depressed.

    And let me clarify, despite my signature indicating that i might mean otherwise, no hint of sarcasm is intended.

    Is it possible to get a license whilst you're not working?

    Whether it is or not, You might want to consider looking at other hobbies, as a means of havng something to do, and meeting other/new people.

    I'm not suggesting you drop Transformers totally, just put them on the backburner.

    If it seems like you don't have the time for new hobies/interests, maybe try to make it. It might be a good investment.

    If your school has a counsellor, maybe try to make an appointment with them...not necessarily as a long term solution...but to give you a bit of orientation.
  5. Bryan

    Bryan ΜΟΛΩΝ ΛΑΒΕ

    Sep 8, 2005
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    So you asked for no one to tell you to quit whining, which is unfortunate, because that's what you need to hear. Dude, you have a roof over your head, food in your belly (probably too much), and you're going to school. I don't know what that jibberjabber about Warcraft was, but your life fucking rocks compared to the majority of the planet.

    I'm typing this from Fallujah, for example. My life rocks, don't get me wrong, but all the natives here, not so much. They have to like ride camels through minefields to shovel dirt or whatever their job is. They have something to complain about. You, not really.

    So instead of whining about the "now," what you need to do is start figuring out how to ensure you KICK ASS in five years. You provided (intentionally) limited information, but I can make some general guidelines that work no matter what.

    1) Work out. 3-5 / week. Get fucking healthy, son. I don't care if you try to get big, or go for lean endurance, whatever. Just get fit. And participate in things fit people do. Races or whatever. You'll meet positive people. You'll be happier for doing so--more energy, better looking, dopamine release. All of it.

    2) Work. Get a job and SAVE MONEY. This is important later.

    3) Dress right. You don't have to be rich, or have lots of crazy stylish outfits, but buy decent clothes that fit. PROTIP: if you have shirts with wolves howling, throw them out. Casual button-up shirts and nice jeans are always a winner. But remember #1, because if you're fat, you're fat, no matter what you're wearing.

    4) Make sure your schooling is worthwhile. Research the future, make sure you can get a job making okay money. Don't rely on what you think about the job market, or what you may have heard from a friend. If you're leaning towards something, physically go out to check up on it. Shadow someone who does what you want to do (with their permission). Don't go to school for some bullshit. Seriously, I don't care if you "like" art. I like football, but I didn't get a goddam four-year degree in it because that's ******ed. I got a real job making great money, and I use that money and my free time to enjoy football. Best of both worlds, son!

    5) Drop the "love interest." Fuck her, or don't, but focus on you. Girls will come and go, but you're stuck with you. And if you improve you, the girls will shockingly start improving also.

    6) Go see your friends. Most of them are turds, or will be eventually, but they're your people. Quit whining about how you don't see them and buy a goddam bus ticket or something.

    You go to school two days a week, and you express that like it's a bad thing. But what I hear is a positive--you have FIVE days a week to be improving yourself. Get to it.
  6. TrueNomadSkies

    TrueNomadSkies Well-Known Member

    Apr 9, 2011
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    Bryan, have my babies.

    Seriously though, I think all of that is some great advice, and I really hope he (as well as others) can take something from it.
  7. rxlthunder

    rxlthunder Banned

    Mar 3, 2011
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    I swear, this makes more sense than the OP.