hi i dont have a sig but i would like a feedback/ want list link for my sig. i promise i searched all over to try and figure this out, but i cant even find my feedback please help and MAY GOD BLESS YOU AND YOURS
When you edit signature, click on the globe with the chain beneath it, it will install a hyperlink and give you a way to enter your own text for the link. Post your weblink in the box that pops up, hit okay, and you'll see it in the window with a portion highlighted in a different colour. If you look at what is highlighted, it should be a copy of what is already on the left. So all you need to do is type over the blue portion.
ok i got to the blue part, do i type "my feedback in the blue part? And on mine the highlighted part is the same but it appears below the original, im sorry and thank you for your time