I have a question for anyone who can answer it. I have a starscream with two right hands. I figured it to be a factory defect and have held on to it for years. I recently desired to have one that had proper hands and looked on eBay for a reasonably priced one. The one I found is really cool, but the seller claimes that it came with the blue wings it has. Now, the fan in me knows he never had blue wings in the g1 show. I was wondering if anyone has heard of another factory defect screamer with blue wings? I don't think so and really don't care if it didnt. I just would like a real answer. Thanks a bunch.
I also forgot to mention that all of this is for the modern classics line of transformers from the 2000's. Not the g1 toy. Thanks again.
I can't find one on eBay with blue wings - can you link us to the auction? Also, after scouring TFWiki, I can't find a version of that mold (as Starscream) with blue wings, so unless they painted it or poached wings from a Thundercracker, your guess is a good as mine.