Selling my PS2. heres what you get for 100 bucks + Shipping and Paypal fees Playstation 2 Fat System. Playstation 2 Controller Playstation 1 Controller Memory Card Hookups(Duh) Playstation 2 Ethernet Modem Games : God of War God of War 2 Final Fantasy 12 Max Payne Max Payne 2 Metal Gear Solid 2 Metal Gear Solid 3 Star Wars Battlefront 2 Resident Evil Outbreak Codebreaker Cheat Disc For an extra 15 bucks, you get these Playstation 1 games (note, PS1 memory card not included with purchace) (Note : these were games I purchaced from Blockbuster used. So they have blackbuster cases and blockbuster perminant marker marked on them. the reason why they are 15 is cause of their rarity, minus their condition. they play great though. this is why I am including this as an extra purchace to it) Resident Evil 2 Resident Evil 3 Parasite Eve Saga Frontier One PM me if interested!! First come first serve!!