Here is a pic of 3 current repaints I'm working on. One of these I will keep, one is for my brother, and the other I will eventually sell. I like how these look so far. Sometimes I just want to stop here. I love how they look like this.
only one I know for sure is the jetfire is yours lol the other two I've no idea. I could guess the prowl would be the one for sale, but I really have no idea.
Yes. Cylconus and Prowl have been drybrushed silver and then aluminum. Jetfire just silver. Haven't decided if I'll do the aluminum yet. You guess right! Jetfire or Jetstorm will be mine. I got him when TRU first started selling him as an exclusive just to repaint him. My brother really enjoys me repainting this stuff. He'll even get figures for me just to repaint. He wants me to repaint Cyclonus. I will do him a little different than my first Cyclonus. I got some new shades of purple I want to try. How this one comes out will help me decide how I paint my other 2 WIP's. And I will sell Prowl although, he won't be "Prowl" when I'm done with him... WRONG! You'll see...
Did you by any chance disassemble Cyclonus for the painting? I'm having a hell of a time getting mine apart. I remove all the screws, and the head/arm/leg remains intact, as if by magic...makes me wonder why they bother with the screws at all. ;-) Anyways, if you have taken apart a cyclonus, any tips would be appreciated. If you haven't, cool job anyways, those look awesome, very statuesque!
Ah, alright, well, I guess it's just mine that seems to be practically glued together in addition to being screwed together. I have to pry the pieces apart with a surprising amount of force.