just a quick thought/question... I know that the Alt Prime is at 1:24 scale, and I also know that when some say that they'll just use 20th Prime instead, others respond that he's not in scale. Now just by looking at the "doors" on 20th Prime, it occurs to me that in order to be in scale with the Alts, 20th Prime would have to be BIGGER. has anyone seen any kitbashes or oversized bootlegs atempting to bring 20th Prime up to scale?
Yes way, Ted! [/Bill] 20th Prime seems to be between a 1:30 and 1:32 scale (meaning it would take approximately 30 or 32 Primes laid end to end to match up to his real-life counterpart). The Alts are 1:24 scale, so it would only take 24 of them laid end to end to match up to their real life counterparts. So, while Prime is indeed physically bigger than the Alts, he's still a smaller scale. Place a 20th Prime next to the Alts to see what I mean. Normally from a passenger car, you'd have to look at a pretty steep angle to see the bottom of a semi's window, but it's not such a steep angle from an Alt to Prime. -Tony! Still hoping for a REAL Alt. Prime.
yearrrhhhh, matey, I gives ya 1:26, but nothin' more. next one to say 1:32 or smaller is walkin tha plank!!!
The thing to remember here is that 20th Prime is not only way out of scale, but also not an Alternator. They get their own Prime. Which is good because, despite all the live and let live stuff, thats something that bugs the heck out of me
But ... but ... 20th Prime looks like Prime should look!! and he's huge, just liek Prime should be!1! with a big gun! Ananand Alt Prime shud have been Trailbrakorxz but Hasbor hates us so Im gonna get him anywayz anc call him Ginrai because Takara is awesome and stuff and 20th Prime will lead my Alts because he looks like an Alt despite all thoses facts you preesented!1one!
The tricky thing with MP Prime is he's not in any scale at all really. I mean, parts of the truck just aren't in scale with each other. For example, the wheels on MP Prime are way too small for the truck body. It's hard to nail down a scale for him because of this.
No, Prime is not terribly out of scale. The doors and wheels on Prime are out of scale with the overall size of the truck. Seeing as how I drive a tractor trailer ( well, did til about a year ago and plan to again real soon ), I know how big they look next to a car. If Prime is not 1/24 scale, he's either 1/23 or 1/25....
The main issue is that MP/20th Prime is not a replica truck like the Alternators, and has a lot of inconsistently-sized parts. You can best-guess a scale for it, but basing scale on any specific part will yield contradictory info.
I'd say he's roughly 1/28th scale. My problem with using 20th Prime with the Alts is that he doesn't have a cohesive alt mode. The cab side detail is confused at best. The door is not only too small, but also badly placed. The gaping hole that passes for the side window is up so high, that the top of the door, is nearly on the roof. The little front wing window that should also be on the door, is not only in front of the door, it's nearly filled in, with the chest hinge. Then, for reasons that defy logic, the windshield is cantilevered out in front of the rest of the cab. Maybe I'm just some kind of mutant freak, but I actually like to occasionaly transform my Transformers. 20th Prime's alt mode doesn't look that great on it's own. Put it next to something with a realistic alt mode, and it starts to look like something out of Armada. You'd have to put it next to HBS-02 to make it look halfway decent. The wheels are a little small, but even the original Prime toy had slightly undersized wheels. They're still a lot better than RM G1 Convoy's skateboard wheels.
I did have an idea for a kitbash that might resolve the scale issue AND give him a more realistic alt mode...basically it would involve grafting a "forward engine" style of Kenworth truck onto Prime, essentualy turning him into Laser Rod Optimus Prime. He would basically keep the same robot mode, but with shoulder pads. transformation would have to be slightly altered too, of course. I don't want to do this to my original, which is why I was asking about knock-offs. Off to China town I go!!!