ROBOTS IN DISGUISE - "A Hero's Legacy"

Discussion in 'Transformers Fan Fiction' started by Kickback, Dec 12, 2006.

  1. Kickback

    Kickback @GeekWithChris Administrator News Staff

    Jun 25, 2002
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    Seriously. New RID story that I'm actually excited about. It's a new version of what you're used to ... well, okay, scratch that.

    This isn't like any RID story you've read before.

    And if it ends up that you have read one like this before, it's coincedence, because I think my idea is pretty freakin' original! :D 

    So leave some crits and comments. I haven't been this excited about a new story of mine in ages.



    A small pilfer of light crept in to the darkened chamber, the Hall of Records. It was a place where history was kept – from the earliest of times to the darkest of days, a record of every recorded event was kept here. A lone figure, hunched over a table, toils away like an insect toiling over a small project, his precision fine and his mind completely focused.

    His name is Optronix. A scholar and student of the arts, he searches through the records in hopes of uncovering even more of his home planet, Cybertron, past. The origin of his kind, the Transformers, still unknown even to the Elders, Optronix has dedicated the remainder of his spark’s light to discovering the mysteries of his race.

    A small button is pressed, moving the monitor on to the next data-track of information. He quickly scans it and discovers nothing of interest, presses the button again, and moves on. Every press of the button concludes hundreds of years of information. His ultimate goal is to find a missing piece to the history, something that the scholars from the Golden Age had left out. Something he would be remembered for till the end of time.

    Unbeknownst to Optronix, his fate had already been chosen, as it had countless times before.

    “You still looking through these stupid artifacts?” asked a young voice, startling Optronix. He dropped the data-track to the floor and spun around. It was his younger ‘brother’, Magnus. “You know you’re never going to find ANYTHING and live to regret it all, right?”

    Optronix narrowed his optics.

    “It’s not so much the time being spent searching,” Optronix tried to explain. “But more the reward of piecing together another clue in the mystery of who we are and where we came from. Even if I only end up answering one question of our origin, I can rejoin the Matrix with satisfaction.”

    Magnus raised an optic.

    “You’re a strange one, bro,” he stated, turning around and walking back towards the now-open doorway. “You need to get back, Alpha Trion is going to be worried.”

    “I’ll be fine,” Optronix said blandly as he observed another data-track.

    Magnus shrugged.

    “Okay well,” he started, unsure of how to finish. “If you discover why you’re so incredibly boring, let me know. That’s the greatest mystery in all of Cybertronian history.”

    With that, Magnus walked out of the Hall of Records and closed the doorway behind him, sealing off what light was left. Optronix checked another data-track and immediately became immersed with it. He studied one particular passage more than any other:

    “Whether it be called what it is or what it was or what it shall be does not matter. The only thing of importance is that of what it does, not of what it did or what it shall do. It is not programmed to evolve, to change, or to feel. It is, at the very core processor of its fiber, a computer.”

    Optronix found this passage baffling because there is no mention of what “it” is. Only mentioned in this one passage, the data-track continues on regarding things that have no relevance – excavation reports, the science of a spark, and a hypothesis on death and rebirth.

    “Fascinating,” Optronix said out-loud.

    “Isn’t it?” responded an older voice.

    Optronix nearly fell out of his seat as he shot a glance upward to see a robed individual standing in front of him. The bigger shock was actually who it was – Elder Corlett. The robed elder took the data-track from Optronix and put it under his robe. He lowered his face so that Optronix could see his reflection in Elder Corlett’s eyes.

    “Some things, young scholar, were meant to be left unanswered.”

    “What is that passage trying to state, Elder?” asked a desperate Optronix, realizing he had just uncovered something huge. He was trying to hide his excitement but knew he was doing a poor job. “What is it referring to?”

    “As far as you know, scholar,” began Elder Corlett. “It is nothing more than an error, a misprint in the data-track that I will have removed. I thank you for noting this to my attention.”

    “But Elder – !”

    “Should you not seek out your creator, Alpha Trion?” asked the elder. “It is high time that we close the Hall of Records for a few cycles, to allow new data entries to be created.”

    Optronix was silent for a moment but came to an answer.

    “Understood sir,” he responded, rising from his seat and walking towards the doorway. He stopped and turned back to the Elder. “Sir?”

    Elder Corlett didn’t turn around but responded.


    “Everyone deserves to know their origin, to know where they came from. Even those who would not understand it.”

    Optronix left and closed the door, leaving Elder Corlett inside alone.

    “It is not a question of whether or not we would understand it,” Elder Corlett whispered. “But whether or not we could accept it … Optimus Prime.”
  2. Kickback

    Kickback @GeekWithChris Administrator News Staff

    Jun 25, 2002
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    Optronix entered in his password at the keypad causing the door to slide open, revealing his living quarters. It was a small living unit, right in the heart of Iacon, capital of the planet of Cybertron. Optronix shared this unit with his brother, Magnus.

    The terminology ‘brother’ was used very sparsely on Cybertron, as it meant that each spark is actually connected to the other. That either happens from creation, where the super computer Vector Sigma releases two sparks at the same time, causing them to share a similar electro-field, or it happens on a more ‘spiritual’ level that has no grounds in the field of science. Either way, Magnus and Optronix are brothers, and the two have no qualms about admitting that.

    Their creator, a wise and old robot named Alpha Trion, had created their bodies when Vector Sigma presented the sparks, giving them life. He had taught them the ways of life on Cybertron, distilling many great abilities to them and many more for them to discover as time passed.

    Magnus was glued to the holo-projector, a device that displayed events broadcast through the Cybertron News Network, or CNN. He didn’t even bother to move when Optronix walked through the door.

    “That thing is going to destroy your neuro-circuits,” Optronix finally said, placing down his disk of information recorded from the Hall of Records. “Can’t you find something more useful to do with your cerebro-circuits?”

    “You don’t understand bro,” Magnus said quietly, still not turning away from the projector. “We’re under attack … and in a big way!”

    Optronix walked over towards the projector and took a seat, letting himself get caught up in the action on the screen. There were flashes of laser fire, explosions, and to top it off, a few bodies scattered across the scene. There was a drone floating around, trying to get more camera angles, before it too joined the destruction and was brought down in a pile of flaming wreckage.

    “Madness…!” shouted the Transformer on the screen. “Pure madness! The city…the whole city has been set ablaze!”

    Optronix looked at Magnus.

    “What city is this?” he asked.

    “Dion,” Magnus replied coldly, still looking at the screen. “They say these strange beast Transformers appeared and started ripping up civilians and causing chaos. They sent some Guardians in and the entire place just went crazy with destruction!”

    “Beast Transformers?” Optronix asked, confused at the very thought.

    “Yes,” replied an older voice, entering the room. The elderly robot was gray, pink, and white in color. His name was Alpha Trion, the “father” to both Optronix and Magnus, their creator and one of the most respected individuals on all of Cybertron. “There are indeed beast Transformers on Cybertron.”

    “Dang,” Magnus said after a brief silent pause in the conversation. “My logic sensors can’t even begin to try and register how that’s even possible…”

    “They must have scanned some organic fossils or life forms at some point,” Optronix suggested. Alpha Trion nodded as he watched Optronix make the conclusion. “So they had to have come from off-planet somewhere…”

    “Yes and no,” Alpha Trion stated, taking a seat and waving his hand, causing the monitor to shut itself off. Magnus gave a look of shock and disappointment, but realized it was time for another life-lesson from their mentor, father, whatever it was he wanted to be called.

    Magnus had grown distant from Alpha Trion ever since it became obvious that their creator favored one over the other. While Magnus was more about action and labor, Optronix was more of the researcher, the data-collector and overall waste of energon, or at least to Magnus. To himself, he was the strongest of the two and would someday rise up to a very powerful position on Cybertron, and help lead the planet back to it’s great glory.

    “Many millions of years ago,” began Alpha Trion, “Cybertron was not always alone in its stellar cycle around the stars. There was once an orbiting moon that contained fossils of organic creatures. Expeditions were sent and the Transformers that arrived realized that the surface was unstable and that the moon was more of an actual living planet, a creature that lived off the inhabitants rather than the inhabitants off it.

    “The researchers who had landed adapted their forms to that of the fossils and thus the first beast Transformers were created.”

    “What happened to the moon?” Optronix asked, transfixed with the story.

    “Blew up,” replied Magnus with a smirk. “The thing was alive and sucking the energy out of everyone, might as well give it more than it can chew.”

    “Hardly,” replied Alpha Trion. “The researchers discovered that due to their techno-organic structures, the planet would not be able to siphon energy out of their bodies. They were immune to the planet’s own method of survival.”

    “In other words,” Optronix began to deduce, “we began to study the planet while it struggled to feed.”

    “Correct,” Alpha Trion continued. “The planet’s starvation kicked in some sort of ultimate survival program and the planet created a new method of attempting to drain the energy out of its victims. Knowing that the Transformers on the planet were half-machine, it created a virus … a neural disruptor that deteriorated the logic circuits of those infected, causing madness and the inability to decipher friend from foe.”

    “So the inhabitants would destroy each other,” Optronix concluded.

    “And the planet could drain the bodies of their energy!” Magnus piped in.

    “Indeed,” Alpha Trion stated. “A few Autobots attempted to find a cure for this madness, for the neural failure, but they could only stop the deterioration, they were unable to cure it or reverse it.”

    “What happened to these beast Transformers?” Optronix asked Alpha Trion.

    “I wouldn’t believe anything the old man says to you,” replied a voice from the shadows. Optronix and Magnus both jumped to their feet and stood in front of Alpha Trion while a larger, blue-scaled beast Transformer stepped out from the shadows. He had a large toothy grin on his face. “Oh see how the sheep flock to their shepard,” laughed the figure. “How pathetic.”

    Alpha Trion’s optics grew larger as he gazed upon the face of the figure standing at the end of the room.

    “You…!” Alpha Trion said in gasp.

    “Yes old friend, it is I, the one we shall leave unnamed and cover up in history,” the blue-scaled beast Transformer continued. “Because Primus help you if you fail to keep your secret from the entire planet!”

    “What is he talkin’ about?” Magnus asked, his arm covering Alpha Trion as if to protect him. “What lies? What cover up?”

    “Pay this Predacon no heed,” Alpha Trion responded with a harsh tone to his voice. “He is nothing more than a petty thug, a criminal amongst villains.”

    “Predacon?” the blue figure asked, tilting his head. “Oh I suppose you hadn’t got to the point in your history lesson where you made it up based on some supposed situation, a supposed virus, and a supposed living planet! Perhaps I should give the history lesson…!” the Predacon thought out-loud to himself.

    As fast as lightning he was standing in front of both Optronix and Magnus. With a hand he grabbed the neck of Magnus, and with a dragon-faced hand he clamped down around the shoulders of Optronix, rendering him unable to move.

    “Cybertron History 101 class,” the Predacon announced, looking at his two captives. “I’m a Predacon! I don’t like Autobots. I’m going to conquer this planet as well as every other planet in the galaxy. And there’s not a thing either of you can do to stop me!” The Predacon dropped Magnus from his neck-hold, then kicked him in to the wall, knocking him out cold. He pulled Optronix closer to his face and stared in to his optic sensors.

    It was then that the Predacon made the connection, saw the familiar glow in the optics of his captive. He quickly turned to Alpha Trion and let out a snarl.

    “You miserable wretch!” snarled the Predacon, tossing Optronix aside and moving so he stood face to face with Alpha Trion. “You all couldn’t just leave things well enough alone, could you!?”

    “Leave us,” Alpha Trion stated calmly. “You have no more business here.”

    The Predacon punched the wall, creating a large-sized hole for him to escape from. He turned back to Optronix who was slowly raising himself up off the floor.

    “The name is … Cryotek,” he stated after a brief pause. “I await the day I hear those words slip through your vocalizer as I neutralize your spark!”

    With that, two large wings sprouted from Cryotek’s back as his body transformed in to that of a large blue dragon. A few flaps of the wings and he was off, soaring above Cybertron’s capital, Iacon.
  3. Kickback

    Kickback @GeekWithChris Administrator News Staff

    Jun 25, 2002
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    The scene at the Chamber of the Elders, located in the downtown district of Iacon, was that of pure madness. The streets were full of Transformers, some there to seek salvation while others sought answers to their questions. But the one thing on everyone’s mind this day was not necessarily to seek the Elders – but to find a purpose and a response to the invasion of the Predacon forces in the city of Dion.

    Elder Corlett stood at the front entrance of the Chamber, atop the stairs, looking down upon the masses. Somewhere deep within himself he had hoped his time would have come before this day, taking away the responsibility and the harsh reality that was slowly beginning to sink in – you cannot bury the past for you are doomed to repeat it.

    “Elder!” shouted a voice from the gathering crowd. “Elder Corlett! What do we do?”

    “How do we stop the monsters!?” shouted another.

    “I heard they’re advancing to neighboring cities!” cried a third. “How long until they reach Iacon!?”

    Elder Corlett raised his hands to the air to suppress the murmurs and cries of the crowd. It worked, for the most part, and he quickly fixed his optics on that of Alpha Trion, Optronix, and Magnus – all of which just joined the crowd. Deep within his spark he wanted to tell them. He wanted to tell everyone that the key to salvation, to peace, to victory, lies with the two young Transformers with Alpha Trion. But he was not a prophet, he was an Elder, and he must play his role accordingly.

    “Citizens of Cybertron!” shouted Corlett, lowering his hands as the crowd silenced themselves to hear their Elder speak. “Yesterday, as we all know by now, a rogue force of Transformers … revolted … in Dion,” he tried to explain. If he called it an invasion it would only increase fears.

    “My friend was in Dion!” shouted a voice. “He never mentioned beast Transformers!”

    “These beast Transformers have a name,” replied Corlett. “They prefer to be called Predacons. They are indeed Transformers, from this very planet. Their history is old, their stories forgotten. We do not yet know what they seek or why they have chosen this time to come home, but as brothers and sisters to our very kind, we owe them a chance to explain.”

    “A brother would never harm another!” shouted Magnus, causing Alpha Trion to give the stern, fatherly look in response. Magnus looked at Alpha Trion. “Am I wrong?”

    “These Transformers are indeed called Predacons,” Alpha Trion spoke up to the back of the crowd. Many turned to see their old friend and mentor. Alpha Trion was not an Elder, but he was respected as much, if not more, than Elder Corlett. Many saw him as a robot of wisdom, older than dust but wiser than any. “They are directly related to the ancient Decepticons.”

    “Decepticons!?” shouted a voice in the crowd. “The Decepticons culled MILLIONS!”

    The crowd began to voice up in alarm and a sense of panic.

    “A greatly exaggerated rumor, I assure you,” Alpha Trion spoke, walking through the crowd as many robots parted as he walked towards the steps of the Chamber of Elders. “The Decepticons were a military force ruled by the most powerful and, usually, the most corrupt. And may I remind you all, in the end, the Decepticons lost and were destroyed.”

    Elder Corlett stepped aside as Alpha Trion took the steps.

    “The Predacons number only a few dozen,” he stated to the crowd. “Their attack on Dion is unacceptable and we shall mount a response,” he continued. “A special task force shall be created and headed by myself and Elder Corlett. If a peaceful negotiation cannot be achieved then we shall take the appropriate measures.”

    “So we go to war?” Optronix asked to Magnus.

    “I hope so,” Magnus replied with a devilish grin. “I’d love to pound a few Preds for all those they slaughtered in Dion!”

    “Violence is never the answer,” Optronix responded.

    “Sometimes bad decisions must ride the heels of good intentions,” Magnus sharply replied.

    “The method is the same,” Optronix continued the back-and-forth responses.

    “But the outcome is all that matters,” Magnus stated back. Optronix gave up the game and continued to listen to Alpha Trion.

    “For any who wish to volunteer,” Alpha Trion called out, “Meet back here in one solar cycle!”

    Optronix couldn’t help but let his mind get carried away with theories as to why Alpha Trion would suggest the very thought of violence, let alone taking it straight to the doorsteps of the Predacons. Could it have something to do with Cryotek, the Predacon that Alpha Trion seemed to know?

    Elder Corlett opened the doors to the Chamber, walked in, and closed the door. He walked up towards the altar and looked up at the symbol on the wall – it was of a red animal-like face. The mark, as it was called, was to mark those who were Elders. At first there were two Elders – himself and Elder Silvertip, a strong and proud Transformer who finally rejoined the Matrix a few months ago. The marking on the wall was not always there, however, and Corlett remembered the day they covered up the original marking and replaced it with this one.

    “Never thought we’d still be alive to see this day,” Alpha Trion said quietly, having somehow appeared behind Elder Corlett. The Elder spun around and had a look of sadness on his face.

    “How do we explain everything to them?” he asked Alpha Trion, taking a seat on the steps of the altar. “We have to assume it will come out, especially since you said he’s still alive.”

    “Yes,” Alpha Trion said looking to his side. “His appearance last night threw me off. The worst part is … he recognized Optronix. He’s going to take this thing to a whole new level now.”

    “I’m at a total loss as to how he survived,” Corlett continued. “I mean I was there the day he died. I watched his spark rejoin the Matrix!”

    “My main concern is not how he survived,” Alpha Trion said, pausing to think. “I’m more concerned at who else survived, who else we have to deal with. So many names come to mind…”

    “We’re not ready for this,” Corlett admitted. “Not yet. We needed a few more stellar cycles, a few more smaller developments. We knew the day would come but why now? Why at this very moment?”

    “We cannot question the decisions,” Alpha Trion concluded. “We can only play our part in this and hope for the best.”

    “And what of Optronix and Magnus?” Corlett asked.

    “Magnus is ready,” Alpha Trion replied. “Optronix is far from ready. It would take a miracle, or a tragedy, to bring him to the next level. And even then, he still wouldn’t be ready for it.”

    At that moment the doors to the Chamber were thrown open, the light from the outside pouring in on both Elder Corlett and Alpha Trion. Standing at the door was a civilian, his chest having three massive claw marks down the middle, energon flowing freely and sparks shooting madly from the cracks in his arms and legs.

    “Elder…!” he struggled to say, falling to the ground. Elder Corlett rushed to his side, kneeling and raising his head.

    “Stay with me,” Corlett whispered, lowering his face so his optics matched that of the civilian. “Tell me son … what has happened?”

    “Cryotek…” was the only response Corlett got.

    “Cryotek what?” the Elder replied. He got no response. “Please! Answer me, what does Cryotek want?”

    He got no response.

    Alpha Trion lowered himself to one knee and placed his hand on the chest of the dying Transformer. A slight green glow illuminated the robot as his optics sparked back to life, a gasp of air escaping from his vocalizer.

    “Please,” Corlett whispered to the civilian. “What does Cryotek want?”

    The civilian struggled to get the words out of his vocalizer. He coughed and sputtered, his body continually trying to shut down but Alpha Trion’s energy keeping him alive. Finally, after what seemed like hours, they got a response – and it send a chill down their neuro-circuits.

    “He…he wants…”

    “Yes?” Corlett whispered back, pulling the head of the civilian closer. “What does he want?”

  4. Kickback

    Kickback @GeekWithChris Administrator News Staff

    Jun 25, 2002
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    Maybe no one likes RID stories anymore :cry 



    The news of a volunteer police force quickly spread amongst the local groups in the city of Iacon. There were hordes of young and reckless Transformers ready for a chance to prove their stuff – but most were quickly taken aback when they had heard that they were going up against a Transformer who knew Alpha Trion and Elder Corlett from “back in the day”. Rumors quickly spread that Cryotek, the leader of the Predacons, had actually conquered Cybertron once before. These rumors were, of course, unfounded – but the panic had already set in across Cybertron.

    Other cities, like Kaos, had enforced a martial law amongst their civilians. Other city-states had elected to up their defenses, putting more Guardian robots on patrol and beginning massive building projects to enforce their small cities. All in all, Cybertron was beginning to prepare for a war, and it was up to Alpha Trion to stop the war from even happening.

    Locked up in the Hall of Records was Optronix, looking up any and all information on the Predacons. Not to his surprise, all records were removed, deleted, or simply didn’t exist. It seemed that the more questions that arose, the more the answers became hard to find. The words Cryotek had mentioned, the term “cover up”, sat with a great discomfort inside the mind of Optronix. If Alpha Trion and Elder Corlett knew of Predacons, why is there no mention of them in the official histories?

    “I figured you would be with your brother at the Chamber of Elders,” stated an older voice. Optronix spun around to see the blue and white colored old friend of his, Rail Spike, a grizzly old rust-bucket who knew his way around Cybertron better than anyone else. “You two have always been tough to separate, like you’re stuck together with some form of liquid-steel.”

    “Not this time,” Optronix replied, turning back to his data-tracks. “I am against the idea of violence, the idea of war … I would rather find a peaceful way to end this scenario.”

    “Wouldn’t we all,” Rail Spike commented, sitting next to his friend. “Truth of the matter is sometimes the only way to find peace is through war. Luckily, we have been able to spare that decision for as long as I can recall … but nothing ever stays the same, the universe itself is always in constant motion.”

    “We’re all sentient beings,” Optronix stated, “That alone gives us the freedom of choice, the freedom to decide what to and not to do. This whole thing can be avoided.”

    “But if the Predacons don’t want peace, is it not their freedom to choose war?”

    Optronix thought hard on that statement. As much as he wanted to present a counter-argument, Rail Spike was correct. If the Predacons sought war, that was their choice, dictated by their free-thinking. Their freedom of choice may lead them down a path of war.

    “If we go to war, that is their choice,” Rail Spike concluded. “It becomes our choice on whether or not we wish to fight back. In the end, we have the freedom to choose to defend ours or to let others defend it. Your brother made his choice. I am curious as to when you will make yours.”

    With that open-ended statement, Rail Spike rose from his seat and walked out the doors of the Hall of Records. The door closed, the lights flickered, and Optronix sat alone in the darkness, pondering his next decision.

    Halfway across the city stood Alpha Trion, a slight wind whipping his cape as he looked to the stars above. He knew the odds were going to be stacked against him, he knew that Cryotek would slaughter countless hundreds of the volunteer force that was forming. But all he needed was one clear shot and one adept shooter – his own creation, the warrior known as Magnus. He was, of course, the first in line to join the volunteer force. Alpha Trion looked back to the stars – the solar cycle had passed, he had his volunteers. He turned to the crowd to address them.

    “My fellow Cybertronians!” he began. “Today we embark on a quest not to start a war … but to PREVENT a war!” A brief applause and cheering broke out. “Once we show Cryotek that we will not go quietly in to the night, that we will not bend and bow to the will of the Predacons, he will have no choice but to lay down hostilities!”

    “We’re behind you Alpha Trion!” shouted Magnus, pumping his fist in to the air. Others shouted a resilient “Yeah!” and pumped their fist with Magnus’s.

    “Those of you that know how to fire a weapon please take one from our small stockpile,” Alpha Trion requested, pointing to a small crate filled with crude and simple laser weapons. Magnus was the first to grab a weapon and, as expected, picked up a rifle. “The rest of you please be ready to engage in hand-to-hand combat if the need arises! Anyone who wishes to rethink their decision please do so now as we depart in only mere moments!”

    No one left the crowd. In fact, a few joined the crowd. One, in particular, drew the interest of Alpha Trion. The red and blue Transformer, known to everyone as the data-track scholar Optronix, joined the group. Alpha Trion waved to Optronix and had him join him near the front of the steps.

    “I am surprised you decided to come,” Alpha Trion stated with that inquisitive tone.

    Optronix looked at his creator in the optics, then looked away.

    “I can’t sit back and do nothing while my brother joins the frontlines,” he admitted. “If anything, I can chronicle the events in to new, official data-tracks.”

    Alpha Trion smiled.

    “Whatever it takes to keep the two of you together,” he said. He then looked back to the crowd and then to Magnus. “If we are ready then let us be off!” He waved his hand and began the walk to the city of Dion, followed by a good three-hundred or so volunteer fighters.

    Sitting in the dark shadows of the upper spires of Iacon sat a winged creature with red eyes. A Predacon bat-like creature, it heard every single word that came from the vocalizer of Alpha Trion and immediately relayed it back to its master, Cryotek.

    “Excellent work, Dark Scream,” came the radioed reply from Cryotek to his hidden operative. “The fools actually believe they can trespass in our newly-acquired domain? Not to mention attempt to sway our endeavors with mere words and requests!”

    “I have a clear shot at Alpha Trion,” radioed Dark Scream. “My sword can cut him down in a nano-click! Permission to strike?”

    “Negative,” replied Cryotek. “If the shepherd wishes to herd his two sheep in to my clutches then I should thank him personally,” he cackled. “Return to headquarters and await further instruction!”

    “Yes m’lord,” replied Dark Scream, coming out of the shadows to reveal his rather teal bat colors. He flapped his wings and flew off in to the sky … which was slightly confusing, given that his alternate mode is a half-mechanical flying squirrel, which ironically enough, cannot fly.

    Cryotek sat atop his throne – a chair made of various pieces of Transformers that he and his Predacons had recently murdered – and pondered the upcoming battle. He knew what Alpha Trion was trying to do, trying to ignite the battle fever inside both of Optronix and Magnus, trying to get them both suited and ready for their inevitable destinies. Cryotek also knew that his knowledge of the past, present, and future gave him an incredible weapon – the ability to change the future, change the predestined fate of two of Cybertron’s greatest heroes. All he had to do was destroy them, and now was the best opportunity of all.

    He sat in what was once considered the Council Building of Dion, which now looked more and more like a graveyard. There were still bodies lying around the floor, fires still raged outside, and the lesser ‘breed’ of his troops were actually consuming the fallen civilians while in their beast forms. Very little of that actually bothered him, as he too had partaken in a feast earlier in the solar cycle. With him in his throne room was the veteran soldier Sky Byte, a warrior that could shred steel with his teeth in his shark-like beast mode. His only downside was his sense of honor and his enjoyment of the simpler things in life, such as poetry and various forms of literacy. But Cryotek didn’t care what Sky Byte did in his off-time as long as he was able to destroy any and all that he was ordered to.

    With Sky Byte stood Slapper, a grotesque creature that resembled that of a toad. He had the ability to jump and his tongue, when wrapped around his prey, could crush the very spark out of the body. If anything, he was effective in keeping potential prisoners stationary, or holding a victim for another Predacon to devour. Standing at the doorway in to the building, arms crossed as if he was on guard, was Gas Skunk, a strange creature that omitted a foul odor that could actually melt some known metals. While he wasn’t the strongest, he was definitely the quickest, making him worthwhile to have during sticky situations.

    “Lord Cryotek?” Sky Byte asked, looking at his master. “Why are we stationary? Surely we should commit ourselves to ambush or espionage to destroy our opponents?”

    “Silence,” Cryotek snapped in response. “I am tracking the movement of Alpha Trion and his soldiers now. I have a special treat in store for him and his two creations, one that I think will ignite the rage inside Alpha Trion,” sneered Cryotek, breaking in to a slight chuckle.

    Cryotek looked over to the shadows of the room where a brief shadowed figure stood motionless, lifeless, with wings wrapped around the body.

    “Oh Alpha Trion,” Cryotek said with a smirk. “I have waited an eternity for this!”
  5. alphie

    alphie Veteran

    Nov 13, 2002
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    Read chapter 1 & 2, awesome stuff! Will read the remaining two later tonight or tomorrow. Keep up the great work! :thumb 
  6. Throwback

    Throwback Well-Known Member

    Apr 12, 2006
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    I don't get it; is everyone bored with reading or something? No one leaves comments anymore and it's sucking all the creative juices out of me. I mean comments, thoughts, replies, whatever are like energon; we need it.
    Anyway, enough venting. Great story, keep the creative juices flowing.
  7. Alpha Prime

    Alpha Prime Ten Years Strong

    Apr 17, 2006
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  8. alphie

    alphie Veteran

    Nov 13, 2002
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    I second this. I have seen a decline in the comments, it's a shame really.

    Read the last chapter, amazing! Great writing! Can't wait for more! :D 
  9. Kickback

    Kickback @GeekWithChris Administrator News Staff

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    Thanks guys ;) 

    I actually have a vision for this. And hopefully it gets a "HOLY F($&%" out of everyone when it's done. Next chapter up soon!
  10. Kickback

    Kickback @GeekWithChris Administrator News Staff

    Jun 25, 2002
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    Told ya.



    The volunteer force that Alpha Trion had organized to stop the Predacons had grown in to quite a following – not necessarily of volunteer troops, but with media and camera-drones, set to record and televise the entire thing. This was looking less like a battle and more like a sporting event. Alpha Trion wasn’t pleased and he knew the outcome was going to go one of two ways – his or Cryotek’s. And if it went Cryotek’s way, the whole planet was about to witness a massacre.

    Standing directly behind him was Magnus and Optronix, the two brothers that Alpha Trion had created, one armed for combat, the other with his arms crossed, unsure of what to make of the situation. Magnus, holding the rifle, leaned forward at the hill and observed Cryotek’s camp, the former city Dion.

    The city itself was surrounded by large steel walls in a circle formation with hills surrounding the city. Many portions of the wall were cracked and crumbling and smoke continued to pour out from buildings still on fire in Dion. The ground was charred black and smoke made the night even darker than it normally was. The scene may have well been what the Inferno looked like.

    Facing Alpha Trion, Magnus, and Optronix were the Gates of Dion. They were legendary in a sense, as legend once said they withstood an invasion that would have crumbled any other city in existence – but the walls stood and the city remained free. The gate was, in reality, two very large steel doors that were clamped together on the opposite side. If the gate wasn’t unclamped, you didn’t get in – plain and simple.

    “We’ve spread out the armed volunteers to all sides of the city,” Magnus whispered. “All we need is a reason and we’ve got enough blanket fire that Cryotek will have a tough time surviving the assault.”

    “We didn’t come here to fight,” Optronix reminded his brother. “We came here to negotiate, to find a peaceful resolution.”

    “A shot to the head is peaceful compared to what the civilians here went through,” Magnus scowled back at his brother. “The Predacons deserve to die for what they’ve done to the Dions.”

    “No one deserves to die,” Optronix responded. “Not the Predacons, not Cryotek, and not even the Dions. But that’s not our choice to make!”

    “Tell that to the Preds,” Magnus growled, arming his weapon. “On your move, sir,” he nodded to Alpha Trion.

    “Have the unarmed volunteers join me,” Alpha Trion asked to Optronix. “If this turns violent, they can flee while the Predacons are focused on the armed volunteers. Once the unarmed are clear, the armed will withdraw.”

    “What about you?” Optronix asked. “What happens if they take aim at you?”

    “Cryotek will not defeat me,” Alpha Trion stated. “He enjoys taunting me too much to end this now.”

    With that, Alpha Trion stood and walked towards the gate of the city. Optronix motioned his arms, and about forty unarmed Iacon civilians walked up behind Alpha Trion, stopping at the locked gate. Alpha Trion dimmed his optics in concentration as all the lights in the city suddenly flickered on.

    “That’s not fair,” snarled a voice from inside the gates. “The old rust-bucket has got some power that allows him to turn on the lights!”

    “Nonsense,” stated the voice belonging to Sky Byte. The shark-warrior leapt over the gate and landed in front of Alpha Trion. He raised his clawed hand up to his face and smiled. “One false move and you’re nothing but a memory,” threatened the shark.

    “Likewise,” stated Optronix, pulling a blaster out from a side compartment of his body. “Hurt him and it’s the last innocent civilian you hurt.”

    “Innocent?” laughed a voice from behind the gate. Everyone looked up to see Cryotek fly over the top of the gate and land, his wings spread out in his robot form. He looked down at Alpha Trion and Optronix. “My dear Optronix,” he started, “Alpha Trion is FAR from innocent!”

    “Cryotek,” Alpha Trion stated. “I have come here only to talk.”

    “Funny,” Cryotek said, chuckling. “That’s all you’ve done since the rebirth!”

    “We came to represent the city of Iacon, to represent the other peaceful cities of Cybertron,” Alpha Trion continued. “We do not wish a war, we wish only to live in peace, so that no one else must perish for the misdeeds of our past.”

    “I don’t want a war,” Cryotek said, smiling. “I only want what is rightfully mine – Cybertron!” Cryotek looked at Alpha Trion, narrowing his own optics. “Your connection to the planet can’t save you from my own connection! Predacons!” With a snap of Cryotek’s fingers, numerous Predacons in their robot forms popped out from behind rocks, even underneath them, and surrounded the unarmed civilians. Cryotek smiled.

    “Magnus!” shouted Optronix. Suddenly, Magnus and the other armed Iacon civilians jumped from their hiding spots, taking aim at various Predacons around the area. It had become, to most, a stalemate.

    “Oh you are quite a dubious old robot,” Cryotek said with a hearty tone. “If I didn’t loathe you for all the … recent developments,” he paused, looking at Optronix, “…I may have had more of a … what do the Earthlings call it? Oh yes, that’s right … A HEART!” he shouted, transforming to his beast mode and landing with a thud. He was an extremely large blue dragon and his mouth immediately shot out for Alpha Trion who simply stood his ground.

    “The will of Primus be done!” Alpha Trion shouted. A flash of light covered the area, pushing Cryotek back against the gates of Dion. His body slammed against the gate shaking loose portions of the wall onto the ground. He shook his dragon head and glared at Alpha Trion.

    “Primus?” Cryotek asked. “Primus!?” he shouted this time. “Let me show you what your beloved creator has given you! A means for your salvation? Or a means for your destruction! Dark Scream! Raise our warrior!” Cryotek ordered, looking back towards the city. Dark Scream quickly came in to view, ropes carrying a large winged warrior – the same from Cryotek’s chamber. The ropes snapped, the warrior landed atop the gate with a large thud. He was silver and purple in color, a perfect combination of metal and beast. He was not alive but if he were to be, he would be immensely powerful.

    “Getting bad readings,” Optronix said to Alpha Trion. “I suggest we find a way to pull out of here because this is becoming ugly.”

    “There is nothing Cryotek can conjure up to frighten me,” Alpha Trion said, taking a step forward. “Lay down your arms Predacons!” Alpha Trion shouted. “There is a place for you among us, but no place for you if you are against us!”

    “Eat slag!” shouted a random Predacon warrior, firing off a blast at Alpha Trion. It connected with his shoulder, sending the old robot spinning to the ground, his shoulder smoking. Optronix spun around and fired a single shot, connecting with the Predacon’s face. It burst in to flames as the Predacon screamed out in agony, falling to the ground with his hands over his face.

    “Where in the world did he learn to shoot like that?” Magnus asked himself as he rose from his crouched position. “No matter … CITIZENS OF IACON, ATTACK!!!” shouted Magnus as he leapt from the hill towards the wall of the city. “For Cybertron!”

    A smaller Iacon civilian approached the Predacon known as Dark Scream, who transformed to his robot form and branded his large sword. The Predacon looked at the Iacon citizen and chuckled.

    “Puh-lease,” he snarled, rolling his optic sensors. “As if a runt like you could hurt the all-mighty Dark Scream…”

    “The name is Ironhide,” growled the unarmed warrior, “and you’re about tah get a beat down!” he shouted, lunging at Dark Scream. The Predacon went to raise his sword but Ironhide slapped it out of his hands and landed atop the Predacon laying punch after punch. “This is for mah friends!” he shouted, drilling his fists in to the face of Dark Scream.

    “This is a slaughter!” Optronix shouted as he knelt down beside Alpha Trion, firing a few shots from his blaster. “Alpha Trion, you need to order a withdrawal! We’re going to be massacred!”

    “You…” Alpha Trion whispered to Optronix. “You…must lead them…”

    “Nonsense!” Optronix responded, laying his body over Alpha Trion’s as a stray laser blast connected with the ground to their immediate left. He raised his arm and fired a few more shots, another Predacon warrior falling in the distance. “You are in command and you must lead us! Order the withdrawal!”

    “Stasis-lock,” Alpha Trion whispered. “My systems are not stable to sustain that kind of damage at my age,” he continued to speak in a low tone. “I must … get back to … Iacon!”

    “Magnus!” shouted Optronix, calling out to his brother. Magnus popped up a few hundred yards away.

    “How is Alpha Trion?” Magnus shouted back.

    “We need to get him out of here!” Optronix responded. “His systems are too ancient to repair damage on the kind of scale he has taken!”

    “Allow me to inspect the victim!” snarled the voice of Cryotek. Optronix turned around only to be greeted with a large blue claw to his face, sending him flying back, smashing in to the hillside. Cryotek snarled as he lowered his dragon-face towards Alpha Trion. “A mere shoulder wound and Alpha Trion is out of commission?” he laughed. “This I HIGHLY doubt!”

    “Optronix!” shouted Magnus, leaping over his rubble-wall and running towards his brother. “OPTRONIX!” he shouted again as Predacons began to close in on Optronix.

    Cryotek continued to banter Alpha Trion.

    “You honestly think that I would fall for such a ruse?” Cryotek asked, his nostrils flaring. “You want to act like you’re in pain? Then please, ALLOW ME!” he snarled, grabbing Alpha Trion in his mouth, his steel teeth crunching down on the chasis of Alpha Trion.

    Alpha Trion didn’t make a sound.

    “Alpha Trion…!” Optronix whispered as his sensors slowly reactivated. He noted the four Predacons approaching his position. He moved his hand over his face – his face, where his jaw would be, was missing. Obviously ripped to pieces when Cryotek hit him. Unable to vocalize, Optronix did the next best thing – he grabbed the blaster and immediately took aim at the first Predacon he saw.

    Optronix fired but the Predacon leapt in to the air, brandishing its claws. Optronix rolled to his left as the Predacon’s claws narrowly missed him, the snarling beast turning to face Optronix only to be greeted with a swift kick to the face, sending the Predacon hurdling back. Not to be out-maneuvered, Optronix then fired a few rounds from his blaster, disabling the Predacon until it could enter stasis.

    The other two Predacons quickly reconsidered their offensive and slowly retreated back towards the city gates where most of the action took place. Optronix turned to look at the volunteers to find most of them working together – Predacon after Predacon lay defeated with very few Iacon civilians being hurt.

    “Perhaps our victory was destined after all,” Optronix thought to himself. He looked back towards the gate to see Cryotek holding Alpha Trion in his jaws. Magnus quickly reached his brother and observed the damage.

    “Yo bro!” shouted Magnus. “I’m glad you’re okay because – OH SWEET PRIMUS!” he shouted, covering his mouth. “Bro … you’re face!” Optronix simply nodded in response, then pointed at Cryotek. Magnus nodded, understanding what his brother was trying to say. “You’re right,” he agreed. “It’s time to take out the ring-leader of this mess.”

    Cryotek took a moment to observe Alpha Trion – not moving yet still functional – and then opened his mouth, flinging the old elder robot in to the gate, causing him to smash face-first in to the ground. Cryotek raised his dragon-head in to the air and roared.

    “You will NOT deny me!” he shouted. “Cryotek, TERRORIZE!” With his voice command, Cryotek’s organic body began to shift and mold itself in to half robot, half dragon formation. His wings still stuck out as he lowered himself to peer over the body of Alpha Trion. “Now Alpha Trion,” Cryotek began, his fists beginning to glow a soft, blue light. “Now you, the protector of time and favored son of Primus … NOW YOU WITNESS MY ULTIMATE TRIUMPH!”

    Cryotek spun around to face Optronix and Magnus. With a smile on his face he took both his fists, glowing blue with electric energy, put them together, and fired a blast at Optronix. The blast cut through Optronix’s midsection, his legs simply falling backwards as his chest hit the ground hard. Almost immediately Optronix’s pain receptors shut down and his body went in to internal preservation mode, beginning to shut down every system except the necessities to keep his spark and his core processor unit intact. Magnus stopped and looked at his brother. His mouth was ajar, his optics opened as wide as possible. He dropped to his knees and crawled to his brother who now lay motionless. Optronix’s optics were still active as Magnus put his brother’s head in to his arms, cradling what was left of his brother.

    The camera-drones from the media quickly centered on this as a pivotal point of the battle.

    Within the Chamber of Elders was but one figure – Elder Corlett. He simply fell back in to his chair as he saw Optronix cut in half by Cryotek. He was stunned and completely shocked – this was never supposed to happen. Optronix was to rise up and stop Cryotek. To watch the life of their savior extinguished so early … Elder Corlett simply began to give up hope. He flipped up a keypad in his throne and dialed in a sequence of numbers. Within moments, a secret chamber opened up from inside the table. Elder Corlett went and opened up the chamber, looking at the contents within.

    “I thought I would never have to use these again,” he sighed to himself. He lowered his head as his thoughts returned to Optronix.

    “And with that,” Cryotek bellowed, “the future is mine for the taking!”

    “Those who always look to the front,” Alpha Trion stated, his optics activating, “always forget to look to their back!” The elder Transformer whipped his legs up and, with a flip-like motion, kicked Cryotek in the back, sending the Predacon stumbling forward. Alpha Trion looked at Optronix. “Oh dear…”

    “You’ve sealed your own fate!” snarled Cryotek, turning and slamming his fist in to Alpha Trion’s chest, sending the elderly robot back to the ground. Cryotek spun himself around and towered over the ancient one. “You honestly believe me a fool, don’t you!” he snarled. “You thought I would choose to destroy you over HIM?”

    “You forgot one thing ugly!” cried out Magnus. Cryotek turned around only to have a fist slammed straight in to his face. “My brother was only half of what I am! And that half is pretty slagging mad!” Magnus threw an uppercut that connected with Cryotek’s chin, then spun around and threw a kick in to the chest of the Predacon commander, sending him falling to his back. Alpha Trion took the opportunity to rush over to Optronix and laid his hands over his fallen child.

    “My powers will keep him alive,” Alpha Trion stated. “But not if we’re being attacked from the rear!”

    “I’ve got your back,” Magnus stated, grabbing a blaster from the ground. It was Optronix’s. “I’ll take out Cryotek and every other Predacon for what they did to my brother. The war starts and ends today.”

    A civilian transformed in to a carrier-like vehicle to which Alpha Trion and the severed half of Optronix boarded. Alpha Trion’s hands began to glow a golden color as a small energy wave circled over the body of Optronix. It wasn’t much, but it kept his spark online. They began to drive off and Alpha Trion took a moment to look back at Magnus, his other son, leading the charge against the Predacons.

    “I’d hate for your finest hour to be your last,” he whispered as they sped off towards Iacon.

    Magnus stood over Cryotek, blaster in hand. Before he could shoot, a stray Predacon leapt from the shadows on to his back. As he spun around trying to fling it off, a second Predacon grabbed his legs. Cryotek laughed and scurried away, taking flight and landing atop the gate once again. Magnus found himself unable to get any good shots in on these Predacons that seemed to be lashing their teeth in to his body.

    “Mind if I cut in?” laughed a voice as a sword struck the back of the Predacon on Magnus’s back. The Predacon fell to the ground, lifeless, as a small robot emerged. “Name is Ironhide.”

    “Magnus,” replied Magnus. “Thanks for the save! You ready to throw down?”

    “I lost friends here,” Ironhide replied. “I plan to return the favor.”

    “Touching,” Cryotek snarled from atop the gates. Magnus and Ironhide looked up, ready to fight. “I have been contemplating playing my trump card now or later, but I decided I shouldn’t disappoint. Behold! The one thing Alpha Trion DIDN’T realize!”

    Cryotek opened a compartment on his chest, releasing a ball of energy that was so powerful, it glowed orange instead of the usual blue. It was a spark – the life essence of a Transformer. Cryotek aimed it towards the lifeless vessel to his right, the one that was as large as Cryotek, silver and purple in color.

    “What in the name of…?” Magnus whispered as the spark entered the body. A white light shot out from every orifice followed by a large shriek. Within moments, the eyes of the body began to glow a bright red and a low groan could be heard.

    “Warrior!” cried out Cryotek to the now lively body. “Identify yourself! Name and allegiance!”

    The warrior glanced at Cryotek and began to chuckle. Its fists clenched together and the wings opened up all the way. The figure rose in to the air and roared with laughter. Then, as if it had been in the body for ages, fell from the sky and landed on the ground, leaving an imprint and sending shockwaves throughout the immediate area. Cryotek suddenly found himself wondering if he had done the right thing or not, but chose to stick by his guns.

    “Warrior!” he shouted once again. “I, Cryotek, your creator, requests your name and allegiance!”

    “Allegiance?” replied the deep and dark voice of the warrior. “You’re an idiot … Cryotek,” the warrior replied.

    “What!?” Cryotek shouted back.

    “My allegiance … my allegiance is to myself!” it shouted, throwing a fist in to the air. “I am the ruler of all that I survey! And my name?” it asked, beginning to chuckle.

    Magnus and Ironhide took a couple of steps back. Many of the remaining unarmed civilians had taken the opportunity to make a break for it. The armed civilians simply stood in shock and awe of what was transpiring. The remaining Predacons did the same, their optics affixed on the new powerful warrior that made Cryotek look like nothing.

    “You can call me… Megatron!”
  11. Vangelus

    Vangelus Long Live the New Flesh Moderator Content Contributor

    Jun 27, 2002
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    Awesome prequel. :D  You've got a really great set-up for the existance of the RiD factions.

    And yeah, I admit I don't comment on stuff enough. :(  I just don't set aside enough time to read through lotsa the stuff in here. Will try to rectify that, however.
  12. Deefuzz

    Deefuzz Beard On! Beardmaster! Veteran

    Jul 1, 2002
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    Damn, Chris...That was fantastic.

    I've never wandered into this forum before, but I must say I am glad I did. Keep these coming, you have me on board.
  13. MattMoylan

    MattMoylan Well-Known Member

    Jul 20, 2006
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    Hey Chris, sorry to off-topicafy your thread but I need you to contact me about your commission, and your pm box has been full forever. Give me a shout at [email protected] . Thanks!
  14. Motor_Master

    Motor_Master Lets the balls touch

    Jul 30, 2002
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    Excellent read KB. Really like where this is going. Can't wait for the next chapter.

    I think I see the beginnings of why Magnus got so cheesed off at Optimus later on.

    Having Optronix ripped in half was a nice touch. It'll be interesting to see how he recovers from it. when's the next chapter coming out?
  15. MegaPrime33

    MegaPrime33 Follow me @NerdActivist

    Feb 13, 2003
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    Definitely a good read. When's the next chapter?!
  16. Kickback

    Kickback @GeekWithChris Administrator News Staff

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    Scrapped the one I was working on and re-wrote it. It's tough to keep pacing and also to know when to leave something alone. The sad part is, I already know what the sequel to this book is. OI vey!

    Chapter in the next couple of days, depending on the writer's block. I know what to say, just can't make it sound good! ARGH!
  17. MegaPrime33

    MegaPrime33 Follow me @NerdActivist

    Feb 13, 2003
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    I know how you feel. I had started a Star Wars book a year ago. I wrote about 20 pages, scrapped most of it, rewrote it, and I'm back to 4 pages. I try every so often to go back to it and keep going, but I just can't get past this one part.
  18. Star Cracker

    Star Cracker Well-Known Member

    Aug 27, 2003
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    Some really good stuff there, Chris. I do enjoy what you've done with Magnus and Optronix, though honestly, I'm really looking forward to the origins of Megatron and just exactly what his spark was doing outside of his body. I'm also interested in how you plan on executing the Decepticons now that they've been established as the ancient faction from which spawned the Predacons.

    Can't wait to see how this unfolds!
  19. Rattrap

    Rattrap Well-Known Member

    Aug 30, 2004
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    Awsome stuff. And I usually dont like RID stuff, but this is making me want to buy the toys. :)  Cant wait for the next chapter.
  20. surak777

    surak777 Autobot Musician TFW2005 Supporter

    Feb 12, 2007
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    this looks nice