Comments on Profile Post by Venixion

  1. Autobot Burnout
    Autobot Burnout
    You are correct in that the small pink one is a McD toy, probably G3 (which explains why she has a line suggesting a neck joint but the head won't turn). The CM is a set of pink tulips but they're weirdly inverted almost 180 degrees.
    Jul 22, 2018
  2. Autobot Burnout
    Autobot Burnout
    The rest are either not MLP (the brown/tan one is a barbie toy almost certainly) or I simply don't know enough about the history of the line to identify them. Thanks for the suggestion, I'm also going to hit up an old contact and see if she can help.
    Jul 22, 2018
  3. Venixion
    That would be Wisteria. Wisteria flowers "hang down" instead of "growing upwards."

    I don't know about the brown one. There's no company stamp?
    Jul 22, 2018
  4. Autobot Burnout
    Autobot Burnout
    Weird, thought I'd left something about the brown one here - it's actually most likely some kind of Barbie toy, since it has 'MATTEL 2008' on the underside.
    Jul 22, 2018