Comments on Profile Post by Gallade

  1. Nemesis Otaku
    Nemesis Otaku
    Same! Lol. Y'know, stay away from Gasper from Highschool DxD. That confused the shiz outta me. Haha
    Apr 24, 2018
  2. Gallade
    Jeez, and I thought Astolfo and Haku were bad.
    Apr 24, 2018
  3. Nemesis Otaku
    Nemesis Otaku
    Dammit Japan. As if I wasn't confused enough. Seriously, there are some cases where it looked 100% like a girl, that after I found out they were traps, part of me was convinced that they were still girls. Oof. The headaches.
    Apr 24, 2018
  4. Gallade
    ME!!!!! I literally just finished watching episode 4 of TK:Re and I'm sitting here hoping Mutsuki isn't another trap LOL
    Apr 24, 2018