Comments on Profile Post by Bob evans

  1. BumblebeeNotOP
    Hey man, finally got time to got through your story, and I gotta say, I've enjoyed the ride. Man all the wasted potential in the movie finally coming to fruition. It could have been the best movie in the series (DOTM still stands for me at least). Nice work on this one man. I've been updating mine lately. How is it?
    Aug 29, 2017
  2. BumblebeeNotOP
    Also, kudos to your work on creating the final battle. At least everyone was useful somehow in the battle, despite your large cast.
    Aug 29, 2017
  3. Bob evans
    Bob evans
    Thank you, I needed everybody to do something in the Battle. Dinobots Wrecking havoc, Predaking with Megatron, The Autobots vs the Decepticons, Bumblebee being a Prime, Izzy with the Talisman/Apex Aurmor, Optimus and Dragonstorm. It all needed to be special and no one died in the Decepticons besides Ravenspar and Off-road, Sad Autobot deaths like Drift and Trailbreaker. Your movie is amazing, Better than mine
    Aug 29, 2017
  4. BumblebeeNotOP
    Thanks man. But I couldn't have handled a large cast unlike what you did, and I think that could have made a nice movie for both movie and G1 fans who grew up watching ensemble casts :)
    Aug 29, 2017
  5. BumblebeeNotOP
    A question I would want to ask though: how are my connections to the previous movies? Do they make sense or sound forcibly pieced together?
    Aug 29, 2017
  6. Bob evans
    Bob evans
    They all make sense. The seed actually making a apperence
    Aug 29, 2017