Generation 1: Tales of Cybertron

Discussion in 'Transformers Fan Fiction' started by Mongoose Fire, Jul 10, 2006.

  1. Mongoose Fire

    Mongoose Fire Active Member

    Dec 4, 2005
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    Hi. I've doing a series of short stories about some of the events occuring during the war on Cybertron. They're set in the generation 1 universe and take place away from the main storyline the cartoon followed.
    Please be gentle as this is my first attempt at writting a fic and see if you think its worth me carrying on. goes:

    Behind Enemy Lines

    Part 1

    In an old warehouse facility, deep in Decepticon territory, a large flatbed truck with a turret mounting two gatling guns is parked in the shadows.

    “Where are they? They should have been here by now” asked a deep, robotic voice.

    “I’ll try contacting them again” a higher pitched voice answered. “Come in Autobot strike answer only static”

    “If they do not arrive soon, we shall have to proceed to the target without them” grumbled the first voice.

    Suddenly a deep, monotonous voice boomed over the comm-link just as a huge cone-shaped rocket came into view “Messege: received, Operation: commencing”

    “Good. They’re here. You can transform now Transistor.”

    The turret on the back of the truck flipped into the air and transformed into a small silver and red robot with two gatling guns on his back. At the same time parts on the flatbed truck shifted and in its place stood an imposing dark blue and red robot.

    While this was happening three dark forms exited the rocket as it flew overhead and transformed during their decent to the place where the two robots were now standing. As the conical rocked disappeared from view the three dark forms – one appearing to be an Earth-style jet and the other two Earth-style helicopters, although one is significantly larger and more heavily armed than the other.

    The three dark vehicles sporting Autobot insignia made their way toward the two robots and transformed – the jet transformed into a sleek black and blue robot, the larger helicopter transformed into a large black and silver robot almost a double the height of the first dark Autobot and finally the second helicopter transformed into a powerful-looking all black robot.

    The dark blue and red robot approached the three newcomers “Greetings. I am...” However, he was cut short by the all black mech, apparently the leader of these three warriors “We will talk when we have found some cover as Omega Supreme would have been detected by the ‘cons by now. One of these buildings will suffice for now.”

    The five Autobots made their way into one of the abandoned decepticon warehouses. “I am Nightsaber, leader of this strike team. This is Shadowblast…” pointing toward the sleek jet-robot surveying the sky outside the building “…and this is Blackout, our demolitions expert” pointing to the large black and silver robot beside him.

    “As I was saying outside, I am Dirtspray, operations commander for this mission and this is our scientist, Transistor” explained the dark blue and red truck-robot whilst pointing to the small silver robot.

    “Why in the Pit do we need a scientist for a raid on a ‘con facility?” enquired Nightsaber.

    “It’s the nature of the facility that means he comes” replied Dirtspray.

    “Oh…and what is the nature of this facility?”

    “That information has been classified”

    “Hmmmm…what is the mission then?”

    “It’s simple. You are to gain Transistor access to the research facility in sector P17 and then destroy any Decepticons you find in the area. Meanwhile, I will rendezvous with a second strike team at sector R15 and converge on the facility where it will be destroyed. Transistor must then be brought safely back into Autobot territory.”

    “Acceptable…what is this second strike team?”

    “You do not need to know at this point. I recommend you stay in robot form until you are close to the facility to avoid detection by the ‘cons aerial scans.”

    “That is not necessary; we received some upgrades while on Earth and Blackout will carry your scientist.” Nightsaber said as he looked suspiciously at the two large guns on Transistor’s back.

    “Good. See you at the facility.”

    “Move out.” Shadowblast transformed into a hovercraft, Nightsaber transformed into an Earth-style jeep and Blackout transformed back into the large helicopter. “Triplechangers!?!” Transistor mused as he climbed aboard Blackout.

    The three dark vehicles left the warehouse through the way they entered leaving Dirtspray alone.


    “Sir, we have just detected Omega Supreme over Decepticon territory. Should I send a unit of seekers to intercept?”

    “No. The guardian would already have left Cybertron by the time we reach him. Scan the surface in the area he was detected for unidentified heat signatures.”

    “Yes…three heat signatures have been detected leaving the old industrial area at sector M12…wait…they cannot be detected anymore…”

    “They have probably entered the tunnels beneath the surface, send the Blasticons to find and destroy them…actually bring one back alive, I want to know what they’re up to.”

    “As you wish, Nitroblast.”

  2. Throwback

    Throwback Well-Known Member

    Apr 12, 2006
    Trophy Points:
    Sounds interesting, keep writing. Throw in a familiar charactor or two and this story could really gain a following.
  3. Mongoose Fire

    Mongoose Fire Active Member

    Dec 4, 2005
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    Cheers for the comments Throwback and I am planning to use a few known characters eventually.
    Heres the 2nd part of this story and any feedback is greatly appreciated:

    Part 2

    The smallest of the four mechs that had just entered the old warehouse facility approached a series of tyre marks “They were definitely here Demolisher”

    The largest of them looked quizzically at him “How are you so sure Firebug?”

    “The tyre markings are consistent with those found on Earth and we have no-one with an Earthen configuration in this sector.”

    “Hmmm…Outburst, is there an…” the large grey and green robot’s question was cut short by a loud crash as one of the two identical robot’s standing by the entrance threw the other into the wall. “Incinerator and Razorfire stop that, wait outside and stand still.”

    The two robots transformed into identical tanks and rolled outside.
    “Outburst, is there any sign of the Autobots?”

    “…no sign from here…” came the reply over the comm-link.

    “Meet us outside the warehouse and we will attempt to follow their tracks through the tunnels.”

    “Understood.” A dull coloured but heavily armed Cybertronian jet swooped down from the sky and transformed into a tall mech in front of the Razorfire and Incinerator.


    “According to the intel, if we exit the tunnels here, we should be within range of the Decepticon facility.” Said the black jeep as it transformed into a helicopter and flew up through two open blast doors. When he had found a safe vantage point from which he could view research facility, he was joined by the sleek black and blue jet.

    “Where’s Blackout?”

    “He had a little trouble fitting through the blast doors in helicopter mode so he’s had to transform and climb up” Shadowblast answered.

    “Hmmm…what do you make of the target?”

    “Look at the amount of security, look at the tower built into the side of the facility…what are they doing in there?”

    Both darkly coloured mech were studying the Decepticon facility when they were joined by Blackout and Transistor. “Is there an easy way in?” The small scientist asked.

    Nightsaber studied the Transistor for a moment “Not yet…” After a moment of contemplation, the all black robot had formulated a plan “this is what we’re gonna do…Shadowblast you will move up to the entrance along that ridge over there, as close to the two guards at the main door as possible. I will take one down from a distance and then you’ll take the other one. Once that is done I will bring the scientist to the main door to gain access. Blackout, you will remain here giving us support if it is needed…understood?”

    “Yes sir” Shadowblast said as he transformed into hovercraft mode and sped along the ridge toward the entrance and Blackout transformed into a large artillery cannon.


    Shadowblast made his way rapidly along the ridge until he was about hundred yards from the guards where he transformed into robot mode and made his way silently toward them. He noticed the guards were arguing among themselves which gave him the perfect opportunity to creep to a large pile of rubble to the side of the main entrance. He calculated that once the first guard went down, it would take only a few seconds to reach the second guard…perfect…he would be able to reach and deactivate him before a signal could be sent out. Shadowblast readied himself and made two small beeps into his comm system.


    After several minutes, Nightsaber heard two small beeps from his comm-link indicating Shadowblast was in position. He took out a long sniper rifle from his subspace pocket and aimed at one of the guards. A moment of silence followed, then there was a click and a quiet whistle as Nightsaber fired his rifle, hitting the guard in the face. He watched the guard fall to the floor through his scope then transformed into his jeep mode, allowing Transistor to climb on and made his way to the ridge that Shadowblast had used minutes before.


    Shadowblast watched as the guard furthest from him slumped to the floor after being shot in the head and acted immediately. The guard that was his target looked in shock at his comrade that had been killed and didn’t notice the Autobot sneaking up behind him. Before the Decepticon could report what he had scene, Shadowblast had plunged his energon blade into his back and through his spark chamber, killing him instantly.

    Suddenly, the huge doors behind him hissed open and another Decepticon walked through. Upon seeing the Autobot standing over the two bodies he pressed the intruder alarm on his wrist and fired on and then charged at black and blue robot.

    Shadowblast reacted quickly to this new threat – rolling to the side to dodge the blasts from his attacker’s rifle and then leaping up, he cleaved the Decepticon’s arm in two at the elbow with his energon blade. However, this did not stop the guard who swung around and carried on firing, catching the Autobot in the chest and sending him against the now-sealed doors. Quick to recover from this attack, Shadowblast fired his own weapon at the advancing Decepticon, destroying his left leg causing him to fall to the floor. The Autobot moved slowly toward the now crawling guard who upon realising the approach of Autobot fired his rifle again. Shadowblast jumped these shots and stuck his energon blade through the back of the Decepticon’s head and into the floor, killing this guard too.


    “What’s your field of expertise then?” Nightsaber enquired as they travelled along the ridge toward the entrance of the Decepticon facility.

    “Robot design and engineering” the silver scientist answered.

    “Hmmmm…interesting…and you did that to yourself?”

    “You mean the guns…yes…I redesigned my own body with this mission in mind”

    “You expected…” Nightsaber was interrupted by a loud alarm from the facility.

    “Shadowblast come in…Shadowblast…I can only get static…what’s he up to…Blackout, you there?”

    “Yes sir, I’m here.”

    “Take out that guard tower, I think they know we’re here.”

    Nightsaber increased his speed toward the entrance and Transistor followed a small, dull object in the sky from where they had just been toward the tower and watched as it plummeted into the wall and exploded, destroying the tower and showering the immediate area with burning debris. He would indeed need to use his new guns.

  4. Mongoose Fire

    Mongoose Fire Active Member

    Dec 4, 2005
    Trophy Points:
    Heres the next part of this story, and again any feedback would be welcome.

    Part 3

    “Nitroblast, the intruder alarm at the research facility at sector P17 has been activated.”

    “So that’s where they were going…send in a squadron of seekers...and divert the Blasticons to that sector.”

    “The seekers have been dispatched but I cannot reach the Blasticons.”

    “Keep trying.”

    After a few minutes of listening to static, there was a response from the Blasticons. “Nitroblast, the Blasticons inform me that they are now in that sector and are proceeding to the facility.”


    “Shadowblast, what happened?” Nightsaber asked as he came out of the ridge toward the entrance of the facility where Shadowblast was waiting.

    “There was a third guard” replied Shadowblast pointing to the mech with his energon blade still embedded in his head.

    “Get us in there, Transistor.”

    After several attempts at the access terminal, the silver scientist turned to the two dark mechs stood by the door “it seems the intruder alarm has locked down the terminal, stopping me from getting inside.”

    Spotting a group of fast moving objects in the distance, Nightsaber turned away from the doors and started to transform into his helicopter mode “we don’t have time for this…Blackout, get us through the door…Shadowblast your with me…we got incoming.”

    “Seekers” replied the black and blue robot as he transformed into a jet and followed the dark helicopter. Once the Decepticons were in range, Blackout fired two missiles, destroying the lead jet and scattering the other six.

    While all this was going on, Transistor watched as a large, heavily armed helicopter appeared from where they had come through the blast doors earlier and flew straight toward the entrance of the facility. Transistor realised what Nightsaber had meant when he told Blackout to open the door and found some cover as the black and silver helicopter fired several rockets at the sealed doors, causing another explosion.

    Two of the Decepticons headed straight toward the hovering Nightsaber who transformed into his robot form moments before impact, allowing him to avoid the seekers by freefalling below them. Once both had passed above him, the dark Autobot transformed back into his helicopter mode and rotated 180 degrees, firing another missile at the jets, catching the trailing Decepticon, causing him to explode.

    Unfortunately, the rockets Blackout fired at the doors did not do enough damage to allow them access. Instead of wasting more rockets, the large helicopter landed and transformed into his artillery mode, taking aim at the doors. Transistor noticed that one of the four seekers chasing Shadowblast had stopped its pursuit and was headed in Blackouts direction. “Time to try these upgrades” the small silver mech muttered to himself as he transformed into his turret mode and opened fire on the Decepticon jet, getting several hits and causing him to crash harmlessly away from the main battle just as the shell from Blackout struck the base of the doors, causing a massive explosion and sending masses of shattered metal up into the air, giving Transistor entrance to the facility.

    After one of seekers broke off his pursuit of Shadowblast, the Autobot triplechanger decided to further reduce the odds against him. He looped up in front the following Decepticons and flew vertically for a few seconds and then transformed into his robot mode, brandishing his energon blade. He timed his fall perfectly, as he fell he managed to slice through one of the seeker’s wings. This made the Decepticon spin out of control away from Shadowblast, hitting and destroying the jet that was pursuing Nightsaber. The black and blue Autobot halted his freefall by transforming into his jet mode as he approached the planet’s surface.



    “The sound of battle...”

    “I told you we were going in the right direction Demolisher” the smallest of the group remarked as they approached the area beneath two large open blast doors.

    “Demolisher, command is telling us that the Autobots are at sector P17 and that we should proceed there.”

    “Inform them that we are already in that sector and are heading to the facility… Outburst, go and see what’s going on up there, we’ll follow you up shortly.”

    The tall robot at the back of the group nodded in the speaker’s direction, transformed into a large jet and flew up through the blast doors. Upon passing reaching the surface, he saw two Decepticon seekers colliding near an Autobot helicopter and headed towards this new target.


    Nightsaber watched as the jet that was pursuing him exploded and noticed a larger Decepticon jet approaching him at high speeds. He knew that he couldn’t outrun this enemy, so he head directly toward the side wall of the facility, ensuring the new Decepticon jet was following him. At the last moment before flying into the wall, Nightsaber transformed into his robot mode for the collision to minimise damage and make the enemy have to break off his pursuit and fly up and away from the facility.

    Transistor made his way through the rubble where the doors to the facility used to be and saw that the passage took a 90 degree turn to the left. He followed this passage but as soon as he took this turn, the small scientist was sent flying back outside by an explosion at his feet. Blackout watched as the small silver Autobot went inside the facility then got thrown back outside. He made his way toward Transistor, who was lying on his back with scorch marks all over the front of his body. “What happened?”

    “They’re inside too” the scientist replied as he got to his feet and saw Blackout taking a shot to the back as he looked through the entrance. Not being seriously injured, the large Autobot turned and saw four tanks approaching the facility from the blast doors they had passed through earlier. He transformed into his artillery mode and fired at them, causing them to take shelter as Transistor fired periodically into the facility to prevent any Decepticons from attacking them from that direction.

    Shadowblast could not shake off the two remaining seekers that were following him. In an attempt to force a mistake from one of his pursuers, he flew low and in a tight arc around the still burning guard tower. However, this manoeuvre did not have the desired effect as both Decepticons were still behind him. The Autobot also didn’t see the large, dull jet that had just finished a vertical loop and was now heading straight toward him until it fired a missile in his direction. Shadowblast managed to dodge this attack at the last second and watched as it hit the leading Decepticon behind him, destroying him.


    The four remaining Blasticons had made their way up through the blast doors and were heading toward the facility, when one of the two identical tanks stopped and fired on the large Autobot standing by the entrance, hitting him in the back. However, this did not stop the black and silver Autobot who turned and transformed into a massive Earth-style cannon and fire on their position. “Take cover!” the largest of the Decepticon tanks shouted as they transformed and dived behind a ruined wall. “You idiot Razorfire, you gave away our position…we only had to bide our time a little longer before we attacked and we would have destroyed him.”


    “Get out of my way seeker” Outburst demanded after accidentally destroying one of the other Decepticon jets and joining the pursuit of this Autobot jet.

    “No chance, this is my kill”

    Outburst noticed that the black and blue Autobot had cut his engines and dropped down below the pursuing seeker allowing him pass over. He then restarted his engines and flew directly toward the underside of the Decepticon, firing a missile which caused the seeker to explode as the Autobot flew up past Outburst and away from the facility. The Blasticon flier decided he would chase and then destroy this worthless Autobot. After several minutes of following this Autobot, Outburst heard the Blasticon leader, Demolisher, on the comm-link “Outburst, get back here, we’re pinned down, we need Dominator…now!”


    After destroying the last seeker, leaving only the large Decepticon in the air, Shadowblast, realising this jet was pursuing him, flew away from the facility removing the aerial element to the battle. However, after being chased for some time, the dull coloured Decepticon broke off his pursuit and headed back the way they had come. The triplechanger turned and followed the jet, not wanting to leave the other Autobots vulnerable to a surprise aerial attack.
    However, the Decepticon flew straight past the entrance to the facility where the other Autobots were and toward the blast doors that lead to the tunnels. The large jet slowed and began reconfiguring as it approached four enemy tanks and Shadowblast could only watch in shock at what unfolded before him.

  5. Mongoose Fire

    Mongoose Fire Active Member

    Dec 4, 2005
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    Hiya. Here's the next part in my story. Again any feedback would be appreciated and if theres any artists out there that have got the time then it would be great and also appreciated if you could do some artwork of my characters. Cheers. Anyone want the bios/tech specs of my characters? Enough of my rambling...Enjoy!

    Part 4

    “This is the entrance to the catacombs at sector R15…so where are they?” the dark blue and red flatbed truck muttered to himself. He transformed into his robot form and drew his rifle when he heard some pitched cackling coming from inside the dark tunnel, followed by a thud and then silence. When he looked closer he could see several coloured objects moving toward him.

    He realised these objects were the other Autobot strike team when they finally reached the exit to the tunnel. There was a massive yellow tank, a small red motorcycle and a white helicopter. Dirtspray walked to where the three had stopped “I am Dirtspray, operations commander, why are there only three of you…I thought I was being sent six new troops?”

    This comment caused the white helicopter to laugh hysterically before the yellow tank swung its turret and nudged the flying Autobot, silencing him again. The small red motorcycle transformed into his robot mode and spoke quietly through a faceplate “I am Cyclone… there were six of us created originally…they said we all had defects when we came online…Tempest here is slow…” pointing to the yellow tank “…and Whirlwinds just crazy…it’s Tempest’s job to keep him quiet…”

    “That still doesn’t explain why there’s only three of you.”

    “I was getting to that…I was the first us born and watched what lead our creators to say we were faulty…Tempest was the second born, followed by Whirlwind and then the other three. The final two malfunctioned at birth and went straight for Ultra Magnus…”

    Upon hearing this, the white helicopter, Whirlwind, transformed into his robot mode and in between his manic laughter told Dirtspray “Tempest here crushed those two before they could get to him.”

    Cyclone carried on “Blizzard, the fourth born, went berserk when he saw this and charged Tempest. However, he was restrained and put in forced stasis lock…leaving only the three of us Stormbots…it appears the earlier we were created, the more stable we were.”

    “Hmmm…well our mission is to get to the Decepticon research facility at sector P17 through these tunnels to avoid detection and destroy it. There is a team there already who we are to rendezvous with and assist if necessary…understood?”

    Cyclone nodded before he transformed into his motorcycle form and followed the dark blue and red Autobot as he made his way into the tunnels they had just come from.


    “Nitroblast, another set of heat signatures has been discovered in sector R15.”

    “More Autobots…I will deal with these myself” the large Decepticon said angrily as he went to leave the command centre.

    “Sir…you cannot face them all alone there…” this comment was interrupted by Nitroblast violently ripping the intel officer’s arm off and smashing his face into the console he working at.

    “I will do as I please…however, you do have a point…” he said thoughtfully “have the animalistic Decepticons that Megatron ordered been completed yet?”

    “The Terrorcons…yes…they were completed several cycles ago” the now recovering intel officer replied.

    “Good…have them meet me at sector R17” Nitroblast said as he walked out of the command centre.


    “You are to follow the Autobots through these tunnels. I will remain outside and you are to contact me when you have either destroyed them or followed them to the surface.”

    At the mere mention of the word ‘Autobot’ the white and dark blue terrorcon with a large, white creatures head on his back started emitting a mechanical growl. “You will have no say in the Autobots destruction” the largest of the group said as he transformed into a black and white two headed dragon and made his way into the tunnel. The others transformed into their assorted creature modes and followed him.


    “The tunnel should end just around this corner and we should be close to the…” the dark blue and red Autobot was interrupted by the small motorcycle “what’s that noise behind us?” They both transformed and studied the darkness behind them “what’s that smell too…”

    After several moments of silence they heard a mechanical growl and saw a yellow and red light rapidly heading toward them, illuminating several robotic creatures. “What in the pit are they?” Dirtspray said as he was struck by the light, which was actually a fireball “Run!” the floored Autobot said as he climbed to his feet and fired at the approaching monsters, slowly backing out of the tunnel.

    “Seal the tunnel” Dirtspray ordered once they were outside. The massive yellow Autobot tank moved its two cannons and fired two thunderous blasts at the area above where they had just come from, causing the tunnel entrance to collapse, preventing the creatures from reaching them. The explosion immediately caused Whirlwind to cackle manically again.

    “Good…the research facility will be within range once we have passed through this industrial complex.” Dirtspray was about to transform into his truck mode when he noticed a dark object in the sky. He watched it when suddenly it emitted a beam of light which struck the still laughing Whirlwind, causing him to crash into the floor and go silent. The dark object came closer and fired a second beam of light at the now transformed helicopter, going straight through his chest, killing him. The object, which appeared to be a shuttle of some kind, transformed and landed on the roof of the building in front of them. This robot just stood there, staring at the three remaining Autobots. “You two go, I’ll deal with him” Dirtspray said as he watched the two surviving Autobots move into the complex.

    “You’ll deal with me will you” the unknown Decepticon said as he drew a large sword and jumped off the roof of the building aiming for the Autobot.

    Dirtspray waited for the moment before impact before sidestepping this attack and going for a roundhouse kick to the back of the dark assailant. However, the Decepticon dropped his sword and grabbed the Autobot’s leg and throwing him into the wall the building behind them. He then moved over to Dirtspray and kicked him as he attempted to get to his feet.

    When he tried this for a second time, the dark blue and red Autobot caught the Decepticon’s foot and lashed out with a kick of his own to his attacker’s leg then with a huge uppercut to his jaw, sending him spiralling backward to the floor. Dirtspray pulled his rifle from his subspace pocket and fired at the Decepticon as he started to get to his feet. However, he rolled out of the way of this shot and fired back. One blast hit the Autobot on an important shoulder joint, rendering his arm useless and a second blast hit him in the chest, throwing him through the already damaged wall.

    Dirtspray slowly got up and found a metal pole to use as a weapon. “You cannot defeat Nitroblast” the limping Decepticon shouted as he picked up his sword and walked toward the Autobot as he climbed back through the hole in the wall. Dirtspray swung the metal pole at Nitroblast with his functioning arm, but this attack was parried by the Decepticon who slashed the dark blue and red robot across the torso while he was off balance, exposing some internal circuitry. Nitroblast swung his sword again although Dirtspray ducked this attack and responded by hitting the Decepticon in the chest with the metal pole. He followed this up with a strike to the back of his enemy’s head, sending him to the floor.

    The Autobot hit Nitroblast several more times with the metal pole causing some severe damage. However, the Decepticon rolled out of the way of one of the swings and fired his blaster again, catching Dirtspray in the face and destroying his left optic. This caused him to drop the metal pole and reel back in pain, allowing Nitroblast time to get to his feet and raise his sword for the killing blow. He swung the sword in a massive downward arc, but the Autobot spun away from the attack and landed a powerful punch to the back of the Decepticon’s head

    Dirtspray watched as Nitroblast crumpled to the floor and didn’t get back up again. He turned away from his defeated adversary and was about to transform when he heard several loud bangs from the sealed tunnel and then the rubble blocking the entrance shattered away. He saw five large mechs walk into the light and noticing the Deciptibrand, he picked up Nitroblast’s gun and fired at them, catching the yellow and blue one, knocking him over.

    Seeing this two of the Decepticons charged forward, one of them transforming into a large mechanical bird and taking to the air and the other transforming into a white Earth-style shark with legs. Dirtspray fired several more blasts at the approaching creatures, successfully toppling the white land-shark. However, the Autobot got hit in the face by a ball of corrosive liquid, destroying his other optic, leaving him blind. He fired wildly until someone growled “Rip him apart.” It would be the last thing he ever heard.


    The large black and white Decepticon watched the flying Terrorcon decapitated the blind Autobot with his wing and then he surveyed the surrounding area including the three bodies. He noticed that one of the bodies was moving slightly and walked up to it “Terrorcons…help me…” he said weakly. It was the Decepticon who sent them into the tunnels earlier. “You have failed…I do not suffer weakness” the Terrorcon said as he transformed into a two headed dragon and proceeded to tear him in half.

  6. Mongoose Fire

    Mongoose Fire Active Member

    Dec 4, 2005
    Trophy Points:
    Hi. Sorry I haven't updated recently but it's due to me moving house and not having regular access to internet yet...the final parts will be posted as soon as possible - definitely inside the next 3 weeks. :D 

    Anyway...what does everyone think so far...someone must have read it...what do ya think - good or bad i just wanna know if my stories any good 'cos i do have some more ideas. :D 

  7. Mongoose Fire

    Mongoose Fire Active Member

    Dec 4, 2005
    Trophy Points:
    Back it turns out part 5 is not the final part so there will be more...enjoy :D 

    Part 5

    Shadowblast watched as the heavily armed jet he was chasing reconfigured into the leg and along with four tanks, formed a massive Decepticon. “Dominator smash Autobots” the predominantly green and grey giant boomed.

    “Nightsaber…Nightsaber…Blackout where’s Nightsaber?” the Autobot jet asked as he flew over the Decepticon to avoid one of his huge fists swatting at him.

    “Don’t know” the Autobot artillery said while continuing to fire on the now approaching giant.


    Nightsaber slowly got to his feet after regaining consciousness, remembering he had just flown into a wall at high speed. Hearing Blackout and Shadowblast talking on the comm-link, he headed back around the facility to the entrance and saw what his soldiers were talking about. Noticing that the massive Decepticon was able to dodge Blackout’s shells, Nightsaber gave his orders. “Shadowblast keep flying around him to get him off balance…and Blackout aim at the ground near him feet…you might be able to topple him.”

    “Understood” they both said in unison.

    “Scientist…why aren’t you inside yet?”

    “There are ‘cons inside…I can’t get through” the small silver Autobot said while firing into the facility.

    “Hmmm…ok…you wait here while I go inside and create an opening then you can come through on my signal” Nighsaber said as he drew two blasters from his subspace pocket and made his way carefully through the rubble partially blocking the entrance, firing his blasters at the Decepticons inside. He managed to hit two closest to the entrance and then readied himself to turn the corner. The black Autobot had a small look round the corner and saw six enemy soldiers behind a blockade. Nightsaber sidestepped around the corner, firing his blasters, successfully taking out one of the guards. However, he took several heavy rounds to the chest, sending him back against the wall. Realising he was in a critical state and knowing the mission had to be completed, he transformed into his helicopter mode and fired all his remaining missiles at the blockade, causing a massive explosion.

    After seeing this explosion, Transistor went carefully through the entrance and saw the now transformed Nightsaber moving weakly. He approached the black Autobot, who looked at him and said “Go” before his optics faded to black, indicating he had died. The silver scientist looked round and also saw that Decepticon garrison had been destroyed too, so he made his way deeper into the facility.


    Tempest and Cyclone passed through the industrial complex and for the first time they could see the facility they were meant to destroy, they noticed that it was already ablaze in parts and that a giant Decepticon had a black and blue jet in one of his massive firsts, proceeding to throw it into a large cannon by the entrance of the facility.

    “You go for the ‘con and I’ll check on the other Autobots” the red motorcycle said to the yellow tank.

    With that the large Autobot tank transformed into a massive plane and headed toward the Decepticon giant, while Cyclone made his way toward the entrance of the facility.

    Dominator noticed the approaching yellow plane at the last second before it transformed into a large tank, ramming straight into his midsection which sent him sprawling backwards. The tank then fired two blasts from its cannons, knocking the Decepticon giant to the floor. As Dominator got to his feet he saw the brightly coloured Autobot transforming into a large robot, but he was about a third smaller than the massive Decepticon.

    Dominator fired a blast from one of his arm mounted cannons (formerly the turrets of the tanks making up his arm sections), hitting the Autobot in the chest. The Decepticon charged at his foe and grabbed him around the waist, trying to hoist him into the air. “I will defeat you…” the Autobot shouted while managing to keep his feet on the floor. He then punched Dominator in the back of the head, grabbed him by his waist and threw him up in the air so that he landed on the far side of the facility, destroying part of it in the process.


    The Terrorcons exited the industrial complex the same way the Autobots did earlier and saw two giant mechs fighting near the facility and three Autobots by the entrance.

    “Destroy the Autobots” the large double headed dragon growled as he led the charge toward their new prey. However, these Autobots saw the advancing Terrorcons and began firing on them. This fire was more of a nuisance than actually harmful, until the largest transformed into a heavily armed helicopter, firing several missiles at them. “I’ll tear him apart” bird creature said as he flew high into the air and then toward this threat. One of the Autobots stopped firing and leapt into the air, transforming into a jet and flew straight at the flying Terrorcon, diverting him from his original target.

    The shear volume of fire from the two remaining Autobots, the small red one had a rapid fire rifle and the helicopter was firing a mix of lasers and missiles, was enough to prevent the Terrorcons from advancing. “Transform and return fire” the white and black two headed dragon shouted as he transformed into a large robot and fired his own rifle. The other Terrorcons followed suit and shot at the two grounded Autobots.

    The aerial Terrorcon was obviously more manoeuvrable than the Autobot, this advantage was shown clearly when the Decepticon dodged an attack-run from the black and blue jet and counted with a slash of its deadly wings, causing the Autobot to spin out of control. This proved doubly disastrous for the outnumbered Autobots when the jet collided with the black and silver helicopter – the only thing really keeping the Terrorcons at a distance.

    “Merge…to form Abominus…” the lead Terrorcon shouted when the Autobot’s suppressing fire relaxed and all five of the animal-formed Decepticons reconfigured and joined together to form a massive, purple warrior, who then made his way toward the vulnerable Autobots near the entrance to the facility.


    Tempest, having momentarily removed the threat of the first giant Decepticon, observed the area around the facility and saw the new problem facing his Autobot comrades – another giant Decepticon, possibly even larger than the one he had just dispatched.

    To divert this new enemy away from the three other Autobots, Tempest transformed into his tank mode and fired a blast at the Decepticon, causing him to stumble backwards for several steps. This, however, was not enough to stop the predominantly purple warrior who charged straight toward the yellow tank, shrugging off a second shot from the Autobot’s cannon.

    Tempest transformed back into his robot mode just as Abominus ploughed into him, sending him back to the floor and proceeding to hit him with several powerful punches. The yellow Autobot pushed the Decepticon off of him and struggled to his feet where he tried to circle around his enemy. However, the purple giant rushed straight back at Tempest, not giving him time to formulate a plan of attack. The yellow Autobot managed to roll to the side of the charging Decepticon at the last second at launched a powerful punch of his own at the back of Abominus’ knee, causing him to stumble again…this was still not enough to knock him to the floor.

    While Tempest was focused on the purple giant, he took a blast to the back from the other massive Decepticon, who was standing again on the other side of the facility and making his way around to the Autobot. Abominus, having recovered from the blow to the knee, charged at the yellow Autobot for a third time, while he was shaking off the last attack. Tempest transformed into his tank mode and fired two simultaneous blasts from his cannons at the approaching Decepticon, hitting him squarely in the chest and finally sending him to the floor. The yellow Autobot then transformed into a large jet, taking off and flying straight at the Blasticon gestault again. However, this time, Dominator anticipated this attack and ducked the plane and grabbing the tail section, forced it into the floor as it flew over.

    While the downed plane transformed back into the large Autobot warrior, Dominator powerfully kicked him in the mid-section, causing him to bounce along the planet’s surface. The darkly coloured Decepticon then charged at the prone Autobot, however, he got to a kneeling position and then tackled Dominator at the last second. They landed so the Autobot was on top of the Decepticon, who punched his enemy several times.

    Abominus approached the yellow Autobot from behind as he punched the Decepticon he was mounted on. The purple gaint made three powerful punched to the Tempest’s already damaged back before the Autobot stuck out his elbow, catching Abominus in the face, causing him to stop his attack for now. However, as the Autobot relaxed the pressure of the mounted Decepticon, Dominator forcefully pushed Tempest off him so that he crashed heavily into the facility, destroying yet more of it.


    Transistor made his way toward the exit of the facility after he had completed his task, although he struggled to keep standing through all the heavy vibrations and crashes.

    As he climbed through rubble now blocking the entrance he saw what was causing the crashes - two Decepticon giants were standing over a large yellow Autobot as he slowly made his way back to his feet from the rubble of part of the facility. He also saw that the two dark Autobots that had escorted him to the facility were also damaged.

  8. alphie

    alphie Veteran

    Nov 13, 2002
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    Very good read. Good start for your first fan fic. Keep it coming. :)