What are your pet peeves? Staff Edit: Thread Locked Due To Politics/Constant Clean Up

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by KremzeekTyCobb, Dec 8, 2018.

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  1. Megs

    Megs Well-Known Member

    Jun 6, 2021
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    Easier said than done, my dude. I appreciate your commenting though especially since I see your comments on various threads and you seem on my wavelength for sure. I work construction so exercise is hard to do since I'm always dead tired lol. I'm just trying to take it day by day.
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  2. Ravage Stanixa

    Ravage Stanixa My Spark belongs to the TRUE Perfect Decepticon.

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    I'm just saying that the person who asked people to stop using Pepe the Frog on the Decepticons (of Subeta) Discord server was not in the wrong, ok? And everyone was mostly cool about doing it, because even though they weren't using it to hurt people, they understood that other people HAD.
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  3. Ravage Stanixa

    Ravage Stanixa My Spark belongs to the TRUE Perfect Decepticon.

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    I've been fighting off depression since I was in grade school and I'm here for you too, dude.

    If you work construction you probably get plenty of exercise; other things to watch are water (dehydration worsens depression) and protein (sometimes a big hunk of fresh, lightly cooked red meat helps a lot). I'm on meds and they're great, but the most important thing is that these feelings may seem like a giant patch of glue you will never get free of, but they always do go away. You just have to keep on living until they do, and get whatever help you can get.

    <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
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  4. G1Prowl

    G1Prowl Prick, apparently

    Jan 7, 2008
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    I'm starting to think "dogwhistle" is shorthand for "I really dislike said person/people/group and want to hate them and all they stand for, yet they haven't said anything that I can point out as corroborating my hatred. Oh, I know, I'll say that this is some super secret squirrel special bestest code to cue in all the people who are 'in the know' and get them to somehow commit invisible microaggressions that nobody can see. GrRrRrRrRr So BaD pEoPlE!!!!1!!@!!!"

    Sort of like how "fascist/fascism" is now shorthand for "something I personally disagree with."
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  5. Megs

    Megs Well-Known Member

    Jun 6, 2021
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    I appreciate you saying all that. I've fought with depression and anxiety since I was a kid. I do therapy and I'm on medication but it's still not enough a lot of the time. Maybe I do need to just eat a slab of beef, or at least I have a good excuse to. Thanks again.
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  6. Fallout

    Fallout Banned

    Nov 26, 2011
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    kind of like how white supremacists (aka people who dislike a racial group and want to hate them and all they stand for without reason ) have secret numbers and signs to communicate with each other?

    the kkk literally wears hoods to keep their identities secret dude. i have never met a nazi proudly flaunting "I AM A NAZI!!!!" as they beat up a minority because people like that are cowards and have to organize outside of regular society somehow.

    i'm starting to think "blaming the people reacting to racists in an argument about racists" is shorthand for "i am a racist."
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  7. Dark Skull

    Dark Skull Well-Known Enabler Moderator

    Mar 14, 2011
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    :rolleyes:  Thinking, is the one thing you didn't do.
  8. Fallout

    Fallout Banned

    Nov 26, 2011
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    thanks for going in depth. i feel horrible for what i've done and you've brought up lots of good points.
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  9. Drangleic

    Drangleic Banned

    Feb 3, 2015
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    I guess it's because I'm from NY but I've never met these supposed white supremacists. For something that's supposed to be a wide spread problem it's not very apparent or conspicuous.

    All my African American friends feel the same way too.

    Maybe it's a southern America thing but I always thought most of that was just a joke like saying they all marry their cousins.

    Most likely it's the particular bents boogyman. Their tool for charging their base.

    Both extreme sides are stupid as f*ck. They lap this shit up but most of it is bullshit.
  10. Fallout

    Fallout Banned

    Nov 26, 2011
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    well... i live in oklahoma and i've seen plenty. i have black friends that have had to deal with verbal and physical assault from casual racists literally in public. i'm half arabic and have had to deal with racist shit myself. it's not a joke. if it was a joke there would not be sundown towns. or people shouting "******" casually at people. and white supremacism isn't always guys in hoods marching on black neighborhoods, it does come in other forms... forms people conveniently overlook... like convincing a large portion of the united states that "asian/chinese people are responsible for this virus!" or forcing the native americans onto despondent reservations...

    yes, both sides do tend to lap up whatever supports their argument. but if your argument is "stop racism" vs "be racist" that seems like a pretty clear cut issue.
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  11. Drangleic

    Drangleic Banned

    Feb 3, 2015
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    I guess to your last comment. I don't really believe there's much of a be a racist movement though.

    I'm white and I've experienced racism. I've literally been beaten up for venturing too far in South Bronx. Because I'm a white boy. Been called cracker and pinky too.

    I don't attribute that to all people of a certain decent though. Assholes come in all colors.

    Also fight racism shouldn't end with by racism.
  12. Megastar

    Megastar Well-Known Member

    Sep 5, 2012
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    People that vote or act against their own best interests.
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  13. Fallout

    Fallout Banned

    Nov 26, 2011
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    ... the KKK is literally a movement that's been around since the days of the civil war advocating for, well, racism. last year civil protests were undermined by government officials trying to turn them into violent ones. the entire reagan administration. hell, during black lives matter marches people literally got ran over and the police didn't do anything except wait for more peaceful protests to crop up so they could go teargas and beat them too.

    i'm sorry you had a bad experience but you also see why cracker and pinky aren't exactly the same as ******, right? and it's not like you watched an effigy of a white guy being burnt. assholes come in all colors but whenever a bunch of assholes of one color literally want all the other colors dead that's a different scenario.
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  14. Drangleic

    Drangleic Banned

    Feb 3, 2015
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    I get what you're saying but you do realize that the KKK is not even one percent of the white population though, right? They're not a legit threat to most minorities. They're a bunch of backwoods dumb f*cks who make a lot of noise but are so small in number that you could be forgiven for ignoring them. They're not Cobra from the Joe-verse. More like an Elk Lodge. Just laugh at them. They have no power.

    Taken in historical context, yes,being called cracker isn't the same. But we should be at a point now where all racism is equally wrong.
    I genuinely don't understand why we aren't.
    Last edited: Aug 7, 2021
  15. Fallout

    Fallout Banned

    Nov 26, 2011
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    they're not a legit threat until you stop treating them as one and they fly under the radar.

    all racism isn't equal because not all races are given the same equity under modern society. giving minority X a "headstart" when majority Y got the headstart 5 years ago is not at all the same. we should be at a point where all racism is treated equally, but until all people are seen equally then that's not going to happen.
  16. Dr Kain

    Dr Kain Well-Known Member

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    Right now it is California's bullshit fires invading my personal breathing space here in Colorado. All morning long so far as I feel like I've been doing is breathin in non-stop smoke. It's also made it ridiculously hot despite being in the upper 70s. They need to control their bullshit because this is has been an issue all fucking summer!
  17. Drangleic

    Drangleic Banned

    Feb 3, 2015
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    I enjoyed our convo (seriously). Just ask that you consider that most of the impoverished communities (I grew up in one) are under a certain dominions jurisdiction. If they don't have the racism angle they have nothing that anyone would care much about. It's in their favor to have one so they like to stoke those flames and actually keep it that way.

    Not saying there's not a genuine issue there but I am saying that they don't have the answer. They're part of the problem.

    I'm not an apologist for the other flag. I have plenty to say about them too. I just want a world where both of them leave me the f*ck alone and stay out of my life.
    Last edited: Aug 7, 2021
  18. Fallout

    Fallout Banned

    Nov 26, 2011
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    for sure and there's people like that everywhere. that's just a smaller example of the larger issue and with the colors swapped. racism like anything else comes down to a desire to rule over others and race is just another convenient way for them to latch onto some kind of cause that they swear is just.

    fly no banner and honor no flag besides the one that says humanity. that's all it comes down to. i kind of get the skepticism on G1prowl's part but look at the bigger picture and realize the real issue isn't the racist old coot on the street... it's the people at the top. all the dissemination of citizens and this infighting is what they want. not to get too political but most politicians and LEO's don't care who's being infringed on as long as it's not them. hell, an incredibly notorious government official is on record as admitting to smoking marijuana. she's a black female who served as a DA putting millions of people behind bars for the same crime she committed. a crime that largely punishes black communities because of slippery politicians. when people of your *own* race sell your race down the river it's time to abandon ship.

    eat the rich is what i'm getting at here. kinda like how instead of fighting each other over whether or not the planet is dying we should be pressing all the billionaires for why they want to get off so badly...
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  19. Drangleic

    Drangleic Banned

    Feb 3, 2015
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    Right on!
  20. Dark Skull

    Dark Skull Well-Known Enabler Moderator

    Mar 14, 2011
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    You see, it's this kind of response along with non-thought out statements like this:

    that really just doesn't make one even want to bother because you're so pent up on your emotional anger that despite all the clarification I already put out (maybe not as well articulated as it could have been), you still fall back and help me make my point for me for those who double down, triple down, and quadruple down on the sheer stupidity of the nonsense. It was a hoax man. They all wanted to get a laugh at your expense and those who have this emotional reaction over it. And you...the way you're reacting, you'd be giving them that fuel to egg it on even more. There was nothing ever racist about the ok hand gesture. There NEVER was. But because of over-emotional people who over reacted and refused to even acknowledge it was a hoax...it became a thing when it didn't even need to. So that quote of yours saying "I'm starting to think." No...you didn't think. At all. How is this point of contention so difficult to understand?

    Now that's not to dismiss your post saying that they use hand gestures. Because they do. However, their hand gesture looks NOTHING like the ok hand gesture, at all. More on that in a bit.

    Correction, the KKK WAS a movement, started by someone with strong leanings towards one side. And I'm sure you can look it up, as getting into it all is against the rules. Do they still exist? Yes, they do but in extremely small numbers compared to what they were at the turn of the 20th century. In the 1920s, they had millions of members. These days? Last I checked it was about 3000 to 5000. And guess what? Those numbers are continually shrinking as time goes on. Are they still a movement? Man, my bowel movements on the daily have more significance and power than these idiots will ever have. In short, they don't really matter anymore. No one really gives a two bit shits about them because no one LIKES them. No one even wants to be associated with them anymore. And that is a fact! As far as you mentioning Nazis...technically they don't exist anymore since...oh I dunno, after World War 2? Now there are the Neo Nazis, and the group that follows idiots like Richard Spencer. But do they have any notoriety? Nope. No one really gives a shit about them. And that's key! No one gives a shit about them....well...except for the vocal minority that inadvertently GAVE THEM the attention they were seeking. How? Y'all keep talking about them! They're not a threat to anyone, and even if these pathetic ass mofos even tried to do anything, they KNOW they'd get stomped out QUICK. That's the reality. These kinds of groups are so unstable it's not even funny. They can't keep noone because people keep waking up to their BS! And that's a good thing!

    And guess what? None of these fools like us Asians either. Growing up, I had the unfortunate displeasure of having dealt with them on a few occasions. I saw their hand gesture. They flashed it to me. It almost always was their right hand on a horizontal placed on their chest with their thumb, index and middle finger out. I thought they were flashing a street gang sign or something dumb like that. It took me to do a school paper on them for US History to actually realize what it was when I was a kid. And if you don't think people of other colors haven't burnt an effigy of a white guy...well, then maybe you should travel more. In my time growing up, my travels, and having served the military, I saw how messed up the world can really be. I've seen people do things to others that I really do not care to repeat here. Racism for the most part is EVERYWHERE in practically every country (at least the ones I've been to, and the ones my buddies have been to). But how you as an individual deal with it is probably the most important thing that can ever be. Me? I ignored them. I do not care about them. I will not lend any creedence to them nor will I give them the attention they seek from me and everyone else. As a child, did their constant taunts and shoves hurt me emotionally or physically? Yes. But as I grew up, got older, and a little smarter, and with the advice of my father, and peers...I began to understand why they are the way they are. They were taught to hate. Some grow out of it realizing what dipshits they had been, others don't. And instead of fearing them, being angry with them, or even reciprocating the hate they spew...I learned to just pity them and ignore them. Which was basically what a lot of folks in society had done up until recently when people started talking about them again as if they were back in fashion somehow. They were on their way out the door pathetically clinging onto hopes of being anything in this country/world...and some people just had to go yank em back in whether they realized it or not.

    For me, growing up, it was all about if you were cool or not. If you were, great! We hung out, chilled out, talked, played in the school yard, went places, and we were friends. Period. Skin color or whatever was between your legs DID NOT MATTER. NO ONE CARED. Unless you were an asshole. Then we just avoided you. When I joined the military, it was the same thing. We were all brothers and sisters in arms. It did NOT matter where you came from. You wore that uniform, you served honorably (and wasn't a shitbag airman, marine, soldier, or seaman), you fight, you do your job, then you were my brother/sister. And to keep it on topic, this is partially why I brought it up in the first place as a pet peeve; No one really understands racism like they think they do. We all have a general understanding of it, and for folks like you and I, we've gone through it. But apparently, we both decided to handle it differently. Psychologically, everyone wants to be seen in a good light. How people go about doing that depends on the individual. Some folks go out of their way and to great lengths to say "HEY LOOK AT ME! I'M A GOOD PERSON BECAUSE (insert whatever they said or did for attention)!" We gotta stop that. Instead, we gotta let our actions dictate to people who we are as a person, and as an individual. And that all starts with treating each other as human beings regardless of whatever opinions, thoughts, or perspectives we may hold. If you can't do that, then you may end up being just as much of a hateful person as those you decry. Two wrongs, never make a right.

    Well you're touching on a subject that's borderline against the rules. But in essence, I do agree with you. We've been made to fight each other, and stand against each other while seeing each other as the enemy. How much longer of this manipulation can we take before something really bad happens, or...preferably, we all wake up to the nonsense and realize we're all being played.

    Actually, what we really should be doing is what you pointed out...looking more at the people on the top in terms of the people who have "control." ;)  And I'll leave it at that.
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