Siege WFC Deluxe Cog

Discussion in 'Transformers Feedback & Reviews' started by Shark Jumper, Nov 3, 2018.

  1. WereDragon EX

    WereDragon EX Well-Known Member

    May 26, 2017
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    So, if you had to get only one, between Cog and Sixgun, which Weaponizer would you pick?
  2. Spicytron

    Spicytron Well-Known Member

    Sep 24, 2017
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    Stand alone with no consideration for other figures you might own?

    Personally i think theyre evently matched when you consider usage for their parts. Figure-wise I would take Sixgun over Cog, but only just. They are both good figures in their own right.
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  3. WereDragon EX

    WereDragon EX Well-Known Member

    May 26, 2017
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    I would prefer standalone, but factors like the appearance of the weapons you get from taking them apart (such as how good they look as actual weapons) and "transformation" and poseability also would factor in.

    I suppose I would also prefer Sixgun, since it looks like he disassembles into more parts and his parts look more "weapon-like" than Cog's. He appears to hold together much better in vehicle mode than Cog does, has more "actual weapons" (four handguns as opposed to Cog's two) when he's not being used as weapons for other bots and has more ideas for "weapon loadouts" in his instructions.
  4. JennAvenger

    JennAvenger Banned

    Mar 21, 2017
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    well, there are always oversized figure of the same character from some 3p/ko company with cheaper price....u might consider getting those.....
  5. JennAvenger

    JennAvenger Banned

    Mar 21, 2017
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    I hope there wil be some decepticon weaponizer bots... we already have 2 autoboots weaponsizer which is more than enough!!!
  6. Spicytron

    Spicytron Well-Known Member

    Sep 24, 2017
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    Then you're in luck, Brunt is getting ready to be released.
  7. WereDragon EX

    WereDragon EX Well-Known Member

    May 26, 2017
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    Yes, and hopefully Fasttrack will follow suit, but I'll be disappointed if he turns out to be a Brunt retool though.
  8. Miragen

    Miragen Dinobot Warrior

    Jul 27, 2009
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    Cog artillerly mode​

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  9. Triggerhappy

    Triggerhappy Well-Known Member

    Jul 4, 2002
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    I really like this play pattern and I hope we get lots more of them.
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  10. JT-bob

    JT-bob Autobum

    Sep 24, 2007
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    Los Angeles, CA
    Found Cog for $8 at Ross, since I had the other 2 Weaponizers I figured I might as well give this a look at such a discounted price. Unfortunately, they only had 1 Cog and the one I got, well... my Cog is a Dog. My sample has 2 factory errors, first the gun mounted at the top of the shoulder wasn't pinned properly so instead of pushing through, it jammed it upwards, bending one of the plastic pegs it locks into before the hinge pin stabilizes it, dumping the gun out of the box as soon as I opened it even though it's designed to be permanently part of his shoulder; second, the waist plate that holds the hips into the waist doesn't seem to have any glue at all, so it just comes out whenever the hips are moved. I was able to mostly fix the gun shoulder by tapping the metal hinge pin out, gently straightening the ABS enough to mount the gun, then tapping the hinge pin back in until it locked the gun, although it's permanently cockeyed; the waist I don't have any appropriate glue right now, my last tube seized up.

    Robot mode:
    Fine from the front, really bad from the back. The front view he's got tall shoulders but otherwise is a standard-looking bot, the paint scheme screams "generic Autobot" but there are worse things. The sides of his chest don't lock into place super strongly, it can dislodge enough to show a few millimeters of gap, but otherwise there's no real problems.The sculpting seems a bit soft compared to other WFC figures, but not horribly so, and there's plenty of detail going on; for a figure with so few facial features, he somehow has a slightly derpy face. His face may say "duh, hi!" but his arms say "stay back motherfragger!" since they start in a 5mm peg that looks like a gun barrel, continue to a bracer that has a backwards-facing gun barrel, his shoulders are a towering rifle barrel, and his collar raises to another pair of guns - Cog doesn't understand why nobody wants a hug. His best sculpted design, IMO, is the soles of his feet which looks like an insert piece that enjoys a different color and a unique yellow paint in the slit vents.

    The back view has a huge hollow where his upper back should be, nothing between his shoulders or below his neck, it's just no good. This trend continues on his lower leg design, a total cavity from knee to ankle.

    Paint is simplistic but adequate, looks a bit thick. The "weathering" is different from the rest of the line, a few silver splotches on the forearms that look like sloppy paint at the factory.

    Articulation is good in general, although for this line that's only standard. I would have liked wrist articulation and a ball-jointed neck instead of swivel, but at least there's waist articulation and his bracers (or rather, vambraces) are hinged.

    Cog has an adequate number of points to attach blast effects onto, and 5mm ports to plug blast effects into.

    His only accessories are a pair of rifles he can barely hold because their 5mm ports have tech cutaway stuff that make them too small for some round ports like his hands where they actively slip out, while staying better in hexagonal ports like on his bracers and back.

    There's one real piece of transformation going on in each half of the body, otherwise it's a very simple pull-apart weaponizer. After pulling apart the halves of the body and removing the arms, the top half has the head plate fold down; and the bottom half has the waist fold over the thighs. Turning Cog's head around helps complete the look but it's not really hidden.

    Vehicle mode(s):
    Cog transforms into Gasket and Grommet, and they can tab together to make a very sad, boring, but well-armed train... thing. The train-thing is nothing to write home about, it looks like the robot without a head and the arms shrugged forward, it holds together well for using a single tab, and it rolls adequately even if Gasket's rear wheels don't quite touch the ground. Separately there's a little more charm to each as they retain unique colorschemes and sculpt stylings to the point where they even look like different scales from each other.

    Grommet is all silver with a hint of blue and enjoys a flatter sculpt with a more armored look that borders on sleek... until you notice a pair of mega cannons on the roof larger than the vehicle itself. Grommet's wheels roll fine despite low ground clearance, they are snap-on dark blue over silver which makes them visually stand out as snap-on, the wheel sculpt shares styling cues with Gasket's but are a slightly larger scale. Grommet has a few cool styling additions, the empty bot shoulders have a round tech detail that makes up for the original toy's faux center wheel; Grommet's worst feature is the robot head staring out the back of the vehicle. There's no seat for headmasters here, though. IMO, Grommet looks best without added weapons, it has a pair of mounted guns at the front already, the intended add-on guns are way overscaled and swapping those for the rifles doesn't do much for me.

    Gasket's vehicle mode is a halftrack with the front wheels behind where a cockpit would be, and hidden wheels inside the non-functioning treads; Gasket rolls well despite very low ground clearance. Gasket's style is more of a techno-engine with no sculpted weapons, the best visual feature is the rear of the vehicle that's a gray insert with various sculpted details and a rectangular slit-style vent that has yellow paint not found elsewhere on the figure. Gasket's worst feature is that he's obviously robot legs and feet, after that the nose of the vehicle is the only spot without sculpted details; but overall he looks decent. Gasket's supposed to have the rifles attached, yet he's designed so the cannons on top of Grommet plug into his 5mm ports AND his 5mm pegs behind those while snuggling sitting between the rifles which also hide the fists, this seems unlikely to be a coincidence and is my preferred layout. Even the combined Gasket and Grommet look better when Gasket has all the weapons.

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    Weaponizer mode:
    There's no nice way to say it, Cog makes for the worst weapons of the 3 designs. He comes with a pair of rifles that are just rifles, that much is straightforward.

    His arms become rifles but with a forearm sticking way out the back, at best you can make this work by lifting up the forearm about 30 degrees and then lifting up the bracer to look like a weird rifle hybrid of the zat-gun from Stargate SG1, it's the only way to get this gun to fit in most figure's hands at all. It's not without charm but there's still a robot fist at the back.

    The legs fold up to become... nothing? I guess each could be seen as a handheld gun by using the nozzles on the boot held by either the static peg on the top of the shin or the side of the tread, but the stubby gun barrel revealed by folding the leg up isn't useful for anything here.

    The waist becomes a bulky, awkward, clunky-looking twin barrel gun affair thanks to a fold-down peg.

    The upper body would be the redeeming part since it folds in to make a gleaming silver shield, even covering up Cog's face, but the fold-out peg to make it wearable is far from the shield surface, and the other peg is in an awkward, enclosed spot at the back underside of the shield so only figures with narrow fists and wrists can try it, making more of a handgun than a shield.

    The other intended use for the upper body is embarrassing, just pull Cog's arms and legs off, then jam his upper body over Sideswipe's shoulder to act as... I don't really know what he's supposed to be doing with this. It's ghoulish, doesn't hide the face, and no other figures I can find can even wear it this way.

    Combined weapon modes are either a backpack with a huge honkin' pair of cannons over the shoulders, or a backpack with the same pair of cannons over the shoulder but no huge boots holding them because now they're shoes for another robot. With the giant cannons, this is where the 5mm pegs on the fists finally come into play, plugging into the soles of the boots. This doesn't wet my whistle that much, but it's not awful, just simple. The legs as shoes is my least favorite of the weaponizers, the exposed barrel finally gets to play but it's not visually adding enough, and the foot platform doesn't look good under bots' feet because the peg is in an odd place.

    I like the Weaponizers gimmick but Cog is the one I like the least, even putting aside my sample's QC problems. Cog feels like the design needs one more pass, the forearms could come apart, the back could be filled in, the head could hide better, the legs could have done something more interesting. Since I don't have Fort Max, there's no attachment to that titan, so I can make Cog interesting enough as a filler character and I can tolerate his vehicle modes, but something about Cog feels like better ideas are just outside its reach. And at this line's $20 pricepoint, that makes a big difference moreso than ever.

    Grade: C+ at discount / C- at full price
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  11. Seeaich

    Seeaich Inaction Master

    Dec 18, 2011
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    I bought a second Cog at near enough RRP from Ebay, and I have to echo fellow UK thread member @danlevan's query as to do we have any evidence that Siege Cog has been KO'ed?
    With my second in-hand I see some shenanigans!
    (Apologies mobile users a big pic here because it's all in the details)
    First up NuCog (Viewer's Left, definitely Hasbro Cog (I think)) is close but noticeably darker and cooler a blue on his blue plastic sections (moreso by eye that the photo shows), and his silver paint is shinier/more reflective than the more buff/matt shine of Hasbro Cog but, hey, that could totally be within the variations due to coming different production runs/phases of the same run, yeah?
    Then it gets steadily more sus the closer you look.
    Nu Cog is practically pristine, with not a hint of the silver battle damage fleck apps that Hasbro Cog has on his forearms. Fine, not a problem, apps get missed all the time, and I got no issue with a "clean" deco figure.
    Now look at NuCogs nipple ports. Go on, stare at the nips. Then look at OG Cog's.
    That's not just shadowing. In fact I had to check the figure in front of me, as my first reaction was, "Surely not, it's just the light isn't getting in there" but it was not "surely not" it was, in fact, "definitely is" - Nu Cog has extra tech detailing moulded into the port bases where Hasbro's ports are flat and blank!
    And that's not all - the notorious tapering of Hasbro Cog's fists meaning the ports would get stress marks if you tried an underslung gun grip?
    Long gone on NuCog, a perfect 5mm port all the way thru! His stock pistols are also less loose than the Hasbro's in it's mitts (still a bit looser than the average 5mm gun grip but better than my OG Hasbro's)
    And there's more...
    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    ...Sticking with the upper arms the sculpted detailing is way crisper and more highly defined (left) in comparison to the Hasbro (which does have the same two lines that stripe across the sorta-"toothed" quadrilateral shape just below the gunbarrel but a lot shallower so they don't show up unless you look much closer or catch more shine on the surface to help delineate them).
    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    And finally, take a peek at the guns, this time Hasbro is on the left and NuCog's on the right...
    ...and, lo and behold, NuCog's pistols have about an extra third of handle length but a truncated not-effects-part compatible gunbarrel tip.

    I can only conclude that it is entirely possible that this is, indeed, possibly a KO Cog, in the vein of that mysteriously infinite supply of TR Legends that are still on sale on Ebay. In that it seems more likely that this a hooky version rather than Hasbro actually investing in doing new corrective tooling for Cog, and in the process borking one of his line gimmicks a bit - not impossible, mind, just highly unlikely IMO.
    If it is a KO is a damned fine one though - in some aspects better than my original, every joint and connecting peg is tighter & more secure, the only places OG Cog beats it are that NuCog's silver chest section "butterflys" a bit more easily as those transformational shoulder side swing hinges are jus a bit looser + the tighter arm connection, and the shoulder arm ports are quite a bit looser when pegging his guns in rather than the arms, in fact there's a certain looseness of tolerance variation between NuCog's ports that push my inclination to the "more likely hooky" stance.
    No regrets though, especially as on testing he may actually do my fanmoded twin cannon for Max mode more solidly than Hasbro Cog!
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  12. JT-bob

    JT-bob Autobum

    Sep 24, 2007
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    Los Angeles, CA
    Interesting find there, good job highlighting the differences. There's also a missing 3mm blast effect plug on his upper right shoulder next to his head, and possibly also a difference between the wheels on the shoulders and the way the hip joints are designed.

    Why would anyone bother knocking off Cog? This figure was not popular, cutting steel for molds would cost you more than you'd ever make back most likely.

    Given how sharp the Autobot tampo is, how all the pins match size and depth, I wonder if this is from an alternate set of factory molds that never got taken to production, and someone at the factory is running these as KOs overnight. There are little paint mask differences at a bunch of parts, but not in a sloppy "we are making a copy of your paint" sort of way.
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  13. Seeaich

    Seeaich Inaction Master

    Dec 18, 2011
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    The box was also impeccable (if a bit worn/aged like it'd seen some bouncing around), apparent blacklight text and all (sadly i can't test the blacklight reaction myself but the embossed-like effect of it is clearly visible), both mine & @danlevan's (who also spotted the shoulder pylon peg absence I missed in the Uk thread) came in what purports to be Hasbro Canada stock from the branding info, I'd be interested to hear from any Canadian collectors if they do indeed have a copy of this slightly alternate styling?
    It's a real brain-itching curiosity!
    Last edited: May 8, 2021
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  14. JT-bob

    JT-bob Autobum

    Sep 24, 2007
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    Los Angeles, CA
    Ah, that's wild, maybe this is official was from an alternate run of molds that got created to keep up with wave 1 demand. If you find out more, please reply here as well, it's a good mystery.
  15. Seeaich

    Seeaich Inaction Master

    Dec 18, 2011
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    There's something of a parallel ongoing conversation you might want to look over about it in the General KO thread running from this reply post from @Hougangkid regarding Cheap Cogs (& Sixguns) cropping up on TaoBao, of note is that these TaoBao figures also have the chest port inner details & symmetrical shoulder pylons with no effect peg like @danlevan's copy & mine, as well as very similar tolerances from some of the customer feedback mentioned.
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  16. Bass X0

    Bass X0 Captain Commando

    Dec 12, 2003
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    I configured Cog into Grimlock’s Action Master partner vehicle Anti-Tank Cannon. It works well, even through PotP Grimlock can’t ride or hold on to it.


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  17. ApocalypseThruster

    ApocalypseThruster Local “Why aren’t they here?!” Poster

    Feb 3, 2020
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    How does this scale to SS86 Grimlock?
  18. Bass X0

    Bass X0 Captain Commando

    Dec 12, 2003
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  19. Nemesis Scourge

    Nemesis Scourge Unicron's finest

    Feb 19, 2008
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    Wow! Now I want Hasbro to release Cog in orange and silver!
  20. GAUGE

    GAUGE Wargod ARTS

    Jun 21, 2006
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    Phx, AZ
    Great figure!


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