The best review yet

Discussion in 'Transformers Movie Discussion' started by ItsStarscream, Jun 27, 2009.

  1. ItsStarscream

    ItsStarscream ImmortalSeekerGod

    Oct 19, 2007
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    For what its worth... Ive stepped out of the fandom now for the past few years and from what I can see looking back into it; we are all idiots....
  2. shroobmaster

    shroobmaster Well-Known Member

    Oct 18, 2007
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    I've got no problem with people HOPING for G1 to come back, but I've got all kinds of problem with people that complain when it isn't.

    EXCEPT for maybe Doctor Who all franchises need to evolve, remake itself, it's just natural that we'll have many transformers timelines. and to be honest it would be silly if they were still doing the same old story for 25 years.

    Just learn to enjoy the new in the same way that G1 was once new for you.
  3. -Wreckage-

    -Wreckage- I'm Not An Architect

    Jan 2, 2009
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    Here's my idea for Revenge of the Fallen...

    We have The Fallen, but he's not with some stupid sun-destruction ray... something else....

    He's trapped in a dimensional barrier or something, and he is finally freed and ready for revenge... he seeks Jetfire, the one who trapped him there in the first place. (Instead of being dead, Jetfire is hiding away somewhere on Earth)

    Also, instead of killing sideways, he is there to cause trouble, making him a side-villian instead of dead meat. Also... We do have Megatron come back... but in a more creative way... (hey, I'm just coming up with this, if I can, I could write a better movie with thought) also Demolisher would be part of devastator, instead of this scavenger guy... and there'd be only 7 constructicons... no more, no less. (Mixmaster, Scrapper, Long haul, Mixmaster, Rampage, Demolisher, and Overload) Also, devastator would not look ugly, and Skids/Mudflap could be voiced by the same guys from Bad Boys (Will smith and the other guy) Wheelie... hm.... gotta give me time on this one...

    We have Soundwave come in later (In robot mode to) lets see...

    We save shockwave, unicron, and galvitron for the third movie (final, too)

    I liked the dino bots being space pirates for the third movie idea...

    Give me time.... I guarantee a much improved movie script... (by me and anyone who wants to get involved)
  4. transtrekkie

    transtrekkie On the level.

    Dec 14, 2007
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    Why is Dr. Who exempt? It went through a reboot recently (which was even worse since they tried to say it was a continuation, but the stories contradicted everything that came before). Seemed to do pretty well there for a while but then went all mystical instead of sci-fi.

    Anyway, no one here has said the name calling is ok. Everyone unanimously for at least the last three pages has said that it should stop. And we're right, it's not ok. It was never ok. It should never have even started. And while we're on the subject where is all this name calling anyway? I've seen the terms referred to in general, but never leveed at one person. Same with Geewuner actually. Course, I haven't actually read all 200 separate "so and so reveiwed the movie" threads, so maybe I missed it.

    G1 had a lot of interesting characters. That's what drove it for us. If they'd sucked it would have died back then and none of us would be here discussing this (ok maybe some of us would). What I'd really like to see is G1 redone, but better written to develop the characters and their traits and conflicts better (like Thundercracker and Mirage both being "cool to the cause"). We got that in the comic, but it would be nice to see it represented on screen (any screen) at some point.

    As for Bayformers, I was really excited when I first heard they were doing it. I got even more excited when I heard Spielberg was behind it. Then I saw the designs. Heard about the plot. And I realized that it was going to be just a random big budget summer explody sci-fi movie. At that point I just hoped for them to cram enough Transformers referrences for me to tolerate it as a Transformers movie. They succeeded (for me at least). With ROTF I really just wanted to be impressed visually and I was. The plot was ok with me, yeah there are holes, but like I said, we're used to it by now. I know, I know "we should expect more!" Why? We should WANT more to be sure, but we shouldn't be surprised or disappointed when we don't get it. Oh and guess what? TF3 will be more of the same. It'll have more characters, more plotholes and more toilet humor. Go ahead and hope for more if you want to, but don't expect it and don't be surprised when it doesn't win any Oscars.

  5. flamepanther

    flamepanther Interested, but not really

    Oct 10, 2005
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    Because they can keep re-inventing the Doctor whenever they want by having him "regenerate" and because they can also cycle out the cast of companions whenever they get stale? No reboot needed.
    The series did that so many times before they brought it back that I don't see your point anywhere here. That they brought back Sarah Jane Smith & K9, and refer directly to numerous past events of the original series also hurts your argument more than a little.
  6. shroobmaster

    shroobmaster Well-Known Member

    Oct 18, 2007
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    No it didn't, there's some retconning there and there but still the same storyline.
  7. Vengeance1701

    Vengeance1701 Well-Known Member

    Mar 27, 2009
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    Or why admitting to a film's flaws automatically makes you a 'hater'.

    I love several movies where everything else is great but the plot is swiss cheese and freely admit to it.
  8. Kaymac


    Apr 28, 2009
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    The review was awesome. All my gripes about the movie summed up right there. Why couldn't Sam just use the Allspark Shard in the first place?
  9. transtrekkie

    transtrekkie On the level.

    Dec 14, 2007
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    Ok, so Tenant was the 10th Dr.... the new guy (I don't know who's replaced him yet) so that essentially leaves only two more actors that can play him before it requires either a complete reboot or some over contrived story that will be so obviously deus ex machina that it'll be inherently unwatchable (I feel sorry for the writer that inevitably gets stuck working on it). Retconning counts as a reboot unless they don't overwrite what came before, the current Dr. Who writers definately have.

    As for the mystical stuff:
    Angels (the statue ones)
    Angels (the ones from the luxury space liner)
    Walking skeletons
    The something-or-other Lupine Wavelength... It was a freakin' werewolf!

    If I want to watch a horror/fantasy I'll watch Krull. Or maybe Harry Potter. When I watch Dr. Who I want sci-fi and none of that falls into that category. It would also be nice if the TARDIS was capable of landing on a planet that isn't some variation of Earth. Or some planet that humans have colonized because they need another Earth.


    Anyway to get us back on topic, I don't think I've said this yet, but I found the review to be hilarious. I'm willing to bet that this is what some people who aren't part of the fandom thought.
  10. eisen

    eisen "CUT ME SOME SLACKS!"

    Feb 18, 2009
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    sideswipe loves all the fans regardless of series. all hail sideswipe. amen.