Transformers General Discussion Reviews Transformers [BLOG]

Discussion in 'Transformers General Discussion' started by CaptainSlayer, Jul 8, 2016.

  1. soundwaverulls

    soundwaverulls Taking a break

    Dec 10, 2010
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    So, we're back to beast Wars with Dark Voyage. As a kid, I never particularly cared for this episode. I didn't hate it or anything, I just didn't find the idea of a bunch of Maximals walking around a jungle blind to be a particularly interesting premise. I've watched the episode a couple of times since then, and my opinion never really changed, and it still didn't after watching it this time.

    I guess there is a certain amount of entertainment that can come from the episode's premise. Things that previously wouldn't be a problem suddenly are, with the Maximals stuck in beast mode, without eyesight. Unfortunately, I don't feel it was used in a particularly interesting way, with most of the episode being spent with the characters whining, and moving about very slowly, as they feel around the place. Plus, since they're mostly in beast mode, you lose a lot of the cool factor that comes from robots. I actually found myself most excited when seeing Terrorsaur and Waspinator, despite my dislike of both characters, just because I was finally watching villainous robots. Now I'm not saying the episode wasted its premise, as I really don't know how it could've been handled better. The premise is simply not something I personally like.

    I can't say what action the episode had was very good. The first fight is just the Preds shooting a single rocket. Then later there's a fight with a giant snake that just has the Maximals bumbling around, showing off how useless they are without their sight, or robot modes. Then finally there's a semi-cool battle with the Preds, that oddly seems to indicate that Rhinox has the best hearing.

    Looking at characters, while the last BW episode this thread discussed, Fallen Comrades, served to show off the different battle tactics of Optimus and Megatron, this episode really doesn't offer much insight into its characters. At least, nothing new. I guess we do learn that Dinobot is a surprisingly unadaptable warrior. The dude was seriously whiny in this episode. While Fallen Comrades used Dinobot's bad attitude as comedic banter with Optimus, here he just screams doom at every predicament. The last time he did it, I wanted to thank Rattrap for yelling at him in-universe, and was glad Dinobot listened.

    In the end, the episode offered up a rather odd lesson for the characters, with Rhinox claiming they learned to appreciate their beast modes, despite the episode directly proceeding this one teaching them that exact same lesson.

    I'd rate the episode 3/5. It's an OK episode.

    Season one, episode twenty.
  2. CaptainSlayer

    CaptainSlayer "Soundwave just sent out Randal"

    Jul 29, 2014
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    No need to apologies, I've been in the same boat! It's been a very chaotic two weeks around here.

    Thank you!


    Edit: From this point forward, I will be attaching the season and episode number at the start of each week. I'm also still open to episode suggestions from everyone. I have a few G1 suggestions but none for the other three shows. Feel free to PM me or post your suggestions here!
  3. soundwaverulls

    soundwaverulls Taking a break

    Dec 10, 2010
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    I want to see this thread stay alive, so I'm bumping it with a suggestion. It could be interesting to follow up G1 episodes with episodes from other shows that reference them, such as TFA's Human Error referencing Only Human, BW's Possession referencing Strarscream's Ghost/Ghost in the Machine, BM's A Wolf in the Fold referencing the Return of Optimus Prime, etc.
  4. CaptainSlayer

    CaptainSlayer "Soundwave just sent out Randal"

    Jul 29, 2014
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    That's a good idea and I'll take it into account but I'll likely need help keeping up with which episodes link where.

    Also, the support for adding additional shows only had a few voices so I'm not sure if we're going to go that route.

    As for the thread staying alive, I don't think it's going anywhere quite yet. We have a few dedicated fans dropping in with their opinions but it certainly seems that people prefer reading a single persons entries and commenting on their comments. ;) 
  5. Feralstorm

    Feralstorm Good Morning, Weather Hackers! TFW2005 Supporter

    Jun 26, 2003
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    Beast Wars - Dark Voyage

    Feralstorm's rating: 3/5 - This ep has its moments, but has a pretty basic story that you might see in any action cartoon, and a really uneven tone, being largely tense or dark, but with the occasional cartoon slapstick sight gag to throw off the drama in a bad way. Sorry, but no cartoon sketch this time, as I have other stuff that demands the time out of me.

    Didn't help that I don't have this ep on DVD, and the Dailymotion ep was spammed with three fuggin' Trump ads. That's not how you sell me on your campaign, bud!

    * The start of this episode literally gives you a rat's ass.
    * Cheetor's 'cargo pod' looks like he has a Combiner Wars Hand-Foot-Gun on his back.
    * Watch out for Scorpy's disco lights missile - and the tremendous stock footage explosion it sets off.
    * Opaque white eyes equal blindness - unless you're Batman.
    * Dinobot gets rather panicky when blinded.
    * those transformations look like they hurt!
    * Oh look, a log over the waterfall - the BW narrow bridge rule is in effect.
    * The four Maximals are REALLY put through the wringer this episode.
    * Rhinox channels his inner Kung Fu Panda to save the day - and then go smell some flowers.
  6. CaptainSlayer

    CaptainSlayer "Soundwave just sent out Randal"

    Jul 29, 2014
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    This weeks episode is from Beast Machines: Transformers - "Savage Noble"!

    It is episode 2 or season 2!

    GALVATOM Better off Pred

    Jun 26, 2005
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    202 Savage Noble happens to be the only episode of Beast Machines I do not have on my computer so I hope you don't mind me doing last weeks episode.

    Beast Wars S01E20
    Dark Voyage

    . I like the survival aspect of this episode, following the noise of the waterfalls and stream back to base seems so grounded.

    . The "dirty" texturing on the Maximals, after the explosion hits, really adds to survival theme and just looks brilliant.

    . Some insight into Rattraps past, he used to be the best energon miner in the Vespa system according to him. He's pretty quiet this episode, but he does back Rhinox up when Dinobot is being a defeatist.

    . Dinobots' excitement at picking up an energon reading after just complaining about what a mundane task it is cracked me up. On the whole I really found his bitching and grinding entertaining this episode, back a page someone called him out for not being very adaptable and that's so true in this scenario. Hopefully he learned something.

    . Rhinox is such a quick and capable thinker, with everyone else panicking and freaking out he just finds his center and it strengthens his resolve. He is probably the most crucial team member on the Maximals side and such an admirable character.

    . At 14:20 Terrorsaur says Waspinators name really mockingly when he greets him. I like it!

    . At around 18:00 I was thinking Waspinator had nearly gotten through this episode without a scratch. 18:20 and Rattrap has shot him out of the sky, bursting him into flames until he skips like a stone across the lake and crashes into the water...

    Memorable Quotes

    Dinobot: What irony. For a warrior like me to go out blind, wet and helpless.

    Rhinox: We... We're not finished yet...

    Dinobot: Spare me your eternal optimism! Waspinator will be back this time...

    A good episode that I really enjoy but I can't give it 5 because there are better Beast Wars episodes out there that I'm saving that rating for.

    GTs rating 4/5 blind Maximals in a conga line

    Attached Files:


    GALVATOM Better off Pred

    Jun 26, 2005
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    And holy s*** Feralstorms' poster of Hoist goes to Hollywood!!!
  9. Pravus Prime

    Pravus Prime Wields Mjolnir!

    Jul 3, 2002
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    Savage Noble

    Let's hope this review goes better then last time... :( 

    How does a sword thrown at a bridge cause an explosion?

    Not much to say really. One part The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr Hyde, one part, as the episode says, the concept of the Noble Savage, and one part Transformers.

    For a rating, I'm not sure, I guess 2.7. It's not a real great stand alone episode and there's some real wonky camerawork and dialogue.
  10. soundwaverulls

    soundwaverulls Taking a break

    Dec 10, 2010
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    Trying to just watch the second episode of the second season of any show can be hard, but that is especially the case with Beast Machines. The Savage Noble episode is big on story advancement, and even though I already know the context, it's very odd just dropping into the middle of the show's story. Heck, already knowing the story is perhaps worse, for an episode like this, which revolves around mystery, since those things kinda work better when you don't know what's gonna happen.

    After the "Last time" segment reminds people like me what happened in the last episode, things kick right off with the Maximals panicking at the sight of a giant floating head (man, this show's weird) which they instantly recognize as Megatron, somehow. I mean, I guess nobody else has the means to make that, so that explains why they know it's Megatron, even though it looks nothing like the face he's had since BW began. However, they also talk as if the giant head itself is Megatron, not just something he's inside. *shrugs* Maybe the Oracle gave them all visions, or something, since they end up being right about him intending it to be a new body.

    The episode has two big mysteries. Is Megatron alive, and what some giant beast that's attacking everyone is. Nowadays, it's hard to imagine anyone believing Megatron was gone, but back then, this was only the third TF show, and it had already messed with a lot of stuff. I wasn't a fan back then, but I can imagine people believing the possibility of the show offing Megatron after one season. Initially, at least. Optimus tries to contact Megatron's spark, but determines the response he got wasn't sentient, then as if to help you put the pieces together, they immediately follow that line by cutting to a shot of the dragon beast. I don't really remember what my thoughts on the mysteries were, but I imagine, at this point, most people would've started to figure out what's going on.

    Throughout the episode, the Maximals interact multiple times with Thrust and Jetstorm. I can't say their interactions were all that interesting. The Vehicons would pop up, argue, and attack the beast. Nothing much else, and very little insight into the two villains is offered. The only thing of note is that Thrust's inner Waspinator shows at one point, as he hides behind the Maximals. Also, it's during their iterations that Rattrap says "What in the name of processed cheese was that".

    Eventually, the Maximals find a wolf-man beast thing, who sounds suspiciously like David Kaye, has the exact same backstory as Nightscream, and has the on-the-nose good guy name of Noble. Yep, definitely not Megatron. He calls the beast Savage, which is immediately followed by Jetstorm flying in from far away, somehow calling for the beast with that exact name. After Noble runs off, Savage returns, and Optimus, and Nightscream calm the beast, which transforms into Noble, revealing the two definitely not Megatrons are one and the same. After the Maximals promise to help him, Noble smiles at the idea, then ominous music plays over his smirk.

    It's easy for me to criticize the episode as making the answers to its mysteries obvious now, when I already know how everything plays out, but I really don't remember what I thought when I originally watched the show, although I was a kid. Chances are, I didn't see the twists coming. Or did I read about it online? Still, having seen the internet's ability to figure out mysteries from the tiniest clues a story provides, I can't imagine this offering any sort of challenge for the fandom.

    The episode has a lot of atmosphere, as is the case with every episode of Beast Machine. There's a lot of decent action, but nothing that great. A lot of running from the beast's fire-breath. The episode did feel like it missed out on the opportunity to do something interesting the with Vehicons. The mysteries don't seem that great, but don't last long. I think the very next episode reveals the answers.

    Overall, I'd give this episode a 3/5. It's OK.
  11. Pravus Prime

    Pravus Prime Wields Mjolnir!

    Jul 3, 2002
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    Do we not have an episode for this week? I finally have a lazy Sunday for the first time since early July and I don't even have an episode to review?
  12. grimlock_king25

    grimlock_king25 Hail to the king, baby

    May 15, 2009
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    Not only has this week's episode not been announced but Slayer hasn't reviewed last week's. I'm a little worried.
  13. soundwaverulls

    soundwaverulls Taking a break

    Dec 10, 2010
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    Me too. His profile says he hasn't been active since 08-24-2016. Hopefully he's just been busy.
  14. CaptainSlayer

    CaptainSlayer "Soundwave just sent out Randal"

    Jul 29, 2014
    Trophy Points:
    Sorry for the delay.

    Animated episode for the week is The Elite Guard! Season 2, Episode 1!

    Sorry about that, Pravus.

    I've been lacking the motivation to write up a review. I'll jump back in soon. :) 

    Dropped a 500 lb barrel of material on my finger Thursday morning while unloading a truck at work and spent the work day at the doctor getting it checked out (no real damage, maybe pinched a nerve or something) - Friday I was catching up all the work from Thursday and then I've just been relaxing this weekend. I'm still here!

    I wish I had a way to give you editing rights on the thread to pick up my slack when I drop it. ><
  15. Feralstorm

    Feralstorm Good Morning, Weather Hackers! TFW2005 Supporter

    Jun 26, 2003
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    Birthplace of Aviation
    I've been a bit out of it lately myself, with other work to do. I have a thought or two for this ep, so I'll be back.

    Wait, what? - ow!
    Last edited: Aug 29, 2016
  16. grimlock_king25

    grimlock_king25 Hail to the king, baby

    May 15, 2009
    Trophy Points:
    Hallelujah! Slayer lives.
    Expect my review tomorrow.
  17. soundwaverulls

    soundwaverulls Taking a break

    Dec 10, 2010
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    [Dinobot Voice] Are you certain? I could throw him a glorious funeral befitting our Captain!

    Glad to see your alive, and sorry about your thumb. Are you certain it's fine? I could hold it a glorious funeral befitting a thumb that's typed so many blogs!

    Wait, "you" as in me, or just a general you? It would certainly be an honor.
  18. CaptainSlayer

    CaptainSlayer "Soundwave just sent out Randal"

    Jul 29, 2014
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    Index finger actually but the sentiment is appreciated either way. :p 

    You as in you! You're always here contributing!

    (Along with Pravus and Feral!)
  19. soundwaverulls

    soundwaverulls Taking a break

    Dec 10, 2010
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    I appreciate that you'd share control of the thread with me, if that were possible. I really like this thread. It sets up discussion on different part of TF history, and better yet, gives me the chance to spread my opinions those parts of TF.
  20. CaptainSlayer

    CaptainSlayer "Soundwave just sent out Randal"

    Jul 29, 2014
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    Maybe we can figure something out. :) 

    I enjoy the thread as well (which is why I made it!) but it can be easy to get sidetracked. Help would be wonderful!

    I do think I'll do a review for The Elite Guard this week, I just have to find some spare time outside of work!