Transformers: Spark

Discussion in 'Transformers Fan Fiction' started by LegoShokwave123, May 22, 2013.


Who should medic for the Decepticons be in the rewrite?

  1. Flatline

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  2. Monokill (Fan Character)

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  3. Other (Please Say Who)

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  1. LegoShokwave123

    LegoShokwave123 (-_-)

    Sep 8, 2012
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    My transformers fanfic set in my own Transformers universe. Be warned, I'm not the best writer. Suggestions and constructive criticism welcome.
    Note: I do not own Transformers or any related characters.

    Chapter 1: Chosen
    The warrior crouched in the shadows of the second story of Iacon's Great Library. He looked directly forward, never diverting his gaze to glance at the huge shelves full of the glittering gold and silver of the knowledge they held for even a moment. His target was ahead, and ahead he would go.

    He crept to the edge of the massive hole that allowed those in the second story to look down into into the first.He carefully peaked over, as not to be seen and studied what was below. Shelves lined with data pads and V-Sigma Canisters filled most of the room, the center had a large lighting well with a holographic fire projected inside it. Around the light, Seven rounded desks were positioned and around those thirteen chairs, two to each desk except one. The largest desk had a single chair that had its back to the warrior. In the chair, a large Red and Purple cybertronian sat with a rather fancy quill pen in hand and writing in a large book.

    He scanned the old bot to be sure that it was his target. Upon varifying that it was indeed who it seemed to be, the warrior reached onto his back and grabbed a stick like device, which upon being sent a mental signal, silently extended into a bo-staff. He stood to his full height, backed away from the edge a little and took a running leap. He held his bo-staff in front of him so it would make contact with his targets skullplate before he himself did.

    But moments before he succeeded in taking down the Elder, everything went horribly wrong. The chair turned around, and the seemingly old and frail bot held up the book it had been writing in, which nearly immediately projected a hard light sheild from under its cover. The bo-staffblow bounced off of the strange armor and the warrior only barely landed on its feet behind the Elder. The older bot whipped around, holding the quill pen in its right servo. The pen's "feather" projected a hard light blade and the warrior gasped in horrer as his intended victim drove the glowing blue blade through his back plating and into his spark. The old bot deactivated his blade, and the warrior fell to his hands and knees.

    "Well done Smokescreen," the older bot told the warrior, offering him a servo to help him up. Smokescreen rolled onto his back and grabbed his teacher's servo.

    "I lost," he stated bluntly as the Elder helped him to his feet.
    "Yes, but you came closer to succeeding than you ever have before."

    "I shall never be as great a warrior as you Alpha Trion," Smokescreen stated with obvious disapointment in his voice.

    "On the contrary, in time you will be able to fight against more powerful bots than I, and stand victorious. Do not dispair, you will prove yourself when you are ready."

    "Well he better be ready quick. The Forged are knockin' at the Decagon's maingate, it won't be long until they find their way here," a gruff, southern sounding voice responded.

    Alpha Trion and Smokscreen turned to the entryway of the library, where a heavily armored mech stood with arms crossed, staring at them. His red paint was covered in dings and scratches beyond count, and one optic was dimmer than the other. Each arm had a large cannon afixed to it, and a scatter blaster was slung across his back. His name was Ironhide, first liutenant of the Wreckers.

    "They're packin' Furmanite 'nades too. And on the way here I found a Autotrooper, half eaten. That can only mean one thing"

    "Insecticons," Smokscreen growled.

    "Exactly," Ironhide turned to Trion, "Sir, I heavily suggest that we get the Pit outta here, follow me"
    The three of them rushed out of the library into the large main hall of the Iacon Arts and Science building, which housed both the Library and the Decagon. They ran down the hall until the reached the first intersection of the main hall and a secondary hall. There, five Autotroopers joined them, armed with the Antiorganic weaponry that had proven so effective against Insecticons in the past.

    "You two," Ironhide pointed at two Troopers, "scout ahead, and radio me if you encounter any Forged or Insecticons"

    "Yes sir," the troopers said in unison before dashing down the hall to the next intersection.
    One trooper radioed all clear, and the rest of the party moved to his position. The other continued on to the next intersectoions, checking for enemies.

    "Clear......Clear......Clear......Cleeeaaaaahhhh!" the trooper screamed as a powerful Furmanite blast explosively neutralised all the Energon in his frame.

    "Ah frag!" Ironhide shouted, raising his cannons to aim at the supports of the last intersection the trooper had checked before his demise. The five remaining Troopers did the same,"Fire!"
    The Troopers and Ironhide all fired, the lasers and missiles streaking towards the supports. An Insecticon and two Forged turned the corner and took aim at the Autobots. Ironhide's Missiles made contact, and the supports cracked and a large section of the roof fell into the hall, smashing the Decepticon's into scrap.

    "That will hold their comrades off for a few minutes, hopefully long enough for the two of ya to escape. Go down this side hallway to the right. It leads to the main hangar. In the hanger you will find a Wrecker dropship, take it and get the scrap away from here. Iacon is under attck, so don't evn think about landin' 'til ya get to someplace that ain't under Con control."
    Alpha Trion stroked his beard for a moment an then asked, "What about you commander?"

    "Me and the boys are gonna hold the Pit spawned bugs off long enough for ya to escape," Ironhide saluted, "Its been nice servin' with ya Sir. Now go!"
  2. Meta777

    Meta777 Dr Pepper Fan

    Nov 20, 2011
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    Ooh, pretty good, Lego! I liked Alpha Trion and Smoke's brief training and banter (based on TFP, I presume?) and Ironhide is just awesome as ever. Screw enemy forces attacking, he'll take them all on! Very good :D 

    My only recommendation is some more spacing, but otherwise, a nice read. Good one, Shokwave :D 
  3. LegoShokwave123

    LegoShokwave123 (-_-)

    Sep 8, 2012
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    Thanks for the input, Meta. I wasn't exactly sure of the best spacing, but double spaces from now on.
  4. Meta777

    Meta777 Dr Pepper Fan

    Nov 20, 2011
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    No problem at all, my friend :D 
  5. Ømnidrive

    Ømnidrive Stop.....think......fart.....and keep on going

    Oct 6, 2011
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    This is may..........continue :popcorn 
  6. LegoShokwave123

    LegoShokwave123 (-_-)

    Sep 8, 2012
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    Thanks Meta and RoadRage. I have hopefully fixed the spacing issue.
  7. LegoShokwave123

    LegoShokwave123 (-_-)

    Sep 8, 2012
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    Ok, here's part two.

    Ironhide watched Alpha Trion and Smokecreen run down the hallway, hopefully to safety.

    "May Primus be with you," Ironhide muttered, "May Primus be with us all."

    He turned to the five Troopers and pointed at the rubble pile keeping the Cons at bay, "As soon as those aft-hats come through there, we'll be in the fight of our lives. So look lively, prep your guns, get your 'nades, and kiss your aft goodbye."

    Ironhide turned and aimed both of his arm mounted cannons at the barricade of metal and stone, the Troopers did the same. They stood there, listening intently to the sounds of the Insecticons digging on the other side. Finally, after a tense few minutes of waiting, the first Insecticon broke through. All five Autotroopers fired, but their shots did little to harm the beasts. Ironhide fired his missiles and they blasted the first Insecticon to oblivion.

    Soon two more broke through, along with a third ariving from the first one's hole. Ironhide was able to take out one, but one of the other two transformed into robot mode and grabbed an Autotrooper in each hand. The other three Troopers fired on it, to no avail, and it bit the head off of one of its unfortunate captives, and ripped the other in two. While they had been attacking that one, the third crept around to behind Ironhide. Ironhide had actually been following its every move, and when it charged him he dodged it easily. It barreled along, taking out a single Autotrooper, before burying its beetle mode horn in the spark of the other Insecticon. Ironhide sneered and let loose a volley of missiles that obliterated both cons entirely.

    Ironhide's cannons, both out of ammo, retracted into his forearms and he pulled his scatter blaster from its back-mounted holster. He and the two remaining Troopers pointed their weapons at the holes in the rubble, waiting for what would come next. A pair of blaster bolts flew from hole and struck the Troopers in their heads. Three Forged marched into the room and were greeted by a blast from Ironhide's blaster. Two fell dead, and the third's crimson visor went blank.

    "Reforged," it moaned in it's mechanical tone. It's visor reignited electric blue, the exact same shade as Ironhide's scatter blaster fire. Ironhide shot twice more, but the lasers did nothing. Ironhide growled and threw the gun to the ground.

    "Huh, I suppose we'll have ta do this the old fashioned way then," He rushed the drone, pulling a mechanium combat knife from its sheath on his hip as he did so. The Forged drone fired, but its laser rifle lacked the punch to pierce Ironhide's armor, and the Autobot reached it none the worse for ware. The drone rose its arms to shield itself and Ironhide batted away the offending apendages before plunging the jagged, rusty blade into its spark.

    The next trio came in, and their visors were already blue. They unloaded towards Ironhide who dodged or took their shots with little detriment to himself. Then one got a lucky shot to Ironhide's face, the Bot fell to one knee clutching his face and the Forged surrounded him.

    He looked up, "Fell for it!" He rapidly stood and sliced the throat of one drone, swiveled around and tossed the blade into the neck of another. The third attempted to restrain him, but Ironhide broke free of his grip, whipped around, grabbing the drone's face and crushing it into a ball of scrapmetal as he did so.

    "Aw, they're all gone. And just when I was startin' ta have fun," Ironhide stated with mock disappointment. Ironhide turned towards where the barricade was as a massive explosion sounded from that direction. The rubble was scattered throughout the intersection and a large, purple bot with a massive cannon for his left arm, and a single sulfur yellow optic stood in the place where the barricade had been moments before.

    "Calling a battle for your life 'fun' is not what I would call logical," The large bot stated in a deep, emotionless voice, "but if fighting for your very spark entertains you," The freak rose his cannon to aim at Ironhide, "Allow me to heighten your enjoyment."

  8. Ømnidrive

    Ømnidrive Stop.....think......fart.....and keep on going

    Oct 6, 2011
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    ENTER SHOCKWAVE!!!!................:popcorn 
  9. Meta777

    Meta777 Dr Pepper Fan

    Nov 20, 2011
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    Ironhide is so hardcore. One Insecticon shrugs off the firepower of five troopers. One Ironhide just blows it up and kills a few more for good measure.

    AND SHOCKWAVE. Logic this, logic that, time to kick Ironhide's ass! This should be good :D 

    Good work on the improved spacing, my friend. Liking this so far! :D 
  10. Mazerunner

    Mazerunner Cyber Ninja.

    Dec 18, 2012
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    Very well versed, my friend
  11. LegoShokwave123

    LegoShokwave123 (-_-)

    Sep 8, 2012
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    Thanks for the positive feedback. :D  Now for part three.

    The Decepticon fired and Ironhide dodged its shot, but only barely. The Autobot noticed the rifle of one of the Forged troopers lying behind his attacker. Ironhide rolled behind the corpse of an Insecticon, wrenched the armored shell off of the lifeless body to use as a shield, and marched towards his foe. The repeated fire from the Decepticon weakened the shell, and it soon shattered.

    That was when Ironhide made his move, running towards the enemy, jumping over him and landing on the other side. He retrieved the rifle and shot the Decepticon in the back of the head. The shot did nothing, and the Decepticon turned to face him.

    "Hypothesis, your own weapons are out of ammo and you are forced to use the weapons you scavenge from others," the Decepticon mused. The Decepticon sounded oddly amused for an emotionless scientist, "Pathetic."

    Ironhide grimaced, "Even if your right about me havin' ta scavenge for weapons, it don't mean nothin'. It isn't the weapon that wins the war, it's the bot that's carryin' it. You Cons have proven that more than enough times, Shockwave."

    Ironhide dashed to the body of the Forged that he had killed with his thrown knife. He found the knife on the floor nearby, picked it up and fired a rifle shot at Shockwave's singular optic, his only weak spot, and Shockwave covered his face to prevent it from being damaged. Ironhide rushed Shockwave, holding his knife like a miniature sword. Shockwave lowered his hands from his face and extended his cruel, jagged sword blade from his right forarm. Ironhide swung his knife at Shockwave, who parried and kicked Ironhide away.

    Ironhide rushed back to Shockwave and jabbed at him. Shockwave knocked his blow to the side with his sword, and pointed his cannon at Ironhide's face. Ironhide batted it away, and the shot collided harmlessly with the wall. All the same, Ironhide noted with worry that every second, Shockwave's body glowed brighter with energy. He would have to finish the Con quickly. Ironhide stepped back from his foe and gathered all his energy for one last attack, but alas, it was in vain.

    The very second he bolted towards Shockwave, intent on delivering the finishing blow, Shockwave rose his foot and stomped once forcibly on the ground. Instantly, all the energy Shockwave had built up during the fight was unleashed. The power exploded in a rapidly expanding sphere of energy that pushed Ironhide and everything else away from him. Ironhide slumped on the wall that the blast threw him against, barely able to move. Shockwave strutted up to his victim and lifted his sword arm in the air.

    "Any last words, Autobot?"

    Ironhide opened his mouth, spat out the energon that had filled it, and groaned, "Yeah. Get slagged ya motherboard fraggin' piece a' filth."

    Shockwave brought his blade down to snuff Ironhide's spark. The Autobot unexpectedly leaned to one side , dodging the blow, and swung his knife upwards, landing a solid blow to Shockwave's underarm. He struggled but managed to stand up, lifted the much larger Decepticon, and threw him into the entrance of a side hallway. Shockwave leaned on his right arm and rose his arm cannon. Ironhide shot Shockwave's cannon just before he fired and Shockwaves blast destroyed the support for the side hall in which he lay. The ceiling collapsed upon Shockwave, and Ironhide limped over to the newly formed rubble pile.

    "See, you may have had the better gun, but I'm the one who didn't wind up as a pothole."

    The ground behind Ironhide churned and split as Shockwave rose out of it. Panels all over his body shifted as he transformed from his altmode into his robot form, his altform's spinning, drill-like maw reforming itself into his signature ribcage chestplate. Shockwave's blade extended from his right arm, and he took a swipe at his foe. Ironhide whipped around in time to see Shockwave's blade slice into his stomach. Ironhide stumbled backward holding his leaking midsection, and looked up into the blinding yellow glow of Shockwave's cannon barrel.

    "And now, Ironhide, you become nothing more than a pothole."


    What could Shockwave possibly turn into? :wink:  Hint: It's a nod to the movieverse.
  12. Meta777

    Meta777 Dr Pepper Fan

    Nov 20, 2011
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    Holy crap, Shockwave's a drill-tank-thing!

    And holy crap, he just stabbed poor Ironhide!

    Noo! Not Ironhide!

    Loved the fight between them and the banter; keep up the fun! :D 
  13. LegoShokwave123

    LegoShokwave123 (-_-)

    Sep 8, 2012
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    Close on the altmode, but not quite. He actually turns into, well I won't spoil it, but let's just say he has a beast mode.
    Thanks for the positive feedback on the fight scene, I quite enjoyed writing it. :D 
    Oh, and Shockle's altmode is a movieverse reference.
  14. Meta777

    Meta777 Dr Pepper Fan

    Nov 20, 2011
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    Gah, okay! Beast mode + drilling.... he's a mini Driller!
  15. LegoShokwave123

    LegoShokwave123 (-_-)

    Sep 8, 2012
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    You got it. :D  I liked the driller, and I wanted Shockwave to have a beast mode, so I decided on a driller as his altmode.
  16. LegoShokwave123

    LegoShokwave123 (-_-)

    Sep 8, 2012
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    I have set up a thread where I post random One Shots pertaining to TF: Spark here.
  17. Ømnidrive

    Ømnidrive Stop.....think......fart.....and keep on going

    Oct 6, 2011
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    WOW........your Shockwave and mines should go a few rounds sometime!!! :popcorn 
  18. LegoShokwave123

    LegoShokwave123 (-_-)

    Sep 8, 2012
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    Time for bios. Note: The Autotrooper bio is found here.

    Smokescreen: A young Elite Guard dropout under the training of Alpha Trion, he is insecure and eager to prove himself to whoever is his commanding officer. Has a natural affinity with Relics of the 13.

    Altmode: Sports Car

    Alpha Trion: The lead scholar for the Autobot faction, he has trained many great warriors in his time, the most famous being Optimus Prime. Unbeknownst to most,
    he is a member of the Original 13 Cybertronians.

    Altmode: ???

    Ironhide: The second in command of the elite Wrecker subfaction, he has seen more battles than he cares to remember. He is an expert with most weapons, along with being able to predict the actions of most foes.

    Altmode: Cybertronian Pickup Truck

    Shockwave: The emotionless lead scientist for the Decepticons, he commands his own army of Forged Troopers and Insecticons. There are unsubstantiated rumors that he was once Autobot Senator Longarm.

    Quote: "Some call me evil, but they are wrong. Logic is morally ambiguous."

    Altmode: Digger Attack Beast (Pygmy Driller)

    Insecticon: An Insectile pre-Cybertronian species, their caste system was the basis for Pre-Great War Cybertronian Society. The Decepticon Shockwave mixed their CNA with that of Cybertronians to create the Decepticon super soldiers known as Dreads.

    Quote: "Whrrrreeeeeeeeeee"

    Altmode: Cybertronian Rhinoceras Beetle

    The Forged: Strange dronelike Cybertronians with the unusual ability to adapt to energy based weaponry, rendering them immune to that specific weapons effects. Groups of them show the ability to share their adaption with eachother. Origin unknown.

    Quote: "Reforging complete"

    Altmode: Mechanical Velociraptor
  19. LegoShokwave123

    LegoShokwave123 (-_-)

    Sep 8, 2012
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    Time for another part.

    The sound of a powerful cannon being fired echoed down the hallway, bouncing off of walls, ceilings, floors; filling every part of the Arts and Science building with the explosive sound of dreadful finality. Hearing the sound, annoucing proudly the death of some unfortunate Autobot, Alpha Trion and Smokescreen paused in their stride.

    Turning to his protege, Alpha Trion removed the aged book that he carried with at all times from where it was proudly displayed on his forearm. Holding it out to Smokescreen, the Elder bot spoke gravely, "Smokescreen, I fear that the Forged have forced their way past Ironhide's blockade and will soon be upon us. Take this book. No matter the cost, do not let it fall into Dece-"

    "No, I can't take this," Smokescreen interrupted, "You have held it in your care sense time immemorial, writing everything down, catalogging the history of Cybertron. I am unworthy to even hold it."

    "Smokescreen, I am old and will not function much longer in any situation, but if I stay and hold off the Decepticon's, it will give you time to escape this place. I do not have the time to explain why, but know that if this book falls into the hands of the Decepticons then time as we know it may be altered or altogether destroyed. I will not sacrifice the seeds of the future to maintain the past. Take the Wrecker shuttle to Earth, my former student Optimus is there, he will know what to do," He placed his hand on Smokescreen's shoulder, "You are a great warrior Smokescreen and it has been my honor serving as your teacher, but you have learned all you can from me. From this point on, you will learn from your own experiences."

    Smokescreen let out a sigh, "Good bye Alpha Trion"

    Smokescreen looked at the ground dejectedly before taking the book from his tutor, mounting it on his own arm, transforming into his cybertronian sports car form, and racing down the hallway.

    Watching his his pupil drive away, Alpha Trions mouth curved in a sad smile and he muttered to himself, "Goodbye Smokescreen, you have the ability to be a great leader, even if you don't know it yet."

    He pulled out the Quill from its sheath on his left arm, activated its blade, and turned to face where they had been minutes before, ready to fight what ever Decepticons would come his way. But those theoretical Decepticons never came, though what did happen was far worse.

    The floor beneath Alpha Trion began to roil and he jumped to side, only just avoiding the large worm monster that burst out of the ground. It hit the stone floor, and disappeared into a tunnel it created. Alpha Trion turned his head from side to side, hoping to see the signs of the fiends attack before it surfaced. The ground in front of him split wide, and the horrible creature lunged at the surprised Autobot. He grabbed one of teeth, and held its maw in place. Alpha Trion tried to stab the creature, but it seemed to know what he was up to, squirming violently whenever he tried to attack.

    He finally suceeded in getting in a single small blow, but that small victory was soured when a section of the spine seperated and reformed into a cannon, which quickly and easily blasted his right arm off. The pain and the power of the blast interfered with his concentration, and his grip on the serrated fang of the Driller gave way. The freed beast dug its teeth into Alpha Trion's chest, lifted him into the air, and slammed head first into the ground, with Alpha Trion still attached. Alpha Trion began to into stasis lock from the damage. But before he went unconcious, he saw the Driller split apart and morph into the familiar, hideous form of Shockwave.
  20. Meta777

    Meta777 Dr Pepper Fan

    Nov 20, 2011
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    Oh dear. First Ironhide, now Trion! Is there no end to Shockwave beating up main goodies?! 0_0

    I do like Shockers turning into a Driller. That's a pretty wicked concept :D