Transformers: Annihilation

Discussion in 'Transformers Fan Fiction' started by Sideways77, Feb 9, 2013.

  1. Sideways77

    Sideways77 #1 flareup simp

    Oct 7, 2010
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    Magnus is just a military man. He wants results, man.

    EPISODE 14- New victory, new defeat

    Gunfire ceased. Snow began piling onto then Rockies, and it nearly buried the massive hunk of blue fuel. Glyph raised an audio receptor to the sky. "I think they left." Swerve said. Glyph looked at him. "Really? I think they're original plan WAS to kill us!"
    "Go look"
    "You want me to get shot?"
    "I'm not looking."
    Glyph sighed and got on her knees. Slowly, she looked over the rock they were hiding behind. Almost instantly, her left ear nub was blown off. She yipped and fell back down. "Still there." She reported. Swerve thought. "How are we going to get out of here?" Glyph shrugged. "Ask nicely?" Swerve went poker face. "Yeah, because they accept mercy pleas. There must be a way to get past them. Triggerhappy never misses, but the others could."

    Glyph raised a brow. "How are you planning to make them miss?" Swerve grinned. "You know what I mean." He transformed and sped towards the hunk of Energon. "Wait, don't leave me behind! Frag." Glyph spat. Swerve was directing all the fire, but the Vehicons missed. Triggerhappy was aiming his shot just right. "Y'all gunna soot dem?" Over-Run asked. His partner didn't reply as he pulled the trigger. The shot hit Swerve's front tire, making him skid out Of control.

    He transformed and scrambled behind the hunk of Energon. Triggerhappy's eye went wide. "Cease fire! The Energon will blow if you hit it!" The Vehicons withdrew and searched for Glyph. She still hid behind the rock, unmoving. "Come on!" Swerve yelled. Glyph peeked around the cover, squealed with fear, and went back. Swerve sighed and thought of a plan.

    Back at base, Rodimus finished recharging. He stretched as the Energon continued to flow within him, not to an exhausted level anymore. "What happened out there?" Hoist asked as he got done recharging Override. "We were ambushed." Rodimus replied. "Slipstream and Breakdown knew we were coming, and met us." Hoist shut down Energon transfer. "What of the Energon?" Rodimus grimmed. "I destroyed it. It was our only means of escape." Hoist sighed. "Unfortunate. I just pumped the last bit into Override. The troops are nearly exhausted." Rodimus frowned. "The others are probably being attacked, too. We need to get in there." Hoist nodded. "I'll send some soldiers through. I hope they're okay."

    Skydive flew as jet Vehicons chased him. "Golly, you chaps don't give up, do you?" He asked. He suddenly stopped and the two pursuers were now being pursued. "Shame we couldn't work things out." He said as he opened fire.

    Breakaway was busy sword fighting with some more Elites, trying to fend them off. "Come on, guys. Can't we just get along?" A Vehicon swung but was blocked. "Not as long as you Autobots still live! It's your fault this war is still going!" "Not really." Another said. "It's just Staxus's quest for power." "Shut up!" The first said. Breakaway did a spinning kick, sending all three flying over a cliff. They transformed and flew back into the battle. Skyquake grunted as Jerfire shoved him back. "You're getting weak, old man." Skyquake taunted as he readied his Gatling gun. Jetfire smirked. "And the old one knows way more than you, Skyquake." The air commander smiled. "With age comes death. And age won't be your death!" He opened fire on the Arielbot. Jetfire chuckled as the bullets were deflected by his armor. "That line was tacky, Skyquake. As is your weaponry." Skyquake growled and slung his gun. "Then let's move to another form of combat." He withdrew a long broadsword, and swung it about. "Have at you, elder." Jetfire straightened his hunch and spun his cane around. Axe blades ejected as it lengthened. "I thought you'd never ask." He responded.

    The two engaged in a common sword duel. Parry, block parry, block. Jetfire made a hard swing and chopped the top is Skyquake's eyebrows off. He reacted with surprise lone enough for Jetfire to kick him, sending him spinning down a sandy hill. He grunted as he tried to get to his feet. "You've lost today, Skyquake." Jetfire responded. Skyquake thought, but before he could come up with a response, Straxus came through.

    "Skyquake, disengage. We've proven out point." Skyquake growled and looked at his troops. "Elites, fall back! We've done out job." The Vehicons fighting transformed and flew to the east, leaving Skyquake. "You'll regret trying to weasel your way out of death." He replied. Jetfire tuned his cane back into an axe, rested on it, and smiled. "We'll see next time, Decepticon." Skyquake scowled and transformed, flying after his troops. Breakaway and Skydive went over to the hunk of Energon. "Secured!" Skydive said. Jetfire smirked. "Then lets radio base."

    Glyph still remained behind the rock, trying to fit her helmet nub back on. Swerve still remained behind the Energon, waiting for his friend. "Hurry up!" Swerve whispered. Glyph peeked from behind the rock. "Um... In good here." The sniper lights went her direction, but she pulled back before they could blow her head off. She sat against the rock and sighed. How long would she be here? A day? Two days? The snow started piling onto her, making her cold. Energon was easy to freeze and- Her thoughts were interrupted as a Spacebridge opened in front of her. "Oh no." She said.

    But much to her surprise, Autotroopers piled out, guns blaring. Glyph hit the ground, shielding her head. They aimed upwards and began firing on the snipers. A Vehicon fell, shot in the head. Triggerhappy scowled. "Retreat. There's to many of them". The snipers dispersed as the Autotroopers drove them away. Glyph rose, dusting the snow off of her arms. "Well.... that took you long enough?" A commanding Autotrooper nodded. "Forgive us, archeologist. Rodimus don't know what to do." Glyph smiled warmly. "It's fine." The Autotrooper sighed. "Thanks. Now I can stop this soldier attitude." He walked over to the Energon. "Energon secured!" One said. "Good." The commander said. Glyph smiled as Swerve approached. "I told you waiting would work!" Swerve sighed. "You didn't tell me anything."
    Straxus paced as his teams stood before him. Slipstream fell to her knees. "Forgive us, lord Straxus! We hadn't meant to fail you in these simple tasks! We shall do better." Breakdown reached to put his hand on her shoulder, but she pushed it away. Straxus looked at her. "Stand, Slipstream. Don't be so dramatic." The commander arose, giggling nervously. "You all have failed in your tasks, yes. But we got our message across. We hunt, we kill. They know that. And they'll be unprepared when we strike." He looked at all of them. "In your own sense, you all did good. But we need to do better."

    Everyone agreed, which made Thunderwing sick. He stood in the far corner, consumed by the shadows. Their blind devotion made him sick. But he needed te right moment to strike. And this wasn't it.
    Autotroopers lugged the massive hunks of Energon into the ship's eternal systems, powering up the systems. Rodimus stood before his soldiers, who were mostly damaged. "Well, I know this was an almost failure. And all of us almost died. But there was no way we could've know." Everyone looked at each other and agreed, save one. "And next time well try harder. We're not out of the fight yet." "Yes we are." Everyone looked at Override, who was leaning against the left wall, arms crossed against her chest. "How do you mean?" Rodimus asked. "I mean we are out. The Decepticons knew we were coming, and they knew how to kill us. It was all YOUR plan to send us out, and we nearly died." Rodimus smirked. "Are you saying this is MY fault?" Override returned it. "Who else?" Rodimus shook his head. "Even after we survive, you still aren't happy." Override uncrossed he arms. "Nothing good came out of our endeavor. We almost died, and you're acting like nothing happened." "We got more Energon!" Glyph piped up. Override's glare made the archeologist smile nervously and slink in her seat. "Sorry."

    Override turned back to Rodimus. "Your decisions nearly got us killed, and that is unforgivable. I tried to tell Sentinel that you were unprepared to do this. But he had faith in you. And now his faith nearly cost us our lives." Rodimus didn't want to make her TOO mad by calling her a name he learned on Earth. "We still have a chance to strike back! Repay them for almost killing us!" Override ahold her head. "Grow up. We can't do that." She walked away for the argument could escalate. Rodimus looked at Lindsey, who shrugged. "I'm sure she'll be fine." She responded. Rodimus sighed and walked out of the room.

  2. kaijuguy19

    kaijuguy19 Keyblade Wielder

    Oct 22, 2011
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    Wow...Talk about giving Rodimus the riot act.
  3. Meta777

    Meta777 Dr Pepper Fan

    Nov 20, 2011
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    Ooh, nice one! Override and Rodimus' conflict was pretty intense; accusing the poor guy of only having Sentinel's faith on his side yet failing it, while he struggles not to just outright her, was pretty hardcore.

    The Decepticons are quite melodramatic, or at least Slipstream is :lol . Well, their plan seems to progress nicely as usual, and Straxus is eager for better results.

    More of those lovely improvements here, Sideways! You're doing good :D 
  4. Sideways77

    Sideways77 #1 flareup simp

    Oct 7, 2010
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    And why is Override such a bitchface? Lets find out...

    EPISODE 15. After the storm

    Triggerhappy sat in his armory, fixing his sniper rifle. Cleaning, polishing? And everything else in between. He favored his gun more than anything, and made sure to let the others know that. Suddenly, the door opened. Slipstream's nimble for entered, not disturbing Triggerhappy. "Have you seen Skyquake?" She asked. Triggerhappy didn't look up. "No." Slipstream shrugged and was about to turn around when she actually got interested in what he was doing. "What are you doing?" She asked.

    Triggerhappy still didn't look up. "Checking my line of sight. My aim was off when I disabled the red Autobots, so I'm checking the problem." Slipstream nodded, trying to get interested. "What else do you need?" He asked, finally looking up. "You're thinking something up." Slipstream smiled slightly. "What makes you so sure?" Triggerhappy returned the smirk. "Because I know you." He quickly whipped out a side-mounted pistol and shot a can that say next to the startled female. "And if you're concidering killing me, I'll know."

    Slipstream stood, hands in the air. "I'm not." Triggerhappy laid down his gun. "Speak fast, then." Slipstream relaxed herself, and cleared her throat. "Keep sight of Thunderwing. He's been acting odd lately." Triggerhappy looked through his scope "Oh yeah? When isn't he acting wierd?" Slipstream rolled her optics. "Seriously. He's up to something." Triggerhappy didn't look. "I'll keep an eye out." Slipstream knelt down. "Will you? He's goin to do something."
    "Am I now?"
    Slipstream gasped and nearly fell over. She looked in the doorway and saw Thunderwing's frame. Only his frame and glowing red eyes shown. "What exactly am I up to?" Slipstream shuddered. She hated when his voice went that low and whispery. "Um, nothing. I'm just pulling Triggerhappy's leg. I'm not serious." Triggerhappy scooted aside and checke the chamber of his rifle. "I don't think so." Thunderwing entered, towering over Slipstream. "If you suspect I am ready to betray the Decepticon cause, then you are mistaken" He grabbed Slipsteam by a wing on her back and held her up. She cried out, as his grip hurt. "An if you even say these rumors to Straxus, I'll make sure to give YOU a reminder about my thoughts on it." He droppe her on her skidplate, and walked away. Triggerhappy slung his rifle and looked at the recovering Seeker.

    "Shouldn't spread rumors." He said. Slipstream scowled and stood up. "He's up to something. I know it!" Triggerhappy smirked. "Just because he isn't 100% obsessive with Straxus first mean he's a traitor." Slipstream scowled. "Says you." Triggerhappy burst out out laughing and left the room.

    Back at the Autobot ship, Glyph stretched as she leapt out of the repair chamber. Her koints felt like new, and she felt great. She looks at Hoist. "I'm surprised the Cons would leave perfectly good Energon as a trap." Hoist shut the machine down. "They thought they had us. Guess they thought wrong." Glyph giggled. "That's corny." Hoist frowned. "In some ways. Anyway, I also got the Energon shield up. Nobody can detect us while we're here." Glyph nodded. "Good. I've seen enough combat for one day." She left the room, and into the main room where all the Autobots sat, recently repaired.

    They appeared to be resting, not discussing anything important. Glyph looks around. "Override still gone?" Rodimus refused to turn around. Jetfire looks at Glyph. "Yes. The lass just needs some time to herself." Lindsey sat on the floor, and looked up. "I'm telling you, let me find her. I think I can make her feel better." Jetfire shook his head. "Just leave her be." Lindsey scowled. "What do you know, old-timer?" Jetfire smiled. "If you only knew, little one." Lindsey scowled and got up. "I'll make her better, okay?" Her words were directed at Rodimus. He turned around, and looked at the human. "Try your best." Lindsey smiled and ran out. Glyph looked at Rodimus. "Why do we let her hang around here?"

    Lindsey ran to her house, hoping to see signs of Override. She did see her dad, though. Dylan was leaving the house with his work suitcase, going to his new car. "Dad!" Lindsey yelled. Dylan looked up and smiled. "Hey sweetheart. I'm working another late night. I left some food in the-" Lindsey interrupted him. "Have you seen Override?" Dylan though. "Is that the tow truck?" Lindsey sighed. "No. Override is the red and white one." Dylan nodded. "Oh yeah. I saw her heading towards the river. I don't know what she was doing." Lindsey grinned. "Thanks dad!" She hugged him and too off towards the north.

    A few minutes later, she saw Override. She was just sitting there, hugging her knees to her chest. The river's run was slow, but deep. Lindsey approached the Autobot. "Hey." She said. Override looked to her side. "What are you doing here?" Lindsey sat next to her. "Just hoping you'd like to talk. Your outburst was surprising." Override sighed. "I don't know why I signed on to this mission. Rodimus isn't what Sentinel told me. He said Rodimus would be a promising and mature leader of this mission. But no. He's an immature little cog and isn't fit to lead this mission." Lindsey tried to think of something. Usually when someone shared personal information, she tried to make them feel better, like with Thunderwing.

    Lindsey got it. "He's trying his hardest." Override looked at her and scoffed. "On a mission like this, being hunted by a superior force, you need to be perfect. Not try your hardest. Do you think I want to be killed? Or Rodimus? Or the others?" Lindsey smiled inside. This was unraveling fast. "So this is what it's about? You're scared of dying?" Override sighed and say normally. "No. It's just... well, Rodimus just isn't cut out to be a leader. I'm not saying I could do better, he's just... well, you know." The teenager sighed. "I think there's more than that."
    "Oh yeah? And what's that?"
    Lindsey smiled compassionately. "Rodimus told me you have a complicated past." Override froze. She didn't believe Rodimus would blab something like that. "What did he say?" Lindsey looked out at the river. "Just the battle of Tyger Pax or whatever. I guess you failed and entire squad of soldiers or something." Override felt anger boiling inside of her. "Just another reason to hate that little..." Lindsey looked back at the Cybertronian. "It's more than that, I can tell." Override felt sick inside. She wasn't going to admit it, but Lindsey was right. There was something else. She sighed and looked down. "And maybe there is." She couldn't take the sadness anymore. She had to talk." Lindsey put her hand on Override's, who was much bigger.

    She sighed. "Rodimus is too immature, yes, but he..." She stopped for a minute. She didn't want to dump all of her emotions at once. "Rodimus just reminds me of... Bluestreak." "Who streak?" Lindsey asked. "BLUEstreak" Override corrected. "He was my best friend back on Cybertron. We were the best of friends and we thought we were invincible. Until the day came. We were ambushed. We fought hard, but... I tried my best, but they still got him... I was desperately trying to get him back, but they knocked me out cold. When I woke, they were gone. I... I failed." Lindsey felt bad. She was caring person, and this just shattered her.

    "Since Bluestreak and Rodimus are so similar, you're angry because you want Bluestreak to be here, not Rodimus." Lindsey concluded. Override glanced at her. "'re right. I don't want to hate Rodimus, but it's just not fair." Lindsey smiled. "You need a hug." Override raised a brow. "What's a hug?" Lindsey came forward and hugged Override's arm. "That's a hug. When you hold someone close." Override smiled slightly. T-Thanks. You really made me-" She stopped when she heard a whizzing. She looked and saw rockets heading right towards the two of them. Override quickly scooped up Lindsey, diving towards the left. The rockets hit the ground, exploding. Override shielded Lindsey with her own body, making sure she didn't get hurt. She stood up as the human girl scrambled into the bushes. A green jet entered the air and opened fire.

    Override grabbed her shield and guarded herself from the firefight. The jet stopped and transformed, thudding to the ground. "Well, looks like Straxus's Energon scans worked. We found ourselves an Autobot. Why are you so far away from your friends? Where are they hiding." Override scowled. "That's none I you buisness you rotten-" She reached for her sword, but didn't find it. Skyquake noticed an started laughing. "No sword? Hey! Slipstream returned with a sword! Guess you know where it went." Override's spark began pulsing with nervousness. She'd never been away from her sword before. Skyquake grabbe his Gatling Gun and aimed. "Guess this'll make my job easier."

  5. kaijuguy19

    kaijuguy19 Keyblade Wielder

    Oct 22, 2011
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    This is gonna get ugy. :popcorn :
  6. Sideways77

    Sideways77 #1 flareup simp

    Oct 7, 2010
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    For those of you who care about this series, here's a brief summary for the next three:

    Episode 16- New livings-
    Override tangles with Skyquake, The Decepticons discover the world

    Episode 17- What it became-
    Thunderwing reflects on his past

    Episode 18- Partnership-
    Override bonds with Lindsey, Over-run discovers a new friend
  7. Meta777

    Meta777 Dr Pepper Fan

    Nov 20, 2011
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    I just got the mental image of the Decepticons singing A Whole New World when they discover the world :lol 

    But Override vs Skyquake? Interesting.

    And Thunderwing reflecting on his past? Wonderful! I enjoy flashback episodes now and then :D 

    And then Override makes new friends and bonds with people! Huzzah, friends ahoy!

    Sounds good, particularly a nice fight between angry robots and Thunderwing running through the conundrums of the past. :D 
  8. Sideways77

    Sideways77 #1 flareup simp

    Oct 7, 2010
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    Over-RUN makes the friend, actually. ;) 

    Their names are too close, I know.
  9. Meta777

    Meta777 Dr Pepper Fan

    Nov 20, 2011
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    SO MANY OVER-*something*! My mind, it can't handle it- :bay 

    But seriously, huzzah for making friends :D 
  10. Sideways77

    Sideways77 #1 flareup simp

    Oct 7, 2010
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    Hooray for giving a background character in my story some attention!
  11. Sideways77

    Sideways77 #1 flareup simp

    Oct 7, 2010
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    I'm feeling cheery today.

    Episode 19- Dead End
    A new Decepticon medic enters the picture
  12. Ømnidrive

    Ømnidrive Stop.....think......fart.....and keep on going

    Oct 6, 2011
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    Is the new medic................Dead-End? :lol 
  13. Sideways77

    Sideways77 #1 flareup simp

    Oct 7, 2010
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  14. Sideways77

    Sideways77 #1 flareup simp

    Oct 7, 2010
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    Episode 16- New livings

    Straxus looked out of his tower window. The sky was grey with clouds. He stared out at the long forests, wondering where they lead. Though the Autobots got the message, Straxus still had plans for them.

    Footsteps filled his chamber, making the leader turn. Slipstream's nimble frame entered, her purple eyes and lights glowing in the darkness. She was hunched, the tailfins on her back were hung low. Something was wrong. Thunder began outside, and lightning began to strike. Straxus grinned at his second-in-command. "It is a good day, Slipstream. We have taught the Autobots that we don't joke around." The air commander rubbed her forearm. "Yeah..." She said softly. Straxus turned back to the window. "I'm feeling cheerful today. How would you fancy a trip into this world?" Slipstream looked up. "You mean go out and scan some vehicles? Me and Breakdown already have." Straxus chuckled. "Scan an alternate mode, view the sights, trouble some humans, whatever. We're winning so far, Slipstream. We have the freedom to do those things." Slipstream sighed. "Well, the troops can do whatever. I'm not interested." Straxus turned around and approached the Seeker. She wasn't acting right. "Are you okay, Slipstream? You are not acting like you normally do." She shrugged. "I dunno. I'm just... nervous. Personal problems, really. I'm hearing the voices in my head. They're telling me Thunderwing isn't what we think, telling me the Decepticon cause isn't worth it, I don't know what to do!" Straxus put his hand on her shoulder. "Slipstream, how would you like to join my cause?" Suddenly, the female stiffened. Her pupils dilated and wings related. "I am honored" she said softly, nearly deathly. Straxus grinned. "Good. Now then, go get done rest. You'll feel better." Slipstream bowed and walked out of the room.

    Straxus was about to go back to looking out the window when he saw the glowing yellow eyes. "And how long have you been there?" He asked. Breakdown calmly walked out, discerning look on his face. "What was that?" He asked. Straxus took his place on his throne. "What was what?" Breakdown crossed his arms across his chest. "What you did to Slipstream. I ain't seen her like dat before." Straxus grinned. "Weak minds are easily, Breakdown. Her free will shows occasionally, but I convert her back. It's not that hard."

    Breakdown scowled. "Dats cruel, man." Straxus shrugged. "It's a matter of opinion." Breakdown refused to give up. "Why do it? What did she do?" Straxus swiveled his chair around. "Are you going to leave, Breakdown, or continue to waste my time?" Breakdown scowled and walked out of the room, thinking to himself as to what's wrong with her.
    Override grunted as she hit a rock. Her body hurt. Skyquake's onslaught was relentless, and very painful. Her arm was badly hurt, leaking Energon. She was extremely tired, amlost unable to stand. She hadn't fully recharged, and that was showing. But she refused to give up. Too much was at risk. Lindsey disappeared, which was good. Skyquake laughed and reloaded his gun. "Almost done, Autobot?" Override grinned and wiped the Energon drizzling from the corner of her mouth. "Whenever you are, Skyquake. But I'm sure you'll continue this sloppy onslaught."

    Skyquake's eye twitched as he processed Override's insult. Eventually, he grinned. "Let's test that." He said. Override quickly thought. Skyquake was stronger, but she was faster and smarter. She'd have to use good tactics to beat him. She didn't WANT to kill him, but if she had to, she wouldn't hold back.

    He charged, roaring a battle cry. He pulled the trigger, unveiling 100 bullets a second. Override ran, trying to avoid the deadly lead. She glanced in Skyquake's direction. Behind him was her shield. She had to get that. But her pondering made her not realize a rock was in front of her. She grunted as she tripped, landing on all fours. Skyquake grinned and walked over to her. She glanced into his crimson eyes. They showed no emotion or compassion. Override stood up, planning her strategy. Skyquake put his gun aside and leaned forward.

    "Take the shot." He said. Override didn't hold back. She gave a SINGLE punch, which was enough to make the Decepticon Seeker stumble back and drop his gun. As he rubbed his face, he began chuckling. "Cute. But now it's time to-" Override's foot interrupted his line. After her kick, Override continued her onslaught, delivering multiple strikes to Skyquake's body. Each blow stunned the brute, making him unprepared for her next strike. But she took a pause for too long. She went to deliver a finishing kick when the brute grabbed her foot. She uttered a surprised noise before crying out as he crushed it. He began chuckling.

    "Impressive, Autobot. You're quick, I'll give you that. But now it's time to finish my job. After you're dead, I'll find the other Autobots so Straxus can kill them himself. Clever plan." He kicked Override's standing leg, forcing her to the ground. The Seeker laughed. "It's a shame, really. You had so much talent. But you chose the wrong side." Override forced words through pain. "Well... I chose the side that's... not ruled by a shortsighted dictator!" Skyquake growled and threw her into the river. She forced herself to get up, before Skyquake could get her from behind.

    But her tired body couldn't take anymore. She wanted to use her last bit of energy wisely. Skyquake bent over to pick up his gun. "Well, nice knowing- GAH!" Override bounced off his head, stunning him. He looked up and saw her running towards her shield. He grinned and three a set of bolas at her. The wrapped around her ankles, making her trip. She grunted as she hit the ground. She glanced up and saw she wasn't far from her shield. She began crawling towards it, but Skyquake kicked her in the side, sending her farther away. She groaned and tried to recover. Her vision blurred, but Skyquake's massive frame blocked out the sun. Then she saw the form if his Gatling Gun in her face. "You lose." He said coldly.
    Triggerhappy knelt down, studying something. Over-Run stood behind him, tapping his finger on his forearm. "Hurry up, willya?" He asked, impatient. Triggerhappy studied the creature. A fierce predator it was. He grinned slightly at it. It was funny for a predator.

    A little house cat, scared witless. Triggerhappy chuckled. "This planet's wildlife is funny, Over-Run." The other Decepticon groaned. "Come on. I want to see more of this town. We won't stay hidden forever. I wanna see more of that Shanhey, or whatever." Triggerhappy stood and let the cat run away. "This planet isn't so bad." He said. Over-Run scoffed. "With it's ugly creatures. Come on, lets get out of here." He transformed, driving away. Triggerhappy soon followed, speeding up to catch up with his partner.
    Override's spark was beating with nervousness. She was rarely scared, or at least would admit it, but this time she legitimately was. Skyquake's gun barrel stared her in the face, and she knew he was going to pull the trigger. She never really thought about death. She knew there was an afterlife, but she didn't know how she'd go to it. How would Rodimus feel? More importantly, how would Lindsey feel? Though they met not too long ago, she could tell the human was growing close to her. But it wouldn't matter now. She knew she would have to accept it.

    Skyqauke chuckled. "Now then, let's put a bullet through your head." Override sighed and closed her eyes. "Just get it over with." Skyquake raised a brow. "No begging? I thought you valued your life..." He started giggling like a moron. "Get. It. Over. With." Override said, trying not to open her eyes and see what was coming.

    Skyquake shrugged. "Fine. Good-bye, Autobo- OW!" He looked around. Something hit him in the head. He saw a rock on the ground and looked around. Suddenly, a little human girl emerged. Skyquake chuckled and looked at her. "Hello, fleshy. Are we being brave?" Lindsey's face was twisted in anger. "Let her go." She said. Override looked at her. "Lindsey, please go back. I don't want you to see this." Lindsey looked at her. "I'm not letting this happen." The girl was practically in tears. Skyquake moved her gun away from Override to Lindsey. "Brave little fleshling, aren't you?" She towered over the girl, staring down at her. But she refused to back down.

    Skyquake continued laughing. He was a funny guy. "Humans are idiots, right Override?" He turned, but didn't see her. He spun around, but saw the Autobot heading towards him, shield in hand. Before he could move, the shield struck him across the face, snapping his head to the right. The pain rippled through his body, after that devastating blow. He flew to the right, towards the river. He skidded and grunted, recovering rather fast. He looked up, and say something that almost panicked him. Override, his gun in hand. He backed up, trying to get away from her. But the Autobot's stare made him freeze.

    She was close, and held the cannon up. Skyquake sputtered out nonsense, trying to reason with her. "I was only joking! I wasn't intending on killing you! It's a joke! A gag gun! It doesn't even fire bullets!" Lindsey looked at the Decepticon, and back to her friend.

    "Blow his head off."

    "Noooo! Please, I'll do anything!" Skyquake cried, bowing to Override. "Have mercy, warrior goddess. I-I'm not ready to die!" Override sighed. "I should kill you. After the stuff you Decepticons pulled, it is almost fair. Almost killing me, threatening Lindsey, threatening my comrades. I should unload this entire round into your head." Skyquake became historical, begging for his life and making promises he couldn't keep. Override chucked his gun at him, much to his surprise. "But I won't."

    Skyquake recovered slightly, breathing heavily. "It's not what I do. I don't murder in cold blood. It's not my style. Now, get out of here. Before I change my mind." Skyquake slung his gun and looked at his opponent. With a look of anger, but forgiveness at the same time. He turned and ran, transforming and taking off. Lindsey looked at Override. "Why didn't you kill him?" Override looked at her. "I just said its not my style. I don't kill in cold blood. I only kill if I have to."

    Lindsey smiled slightly. "Well, okay." Override knelt beside her. "But, lets not mention this to Rodimus. I don't want to worry him." Lindsey smiled fully this time. "Of course not." She hung her head. "I'm sorry I didn't listen." Override shrugged. "If you didn't, I'd be another casualty of this war. I should be thanking you." She transformed into her car mode, which was dinged up after the battle. "Let's get back to base. I'm tired" Lindsey opened the door, and crawled inside. The engine revved, and sped off towards her home.
    Breakdown knocked on Slipstream's door. Even though she's second-in-command, she got an average bunk like the rest. Breakdown forced the door open, and looked inside. Slipstream laid on her resting board, also called a 'bed' by Triggerhappy.

    Breakdown shook her until she awoke. "Breakdown? What are you doing here?" Breakdown frowned. "Slipstream, I don't know what he did, but you need to command your own free will." The Seeker raised a brow. "What are you talking about?" Breakdown frowned. "You're being brainwashed, Slipstream. Straxus is. I don't like seeing you like this." Slipstream scowled. "Are you suggesting he's not a good leader?" Breakdown backed up. "No, no. He's just using you for his own gain. You need to break free of it." Slipstream stood up. "There is nothing wrong, Breakdown. I'm fine. I've been fine since I joined his crusade." Breakdown sighed. "Exactly."

    The Seeker lightened up. "Look, if anything goes wrong, I'll call you for help. You know I trust you." Breakdown sighed. "I just hope it's not too late." He left the room, feeling hopeless towards his friend.

  15. Meta777

    Meta777 Dr Pepper Fan

    Nov 20, 2011
    Trophy Points:
    Poor Breakdown. It's nice for a Decepticon to legitimately care about a friend, but it seems he can neither alert her to the brainwashing nor directly challenged Straxus. What a pickle he's in. It's tough to help when that which you want to help can't be helped! 0_0

    Meanwhile, Trigger and Overrun look at cats. Those crazy cats. I like cats! One likes the cats, the other don't care, man. Cats can be psychotic, so be careful, Decepticons!

    Override's fight with Skyquake was pretty cool; liked the contrast of her speed against his power, and her efforts to reclaim her shield. And what the fuck, did he literally squeal about gag guns when he got defeated? What is he, TFP Starscream?! :lolol 

    But seriously, nice fight. Lindsay trying to tell Override to kill that guy, but nope, Autobots don't do that shit! Morality contrast there, but it seems not to have rifted anything; heck, now they're buddies! Nothing like brutal robot battles to forge a friendship, am I right or am I right? :lol 
  16. Sideways77

    Sideways77 #1 flareup simp

    Oct 7, 2010
    News Credits:
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    Back to back!

    Episode 17- What it became

    Thunderwing stood atop a rock cliff, overlooking a city. It was extremely hot, even for the mid-west. Thunderwing's gaze turned to a jet approaching. Straxus said not to attract attention, even though he wanted nothing to do with the humans.

    He transformed, into his jet mode. The enemy jet flew past, leaving him alone. The Seeker was about to transform, but decided against. He didn't want to stick around anymore. He turned to the left, and shot off towards the direction of where the sun set.

    He thought about Straxus while he flew. His commander was arrogant, but strong and encouraged fear. Thunderwing really didn't want to obey him anymore, but he knew he couldn't step out of line JUST yet. Straxus was in his happiest time, but Thunderwing knew in an instant he'd switch. The brute was a constant mood swinger. But why exactly did he join him? He couldn't remember why exactly.

    Thunderwing stood amongst the other leading combatants, as the discussed the upcoming wars. Ratbat headed the podium, discussing new battle plans. "Lord Megatron demands results from you idiots!" He said, raising his voice. "I can't go up him if we don't have results!"

    "I don't see YOU helping much" Shockwave responded coldly. "Well, I supervise Cybertron, Shockwave. You and the others should command the ground forces." High Lord Straxus stood. "Megatron is shortsighted, Ratbat. His plans aren't very smart, and he needs to withdraw from his siege on Thunderhead Pass. It's going no where!"

    Ratbat scowled. "While I would tell Megatron that, he won't. He's too prideful to disengage." Straxus scowled. "Megatron is a fool. You should allow another to lead the Decepticons. Megatron isn't doing a good job." The Decepticon sat, his argument done. Ratbat turned to the map, that showed the current battle and victories. "Megatron HAS won Praxus back from the Autobots, and lead several deep space investigations. He isn't bad as you say, HIGH LORD."

    Straxus growled under his breath. Thunderwing glanced at the map, showing the victories. He saw rather great plans. Several carefully planned ambushes, full-frontal sieges that lead to Decepticon victory. Megatron HAD several victories under his belt, but Straxus had a point.
    After the meeting, Thunderwing met up with Straxus. "I understand your reasoning." He said to the High Lord. Straxus scowled. "Megatron has devoured the minds of all his soldiers. He has to be put down." Thunderwing nodded. "His armies must be converted to the RIGHT side. Our side."

    Straxus smirked. "I like your style, Thunderwing. How would you like to join up with my gang? We're a just-in-case cause that won't exist until Megatron falls. We're not traitors." Thunderwing nodded. "How shall I join?" Straxus walked up to the elevator. "Meet me under Menasor Bridge. We'll be there." Thunderwing bowed. "I shall arrive, High Lord." The door closed behind Straxus and the elevator rose. Thunderwing quickly left, but didn't notice the female behind him. Her teal and purple frame quickly moved, following Thunderwing.
    Thunderwing arrived under the bridge. The three moons shone on the ground, illuminating the dark side of Kaon. He walked into a tunnel system until he reached a full chamber. Straxus stood ahead of everyone, on a stage. Thunderwing recognized many unexpected members. Shockwave, Soundwave, Onslaught, Flamewar, and Triggerhappy, amongst others.

    Straxus glanced up. "Welcome, Thunderwing." He said. The Seeker approached, nodding at everyone. Straxus settled back, liking at his advisors. "I have gathered you all here tonight to discuss the issue at hand. Megatron. He is an illegitimate leader, and not worthy of leading the Decepticon cause. The only thing hell lead us to is defeat!" Cheers arose from the crowd. Thunderwing stared in an aspiring look.

    "The age of Megatron is over. While it was a short rule, it will gladly be remembered. As a nearly fatal one!" The crowd arose again, chanting "a new future". Thunderwing was enthralled. Never before has he heard such convincing words. Straxus was a great speaker, and he could see no fault in its logic. He was right about Megatron, after all. But a voice interrupted his nice thoughts.


    Thunderwing turned to see a fembot. He recognized her as Slipstream, a kindly medic. "All of you are traitors!" She yelled. "Megatron is a proud leader! You all will be sent to a firing squad!" She looked at Straxus. "He gave you a high rank! You ungrateful piece of filth! You have betrayed our great cause! I will report you to Megatron, but not after I kill you as an extra gift!" Straxus stood up and grinned. "Are you sure, Slipstream? I hardly think you could hurt me." The medic balled her hands into fists. "I'll gladly take a shot."

    She charged Straxus, ready to unleash unholy things upon the tyrant. He caught her blow with ease, and swiped her leg out from under her. She cried out as she hit the ground, leg collapsed under her. She recovered and backflipped, landing on her feet. She turned to run out the doorway, but it was blocked by Straxus's forces. "No escape." He said, approaching her. Slipstream grimaced. "Then I'll make my stand." She did a spinning kick, but again he caught her by the foot and threw her aside. She screamed until she smashed into the control table, breaking it. She groaned and rose again, refusing to let her cause down. She aimed an arm rocket and fired, hoping to at least distract the traitor. But he caught it with ease, and tossed it aside. It blew up a wall, but his guards guarded that, Too. Slipstream backed up, looking around. There really was no escape. Straxus grinned. "Never should've come down here, Slipstream. You would've lived to see another day." This time he attacked, kicking her in the side and sending her spiraling into a radiator that was on the wall. She about knocked herself out when her head collided with it, but remained conscious. Straxus approached her, and stepped on her chest, crushing her air supply. All Cybertronians needed to breath in order to filter their Energon. Slipstream gasped and tried to move him, but was too weak. "You lose." He said, this time pickaxe in hand. Slipstream eyed it frightfully. He rose it above his head, ready to strike. Slipstream's eyes went wide. "No! Please, I'll do anything! Just don't kill me!" Straxus raised a brow. "Anything, Hm?" He removed his foot, but grabbed her by the neck and tossed her to Shockwave. "Shockwave, keep her locked up until I arrive. I have plans for her." The cyclops grabbed her by the arm and forced her down the hallway. Straxus looked at his recruits. "And that's what happens when you want to expose us." Thunderwing approached him, thought in mind. "I accept your terms." No more words were said. The two Decepticons shook hands, sealing Thunderwing's fate.
    Landed, Thunderwing sighed. He transformed and looked the horizon. The setting sun was pretty in his eyes. He was surprised at how far he came. From impressed with Straxus's skill enough to join him, to ready to abandon this crusade. He didn't know how he would, but he knew he had to. He stood there, staring into the sunset, thinking about his future.

    Triggerhappy scribbled some things down in his personal files. Over-run stood behind him, grumbling. "Y'all really wastin' yer time on that? Classificationing dem animals?" Triggerhappy finished his writing and stood up. "I have finished my entry for the feline we saw. Small, agile, but dangerous. The humans also enjoy them on the Internet."

    Overrun scoffed. "Yer wasting yer time. What appened to ya? You use to be all about guns, but now yet interested in all of them little critters." Triggerhappy turned around. "I'm still a top-tier assassin, Overrun. I just thought I'd take the time to document our findings, Like write down new animals. This planet is rather beautiful, if you do to the right way."

    Overrun crossed his arms across his chest. "If you like dirt. Dem critters are ugly, by the way." Triggerhappy catalogued his entry. "I'm sure they'd say something similar towards you." Before the argument could be caused, Slipstream entered the room. Triggerhappy glanced at her. "What do you want?"

    The fembot sat down and looked at them, sadness in her eyes. Overrun felt the compassion to help her. "That's not a way you talk to a lady." He sat next to her. "What's the problem, missy?" Slipstream sighed. "Do you guys think Straxus is manipulative?" Triggerhappy chuckled. "Is the sky blue?" Overrun looked at her. "Waddya ask?"

    Slipstream hugged herself. "Breakdown tells me he's brainwashed me. I-I don't want to believe it, but I have this weird feeling that's true." Overrun put his arm around her. "Well, it's up to y'all to figure it out. If you think it's true, then dig for the answers." Slipstream smiled slightly. "Thanks. I'll do that." She got up and left, leaving the two alone. "That was the smartest thing you've ever said." Triggerhappy said insultingly. Overrun scoffed. "You're just jealous I'm on Slipstream's good side while you're cataloging animals." Triggerhappy smirked. "Funny."

  17. Meta777

    Meta777 Dr Pepper Fan

    Nov 20, 2011
    Trophy Points:
    Nice backstory; so they decided Megatron was incompetent and prepared to replace him, and poor Slippy tried to stop their shit only to get BRAINWASHED. Interesting; I quite like Straxus justifying his plan as a just-in-case gang rather than straight up betrayal :p 

    Overrun and Triggerhappy debating Earth. Nice to see a Con who isn't just all MUDBALL AND FILTH, and heck, they helped out Slipstream too. It's nice when bad guys are nice :lol 

    Good back-to-back. Keep it up! :D 
  18. kaijuguy19

    kaijuguy19 Keyblade Wielder

    Oct 22, 2011
    News Credits:
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    Poor Slipstream. :( 
  19. Sideways77

    Sideways77 #1 flareup simp

    Oct 7, 2010
    News Credits:
    Trophy Points:
    Don't feel bad. It only made her better! Maybe.

    Episode 18- Partnership

    Lindsey sat in her school bus, which bumped down a dirt road. Few kids remained on the bus, most of which she didn't really know. Lindsey wasn't very social. She figured it was better to keep to yourself rather make a fool of yourself. She had her earphones in, listening to her music, when the bus screeched to a halt.

    "GOULD!" The driver screamed. Lindsey sighed. Old Deloris was a charmer. Lindsey got up, and walked to the front. "Have a good day, rich kid." She squawked. Lindsey didn't respond and let Deloris the bus driver shut the door behind her. She walked along the path to her house, playing a game. The forests surrounded her, blasting their dark shadows on the road. A honking horn got her attention and made her move aside. She looked into the driver's seat and saw Dylan, in his business attire. She instantly knew what was happening. Dylan stopped and rolled down his window. "Hey, darling." He said. "How was school?" Lindsey wasn't interested in small talk. "Are you really going on a business trip?" She asked. Dylan nodded. "My clients want to meet me in Seattle. I'm going to catch a plane and-" Lindsey pulled out her earbuds.

    "But you promised we could go to Portland this weekend!" She said. "I wanna see the big city!" Dylan sighed. "In sorry, Lindsey. This meeting kinda came up last minute." Lindsey sighed. "I thought we'd go. We didn't have cities like this in Nevada." Dylan smiled slightly. "We'll go next week, okay?" Lindsey reluctantly nodded. Dylan sat back. "I'll call when I get there. Dinners in the fridge, love you." He took off, speeding down the road. Lindsey slumped, feelings hurt.
    "Eugggg. I can't believe we're suppose camp her" Overrun said, looking about. Triggerhappy checked the chambers if his twin pistols. "Straxus says there's an Energon spike. That's why we made base camp here." Overrun shuddered. "But dem critters are out dere! The ship is so far away in case one if dem attack us." Triggerhappy holstered his pistols. "The ship is twenty feet behind you." Overrun turned, and saw his partner was telling the truth. "Oh. Well, still. Dese things are ugly. Dey could attack us." Triggerhappy got out his tracker. "Don't be melodramatic. Tell you what. I'll track the Energon, and you stay here in case we encounter one of these 'dangerous animals'. Overrun nodded. "Yeah. Good idear." His partner took off into the woods, leaving Overrun behind.

    A brown creature poked it's head out from the woods. What was this weird metal thing he saw? It looked human, but he could tell it wasn't. This was a curious thing. He had to go check it out. Slowly, he crept out, to investigate this thing. He smelled something weird coming from him. He traced the smell to cases holding an odd blue liquid. He was close to the intruder, who still didn't notice him. But as he was a few feet away, the metal man emitted a loud, high-pitched noise that made him jump back.

    When Overrun finished screaming, he backed up onto a rock. "Stay away, beast!" He warned. The squat, brown creature looked at him funny. Overrun tried to remember what Triggerhappy called this thing. Beer? No, that wasn't it. Bear? That's it. A bear. Overrun eased up as the creature didn't show any sign of aggression. He stepped off of his rock and looked at the beast.
    "Um... hi?"
    Lindsey tromped her way back to her house, feeling mad. Dylan promised her he'd take her to the big city. Not anymore. As she approached the mansion, she looked around for any Autobots. As far as she could tell, the woods were abandoned. A horn honked suddenly, making her believe it was her father returning. But instead she saw Override, which wasn't a bad thing either.

    The Autobot transformed, and knelt down close to human level. "Hey Lindsey. How was your day?" Lindsey sighed and sat on her porch. "Bad." She replied. "Dad promised we'd go to Portland this weekend, but broke that. I wanted to see the big city so bad, but I guess I won't now." Override smiled slightly. "Well, don't count that out just yet. I'm suppose to be scouting for Energon, but I could slip away for a few hours." Lindsey looked up. "You mean it?" Override nodded. "Of course! I kinda want to explore this planet as well." Lindsey suddenly smiled big. "Oh thank you!" She said, hugging Override's midriff. "I'll pay you back, I promise!" Override shook her head. "It's fine. It's the least I could do after you saved my skin." Lindsey looked at her friend. "Well, what are we waiting for?" Override shrugged. "Nothing." She transformed into her car mode. "Let's go." Lindsey climbed into the driver's seat, and the Autobot zoomed off, at top speed.
    "I just don't understand why she won't take the time to notice my good-doings for her!" Overrun said, annoyed. The bear sat, listening. This metal man talked gibberish, but he was kinda amusing. "I tell her the right away, and she ignores me! I don't get why she doesn't like me. What am I doing wrong?!" He looked at the Bear. "You're a good listener, bear. You may not be able to answer back, but you are a good listener." The bear stood and jumped on Overrun. He almost fell back, but caught himself.

    "Down bear! You're better than that." The bear leapt down, nearly on command. Overrun raised a brow. "You seem to obey me. How? You are an animal. I am a Cybertronian." The bear cocked his head. Overrun laughed. "You're a funny bear. What should I call you?" He reached down to pet it, when it snapped at him. Overrun cried out and reared back, surprised. But a grin spread across his face. "I'll call you Steeljaw."

    Steeljaw looked to the left, where some bushes were rustling. Overrun looked up to see Triggerhappy. "I found some Energon, but it's no-" he looked up and saw Steeljaw. "Do I even want to know?" Overrun shrugged. "Not much. Meet Steeljaw, my new pet." Triggerhappy grinned. "I thought you hated animals." Overrun patted Steeljaw's head. "Well, some animals are more dangerous than others."
    After the three-hour drive, Override and Lindsey finally arrived in the metropolis of Portland, Oregon. She drove on the highway, weary of other drivers. She wasn't doing bad for her first time. Lindsey marveled at the sights. All the years of living in Nevada she'd never seen a real river before. The Columbia River was kinda hard to see, due to it being night.

    Override pulled off the highway until she hit the first stoplight. "Red means stop, right?" She asked. Lindsey nodded. "That's correct. Where did you learn the rules of the road?" Override's voice came through the radio. "Swerve, mostly. He has been to other towns and on freeways, afterall. I'm kinda new to this." Lindsey nodded. "You're doing fine." Override went on green, and drove forward. Even for 8 at night the city was ablaze with people. Cars crowded the roads, people crossed streets, walked on the sidewalks, and talked among other things. "Don't transform, right?" Override asked. Lindsey thought for a brief second. "Yep. Don't want to attract attention." Override laughed. "Yeah, a white and red multi-million dollar sports car with flame patterns defiantly wouldn't attract attention." Lindsey grinned. "I'm impressed you're lightening up." Override went quiet for a second. "Well, your words encouraged me to move on. Bluestreak will always be remembered, I just have to try to not make him my primary thoughts. It'll be a slow process, but I think I can overcome it." Lindsey kept get smile. "That's good. I don't like seeing people in as much pain as you were." Override turned left. "It's pretty hard for me. My whole life is pain." Her voice suddenly went low. Lindsey raised a brow. "Like how?" Override didn't say a word for a few minutes. Finally, she spoke up. "What do you want to do?" Her low tone remained. "I dunno. Just look around, I guess. Maybe get some food." Override drove towards a plaza center. "Well, let's take you somewhere to eat."
    Straxus bellowed out a laugh. "And why would I make this THING a Decepticon?" Overrun crossed his arms across his chest. "Steeljaw will make a fine addition to our gang. He's vicious, violent, and a killer." The beast yawned.

    Straxus eyed the Decepticon as if he lost it. But he realized this would be a fun thing to observe. "Very well. Your little pet can remain. AND get upgrades. Whatever you feel is necessary." Overrun stood proud. "Neither of us will fail!" He turned and walked out, Steeljaw behind him.

    Triggerhappy leaned against the walls arms across his chest. "He's letting you keep the animal?" Overrun proudly nodded. "Of course. He sees the usefulness in Steeljaw, as do I." Before Triggerhappy could respond, Slipstream walked down the hallway. Overrun stepped in her path, momentarily blocking her. "Hey Slips." He said. Slips? Really? "Oh. Um, hi.... Overrun?" She asked, unsure. Overrun nodded. "Of course! You know me. Anyway, have you seem my latest friend?" Slipstream shock her head. "Can't say I have." Overrun pointed to Steeljaw. Meet Steeljaw. He's my new pet. Vicious, loyal, and will obey my every command. Steeljaw, sit!" The bear didn't sit. "Well, he just needs practice." Overrun said, trying to recover his words. Slipstream nodded. "So you're keeping an animal. That's... repulsive." Overrun chuckled. "You'd think that at first." Slipstream nodded. "Well, bye, Overbite." The Seeker continued down the hall, minding her own buisness. Triggerhappy approached. "I really can't believe you called her Slips."
    Override slowly drove to a red light. It was really late now. Nearly two in the morning. Lindsey could barley keep her eyes open. "I really can't believe we sat through that movie." Override said. "Earth movies are different than the ones we had on Cybertron." Lindsey shrugged. "It was a pretty cruddy movie. In glad the drive-in was only five bucks."

    As they sat, another car pulled aside them, and the driver looked at them. "Hey, doll face." He said. Lindsey looked over. "What?" The driver grinned. "How's about we race your car against mine?" Override spoke quietly. "No. Don't give into his nonsense, Lindsey." The girl say back, ignoring the driver.

    "No bite? Come on." He said. "I bet you my dragster is faster than your.... fat hunk of junk." Override revved her engine. "Okay, it's on." She said lowly. The light hit green, and the Autobot took off, nearly hitting 100 MPH when she hit the freeway. But the driver stood behind, not moving Lindsey looked back, and at Override. "Um, I think you can stop now." But before the Autobot could comply, sirens flared behind them. Lindsey's heart sank. She couldn't get arrested. Her dad couldn't find out about this. "Cops." Override said softly. "Pull over!" Lindsey said, nervous. "Get in the passengers seat, now!" Override ordered. Lindsey obeyed, and Override pulled over. The cop followed, and stepped out of his car. Lindsey nervously glanced to drivers seat and surprising to her, a woman sat. She looked about 30, had choppy red hair, and had a shining pair of earrings on her. The cop reached the window, and tabbed on the door. "License and registration."

    The woman looked at him. "What's the big deal?" It was Override's voice. "License. And registration." The cop repeated. He wasn't very smart. The woman put her hand in her pocket and pulled out a badge. "I am agent Blu of the FBI. I was searching odd occurrences in the area and base called and said I had to get there right away." The cop looked at the badge, then Override's human, then Lindsey, then the badge. "Uh... well, okay then. Sorry to bother you, agent." The woman flashed him a sarcastic smile and drove away. Lindsey looked at the human, which flickered and faded out. "Hologram?" Lindsey asked. "Holographic driver." Override corrected. "In the two weeks I've been on Earth, I've developed my holographic driver. She's an FBI agent, married, two kids..." Her voice trailed off. Lindsey sighed. "I know you miss your friend, but you need to be strong. Not mope forever." Override sighed. "You didn't know him like I did." Lindsey sat back. "Then tell me about him." Override reacted with surprise. "Really? Well, okay. Bluestreak was really my first friend. We went through so much together, and every tine we survived a battle together, we felt closer. He always made me feel safe. Even when I didn't need his help, he was always there to back me up. And now he's gone." Lindsey didn't know what to do or say.

    She just simply put her hand on Override's dashboard. "I'm sorry." She said. Override sighed. "No, I'M sorry. I don't want be a depressed person anymore. But your talking can't help me here. I don't feel the safe anymore since he was taken. That's why I'm always angry, Lindsey. I don't have my best friend around anymore." The teenager legitimately didn't have anything to say. The two remained quiet force while, until Override piped up. "Let's get home. I'm ready to rest." Lindsey nodded. "Yeah. Me too." She didn't sound happy. She wasn't happy. Not as long as her friend wasn't.

  20. Meta777

    Meta777 Dr Pepper Fan

    Nov 20, 2011
    Trophy Points:
    Overrun and his good listening friend, the Bear. :lolol 

    Oh cool, now the Bear is Steeljaw! Neat :D 

    Those bits did make me laugh. The idea of a Con nattering to a bear and later telling his boss it's a vicious monster is downright beautiful :lol 

    Meanwhile, more stuff to learn about Override and Lindsey. She wanted to see the city but alas, nope- NEVER MIND AUTOBOT ROADTRIP! Woohoo! And then we see how Override misses old Bluestreak. Poor gal. It was an interesting change, from the rather humorous moment with the hologram and the police officer to emotional unloading. Mood whiplash.

    Pretty nicely done, my buddy. Fun chapter with an emotional moment. Nice :D