
Discussion in 'Transformers Fan Fiction' started by SPLIT LIP, Nov 29, 2011.

  1. Coffee

    Coffee (╭☞ꗞᨓꗞ)╭☞

    Mar 1, 2013
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    Hm a sunset that was rising... almost as if it were a *Gasp* a Sunrise!

    Just kidding, love what's going on right now, I always like me some focus on Ironhide, I can't remember the last time he had his own little moments without Optimus on his side.

    Anyways amazing work as always, looking forward to more.
  2. Wars

    Wars I ate the WHOLE plate

    Feb 14, 2009
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    The Emerald Isles
    Poor Ironhide, stuck out there all on his lonesome.

    SPLIT LIP Be strong enough to be gentle

    Oct 22, 2005
    News Credits:
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    agile house
    Well, a sun can't rise and set in two different places at the same time, now can it?


    Road Rage awoke with a start. She leapt to her feet and looked around. It was dark save for a faint ambient glow. She took a moment get her bearings, eyes darting every which way until she remembered what had happened. She checked herself over, relieved to find she was intact. She felt a presence behind her and turned around, finding Wheeljack just sitting there.

    “I’d ask what happened,” She said. “But that’s kind of obvious. What isn’t is why you were just staring at me like a weirdo instead of, I dunno, checking if I was alive?”

    “I did,” Wheeljack didn’t get up. “I thought you were dead. I was actually paying my respects with a moment of silence.” Road Rage gave him an unimpressed look. “Okay you got me, I was actually thinking of a way out.”

    “I guess my well-being was secondary.” Road Rage crossed her arms.

    “Stinks, don’t it?” Wheeljack stood up, hands on hips.

    “So,” She said. “Think of a plan yet? I assume you tried digging?”

    “I did.” He said. “No dice. The only weak point is this door,” He tapped on the metal bulkhead. “But it’s jammed at the floor. I can’t cut through and I know you can’t blast through.”

    “So that’s it?” Road Rage said. Wheeljack shook his head, pointing past her. The ambience that lit the room came from a glowing white container embedded in the wall. The light came from a glowing white liquid inside that bubbled. Wheeljack took out one of his swords and began running it back and fourth along the bottom of the door. “I thought you couldn’t break through?” Road Rage asked.

    “I can’t.” He said. “But that container is full of dryhexal acid.”

    “That stuff eats through anything.” She mused. “Don’t they dump that on engine parts to clear off any blockages? They coat the parts in another substance during production so you can just flood it with the stuff and it picks it clean.”

    “Basically.” Wheeljack said. “I’m going to use it to eat through the door.”

    “But this whole room would have been coated.” Road Rage said, looking at the warning label on the canister. “They always are-” She turned to see Wheeljack scrapping a clear substance off the door. “Which is why we’re going to scrap it off!”

    “Now she gets it.” Wheeljack said. “This stuff is normally blast proof so I’ll need a hand. I could be weakened by the crash, but in case it isn’t…”

    “Got it.” Road Rage walked over as Wheeljack handed her is other sword. They got to work scraping the coating off the door. Road Rage looked up to Wheeljack as they toiled away. “This might take a few minutes.”

    “It might.” He said, not looking up.

    “You wanna… talk?” She asked. Wheeljack stopped and sighed before resuming.

    “Truthfully,” He said. “No.”

    “Come on,” Road Rage said. “I poured my heart out back on that planet and I got barely anything from you.”

    “This isn’t the first time we’ve been buried together like this,” Wheeljack said. “Only this time I have a fighting chance.”

    “There’s only so many ways I can say I’m sorry.” Road Rage said. Wheeljack threw his sword down.

    “I lost my life!” He yelled in her face. “I was going to be a general! Maybe even a commander! I lost all my friends, I lost my home, I lost it all in that raid. The fact that I’m still alive is only thanks to Megatron himself!”

    “I didn’t make you become a Decepticon!”

    “No, but you removed every other option.” Wheeljack said. He glared for a moment before picking up his sword and continued removing the coating.


    “How!?” Wheeljack laughed. “You really have to ask? Really I should thank you. You showed me exactly what Autobots are like. Autobots are supposed to be compassionate and caring and helpful and other disgustingly overused words. Where was ‘compassion’ when I was trapped and dying? Oh, right, it was lifting you out of the rubble to helping hands outside. ‘Compassion’ gave the one person responsible for all my hardship a way out and stabbed me in the back all in one fell swoop.”

    “I wanted so bad to help you,” Road Rage said. “But they wouldn’t let me.”

    “Of course they wouldn’t,” He said. “They only help those if it’s convenient. We both would’ve died if I hadn’t lifted you out-” A loud hiss made them both jump. The white container made a very unfriendly noise before a single drop of glowing liquid rolled down the side. “Bugger it.”


    “Well, I had a feeling the seal broke, but now we’re on a time limit, I‘d say we have about five min-” The container’s clear housing cracked as the liquid poured out onto the floor, smoke billowing on contact. “-make that ten seconds before things get uncomfortable.” They both scraped harder.”

    “We didn’t die.” Road Rage said. “You didn’t die.”

    “Thanks to Megatron.”

    “How did it happen?” She asked. “In case we die I want to know why you switched sides. I want to know what convinced you.”

    “He helped me.”

    “I don’t believe it.” She said. “Megatron only helps people if they’re useful to him. For selfish reasons.”

    “When things got dark and the rubble started to give, I was sure it was over.” Wheeljack began. “When I was pulled out by two Decepticons. Actually, it was Starscream and Soundwave,” He laughed. “Kind of ironic, but anyway, they were just going to leave me there before Megatron showed up. He took pity on me-”


    “Fine, perhaps he thought I looked ‘useful.’” Wheeljack watched as the acid crept closer. “And said that if I could defend myself against him, I was welcome. I was battered, barely able to stand.”

    “And he expected you to fight?”

    “He expected me to survive. He was testing my will to see if I’d be-”

    “A worthwhile investment?” Road Rage interrupted. “Come on, the guy’s crazy with delusions of grander. He caused this whole mess.”

    “‘Grandeur.’” Wheeljack corrected her.

    “Whatever, he’s all over the place.”

    “And et he provided me with a better life than the Autobots.”

    “Ha!” Road Rage pointed. “I thought you said Autobots ruined your life!”

    “You just don’t understand.”

    “Make me, then!” Road Rage said. “I’ve tried apologising, I’ve tried making things right, and you can’t even give me a straight answer.”

    “Because there is no straight answer!” Wheeljack waved his head.

    “And why not!?”

    “Because I don’t know!’ He yelled, his expression was of pure anguish. Road Rage looked at the face of her old friend in so much pain and felt something crumble inside. She felt like crying. His expression turned to shock as he pulled away. Road Rage looked down and jumped back. The acid was inches away and time was running out.

    “What do we do?” She asked.

    “Once the acid hit’s the exposed part of the door,” Wheeljack compose himself. “It will eat away from the inside, and hopefully dissolve the lock. Then we can just open it..”

    “And until that happens?”

    “Hold on.” Wheeljack pointed to the ceiling. Pipes ran along to top. He jumped and grabbed on, suspended above the acid floor. Road Rage jumped to, likewise hanging above. The fumes from the acid dissolving were gumming her filters and she coughed.

    “I hope this doesn’t take long-” She said as the acid hit the door. Like a flame over dry wood the acid slipped into the uncoated section and began eating away inside the door. The entire bulkhead jostled as the lock was dissolved.

    “Pay dirt.” Wheeljack said. “One of us will have to actually open the door, though.”

    “There’s not much foot space down there-” Road Rage looked at the floor. It was almost entirely covered in acid save a small patch around the door’s left side. “I’ll go, my footprint’s smaller.” Road Rage waited for Wheeljack to say something, maybe even ask her not to, but he just nodded. She leapt down, barely avoided the hazardous floor.

    “You okay?” Wheeljack said with zero concern in his voice.

    “Nah, I’m good.” Road Rage lied. “This is just like and extreme version of a game we used to play back at home. We’d climb on the rocks near our base and pretend the ground was hot lava-” She scuttled her feet closer together as she gripped the door. “Of course that was make-believe and the rocks were a bit bigger than this.” She lifted the heavy bulkhead as a gust of wind nearly pushed her back. She looked out and saw they were suspended above a gorge. The piece of the ship they were in teetered over a shear drop. The other side of the gorge was almost six car lengths away.

    “I can make that jump.” Wheeljack said.

    “How?” She asked.

    “I’ll swing myself. I can grab the edge. Then you jump and I‘ll catch you.”

    “I don’t know-”

    “I do. Just hold the door open.” Wheeljack said. The acid around her feet closed in.

    “Make it fast!” Road Rage said. Wheeljack swung back and fourth on the pipes, gaining momentum each time. Finally, with expert delicacy and timing, he swung out through the door, flipped in midair, and across the gorge. He hit the side of the cliff just barely able to grab the ledge. He pulled himself up and looked back.

    “Okay!” Road Rage shouted. She stepped through the bulkhead onto the thin ledge on the other side as the door slammed closed behind her. “I’m ready!” Road Rage watched as Wheeljack jut stared back. He stared with his blank white eyes as she stood precariously above a deadly fall. He stepped back.

    “What are you doing?” She said. Wheeljack turned around and walked away. Road Rage felt her heart sink to the bottom of her chest. Smoke came from behind her as the acid ate through the rest of the door, and her ledge. She turned back and saw nothing. Knowing there wasn’t any time to think, she jumped then and there. Arms forward and legs back, she leaped through the air. Time slowed to a crawl as she drifted towards the ledge. For a moment it seemed like she was going to make it, but then the ledge lifted away.

    She closed her eyes and thought about all her friends. Optimus, Ironhide, Jetfire and Botanica. Even Spiral.

    She felt a tug on her wrists and slight impact on her chest. Either death was not nearly as bad as everyone said, or she hadn’t died. She knew the answer already, but looked up anyway to see Wheeljack holding her arms. His face was unreadable and he said nothing, but he pulled her up anyway. She climbed with her legs until she was up, then they walked away from the edge.

    “Thank you.” She said. Wheeljack shook his head. Road Rage was confused.

    “No,” He said. “We’re even.” He smiled and turned around.

    “Where are you going?” She asked. Wheeljack didn’t say anything, instead he looked to the sunrise. He turned back to her and gave her a hug before walking towards it.

    “Wheeljack!” She said, but he didn’t reply. Instead he transformed an drove off towards the light. Road Rage watched until he disappeared from view, knowing it was the last she’d ever see of him.
  4. Coffee

    Coffee (╭☞ꗞᨓꗞ)╭☞

    Mar 1, 2013
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    Looked back, read that part again and now I think I understand it. Well technically no I don't understand it, But I understand the image set. Very interesting, I especially love what you're doing with Wheeljack, especially since I didn't quite care about him at first but the whole idea of him losing his entire life... really deep right there. Looking forward to more.
  5. Ømnidrive

    Ømnidrive Stop.....think......fart.....and keep on going

    Oct 6, 2011
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    Deep shit bro!!!

    *Nodding Head with a smile*

    SPLIT LIP Be strong enough to be gentle

    Oct 22, 2005
    News Credits:
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    agile house
    We now return to your regularly (HA!) schedua- schedu... programming.


    Optimus frowned as he opened the crate that, if the box was to be believed, contained the new overhead lights for the counter. Instead, it was empty.

    “Orion,” He asked. “Where’s the new lights?”

    “What?” A robot with a chiselled face poked it’s head up from behind the counter.

    “The new lights,” Optimus dropped the box. “They were supposed to be in here but it’s empty. Did you move them?”

    “I didn’t,” Orion Pax said. “But I’m sure they’re here some-” Orion yelped before cursing.

    “Don’t electrocute yourself yet old man,” Optimus sighed. “Not until you help me find those lights. How are we supposed to appraise priceless antiques in the dark?”

    “Beats me,” Orion stood up. “We’ll just have to rely on the light of our show-stopping personalities.” He flinched again as another shock numbed his finger.

    “I’d rather just have the lights, and would you please just call an electrician?” Optimus said. “If I here ‘ow’ one more time I’m gonna start hearing it when I sleep.”

    “Don’t you think it’s cruel irony that our species is mechanical with tons of electrical business inside of us, yet we lack the knowledge to wire a simple display light?” Orion lamented.

    “No, you lack the knowledge to wire a light.” Optimus walked over to the counter and sighed when he saw the new lights sitting right behind Orion on the floor.

    “Oh,” Orion said. “You meant those lights?”

    “Like I was saying-” Optimus leaned over the counter and grabbed the lights. “The only knowledge you lack is the knowledge to pick up a telecomm and call…” Optimus felt light headed. He stumbled back. The room felt slanted for a moment before the feeling passed. He shrugged off the feeling before he noticed something. His olfactory indicator blinked a warning. It was reading hazardous ionised energon emissions and recommended he deploy his face shield. This was especially odd as Optimus smelled no emissions, nor would there being ionised energon anywhere near him. He looked around the partially-renovated pawn shop. No energon, besides, ionised energon is only used in star ship ignition.

    An intense burning overtook his body. Optimus fell to his knees as his body felt like it was swelling and breaking. He screamed but no noise left his mouth, and as soon as the attack started, it stopped, and he was fine.

    “Orion?” He asked.

    “What?” Pax got up and walked around the counter. “What’s wrong, are you okay?” Orion held out his hand.

    “I think so?” Optimus said. He took his hand and Orion helped him off the floor. “Just some kind of weird feeling-” Optimus looked at Orion’s hand to see it’s normal blue colour and five digits replaced with black, rusted metal and four, spindly fingers. He let go and reeled back as Orion was replaced by a hulking, red-eyed monster. Optimus blinked, only for Orion to return, with a rather perplexed look on his face.

    “Are you gonna be okay?” Orion Pax said. “Maybe you’ve been working too hard, you should go sit down.”

    “Nah, I’m fine.” Optimus said.

    “You were looking kind of pale,” Orion said. “Paler than usual. ‘Bot your age shouldn’t be getting pale from light work.”

    “I’m serious.” Optimus said.

    “Still, you should at least sit down. Why don’t you go take a load off upstairs, eh? Leave the stumbling to rust-buckets like me.” Orion smiled. Optimus was about to protest, but figured it probably would best. He was about to agree on the condition that Pax call an electrician, but the telecomm started ringing.”

    “Who’d be calling this early?” Optimus moved towards the phone before Pax stopped him.

    “I’ll get it, you just go upstairs.” Orion said, his smile gone. Optimus said nothing and made his way upstairs. He walked into his room and flicked the switch for the bed. A section of the wall unfolded and a connector flipped out near the head rest. Optimus decided a nap wouldn’t go amiss and laid down, plugging himself in and nodding off. His sleep did not go well, as his dreams were filled with violent sensations and visions of fire and smoke. He was relived when he awoke to boring old reality in downtown Polyhex. He pulled himself off of the bed, transformed back and forth to loosen up after a long sleep, then made his way downstairs.

    “What the-?” He said as he entered the pawn shop. The shop was completely finished, lights and all. Even the boxes were cleared away. Optimus thought he was still dreaming. “Orion?” he called out.

    “You bellowed?” Orion poked his head in from the door at the back, walking out and closing the door behind him.

    “What-? How-?” Optimus stuttered.

    “You were out for a long time, lad.” Orion said. “So, don’t keep me in suspense, what do you think?’

    “I think it looks amazing.” Optimus said. “Wait, did you just call me-?”

    “Now the inside matches the outside!” Orion Pax interrupted, holding his hands up in a presenting style to the “Double-O’s pawn and loan” sign that hung behind the counter, matching the one outside.

    “That’s great Orion,” Optimus took it all in, a proud smile on his face. “Just great.” Orion smiled as he stood next to his old friend.

    “We did it,” He said. “I told ya, you and me together, we can achieve our dream. Told ya ever since you were a mid-sized.”

    “I never doubted you for a second old timer.” Optimus said. “Even when the money got tight I knew you’d find a way. It almost seems too perfect.” He looked at the sign, the cases and tables ready for items, the register and counter with it’s mirror backed shelves, then frowned. “Aw, but one of the mirrors broke!”

    “Aw, what?” Orion said. “But I was so careful!” Optimus ran over to the shelf and looked at the crack in the mirror.

    “Yeah,” Optimus said, running his finger across the glass. “Big ol’ crack right up the center.” Optimus flinched as the mirror crack expanded. At first he thought it was from his finger, but the crack grew, splitting until his reflection was repeated and distorted. He saw something. Something dark in the middle of it all. Amongst all the many skewed Optimus’ in the mirror, he saw what looked like a green glint. He pulled back.

    “That’s weird,” Optimus said. “Hey Orion, how do you think-” Optimus turned around to see Orion behind the counter with him, and the pawn show full of robots. The displays and tables were covered in items while people looked around and Orion tended to a customer.

    “What’d you say, boy?” Orion said.

    “I… uh…” Optimus felt like he’d just skipped over a huge period of time, but took only a second to remember all the time in between. He wrote it off as extreme déjà vu and shook his head. “Uh, nothing, sorry.”

    “Why don’t you go get some more certificate cards, we’re almost out.” Orion said. Optimus nodded and made his way to the stockroom. He opened the door and turned to his left where all the records and the like were kept and grabbed a stack of the flexible clear certificates. He turned to walk back and found himself standing on the edge of a black abyss. He reeled back, hoping to grab onto the shelf and brace himself, but the shelf was gone. Everything was gone as he stood on a pillar above a black void. He heard voices and noises come from everything. Dark figures, black on black, swirled and moved around him. A blinding green light beta down from above.

    “No!” He screamed. “NO!” He felt the heat from the light and pressure all over his body like he was being crushed. The light bore down as he leapt into the blackness, only to find himself staring out a window. Not a metaphorical one, but a physical, tangible window. His window, to be precise. He saw through it the streets of Polyhex, the sunset on the horizon and the backlit skyscrapers from the bordering city of Iacon. He looked down and saw Orion in the ally adjacent the pawn shop, with what looked like two other robots. Before he could even move he was there with them, just instantly transported, as he listened to them talk.

    “That wasn’t the deal,” One of the robots said. It’s voice was distorted and unnatural, it’s face was blurry and it’s body non-descript. “You run a pawn shop, you know how loans work.”

    “If you can’t pay,” The other robot, it’s appearance and voice equally as vague. “We take something as collateral.”

    “Please,” Orion said. “You don’t need me anymore. Business is booming, I swear! I can pay back the money myself, I’ll have it in a week tops! You don‘t need me for the jobs anymore.”

    “I don’t care if you’ll have it in an hour,” The first robot said. “The deal was you pay us every shanix before sundown tonight. Once you‘re in, you‘re in for life.”

    “Please don’t-” Orion said. Optimus couldn’t stand by anymore, and ran in.

    “Who’s this?” Robot one said.

    “We said you come alone, Pax!” The second said.

    “No, don’t hurt him!” Orion said. Optimus ran past and pushed one of the dark robots away. Another struck at him. The feeling was familiar yet shocking. It was the first time Optimus had been hit, yet he remembered the sensation. Optimus fell to his hands and knees, Orion clocking the robot square in the jaw. Optimus looked up, his eyes wide with horror. The first robot pulled what looked like a gun and pointed it at Optimus. Time slowed to a crawl as the black figure squeezed the trigger, a flash erupting from the barrel. Optimus watched the flash grow brighter as the blast approached, and how it disappeared behind Orion as he dived before Optimus. Optimus watched his mentor’s face contort just as unimaginable pain shot from his stomach. The two lay in the alley as the dark robots shifted into blurs and left as Optimus winced, rolling over on his side to look at Pax. The last thing he experienced before blacking out was his best friend with a hole in his chest, the muffled screams from a distance away and shouting from strangers to call for help.

    “I’m afraid it’s not good news.” The doctor said. Optimus stood outside a room in a medical center, a green and white robot standing next to him. Optimus looked down to his chest to see shiny, flat grey replacement parts covering his wound while Orion lay on a repair slab, his legs disconnected and a large machine attached to his chest. A hazard symbol on the gals between them. Optimus looked to the doctor.

    “Is there anything you can do?” Optimus asked.

    “His spark is unstable,” The doctor began.” The blast destroyed his laser core and cracked the spark chamber’s casing. He’s leaking radiation and we can’t stop it. His diagnostics and all onboard programs were fried from the leak and we can’t restore any functionality to his automatic systems. I‘m sorry.” Optimus didn’t understand any of that, and was about to ask for clarification when two white and black identical robots walked up. Their faces were concealed under blue visors, or maybe those were their faces, but they didn’t look happy.

    “The represent the Polyhex Autotrooper justice division,” One of the robots said. Optimus felt his fluids run cold. “We need to talk.”

    “About what?” Optimus said.

    “Are you the legal relative of this individual?”


    “Then I’m sorry, I’m sure this can’t be easy, but we believe he’s connected to a string of crimes committed over the last month. We’d like to ask you a few questions.”

    Optimus couldn’t believe what was happening. It’s like his life was peeling away one piece at a time. Falling apart. This distorted reality, this warped perception of time seemed to knot and bundle, like it wasn’t real. Then he realised it wasn’t. Or rather, it wasn’t reality. He was remembering. Remembering how it all went wrong. How Orion has paid for their pawn shop by taking a loan of his own, falling in with bad people and aiding them in all manner of shady dealings to pay it off. He turned away from the Autotroopers and saw the pawn shop behind him, now closed. Optimus turned again, like he was watching people go by on the street. But instead of people, he saw memories, memories of having to close the shop, having to testify at the trail, having to be spun up in all the legalities of the affair while being effectively homeless. Then the last memory. The worst memory. Orion, his mentor and best friend, the robot he spent his entire life looking up to, the person who raised him to be the person Optimus was, in prison, dying. Dying slowly from radiation produced by his own spark. The very thing that gave him his existence was destroying his body and killing him from the inside, all while being forced to stay in an Autobot jail in the hazmat suite. Optimus couldn’t even be in the same room as him. That fateful last conversation through the glass, and his decision to leave it all behind. Optimus stood once again, in a memory he’d relived dozens of times before, in front of the military academy. He looked down to see Ironhide and Road Rage standing before him, before the green light returned. Optimus felt fear and pain when he looked at this light, and every part of him demanded he run, but he didn’t.

    No. Not again. He won’t run again. He remembered it all now. The academy, his friends, Earth and the secret he discovered. He remembered his mission, Jetfire, Sky-Byte, and how he didn’t run. He couldn’t have. And he wouldn’t run now. The ghostly figures of memory Ironhide and Road Rage by his side, Optimus embraced the pain and fear of the light, and jumped towards it. The light filled his vision until all he saw was green, and all he heard was the crackling of fire. Whatever the light was, it was real, and reality is where he needed to be. The green pulled back was he left his memories behind. He saw Orion’s face one last time before everything became loud. He lurched forward of the ground, coughing up debris and gasping as his filters strained.

    “You’re alive!” A voice said from beside him. Optimus looked to see a blurry figure.

    “Ironhide? Road Rage?” Optimus said weakly.

    “Sorry buddy,” The figure resolved into a blue form. Green optics shown beneath a tinted visor. “Just little ol’ me.”

    “Spiral?” Optimus asked.

    “Oh good, now I don’t have to ask you.” Spiral quipped. “Now if you could give me the date, name of the current Prime and a rough estimate on the amount of fingers I have up we are golden.”

    “How did, wait-” Optimus felt it all come back. “We crashed!”

    “Yeah we did!” Spiral said.

    “It was you all along,” Optimus smacked his head and sighed.

    “I tried CPR, but I don’t have a mouth so I kind of resorted to just punching your chest.” Spiral said.

    “No kidding,” Optimus said. “Jeez, what you have done if I was shot? Cut my arm off?”

    “Some gratitude,” Spiral said. “You know I’d like to think you’d do the same for me.”

    “Where is everyone?” Optimus stood up.

    “I wish I knew.” Spiral said. “The ship basically disintegrated. The debris goes on forever. Optimus, I don’t think-”

    “We’ll find them.” Optimus said. “We’ll find everyone. We just need to look. Can you still transform?”

    “I can.” Spiral said. “In fact, remind me to thank Soundguy. Search and rescue on land is pretty hard when you’re a boat. That was pretty nice of a Decepticon to do that, and free air filter change!” Spiral transformed into her luxury car form. Optimus transformed as well and the two drove off.

    “So where do we start?” She asked.

    “Anywhere.” Optimus said, looking at the sea of debris. “Anywhere we can.”
  7. Wars

    Wars I ate the WHOLE plate

    Feb 14, 2009
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    The Emerald Isles
    Damn, those last two updates were deep. Great insights into the characters' pasts.
  8. Coffee

    Coffee (╭☞ꗞᨓꗞ)╭☞

    Mar 1, 2013
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    I second what transformerswars said. These last couple of updates have brought me from really liking this series to really loving it.
  9. Ømnidrive

    Ømnidrive Stop.....think......fart.....and keep on going

    Oct 6, 2011
    Trophy Points:
    ..........WHY U SO DEEP BRA?!!

    ..............why :( 

    SPLIT LIP Be strong enough to be gentle

    Oct 22, 2005
    News Credits:
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    agile house
    After nearly a month and two weeks I'm back. Sorry for the giant pause but work, illness and a general lack of motivation have kept me away from this for too long. Also it didn't help that I almost lost my notes for the story. :eek:  But the thought of all this effort and passion put into this (nearly concluded!) ongoing creation of mine would become just another of my many unfinished works was motivation enough to get me off my big fat ass and write.


    Ironhide stared off into the horizon as he understood what he saw. The world before him was ablaze, a city in ruins was barely visible through the smoke and flames. Ironhide felt panic, his hand hung open as he contemplated what to do. His voice cracked when he asked Optimus what to do, only to remember he was alone at the moment. Very alone, he mused, as he looked at the wreckage. Between the crash and whatever was happening across the world, it seemed like all hell had literally broken loose. He rolled down from his vantage point and continued his search, but a feeling of overwhelming quickly overtook him. The crash site was huge, and without any emergency crews on the way, it was up to him to find everyone. Or so he thought.

    “Hey!” A voice came from across the way. From atop a mound of scrap stood a hulking, brutish figure. It looked genuinely imposing, which meant it couldn’t be any of the Decepticons unless…

    “Strika?” Ironhide yelled back. The Decepticon leapt from the mound high into the air, landing before him in one perfectly executed jump. Ironhide did his best to look unimpressed.

    “Autobot… Ironhide, is it?” Strika said. “Forgive me if I do not sound surprised. You’re the only one I expected to survive.”

    “Considering you survived that swan dive you did off that cliff back on Earth, the feeling is mutual.” Ironhide said.

    “No one else made it?” Strika said matter-of-factly.

    “I haven’t found anyone else, if that’s what you mean.” Ironhide said, he crossed his arms and puffed out his chest. “But I’m sure everyone’s fine. This is only marginally worse than our last crash.”

    “We should find Megatron first,” Strika said. “He will know what to do.”

    “No, we find Optimus first.’ Ironhide said. “Something horrible has happened. The city is on fire!”

    “I see.” Strika said. “Then Shockwave has beaten us here.”

    “No kidding,” Ironhide said. “So you’re the brains of Decepticon outfit.”

    “Watch your words, you little lump.” Strika said. “Now that Starscream has shown his apparent true colours, it is imperative that we find Megatron. He’ll have likely accounted for this…” Strika paused as Ironhide snickered. “…Well, he knows more about the plan more than anyone. He’ll know what Starscream intends to do.” Strika rolled into her vehicle mode as Ironhide transformed and followed.

    “This really is all your fault, you know.” Ironhide yelled to her. “You Decepticons and your plans. Plans that always fall apart in spectacularly bad ways. What even is your stupid plan?”

    “None of your business.” Strika said.

    “Seriously, we’re playing that game, now?” Ironhide said. “You guys just can’t break that delusional-” Ironhide was cut off when he swerved to avoid a vehicle pulling out from behind some wreckage. He rolled and skidded to a stop in robot mode. The oncoming vehicle converted into Botanica who looked very panicked.

    “Botanica!” Ironhide said.

    “Ironhide!” Botanica hovered up to him and leapt into his arms. She looked him over and breathed relief at his minor injuries. “I thought I was the only one who made it!” She looked at Strika. “Have you seen anyone…?”

    “You’re the only one we’ve found.” Ironhide said. “But, we just started looking, so that doesn‘t mean we‘re all that‘s left.”

    “The ship…” Botanica said. “It… he, didn’t make it.”

    “Wait, what?” Ironhide said. “Oh wait, you were saying something before, about the ship, or was it Sky-Byte? Something, I think I hit my head.”

    “You were in a crash, idiot, of course you hit your head.” Strika said.

    “The ship, it was alive.” Botanica said. “Or rather, it’s main computer was a quantum processor with a sub matrix based off an intelligent Cybertronian mind. The ship was a sentient being, growing and alive. When we crashed it’s hull was destroyed, but I found what was left of the mainframe…”

    “You spoke to it?” Strika said. “But nobody should be able to do that except-”

    “Soundwave,” Botanica said. “He’s who the sub matrix was patterned after. It was a clone of Soundwave.”

    “It was just a machine.” Strika imposed over Botanica. “You know not of what you speak.”

    “It was more than that!” Botanica said. “It was alive, and you used it!”

    “It was an experiment!” Strika said. “A scientific footnote. Do not entrench yourself on things you do not understand.”

    “I understand plenty.” Botanica said. “Because it told me. Everything. Your mission, Sky-Byte, Shockwave, everything. And I have some choice words for your boss.” Strika’s skin crawled as she took offence to the mention of her commander. Ironhide put himself between the two, but Botanica moved him aside. “Do you even understand what your plan even was?”

    “Of course!” Strika said. “It was to gain control of a super weapon to give the Decepticons the power they once held again.”

    “But do you even know what Sky-Byte was? Who he was?” Botanica.

    “Yeah!” Ironhide fruitlessly chimed in, feeling left out of a conversation he didn’t understand.

    “I don’t need to listen to this.” Strika flicked her hand at Botanica before turning and storming off. Ironhide and Botanica waited a moment before transforming and following.

    “Okay, I the to bug, but I gotta know; what’s going on?” Ironhide said. “Why is Strika so secretive?”

    “She’s not,” Botanica said. “I think she just doesn’t know.”

    “She’s not the only one.” Ironhide said.

    “Sorry,” Botanica said. “I’ll explain it once we find Optimus. There’s a lot going on. The ship…”

    “Is a clone of Soundwave,” Ironhide said. “Can we start with that one?”

    “Sky-Byte wasn’t the Decepticon’s A plan for conquering Cybertron.” Botanica began. “Not directly. They tried making their own super warrior, but building brains isn’t exactly easy science. Sentience is not something you can make from spare parts in a lab. They needed a brain.”

    “So, they cloned one?” Ironhide guessed.

    “The idea was that a body can be built, but they’d need an existing brain. In order to get the best results they needed an incredibly smart brain, that way any cognitive degradation from the, understandably, un-perfected process of cloning and entire mind would still have a decently function intellect.”

    “Man, Megatron is nuts. Cloning brains? Building super warriors? Wouldn‘t stealing a nuke be easier?”

    “You have no idea. Imagine Megatron’s frustration when the cloned brain still need a room full of computers to operate? After all, though patterns and impulses are worthless without an actual organ to run them.” Botanica said. “It’s rather ironic in hindsight. Shockwave was the one who originally-”

    “So wait, why’d they turn the cloned brain into a ship?” Ironhide asked.

    “Because, while it was a terrible super-warrior, it was an excellent star-charter and navigator. Imagine a mind just as complex as yours or mine, but unhindered by senses and able to process multiple intricate calculations and manage different tasks at once? It’d be a waste of a scientific breakthrough to not do something with it.” Botanica’s electric engine hummed down in a sigh. “And now he’s gone. It’s like Starscream planned this, as if to shut it up.”

    “Did it work?” Ironhide asked.

    “Not well enough, I know all about their plan. And about Sky-Byte and- Jetfire?”

    “Jetfire’s a part of this now? How much did this magic ship brain tell you?”

    “No, Jetfire!” Botanica yelled and pointed with her windshield wiper upwards. Ironhide looked up and saw the lazy, erratic spinning of Jetfire in his shuttle mode. The only problem was he was spinning down towards them, and not slowing down.
  11. Ømnidrive

    Ømnidrive Stop.....think......fart.....and keep on going

    Oct 6, 2011
    Trophy Points:

    SPLIT LIP Be strong enough to be gentle

    Oct 22, 2005
    News Credits:
    Trophy Points:
    agile house
    A bit long this one, but for good reason! Things are coming together. The ultimate battle is on the horizon!


    Optimus and Spiral ramped off what used to be a piece of ship hull into a clearing among the detritus. They landed on their feet and stared at the horizon.

    “Is that-?” Spiral began to describe the surreal sight of the city in ruins. “Oh God, that’s Iacon… what happened to it?”

    “We were too late.” Optimus said. “Dammit, Starscream. Because he forced us into that detour to get that… thing…”

    “I’m gonna shove that gizmo so far up his aft he’ll have to walk on his hands.” Spiral clenched her fists until the metal of her hands creaked. “I spent half my life in that city!”

    “We’re not done yet.” Optimus said. “We’re still here. We can stop Shockwave, then take care of Starscream.”

    “Just the two of us?” Spiral said. “Sorry to pull the pragmatic stick out of the reality sack, but the city is on fire! That means Shockwave and that Sky thing have managed to smash the entire Autobot defence force. If the military protection of the capital of the Cyber-allied territory can‘t stop that juggernaut, whaddo we got?”

    “I don’t know, but If we just stay calm-” Optimus began but was rudely cut off.

    “What a surprise, and Autobot doesn’t know something.” The snide and sarcastic voice of Obsidian echoed through the valley of wreckage as he hovered down to them. A sonic boom came from above as Megatron fell from the sky.

    “Ah, well isn’t this a surprise,” Megatron said. “I’m impressed that a delicate, feminine little thing like you survived the crash. Also I see Spiral is alive, too.” Megatron laughed to himself.

    “Don’t be too impressed. We’ve actually been watching you for five minutes while he tried to remember her name for that joke-” Obsidian said before Megatron elbowed him in the stomach.

    “You guys are so funny, you should seriously consider a two-man stand-up routine. You could open for some big names, I bet.” Optimus said. “Shockwave’s already gone to town, literally.” He pointed to Iacon. “Tell me how to stop him.”

    “You can’t-” Megatron began before Optimus grabbed him by the collar.

    “Bullshit I can’t!” Optimus shook him. “You’re a pretty stupid guy Megatron, but you’d never be stupid enough to not have a way to turn him off. Shockwave can do it, and you know everything about Shockwave. Tell me or I’ll…!”

    “You’ll what?” Megatron said. “You Autobots love you’re tough talk, but you’d never go so far as to-” Optimus punched Megatron in the face. Spiral flinched a little bit and let out a slight hiss before looking at Obsidian.

    “Uh, aren’t you going to help him?” She asked.

    “No, I think Optimus is doing just fine on his own.” Obsidian said. Despite not having a mouth, he managed to grin.

    “I am done playing games, other people’s lives are at stake! Innocent people who aren‘t part of this!” Optimus pushed him away.

    “And that’s where we differ, Autobot,” Megatron rubbed his jaw, musing to himself. “Our alliance was always going to break down, obviously we have different goals, though I must say I’m shocked that it was you who did the breaking.”

    “Give me a way to stop him. You want control of Sky-Byte-” Optimus began.

    “But you want to set him free, and therein lies the problem.” Megatron said. “I can’t just give you the shut oFf control. You have to give me something in return.”


    “Jetfire. That relic may be an antique, but he’s still a Decepticon war machine. If I can’t have Sky-Byte, I want something. I’ve invested too much to leave empty-handed.”

    “You’re insane.”

    “And you really have no choice. Every second you spend arguing with me, Shockwave and his walking nuke lay waste to yet more of Cybertron’s bristling cityscape.” Megatron stood, his face halfway between threatening and gloating. Optimus felt the ends of his fingers digging into his palms. He understood now Megatron must have had this planned for a while. That’s the only reason this truce kept going.

    “Clock’s ticking.” Megatron said. “Why don’t we shake on it?” Megatron extended his hand. Optimus felt his blood boil and his pistons hiss. He slowly raised his hand to shake just when a sword nearly cut both their hands in half. The blade wedged itself at an angle between them. From on high stood Scourge, one leg up on a pipe, leaning on his knee. He hopped the pipe and jumped down the hill of debris, strolling as if he were taking a casual walk down the street. He walked up to Optimus and Megatron.

    “Scourge,” Megatron said. “I’m elated to see you alive but you’re kind of interrupting something here.”

    “Really,” Scourge pulled his blade from the ground. “I hadn’t noticed.”

    “I can’t say I appreciate your tone.” Megatron said.

    “Well, that’s just awful for you.” Scourge said before he back-handed Megatron across the face. Megatron held his head to side only a moment before slowly turning it back.

    “So what did it, hmm?” Megatron didn’t take his gaze away from Scourge. “Did you finally just have enough or taking orders? Were you just biding your time?”

    “A little of column A, a little e of column B.” Scourge said. “To be completely honest my former lord, I got a better job offer.”

    “From who?” Optimus asked, knowing the answer. Footsteps from behind them all betrayed the position of one sauntering, winged individual making his way towards them.

    “From me.” Starscream said, hands clasped behind his back as if to intentionally evoke a villain as best he could. The four-eyed Decepticon rather smugly made his way to the group before stopping just out of arms reach from Megatron.

    “’Sup boss.” Starscream said. “That is what you’d expect me to say. Or something like that.”

    “You have bigger bearings than your last monthly physical suggested, Starscream.” Megatron crossed his arms to match his pompousness.

    “Not as big as your ego,’ Starscream said. “Granted I’m one to talk, but even my modest lack of modestly pails in comparison to your deluded sense of self-worth.”

    “Oh God why don’t you two just exchange vows right now-” Optimus said snidely, but was reprimanded immediately by Scourge kicking out his left knee. Spiral leapt to intervene, but Scourge countered and place her in a hold.

    “I’m actually not here for much,” Starscream said. “Just the shut off control.”

    “Oh man, everyone wants that today.” Spiral said, Scourge tightened his hold.

    “I thought you had everything you needed, or was that another lie?” Megatron said.

    “What can I say, I have a lucrative acting career ahead of me. Once I take control of Sky-Byte from Shockwave.” Starscream said. “Problem is, I can rewrite the interface to respond to me, but not while he’s active. So if you could just hand the control over to me…”

    “You’ll have to pull it from my rusted dead hands.” Megatron said.

    “Well, that isn’t quite where I planned to pull it from.” Starscream punched Megatron in the stomach, grabbed the back of his neck and dug his hand into the base of his head. Megatron yelled in agony as Starscream pulled out a piece of his neural processor. Megatron fell to his hands and knees, his body convulsing from the damage to his brain.

    “What’d you do?” Optimus said.

    “The shut-down control is a remote link.” Starscream said. “While I pretended to make rubber-band balls in the lab, I carefully watched through a crack in the med bay door as Megatron had Strika install this little trinket in his noggin’. Granted I’ll have to recode it for my own brain patterns, but wouldn’t you know it…” Starscream held the reprogramming device in his hand. “Like using a chainsaw on a dandelion, but the results will be the same.” Starscream knelt down to the convulsing Megatron. He barely managed to turn his head to look at Starscream. “Have fun drooling into the landscape, bucket-head. Thanks for the super weapon.” Starscream patted his face and laughed, and Megatron would not have it. With all his might he balled his hand into a fist and knocked Starscream away. This gave Optimus the opening he needed, and he pushed off with his good leg and tackled Starscream. Scourge flinched from pain in his back as Obsidian shot him, giving Spiral the opportunity to get free and kick him in the midsection. Starscream and Optimus struggled, but Starscream managed to transform and rocket out of his grip, Optimus tumbling away. Scourge rolled out of the battle to his feet.

    “I would have thought you too apathetic to intervene.” Scourge said, holding his back.

    “I’d say something like “I’m full of surprises” but let’s be honest, I’ve made it no secret how much I loathe Starscream,” Obsidian transformed his other hand into a blaster and aimed them both. “And anyone associated with him.” Scourge leapt at Obsidian, who fired, but Scourge had jumped clear over them. Spiral jumped from behind Obsidian and tackled him in the air. The two hit the ground and Scourge swung at her. She ducked, he swung again, and she dodged it. She jabbed his left knee with her right leg, then spun around hitting him square in the neck with her left elbow. Scourge rolled, pulling his sword and swinging. He hit her with the broad side and knocked her away. Obsidian fired again, but Scourge blocked the shots with his blade. While the others fought Optimus ran over to Megatron.

    “Get up, Megatron,” Optimus pulled him to his feet. “I said, get. UP!”

    “My failures…” Megatron still shook from the blow to his nervous system. “Just keep coming back to… haunt me.”

    “It sucks, doesn’t it?” Optimus said. “But you don’t get to quit now. Starscream has everything he needs, Shockwave’s still going nuts in the meantime, and we’re still divided. Help me make a plan or I’ll… start punching you again!”

    “A plan…” Megatron said. “Because our plans always work.” There was a loud bang as Obsidian hit the ground smoking next to them.

    “Fine,” Optimus said. “Sit here and stew.” Optimus transformed and drove head-on towards Scourge. The Decepticon tossed Spiral aside just as Optimus rammed into his shins. Scourge grabbed Optimus’ hood and tried to stop him. Optimus floored it, and Scourge was pushed back. Scourge growled as he tried to fight Optimus’ horsepower. Optimus extended his arms from his hood to push Scourge over, trampling him under wheel as he toppled back. Optimus returned to robot mode and pulled out his tow hook, wrapping it around Scourge’s neck. Scourge was too fats, and got his hands under the line and lurched forward, tossing Optimus over him and onto the ground. Spiral screamed a battle cry as she leapt in, wrapping her arms around Scourge’s neck to try and strangle him. He grabbed her by the head and threw her to the ground next to Optimus. Scourge drew his blade and lined it up, poised to cut through both their necks with a single swing before and explosion knocked him away. Before the Decepticon could get up, he was hit by more missiles and gunfire as Road Rage sped towards him. She kept the fire going until she was within a few feet before she transformed and grabbed his head as she flew past him, twisting it and popping his neck joints. She let go as Scourge reeled from the attack. She pounced again, but Scourge hit her with the spikes on his forearm before grabbing his sword and transforming and driving off the same direction Starscream went. Road Rage picked up a hunk of metal and chucked it, hitting Scourge but not stopping him. She slapped her left hand into her right elbow as she raised her right arm at him before turning to her friends.

    “Are you guys okay?” She said helping them both up at once.

    “We’re fine.” Optimus said.

    “And you?” Spiral said. “Are you alright? Are you alone?”

    “I’m fine,” Road Rage said, she looked at the ground. “I’m, um… Wheeljack’s gone.”

    “The tall dark and hauntingly mysterious bloke?” Spiral asked. “He died?”

    “No, he’s just gone.” Road Rage said. “For good, I think.”

    “And I didn’t get his number!” Spiral made fists in the air in a seemingly sincere fashion. Optimus walked over and hugged Road Rage.

    “I’m glad you’re okay.” Optimus said.

    “I’ve survived worse.” Road Rage said.

    “I wasn’t talking about the crash.”

    “I know.”

    “How’d you find us?” Spiral asked.

    “I actually followed Starscream’s jet trails.” Road Rage said. “I tried to keep up but the human engineers that designed my car mode obviously didn’t plan for it to match speeds with a supersonic jet.”

    “Slackers.” Spiral said.

    “Wait, you followed his trial?” Optimus said. “Maybe others will, too.” Optimus felt a buzzing in his head.

    “What is it?” Spiral asked.

    “I think- wait,” Optimus tapped his ear. “Botanica, is that you?”

    “Botanica?” Road Rage said.

    “What?” Optimus put his finger on his other ear. “Can you speak up, you sound like you’re going through a tunnel?”

    “I-iad-” A garbled, muffled voice said through the comm. “We----oming----you-----ake------clear----don’t be near the-”

    “What’s she saying?” Spiral asked.

    “The signal’s garbage,” Optimus said. “I didn’t even think these short-range transmitters would still work, she must be out of the ideal range.”

    “What’s the ideal range?” Road Rage asked. Optimus shrugged.

    “Be---ere--n a bit----anica out-” The line went dead. Optimus took his hands off his head.

    “What’d she say?’ Spiral asked.

    “I think she said they’d be here in a bit.” Optimus said.

    “”They” “a bit?”” Spiral said aghast.

    “Aside from that time Ironhide left a bunch of messages on the base comm. singing the national anthem in French, I have never been more confused and slightly concerned by a phone call in my entire life.” Optimus said.

    “I don’t know what French is, but you just described every “Ironhide got into the CO’s unleaded fuel supply” night in boot camp ever.” Spiral said. “Glad to see the butterball hasn’t lost his musical touch.”

    “Do guys hear something?” Road Rage asked. The Autobots looked to the skies. The noise didn’t come from the city, nor did it come from the horizon in any direction. It came from above, straight above. Something flying came right at them, and the three ran to scatter. The craft pulled up just before impact and skidded along the ground before breaking apart, launching several figures into the air as it recomposed itself. Optimus ran over to it as his suspicions were confirmed true. The craft was actually the elderly Jetfire who, still in the process of forming his robot mode, stood up from the ground, one arm leaning on his cane, the other fixing parts of his body into place. Others who were undoubtedly crammed inside his shuttle bay included Strika who brushed herself of and stretched. Optimus looked around frantically until he found who he was looking for. Ironhide helped Botanica up as Optimus ran over and wrapped his arm around his buddy.

    “You’re alive!” Optimus said. He looked at Botanica and wrapped an arm around her as well. He looked at Jetfire who nodded. Spiral and Road Rage joined them. “We’re all alive.”

    “Everyone who matters.” Strika hoisted up Soundwave with one hand.

    “Oh right, I forgot he existed.” Spiral said.

    “He’s actually who I found first.” Jetfire lumbered over. “His signal was fairly weak. He’s lucky he was closest.”

    “Thank you Megatron, for sapping my Spark.” Soundwave said.

    “What’s that have to do with anything?” Road Rage asked.

    “Oh, didn’t you know?” Botanica said. “Jetfire can, apparently, detect Sparks.”

    “What?” Optimus said.

    “One of many amazing capabilities he forgets he has most of the time.” Botanica said.

    “Speaking of, I think it’s time everyone know.” Ironhide said.

    “Wait just a moment…” Optimus said, he looked back at Megatron who stood over Obsidian.

    “How you must love seeing me like this.” Obsidian said, his voice weak.

    “I’ll give you some credit,” Megatron said. “You came to my aid at least.”

    “Ha,” Obsidian laughed. “Don’t flatter yourself. I hate Starscream, and by extension Scourge. That’s all.”

    “Point is, I owe you a debt now.” Megatron said. “However small it may be.”

    “Thanks, but that’s hardly my desired dying wish: to have a favour owed by the most pompous of posers.”

    “You’re not going to die.”

    “We all die you young fool. Some of us…” Obsidian clutched his chest as he convulsed. “Sooner than others.”

    “I must admit, seeing you here is… quite different from the last time you lay injured before me.” Megatron said.

    “Why is… that?”

    “Because this time you weren’t betraying me. For whatever reason you chose to help me.”

    “Feh. I told you… I was-”

    “Fighting Scourge because you hate Starscream. But then why not go after Starscream himself? Or simply run away, or do nothing?” Megatron knelt down beside him.

    “Can’t let tings go, can you?” Obsidian’s eyes dimmed.

    “Not without saying goodbye.” Megatron held his hand behind Obsidian’s head as the life left the old robot, gently lowering it to the ground. Megatron smiled softly, only for an instant, before standing up to see everyone was there, watching him. Optimus stepped forward.

    “We need to talk.”
  13. Wars

    Wars I ate the WHOLE plate

    Feb 14, 2009
    News Credits:
    Trophy Points:
    The Emerald Isles
    So.. Obsidian's dead now? That was unexpected, and kind of sad.

    SPLIT LIP Be strong enough to be gentle

    Oct 22, 2005
    News Credits:
    Trophy Points:
    agile house
    And so it begins.


    “I know what you want,” Megatron said. “You want to know, but you already do.”

    “I don‘t.” Optimus said, his eyes were blue slits above a stern face. He tried as best he could to hide the anger. For now. “Not yet. But what I do know isn‘t good.”

    “Very well,” Megatron sighed, looking down at Obsidian’s corpse. He looked up to see everyone watching him. All the Autobots, as well as Soundwave and Strika. “Where to start?”

    “How about with Sky-Byte?” Botanica started. “And who he is.”

    “He’s a clone.” Megatron said.

    “Of who?” Optimus asked.

    “An ancient warrior.” Megatron closed his eyes, then began. “During the first global war between Autobots and Decepticons, there was a time where the war had all but turned cold. The sides were at a stand-still, and the greatest warriors of the Decepticon armies were systematically vanishing. They died, were captured, or left when things got ugly. The Decepticons had just lost their greatest commander, and the times of desperation were becoming harder to bear. Yes the Decepticons had greater numbers, but the Autobots were stronger. They had strong leaders, leaders like-”

    “Primal Prime.” Jetfire said, walking past the group. “I remember now…”

    “You were there?” Road Rage asked.

    “No, but while on Earth Sky-Byte had told me all about his creation, how he was developed as the ultimate soldier the likes of which Cybertron had never seen, nor would ever again.” Jetfire looked at Megatron. “You didn’t…”

    “I didn’t do anything,” Megatron said. “This was long before my time, but my ancestors pooled their scientific and military resources and decided if they could not beat Prime, they would do the next best thing…”

    “They cloned him,” Optimus spoke aloud his realization. “And Sky-Byte was the result.”

    “Shockwave was in charge of the project.” Megatron said. “It was the last project he oversaw before his fateful meeting with Obsidian.”

    “So you set out to find him?” Optimus said.

    “Not immediately,” Botanica said. “You first tried to repeat the process.”

    “When I heard the story all those years ago I tracked down Shockwave who headed the project, but his injury left him… incomplete. So I enlisted the help of Soundwave. A low-ranking but brilliant neutral scientist who needed a place in life.” Megatron said.

    “That’s when we realised the body would be easy,” Soundwave said. “It was the brain, and the spark, that would be the problem.”

    “And when that was an eventual failure,” Megatron said as Botanica’s face slowly crumpled into a frown. “We decided to look for Sky-Byte himself.”

    “And now because of your insanity, our planet is in flames.” Optimus waved a hand towards the fiery horizon. “Do you have any idea what you’ve done?”

    “Yes.” Megatron began to smile. “In fact, I realise now exactly what I’ve done.”

    “And what’s that?” Optimus asked.

    “Something I‘ve always wanted to do…!” Megatron kicked Optimus in the chest. The Autobot landed before the others as Megatron stared into the distance. “I didn’t get it. I didn’t get that I had already done it! I’ve earned my place in history!”

    “Have you gone insane?” Optimus stood, waving everyone back. He took tentative steps back towards Megatron. “Megatron, tell me what’s going on…”

    “All I ever wanted…” Megatron became quiet. “All I’ve longed for, was to make a change. To do something they would write about. To be someone feared and respected.”

    “You’re either feared or respected…” Optimus said. “You can’t be both.”

    “Maybe to someone small…” Megatron said. “Like you.” Megatron swung at Optimus, but the Autobot ducked, leapt forward and tackled him. The two rolled before getting to their feet. “What will history say about you!?” Megatron put his arms together, the panels and parts shifting into his weapon. Optimus jumped for his arms, grabbing the parts and ripping off half of the assembly. Megatron yelled and staggered backwards. Optimus took the half of the weapon and clubbed Megatron with it, but the Decepticon pulled the assembly forward and it unfolded into a blade. He slashed Optimus in the midsection, the blunt melee weapon shattering the Autobot’s windows.

    “What will it say about you?” Optimus pulled his tow hook and swung it around. “Do you want to be remembered as the madman who ravaged Cybertron? Is that your aspiration?” Optimus tossed the hook at Megatron, who raised his weapon only for the hook to wrap around it. Optimus ran and jumped over him, pulling Megatron’s arm back.

    “You just don’t get it!” Megatron turned and wrapped the cable around Optimus’ neck before head butting him twice. “It’s not important! History is full of tragedies and horror-” Megatron punched Optimus in the jaw. “Who do people remember? Liege Maximo and his colonization of the rust islands? Straxus the Butcher? Predacon-era Kaon? All monsters of their times, all common knowledge. That’s how our society is!” Megatron punched Optimus again before flipping him over his shoulder. “That’s the world we dwell in! The murderers, the savages, the robots who changed the world by crushing it under foot!”

    “You‘re sick!” Optimus scissor-kicked Megatron’s leg out, the Decepticon falling on his face. “You really want to be like those people? A monster?”

    “You say that like it’s a bad thing-” Megatron grabbed a fistful of mineral dirt from the ground and threw it in Optimus’s face. Megatron got up and wrapped his hands around Optimus’ neck. Optimus likewise grabbed Megatron’s throat.

    “I… will not be… forgotten…” Megatron said. “Sound… wave… do it now!”

    “But, my lord-!” Soundwave said from the sidelines.

    “NOW!” Megatron roared like an animal. Soundwave solemnly lifted up his arm as a panel slid open.

    “What are you doing?” Botanica said.

    “I’m sorry…” Soundwave pressed a button. Suddenly all the Autobots started to convulse and scream as an electric shock overcame them all. Optimus let go as Megatron, his face a picture of pure madness, choked the Autobot until the metal of his neck was dented inward. The other Autobots fell, except for Jetfire who looked on with shock. He knelt down to help, only for Road Rage to wave him back, fearing he’d be shocked to. Ironhide and Spiral fought the pain enough to stand, but even their strength was sapped by the unrelenting onslaught of power. Jetfire looked at Soundwave.

    “What did you do!?” The old robot drew his sword, but Strika was quick to disarm him, and punched Jetfire in the midsection. The sound of several small parts snapping and falling out preceded Jetfire’s collapse, his stomach dented inwards with pistons sticking out through punctured armour.

    “Mega… tron..!” Ironhide could barely curse the Decepticon’s name.

    “How-!?” Spiral said.

    “The air filters Soundwave replaced back on the ship.” Megatron said. “I had Soundwave cook up some special ones just for you. Never accept gifts from strangers.”

    “Soundwave… why?” Botanica looked at him. Soundwave didn’t say anything.

    “You will all die.” Megatron said. “You’ll die and be forgotten.” Megatron looked down to Optimus, who didn’t move, despite his eyes being open and lit. “Kill them, Soundwave.” He leapt into the air and transformed, jetting off into the distance. Soundwave watched Megatron fly away, and held his hand above the shock controls. His finger touched the button to set the charge to full, but he didn’t press it.

    “Do it now, Soundwave.” Strika said. Soundwave hesitated. Strika insisted. “Just do it.” Soundwave looked at the Autobots, all so helpless, blue energy arching across their bodies. He saw Botanica, her eyes pleading with him not to, and dropped his hand.

    “I can’t.” He said.

    “I understand.” Strika said, imposing over him with a scowl on her face. “If you cannot do it, I will finish them myself!” She reached for his arm but Soundwave ducked away. Strika, furious, punched him into a block of debris on the ground. She clenched her hand into a fist, then opened it, revealing a building swirl of energy. Botanica fought the shock and turned towards Strika. The electricity across her body pulled into her hip cannons as she sucked the shock from the attack into twin balls of pure energy. Se fired, arcs of lighting shooting out towards Strika. One hit the Decepticon in the back, the other in the arm. She superheated as her arm melted off at the joint, but her titanic frame absorbed the other blast. It was enough, though, and she fell to the ground, groaning in pain. Soundwave wasted no time and turned off the devices hidden in them, ending the attack. The Autobots all stopped convulsing as the electricity ceased. Their bodies smoking, everyone helped each other up, Spiral pulling Ironhide to his feet before running up and pushing Soundwave.

    “You jerk, how could you do that!?” She said. Soundwave didn’t say anything.

    “He saved us,” Botanica said. “That’s all the matters.”

    “Optimus!” Ironhide said. He ran over to his friend as the Autobot leader got up from the ground.

    “I’m fine.” Optimus voice was raspy. “But now we can’t wait anymore. We have to move now.”

    “Unfortunately none of us can’t fly, except…” Ironhide looked at Jetfire, Road Rage knelt next to him. Optimus walked up to the elderly robot.

    “We need to catch up to them,” Optimus said. “I’m sorry, I really am.”

    “My pistons are shot, and my hull’s breached…” Jetfire said. “The miserable woman busted all of my bay supports. I can’t take you all.”

    “Then take me,” Optimus said. “We have to do something.” Optimus put his hands on Jetfire’s shoulders. “Please.” Jetfire looked Optimus in the eyes before nodding, and begun to transform, slowly, masking the intense pain from his injury.

    “I’m going, follow us as best you can, but hurry.” Optimus looked to Ironhide, Road Rage, Spiral and Botanica. “I may not get a chance to say this again, so I want you all to know-”

    “Don’t…” Ironhide patted him on the shoulder. “Tell us when it’s over.” Optimus looked his friend in the eyes and smiled before crawling into Jetfire’s shuttle bay. The doors closed as Jetfire’s thrusters ignited, and he took off, the other Autobots transforming. As Ironhide, Spiral and Road Rage drove off after them, Botanica waited as Soundwave stood next to the unconscious Strika.

    “Come with us.” Botanica said. Soundwave looked at her. “There’s nothing left for you here.” Soundwave stared at Strika, but he looked right past her. Botanica waited only a moment longer before driving after the others. Though she had no face to smile with in vehicle mode, she felt every bit the accompanying emotion when she saw Soundwave driving after her in her rear-view mirror.
  15. Wars

    Wars I ate the WHOLE plate

    Feb 14, 2009
    News Credits:
    Trophy Points:
    The Emerald Isles
    That update was just.. wow.

    You did a great job at showing how mad Megatron really is. And Soundwave's hesitation was also well done, and it's nice seeing him I suppose defect to the Autobots. Can't wait to see how this finishes.

    SPLIT LIP Be strong enough to be gentle

    Oct 22, 2005
    News Credits:
    Trophy Points:
    agile house
    This is it.


    “Jetfire,” Optimus said. He shifted inside the cramped cargo bay.

    “What?” Jetfire said, his voice straining just a bit.

    “When we get close, I want you to ditch me and meet up with the others.” Optimus said.


    “I’ve decided…” Optimus said. “I have to do this alone.”

    “I beg your pardon?” Jetfire said.

    “I… don’t want anyone to die because I told them to fight.” Optimus looked down. “This is too dangerous, too real. I can’t let people I know, much less my closest friends, die because I got them roped into this business.”

    “But you didn’t, they’re following you of their own choice.” Jetfire said. “They trust you, boy. I trust you.”

    “But they shouldn’t,” Optimus said. He thought long and hard about what he was going to say. “I’m going to tell you something no one else knows… it’s my fault we were even sent to Earth.”

    “I’m listening.” Jetfire said.

    “There was a point in my life where I was hurting. I lost… someone very important. He raised me, he was like, I guess...”

    “I know what you mean.” Jetfire said.

    “Well, I was in a bad spot. I lost my best friend, I lost our home and business, and I had no where to go. So like most wayward souls I joined the Autobot military. But… I was still hurting, you know? I didn’t take kindly to being told what to do. I had a hatred of people who got what they want through force, so I didn’t stay in line too often. The only reason I was put into a squad with Road Rage and Ironhide was because they stuck to me. Ironhide’s my best friend and Road Rage was in the same spot as me. But I couldn’t keep my stupid mouth shut and cursed off the wrong deployment officer and, well…”

    “You blame yourself?” Jetfire said.

    “You don’t?” Optimus said.

    “Oh I do.” Jetfire said. “Not for what the Decepticons have done, but getting your friends involved? All on you, mate.”

    “Thanks?” Optimus said. “I don’t know if you’re giving me a pep talk or kicking me while I’m down.”

    “Maybe you need to be.” Jetfire said. “Maybe it’s your fault you got your friends into this mess, but it’s gonna be you who gets them out.”

    “That’s exactly why I need to go alone.” Optimus said.

    “If anything, that’s exactly why you need our help.” Ironhide said over the comm.

    “Ironhide!?” Optimus’ voice cracked.

    “Not just him.” Road Rage’s voice came through as well.

    “How long-?” Optimus said.

    “Ever since Jetfire said ‘I’m listening.’” Botanica said. Optimus felt his faceplate heat up.

    “Well, massive breach of confidentiality aside, my mind’s not changed.” Optimus said. “You’re not going with me.”

    “Oh, we won’t.” Road Rage said. “We’re coming to rescue you.”

    “Beg your what?” Optimus said. “Don’t I kind of have to be in danger to need rescue?”

    “Well, since you’re in a space shuttle and we’re on wheels, by the time we catch up you will be.” Ironhide said.

    “Thanks for the vote of confidence.” Optimus smiled.

    “Then how’s this,” Botanica began. “No matter what happens Optimus, we’ll be right behind you.”

    “This is probably the last time we’re gonna be able to talk.” Optimus said.

    “Don’t say that.” Botanica said.

    “I just want you guys to know that… uh jeez, I’m not good at schmaltz, but I just wanted to let you all know that it’s been great. All of it-” Optimus paused. “Actually yeah all of it.”

    “I see it.” Jetfire said.

    “I gotta go now, guys.” Optimus said. Before anyone could say no, Optimus broke off the comm. antenna on the back of his head. “Jetfire, open up.”

    “I’m staying.” Jetfire said. Optimus was about to object, but instead sighed and patted the interior.

    “Let’s go.” Optimus heard a hiss and felt air pull him as the doors open. Jetfire began to turn over as Optimus leapt out, Jetfire transforming into robot mode behind him. Optimus fell through orange smoke as the wind rushing past obscured all noise below. In less than a second the smoke parted and the ground was before him. He tucked and rolled as he hit the ground, behind him he heard the thud of Jetfire landing. Optimus stood up and took in the devastation. He stood in a street, not that he could tell at first. The city around him was levelled. Fire was all around him, everything was red and black. It was like a burning wasteland. He saw something large move in the distance as an explosion went off. He looked behind him to Jetfire, who nodded as the two sprinted towards it. Optimus prepared himself as Jetfire drew his blade. Optimus saw the large delta-shape of Sky-Byte’s back. This was it. But just as the two closed in the giant turned.

    “What in-?” Optimus uttered with shock. Sky-Byte’s body turned to reveal that it had Shockwave’s head.

    “Impossible.” Jetfire said. “They did it.”

    “What- how- does he-?” Optimus shook his head.

    “They have become one, just as the rumours had said.” Jetfire explained as the hybrid Shockwave/Sky-byte rampaged on. “Back when I commanded in the Decepticons there were talks of the ability for two robots to ‘transform together’ to increase their size and power. They could never get living robots to do it, but drones proved capable of rudimentary combining.”

    “And since Sky-Byte was created artificially, kind of, they designed him so that Shockwave could merge with him or something?”

    “The rumoured project was called…” Jetfire “Ruination.” Shockwave/Sky-Byte kept attacking the city, levelling buildings with Sky-Byte’s many abilities. That is, until, something hit it. A streak of light heralded the arrival of none other than Starscream in his jet form, strafing the giant as top speed.

    “Oh, this just got fun.” Optimus said sarcastically.

    “It’s about to get better.” Jetfire pointed to a rooftop where Optimus made out the overall shape and red eyes of Megatron, perched above. He leapt down and onto Shockwave’s back, attacking the titan’s head. Shockwave merely grabbed Megatron with Sky-Byte’s arm and tossed him aside. Starscream transformed, skidding on the ground and firing some kind of beam from his eyes. Shockwave was unaffected.

    “You’re resistance is an exercise in futility,” shockwave said, his voice far louder and chillingly deeper than normal. “You can not stop what is ordained to be. I will fulfill my task.” Megatron tossed a large section of road at Shockwave, but he merely deflected it with Sky-byte’s force field.

    “I say we let them finish him off for us.” Jetfire said.

    “I don’t think that’s gonna happen,” Optimus said. “And I can’t risk either of those psychos getting Sky-Byte.” He looked at Jetfire. “Last chance to walk away.”

    “I’d rather die.” Jetfire said. Optimus didn’t appreciate his choice of words, but the two grabbed hands and shook. They ran into the fray, attacking anything but each other. Optimus let Jetfire pin Shockwave while Optimus ran up an incline of debris. Starscream didn’t miss a beat and instantly turned into his jet mode and aimed for Jetfire. But as he flew past Optimus jumped from on high on top of the jet, causing him to crash into a building. Megatron was equally quick to recognise the new players and fired his rockets at Optiumus. Optimus leapt behind cover as the rockets exploded around him. Shockwave knocked Jetfire off, who rolled to his feet in time to jump back from a blast from Starscream’s lasers, only for Shockwave to charge at the Decepticon and Megatron, seizing the opportunity, moved to attack him while he was distracted, but Optimus tackled him from the air. Optimus and Megatron rolled to their feet and exchanged blows as Megatron round-house kicked at Optimus, who ducked, but Megatron kneed him in the jaw, only for Optimus to grabbed his leg and throw him to the ground. Optimus was stunned when Starscream flew past him, then grabbed by the charging Shockwave. He held Optimus in one hand and squeezed.

    “I am legitimately shocked,” Shockwave said. “That you survived, well, until now.”

    “Sky-Byte!” Optimus yelled at him, hoping to appeal to whatever existed of the noble soldier within.

    “He can’t hear you.” Shockwave said. “He’s only imitation life. A rough approximation of a soul inside a suit of armour meant for one purpose; destroying the Autobots. I wear it now, and your friend is gone.”

    “Sky-Byte, please!” Optimus ignored Shockwave. “You rebelled once, you can do it-” Optimus yelled in pain as Shockwave used his other hand to crush him. “Again! Fight- him!” Shockwave was hit in the back by Jetfire, and let go of Optimus. Jetfire was in turn blasted by Megatron.

    “None of you can stop me!” Megatron said. “I will destroy all, and none of you shall stand in my way!” Megatron was hit by a laser blast from Starscream.

    “I’d rather just destroy half of it and take the rest for myself,” Starscream quipped. “Seems like, yeah, destroying the world is good for boasting, but then who will be left to rule?”

    “Maybe… you should stop trying to talk sense to the clearly insane people, Starscream…” Optimus said. Starscream blasted Optimus.

    “Either your deluded saps who believe ‘all are equal’ or defects who want to destroy the planet or something. There’s no comfortable, tyrannical middle-ground with you people.” Starscream said. Rockets in his feet shot him over to Shockwave who he grappled to. “What about you, Shockwave? You just want to carry out your task? Is that all? What a simple desire. Well tell you what; when I’ve taken my crown and control all of Cybertron, I’ll give you a puzzle book to keep you busy.” Starscream activated the device and Shockwave froze. Starscream watched the display as Sky-Byte’s control program was rebooted without Shockwave’s electronic signature. Shockwave’s eye flickered before he pushed of and slammed Starscream into a building with his back. Starscream slid off his back.

    “Do you even know what my task is, Starscream?” Shockwave grabbed him by the head and held him up. “I am the first Cybertronian to have purple blood. I was born a Decepticon, and so my goal is purer than any before me. I have always had an ultimate goal, destruction of the Autobots and all territories they control.”

    “But…” Optimus said. “The Autobots control all of Cybertron. There’s no more Decepticon-occupied regions, the planet itself is Autobot-maintained.”

    “Exactly,” Shockwave said. “This world is technically everything I have known to be wrong, and it cannot persist. I will burn it clean and start anew.”

    “Oh great…” Starscream stuttered. “No wonder you and Megs were such besties.” Starscream seized the moment and slipped free of Shockwave’s grasp. He leapt over Shockwave and onto his back, restarting the program and freezing Shockwave. “But too bad you both had one shared shortcoming: your complete obliviousness to being strung-along.” His four eyes watched as the coding program started. He laughed and stood atop the frozen giant. “Shockwave doesn’t get his genocide, Megatron doesn’t get to go down in history, Optimus doesn’t get to save the world. Seems like the only one who gets what they want is m-” Starscream felt a burning heat through his torso. He looked down to see a red hole in his chest. He fell from atop Shockwave as his body split in half from the gigantic hole. Standing just beyond the battlefield was Soundwave, cannon over his shoulder still smoking. Behind him stood Botanica, Road Rage, Spiral, and Ironhide. He retracted his cannon and turned to his right, walking off the battlefield. Megatron looked to Soundwave as he walked by and called his name. Soundwave didn’t even stop as he just kept walking. Starscream lay at Shockwave’s feet, barely functioning as he heard footsteps. Standing above him was Scourge. Starscream couldn’t speak, but he knew Scourge wasn’t interested in what he had to say. He simply raised his sword over Starscream’s head, holding it by the end of the handle and let the tip hand before his face.

    “I gave it some thought,” He said. “I think I’m going to peruse alternative ventures. I’m sure you of all people will understand.” He raised his sword, then let go of the handle.

    “Sorry we missed it.” Ironhide said. “Kind of a botched rescue, but since when do our plans ever work?”

    “I told you not to come, but since you did, I have one last order to give you...” Optimus said. Shockwave began to move. His eye burned read until it lit the smoke passing by it, making it appear ablaze. He let out a scream more chilling and monstrous than anything any of them had heard. Optimus looked back to his friends. “Take him down.”

    The Autobots rushed Shockwave, who was now in full motion. They all charged, save Botanica who fired her electric cannons past them, hitting Shockwave in the eye. Road Rage and Spiral each leapt onto on of his legs, grabbing his arms and holding him still. Optimus pulled his tow hook and wrapped it around Shockwave’s neck, pulling it back and pushing his chest out. Botanica moved her beam down onto his chest and poured all her energy into superheating it. Ironhide charged as fats as he could and leap directly at him, pulling both fists back. Just as he reach the apex of his jump he swung his fists forward, smashing into Shockwave’s chest and crumpling it. Ironhide grabbed the Decepticon’s head as Optimus ran at his back, leapt into the air and extended his leg, kicking Shockwave square in the back just as Ironhide pulled Shockwave forward, tearing him through the weakened chest armour and ripping him out of Sky-Byte. Shockwave was tossed onto the ground in a heap of slag and metal shards. The Autobots regrouped before Sky-Byte’s body. Optimus breathed a sigh of relief.

    “I think…” Optimus said. “I think we just won.” Optimus turned around and looked at Sky-Byte, his chest just a massive broken cavity.

    “Is he dead?” Road Rage asked solemnly. Optimus looked inside the cavity and saw Sky-Byte’s head tucked inside. His eyes blinked over and over.

    “I don’t think so.” Optimus motioned for Botanica and she slithered up onto Sky-Byte’s back and activated the control panel. She let out a frustrated sound before snapping her fingers in success. Sky-byte’s eyes returned to full glow.

    “How’re doin’, buddy?” Optimus said as softly as he could.

    “I’m… in pain.” He said. “I can’t move.”

    “It’s alright,” Road Rage leaned in, smiling kindly. “You’ve been through a lot, but we’re gonna get you fixed. The important thing is you’re alive.”

    “Hey mate…” Jetfire walked up.

    “Jetfire,” Sky-Byte said. “I’m so glad you’re alright, I-” Sky-Byte’s eyes went dark as a loud beeping came from the control panel on his back.

    “Oh no…” Botanica said.

    “Did he die!?” Road Rage said, upset.

    “No, it’s some kind of… timer.” Her words trailed off. Optimus looked at Jetfire’s eyes. They weren’t dark, they were empty, but filling. His eyes were a timer and were gradually filling in colour as it counted down. Optimus wasted no time and ran over to Shockwave, grabbing him by the collar.

    “What’s going on and how do we stop it?” Optimus yelled.

    “You can’t, it’s a failsafe…” Shockwave’s voice was distant. “To prevent unauthorised use, his spark will implode. The force is great enough… to level all of this continent and beyond and… irradiate the planet for generations. Once I connected I… programmed… a…” Shockwave’s eye dimmed and went black. Optimus through him to the ground.

    “Turn it off.” He ordered Botanica as he walked back.

    “I can’t, it’s not something you can do externally, someone needs to actually link up.” Optimus wasted no time and hopped in.

    “How do I do it?” He asked.

    “I don’t know, this is way beyond me… but I would guess it’s a mental interface.” She said. Optimus positioned his body inside until he was properly in place. She looked at him and asked. “Do you feel it?”

    ‘I’m almost… there!” Optimus said as Sky-Byte jostled before the panels on his body that weren’t broken closed around him.

    “Now shut down that failsafe!” Spiral said. Optimus closed his eyes and searched for it, but he couldn’t find it until…

    “Oh no.” Optimus said.

    “What now?” Ironhide asked.

    “It’s keyed to a specific CAN code…” Optimus said.

    “His Decepticon blood…” Road Rage said as she fell to her knees.

    “Now what do we do?” Spiral asked. Everyone looked sombre. “Oh…”

    “I can still control it…” Optimus looked down to Sky-Byte’s hand and moved it. “I’m gonna fly him out. Sub-light speed. Far as I can.”

    “Please, don’t.” Ironhide said. “Let me.”

    “No…” Optimus said, he ignited the thrusters.

    “I knew you’d do this.” Ironhide said. Road Rage began to weep slightly as Spiral patted her shoulder. Botanica slid down next to him and put her hand on his face before getting off. Jetfire watched, silently raising a fist to his chest. Optimus thought of a million things to say, from a personal farewell to each of them, to a simple goodbye. But instead he settled on a smile and a nod before he lifted off. He felt the counter in his mind, and knew he didn’t have much time left. He put speed to maximum and left the atmosphere. He looked down to see Cybertron. Optimus smiled once more before feeling the most soothing warmth ever. Back on Cybertron the sky was covered by smoke. All the Autobots saw was a brief glow behind the clouds. Then everything was quiet.