Transformers: Outcast

Discussion in 'Transformers Fan Fiction' started by AndreaPrime101, Aug 28, 2010.

  1. Lock Cade

    Lock Cade Tarn Fangirl

    Nov 16, 2006
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    *Grabs :popcorn , waits to see what happens next*
  2. AndreaPrime101

    AndreaPrime101 AP101

    Aug 15, 2010
    Trophy Points:
    Transformers: Outcast

    Here's the last part, and the reason why I posted it today was because I got bored.

    In Your Dreams Pt. III

    (Dream) The taxi pulled up to the high school in Hartford, and Andrea stepped out of the cab after paying the driver for his troubles. After the taxi left, Andrea concealed her weapon in her sleeve and entered the school. Andrea then entered the gym, closing the doors as quietly as she could, only to find it strangely quiet and empty with the tarp-like curtain that split the gym in half down. Andrea took quiet steps forward, then she heard her mother say, "Andrea, where are you?" "Mom?" Andrea said, walking faster. "Andrea!" her mother said again, and Andrea ran to the other side of the curtain, only to be devastated to find that it was a ruse using home videos. "She's not here." Andrea said, back-stepping away, then her back came into contact with warm metal that sent a chill down her spine. "How smart," said the thing she contacted, and Andrea whirled around to see Megatron as he added, "But not smart enough." "You weren't holding her hostage." Andrea said, back-stepping again, but Megatron grabbed her wrist and threw her into a set of bleachers, forcing every ounce of air out of her lungs and causing her to collapse to the floor, gasping and coughing. "You get smarter by the late second, something I admire." Megatron said, then walked up to Andrea, knelt by her side and said, "The Autobot team was feeble to keep you like this." Andrea quietly slipped her weapon out of her sleeve, since her arm concealing it was hidden from Megatron's view and turned out to be a dagger, and she stabbed him in the shoulder. Megatron got to his feet and backed away to remove the dagger, and Andrea got to her feet and ran for the nearest exit, only to find that Megatron had sealed it closed. "You won't escape that way." Megatron said, removing the dagger from his shoulder and walking toward her.

    The way Andrea came in suddenly swung open, and Megatron was hit by electric shocks. Andrea saw that it was Swiftcat and Bumblebee, and Megatron was less than impressed to see them. "Leave her alone!" Bumblebee shouted. "And why should I?" Megatron asked, then he started to attack them. Andrea used this to run to the exit that wasn't sealed and get out of the gym, but Megatron had finished fighting with Bumblebee and Swiftcat in time to see her run out. Andrea ran down a hallway to search for a hiding spot, but then bars cut her off from finding one, and she was shot down to the ground. Andrea screamed in pain, and Megatron grabbed her arm to keep her from falling all the way to the ground. "Enough foolishness, I'm starting to need a recharge from it." Megatron said, then Andrea whimpered when a sneer came across his faceplate. "No you don't!" a voice said, and Megatron was hit in the back once again, only this time Andrea saw flashes of purple. Megatron dropped Andrea, and Starscream punched him into a wall and away from Andrea. "Starscream!" Andrea said. Starscream picked Andrea up, then tried to run, but Megatron got out of the wall, grabbed Starscream by one of his wings, and flung the both of them to the ground. Starscream lost his grip on Andrea and she rolled on the ground, then Megatron threw Starscream over Andrea and into a set of tables and chairs, scratching Andrea on the chest by accident. Andrea looked with fear as Starscream started to get up slowly, then Megatron grabbed Andrea, and punched through the scratch on her chest, grabbing her spark. Andrea screamed as Megatron started to absorb the life out of her, but Starscream furiously punched him away before Megatron could completely kill her, making the Nomadic Transformer let Andrea's spark go and get punched through a wall.

    Andrea just laid on the ground, weak from the energy loss she suffered, and things started to blur as she started to make out Optimus, Wasp, Bumblebee, and Swiftcat coming to assist Starscream. "Hang on, Andrea!" Swiftcat said. Andrea blinked to try and get her vision in focus, and she heard Optimus talk to Starscream as Megatron struggled against Bumblebee and Wasp. "Swiftcat!" Bumblebee yelled. "Go help them, we'll take care of Andrea." Optimus told Swiftcat, and Swiftcat started to help Wasp and Bumblebee. "Andrea, stay awake." Optimus said. Andrea tried to, but she was starting to blackout faster by the second. "I...can't..." Andrea said, weakly, then the fast-blackingout took its toll on her.

    Andrea woke up later to someone lightly petting her arm, her vision still blurry, then she blinked them into focus to see that it was her mom. "Mom?" Andrea whispered. "Hey sweetie." her mom said with a soft voice. "What happened?" Andrea asked, her voice louder than a whisper but soft as her mothers. "You were attacked by a wild dog, and you fought against it until your energy started to get too low. You got scratched in the chest while you were attacked." her mother said, and what really happened flashed before Andrea's eyes in one second. "Who brought me here?" Andrea asked. "Your friend, Cody, did. And he doesn't leave." her mother said, and Andrea saw that Starscream was resting on a couch in the room with a human disguise on to cover his true form. "I'll leave you alone to rest," her mother said, and she left the room. When the door shut, Starscream took his disguise off, and came to Andrea's side. "What happened? W-Where's Megatron?" Andrea asked. "We took care of him. And Lugnut fled while he could." Starscream said. "Starscream, I'm sorry. I fell for his trick and it put me in danger." Andrea said. "No, you were doing what you thought was right, and using your resources incase you weren't." Starscream said, and showed her the recording she used to tell Swiftcat and Bumblebee where she'd be last. "Then the ordeal's over." Andrea said. Starscream nodded, and he hugged her carefully.

    Andrea woke up from her dream, and looked at the time, seeing she slept in 'til ten o'clock in the morning. "What a dream." Andrea said, then she got out of bed and went to help the Autobots and Starscream with the amount of snow for the day.
  3. Lock Cade

    Lock Cade Tarn Fangirl

    Nov 16, 2006
    Trophy Points:
    I agree with Andrea... what a dream.
  4. AndreaPrime101

    AndreaPrime101 AP101

    Aug 15, 2010
    Trophy Points:
    Yeah, and it sort of reflects on a dream that did this before I joined here. Pretty ironic to me.
  5. AndreaPrime101

    AndreaPrime101 AP101

    Aug 15, 2010
    Trophy Points:
    Transformers: Outcast

    Bridging Problems

    Andrea and Bulkhead were working on the spacebridge on top of Sumdac Tower when Bumblebee and Wasp came with supplies for them. "Here ya guys go." Wasp said, putting the supplies down at the control panel with Bumblebee. "Thanks, guys. And I have a little something for the both of you." Andrea said, then she worked on Wasp and Bumblebee, giving them an upgrade. "Okay, now try it out." Andrea said, and they did, changing to their strips being their regular colors with the rest of their bodies black. "Whoa!" Wasp said. "Suh-weet!" Bumblebee said. "They're your new stealth modes, good for being stealthy and missions in the dark." Andrea said. "Great. Thanks." Wasp said. "My pleasure." Andrea said as the two changed back to normal. "Hey Andrea, can you help me with something? It fell in the generator." Bulkhead said. "Sure," Andrea said, and she started working on finding the something. "What are you looking for?" Bumblebee asked. "I accidentally dropped a mini-homing device in the generator, and Andrea's the only one small enough to try and find it." Bulkhead said. "Found it!" Andrea said, and she came back out of the generator holding the device. "Great. Thanks. We can't have the homing device in the generator otherwise it would be messed up." Bulkhead said.

    "Ready to test it?" Bumblebee asked. "Yeah, we should be." Andrea said. Bulkhead activated the spacebridge, and a vortex opened. "Well what do you know, it works." Wasp said, but then currents started to form and pull anything in. "Me and my big mouth!" Wasp said, and everyone grabbed hold of something planted to the ground. "We have to shut it off, Bulkhead!" Andrea shouted over the rushing currents. "I'm trying to, it won't respond!" Bulkhead shouted. Andrea made her way to the generator, and found something else inside of it connected to one of the wires. "Oh scrap! The Decepticons are hacking it! There's a bug in the generator!" Andrea shouted, then the currents got strong enough to lift her off the ground. "Whoa!" Andrea shouted, and Wasp grabbed her, but then the both of them were sucked into the vortex. Bulkhead shot a wrecking ball at the generator, damaging it to make the spacebridge shut down, then Bumblebee zapped the Decepticon bug off of the wire. "This is bad! Who knows what the Decepticons might do to Andrea and Wasp!" Bumblebee said.

    Andrea and Wasp landed on the moon with a hard thud, and Andrea was in her robot form to protect her organic half from dying of no oxygen. "Ow! What a ride!" Andrea said, then the two Autobots were approached by Megatron, Blitzwing, and Lugnut. "Well, it looks like our little glitch worked. It brought our target and a toy." Megatron said. "Ugh. We were doing fine until you decided to show your slagging face again!" Wasp said. "You showed your faces here! Ahahahahahaha!" Blitzwing said. "Nevermind that. You will pay at the mercy of Lord Megatron!" Lugnut said. "Like that'll happen!" Andrea said, and she and Wasp started to fight the three Decepticons, but Wasp was easily kicked to the side by Blitzwing, and Andrea was caught in Megatron's grasp. "You must've been in over your head." Megatron said with a sneer, and the three Decepticons walked back to their base after Wasp was lying on the ground with enough damage to keep him there for minutes.

    Bulkhead repaired the damages, and Bumblebee got ready to transwarp to the moon. "The stealth mode should help me out on the moon. You can't see a vehicle on the moon if it blends in with the darkness of space." Bumblebee said. "Just be careful up there, Bumblebee." Bulkhead said, and activated the spacebridge. Bumblebee took a deep breath in, and he jumped through the vortex, then he landed where Wasp was lying. "Wasp!" Bumblebee said, coming to the aid of his comrade. "I'm fine, just beat up." Wasp said. "Where's Andrea?" Bumblebee asked. "Megatron, Blitzwing, and Lugnut took her to their base." Wasp said. "Then I guess we'll have to bust her out." Bumblebee said. "Stealth mode?" Wasp asked. "Stealth mode." Bumblebee said, and they activated the stealth modes and drove to search for the Decepticon base.

    At the Decepticon base, Andrea was kept in a cell block as Blitzwing and Megatron conversed about what to do with her. "Why are you after me?" Andrea demanded, slamming her fists against the barrier. "I intend on turning you into a Decepticon, whether you're willing to or not." Megatron said. "Yeah right, like that'll ever happen." Andrea said. "Hm, you might want to think twice before you say something." Megatron said, and he revealed a green substance in a vial. "What's that?" Andrea asked. "The substance known as Angolmois." Megatron said. "Its effects are unpredictable, but they could be useful for us Decepticons." Blitzwing said. "How did you even get that?" Andrea asked. "Remember when Unicron was destroyed? When I got back to my base, Blitzwing and Shockwave had found the substance in some of your moons craters. We tested it on some of our unworkable technology and found it could power them into new Transformers with evil capabilities." Megatron said. "And you're planning on using it on me?" Andrea asked. "Precisely." Megatron said.

    Bumblebee and Wasp soon found the base and snuck inside, then the two started to explore the Decepticon base to look for Andrea. "I've never been in a Decepticon base before." Bumblebee whispered. "I don't think anyone has and lived to see the light again back in the Great Wars." Wasp whispered back. "We have to find Andrea now, or she'll be next in a long line of Autobots who've died in a Decepticon base!" Bumblebee whispered, then he heard someone talking. "Blitzwing, prepare for the Angolmois for testing." they heard, and they found where Andrea was being kept. "She's in their lab!" Wasp whispered, and he and Bumblebee stood on either side of the door. In the lab, Blitzwing loaded the Angolmois into a snake-like device, and let it loose in the cell block to attack Andrea. Andrea dodged the snake-like thing with every strike it threw, and kept some of her calm as it started to strategize its next strike. "Nice snake." Andrea said, calmly, then it struck, but missed and bit the wall, getting its fangs stuck.

    "Let me out!" Andrea said, and Bumblebee and Wasp blasted in the lab. "Let her go!" Wasp shouted, and he and Bumblebee started to shoot at the Decepticons. The snake then got itself free from the wall and struck Andrea, but she was able to grab hold of its mouth and hold it open. "Guys, try to hit the control panel!" Andrea shouted, then threw the snake to the ground. Bumblebee aimed and fired on the control panel, and messed it up to free Andrea, but the snake wrapped itself around Andrea's waist, and bit her in the neck, making her scream. Wasp zapped it off of Andrea, and she collapsed to the ground, her neck sparking from the bite. "We have to get out of here!" Wasp said. Bumblebee zapped Megatron in the face, grabbed Andrea, and the two Autobots transformed and drove out of the base. "Bulkhead, we need to bridge back now!" Bumblebee said, and Bulkhead opened a bridge vortex back to Earth.

    The two made it through, and Bulkhead shut the vortex off before Megatron could reach it. "Guys!" Bulkhead said. "No time, we have to get Andrea to Ratchet now!" Wasp said, and they hurried to the Autobot base, fearing for what might happen to their little friend.
  6. Lock Cade

    Lock Cade Tarn Fangirl

    Nov 16, 2006
    Trophy Points:
    Cool... BB and Wasp have stealth modes!

    Uh-oh... things don't look good for Andrea...
  7. AndreaPrime101

    AndreaPrime101 AP101

    Aug 15, 2010
    Trophy Points:
    Transformers: Outcast

    Finally I can get back to this thread. I guess I got caught up in making my comic that I forgot about my fanfic for a small while. :eek: 

    Snake Bite

    By the time Bumblebee, Wasp, and Bulkhead got Andrea to Ratchet, Andrea was already pale in the face, and Ratchet got to work trying to get the Angolmois out of her systems. "If Starscream finds out, he'll surely go after Megatron for this!" Bulkhead said. "I know, but it's a good thing Starscream's doing some errands for Sumdac right now." Bumblebee said. "But won't Starscream be gone until tonight?" Wasp asked. "Yeah, but I'm sure Andrea will heal up by then." Bumblebee said. Ratchet worked on Andrea until the last of the Angolmois was out and in a container to hold it in. "There we go. That should do it, but Andrea won't be up and about until tomorrow." Ratchet said. "What is that stuff anyway?" Wasp asked. "Angolmois, a substance said to exist only in the veins of Unicron." Ratchet said. "Angolmois? What would Megatron be doing with that?" Wasp asked. "My guess would be to use it against Andrea to turn her into a Decepticon, but how he got his hands on it is a mystery." Ratchet said. "Who got his hands on what?" someone asked, and they saw Starscream in the doorway. "I think we should tell him." Wasp said. The four Autobots explained to Starscream the dilemma they encountered, and Starscream was a little upset. "That's something Megatron would do, and I bet I know how the stuff got to him." Starscream said. "You do?" Bumblebee asked. Starscream nodded and said, "Angolmois is said to be found on the moon or moons of the planet he was last destroyed by, that's what legend says, so I might be correct if we do a scan of Earth's moon."

    The next day, Starscream and Optimus did a scan on the moon, and sure enough, they found Angolmois in one of the moon's craters. "It's near the Decepticon base as well." Starscream said. "So Megatron has close access to the substance. I suggest that you go to the moon and destroy it before Megatron gets the idea to use it again." Optimus said. "Not without help." Starscream said. "Maybe I can help." Andrea said, getting to the two, her neck healed. "No, Andrea. The last time you were on the moon, you were captured and harmed by the Decepticons." Optimus said. "I know the layout of the base, so I could help Starscream get to the room holding most of the Angolmois Megatron's collected." Andrea said. "Well, I have to admit that since I've joined your team, I've lost some memory of the base layout." Starscream said. "All right, Andrea can go with you to the moon," Optimus said to Starscream, then said to Andrea, "Just be careful." "I will, I promise." Andrea said, and the two left. Optimus looked at them, and found something odd about Andrea. "Something's not right, if Andrea knows the layout of the Decepticon base, how could she get the information?" Optimus wondered.

    Starscream and Andrea got to the moon base, and Andrea lead Starscream to an unknown room. "This doesn't look like a place to hold Angolmois, Andrea," Starscream said, and Andrea said, "It isn't," then Lugnut grabbed Starscream by the arms and held him in his grasp. "Hey! What's going on?!?" Starscream demanded as Andrea smiled evilly. "Don't you get it? It's a trap." Andrea said. "You're not the real Andrea! Where is she?!" Starscream asked. "Oh, she's fine at the Autobot base. She's resting in the medical room." The imposter Andrea said, changing her appearance to purple and black with the Decepticon symbol and her eyes going green. "Starscream? So nice to see you again," a voice said, and they looked to see Megatron had entered the room. "What do you want?" Starscream asked. "I think you know, but it can wait." Megatron said, then looked at the imposter and said, "Thank you for the ruse, Alexis." "Any thing for my master." Alexis said. "Take him to the lab." Megatron said, and Lugnut dragged a struggling Starscream away.

    At the Autobot base, the real Andrea was up and about when Optimus found her. "Andrea? I thought you were with Starscream." Optimus said. "I wasn't. I just got up a few minutes ago." Andrea said, then realized Starscream was tricked and asked, "Where's Starscream now?" "He's on the moon." Optimus said. "Tell Bulkhead to bridge me there, then. Starscream was tricked by a fake!" Andrea said. Optimus nodded and called up Bulkhead as Andrea grabbed her jetpack and immediately flew to Sumdac Tower, and right after she got to the Tower, Bulkhead activated the spacebridge and Andrea flew through the vortex. Starscream was being held still by restraints as Megatron chuckled. "Andrea should be making her way here, right now." Megatron said. "You won't get her! At all!" Starscream said. "And what makes you think that?" Megatron asked. "She's beaten you before!" Starscream said. "True, but she won't beat me this time now that your here." Megatron said, and Starscream growled.

    Andrea got to the moon in robot form, and she landed on the ground. "All right, Megatron. Where the slag is Starscream?" Andrea wondered, then she came face to face with Alexis. "Well, if it isn't Miss Goody-Two-Shoes." Alexis said. "What have you done with Starscream, you slag heap?" Andrea asked. "Oh, he'll be fine, after his operation." Alexis said. "What operation?" Andrea asked. "That's for me to know, and for you to find out." Alexis said, and Andrea attacked her. Megatron heard the fighting outside, then smiled and said, "She's here to get you back. Lugnut, Blitzwing, make sure the fight stays outside." Lugnut and Blitzwing nodded and left as Megatron got preparations ready for Starscream. "This will be over in a nanoclick." Megatron said, and Starscream didn't like the sound of it.

    Andrea was beaten away by Alexis just as Blitzwing and Lugnut came out and surrounded Andrea. "Three against one, huh? You Decepticons always play unfairly." Andrea said. "And we always will," Alexis said, then ran to attack Andrea, but was stopped cold when Andrea stabbed her in the chest with unspeakable speed and accuracy. "Something I learned from Starscream that uses a jetpack for speed." Andrea said, then threw Alexis to the ground with the double-ganger turning to a grayscale color. "Do you two want that as well?" Andrea asked, looking at Blitzwing and Lugnut, and the two Decepticons backed away. "That's what I thought," Andrea said, then heard Starscream scream. "Starscream!" Andrea said, then hurried to the lab he was being kept in. Andrea opened the door, and a neon-purple laser hit her in the chest, knocking her into a wall.

    Andrea fell to the ground, and saw that Starscream shot the laser at her. "You're too late, Andrea. Starscream is back with the Decepticons, permanently." Megatron said. "H-How?" Andrea asked, and Megatron showed her the Angolmois he used on him! "Would this answer that question?" Megatron asked. "Megatron, permission to get rid of this pest?" Starscream asked, shocking Andrea. "Permission granted." Megatron said with an evil smile, and Andrea shot at the Angolmois, causing it to detonate and allowing her to flee. "This can't be true! It can't be true!!!" Andrea said to herself, getting out of the base, then saw the extra Angolmois in the crater near the base as Megatron and Starscream followed her out. "Get her!" Megatron ordered, and Starscream shot at her, only to miss and hit the Angolmois instead, destroying the substance. Andrea flew away from the area and said to Bulkhead, "Bridge me out! NOW!" and she escaped back to Earth.

    At the base, everyone was given the news that Starscream was back with the Decepticons. "Screamer bad?" Cassie asked. "I'm afraid so, Cassie." Andrea said. Cassie just stood where she was, and Jake took her away for a quiet moment. "But, Starscream swore to the Autobots!" Wasp said. "That was the Starscream we knew, and he's dead now." Andrea said, then looked at the ground and said, "Dead thanks to Megatron."
  8. Lock Cade

    Lock Cade Tarn Fangirl

    Nov 16, 2006
    Trophy Points:
    Oh no... Starscream's back with the Decepticons... :( 
  9. AndreaPrime101

    AndreaPrime101 AP101

    Aug 15, 2010
    Trophy Points:
    Transformers: Outcast

    Trouble on Cybertron

    Two months had passed since the events on the moon, and the Autobots and humans forgot about them as time moved on. The Elite Guard had returned to Cybertron during the time span and the group hadn't heard from them since. At Sumdac Tower, Ratchet and Andrea were doing some minor work on the spacebridge with notes from Bulkhead laid out for them. "If you ask me, Bulkhead's not the one with good penmanship." Ratchet said. "I'd agree, but I'd hurt his feelings." Andrea said. "Hurt his feelings? He's not even here!" Ratchet said. Sari then joined them, and Andrea noticed her presence. "Hey Sari, what's up?" Andrea asked. "Nothing much, just checking up on you and Ratchet." Sari said. "We're just making some adjustments and getting some work done on the spacebridge that Bulkhead wants us to do." Andrea said. Ratchet did an adjustment on the vortex generating system, only to get a vortex to open up and try to suck things in. "Whoa!" Sari said. "Not again!" Andrea said. Ratchet quickly deactivated the system, but Andrea and Sari were pulled into the vortex and transported away from Earth. "Not again!" Ratchet said, then reactivated the system and jumped through the vortex to find the girls.

    Andrea and Sari landed on the ground, but not the kind of ground they were used to. "Ow! Some landing, again!" Andrea said, then she and Sari got to their feet and looked around. "Where are we?" Sari asked, noticing other civilians that were like the Autobots. "Let's see, robots that are about the same size as two to three story buildings, buildings that are over a thousand times larger than buildings on Earth," Andrea said, then looked at Sari and said, "My guess would be Cybertron." "Cybertron? Cool!" Sari said. Just then, an orange female Autobot spotted the two tiny visitors and a white male Autobot joined her as the female asked, "Ew, what are these things?" "Things?" Sari asked in a low voice. "Um, we come in peace?" Andrea said, nervously. "I don't know, but they don't look like they're from around here." the male said. "That's because we aren't from here. We're from Earth." Sari told the Autobots. "Sari, I think we should've been quiet about that." Andrea said. "Earth? An organic planet? Ew! Kill them!" the female said, and the male tried to squish the two techno-organics. Andrea and Sari ran out of the way, and to their luck, Ratchet showed up and said to the frightened Autobots, "Don't worry, they're with me," then transformed, let Andrea and Sari in, and raced off to a different part of the Cybertronian city they were in with the two Autobot civilians staring after him.

    When Ratchet stopped, he let the girls out and transformed back to robot form. "Ratchet, where are we exactly?" Sari asked. "We're in Iacon, a capital city here on Cybertron." Ratchet said. "Wow. Never knew Cybertron was this big." Andrea said. "Now you know how we felt on Earth when we saw that everything was smaller than us." Ratchet said. Sari looked around to find they were in a rundown part of Iacon and asked, "Why are we here?" "To keep you two out of sight of other Autobots, and to visit an old place I used to go to." Ratchet said. Andrea looked at the Autobot-sized tavern that they were about a few Cybertronian-feet away from, then said, "If that tavern is your favorite place to go to, well, it looks like it's out of business." Ratchet looked at the tavern to find that Andrea was right, then found a notice on one of the windows and read it. "Closed down to health code violations? This place has never had an infection or anything to violate health codes for centuries!" Ratchet said. "If it was healthy for years, who would shut it down then?" Andrea asked. "I'll give you one guess," Sari said, then pointed at a holoboard that had Sentinel Prime's image on it, then an announcement came on saying, "It is now curfew, all Autobots return to your homes at this time, you don't want to end up like this," then showed a damaged Ultra Magnus in stasis lock in a medical room. The group of three looked in awe to this as the announcement ended, then Ratchet asked, "What criminal would do that to Ultra Magnus?!" "Megatron maybe?" Sari guessed. "I don't think it's Megatron, he wouldn't be the one to leave a base and enter enemy grounds, let alone Cybertron since it's populated with Autobots." Andrea said. "Megatron probably sent a Decepticon back here to do this, but how would a Decepticon get past security here and attack Ultra Magnus directly?" Ratchet asked.

    Just then, the group heard transforming, and were soon surrounded by Jetfire, Jetstorm, Swiftcat, and Sentinel Prime. "Well, look who's here." Sentinel said. "What's going on here, Sentinel?" Ratchet demanded. "Well, since Ultra Magnus was damaged, I was put in charge, and I decided to make a few changes that he never made." Sentinel said. "Changes that we were unaware of?" Ratchet asked. "I didn't think that you needed to be told of this changes since you and your Autobot team decided to live on that infested planet." Sentinel said. Andrea started to grow a distaste toward Sentinel, then the new commander said, "Take these three to the High Council."

    At Fortress Maximus, the Earth group was brought before the High Council, and Sentinel said to an Autobot known as Alpha Trion, "This Autobot is charged with illegally transporting here and bringing organic vermin to our planet." "That may be, Sentinel, but he's apart of Optimus's team, they could be of help." Alpha Trion said. "Could of help? For what? Law breakers?" Sentinel asked. Alpha Trion gave Sentinel a stern look, then said to Ratchet and the girls, "I'm sure you have been informed of Ultra Magnus's condition." "We have, Alpha Trion sir." Ratchet said. "Then you know that someone attacked Ultra Magnus. We suspect that Shockwave returned to Cybertron to do so." Alpha Trion said. "Alpha Trion sir? Do you think we can help with trying to find the culprit and see what he's here for?" Andrea asked. "You could, young one, but the three of you have until the end of this cycle to do so. If you cannot find the culprit, you are to report back to where you came from and not to return." Alpha Trion said. "We'll find him, I promise." Andrea said. "Very well, you three are dismissed." Alpha Trion said, and Swiftcat escorted the group out. "How are we going to find the Decepticon who did this by the end of the day? I can't tell whether it's night or not." Sari said. "We'll find him." Andrea said. "You'll need this if you want to enter any place here," Swiftcat said, handing Ratchet an access key, then after the group was outside the Fortress, Swiftcat closed the door behind them.

    "Where are we supposed to look? We don't know a lot about the attack." Ratchet said. Andrea's ears twitched, then she looked over to see a shadowed figure disappear underground and ran for the place it disappeared. "Andrea!" Sari said as she and Ratchet ran after Andrea, and they stopped at an underground entrance. "I heard someone go down here." Andrea said. "The underground tunnel system? No one's gone down there since the war." Ratchet said. "It's worth a shot." Andrea said. Ratchet opened the entrance, and the three went down into the tunnel system; Sari and Andrea used energy orbs to light up part of the tunnels, and Ratchet turned his headlights on. "There's nothing down here." Sari said, then heard a splash and found she had stepped in a puddle of oil. "Really?" Andrea asked, then took a closer look at the oil and said, "This is fresh, someone's definitely down here, and probably been home for some time."

    The group walked down the tunnel until they reached a huge area that was filled with oil barrels and old computers. "Heh, well what do you know?" Ratchet asked. "Don't call me a detective." Andrea said. Ratchet walked to the computers and tried to see what was on them, but needed a specific identification number. "This computer won't let me in." Ratchet said, and Sari took a crack at hacking into the computer, cracking the number code easily and opening the files for the group to gather data from. "These look like plans, plans for Omega Supreme!" Andrea said. "Definitely Decepticon work, but they don't have the access codes to activate and control him." Ratchet said. "Not yet we don't," a voice said, and the group looked to find Shockwave in the premise. "Shockwave!" Ratchet said. "I see you can hack past Decepticon passwords." Shockwave said. "Can it, Decepticon!" Andrea said. "Why do you have plans for Omega Supreme? And why did you attack Ultra Magnus?" Sari asked. "To get him out of the way, and the plans are for our main event for Earth and Cybertron, all I need are the access codes for Omega Supreme and it can be under way." Shockwave said, then pulled out Ultra Magnus's Magnus Hammer and said, "But first, I have to get rid of the witnesses!" then started to charge at the group to attack. Ratchet blocked a swing as the girls ran out of the way, then Ratchet got hold of the hammer with his electromagnets. "If you want the codes to Omega Supreme, you'll have to get them out of my dead processor!" Ratchet said. "And risk getting a virus? I don't think so, Autobot! I'm going to get the codes from the original carrier!" Shockwave said, and Ratchet realized who saying, "Arcee!" then the Autobot was batted down to the ground and Shockwave fled. Andrea and Sari ran up to Ratchet and Andrea said, "We have to keep those codes away from him!" "I know, and I have an idea of where the codes are here on Cybertron." Ratchet said.

    The group had headed back to Fortress Maximus and entered the medical bay using the access card Swiftcat gave them. "What's the history behind the codes and the original carrier anyway?" Sari asked. "The history behind the codes and the original carrier is that an Intel bot named Arcee was to transport the codes to Perceptor for the Omega Supreme Project back in the war. I had found her injured in a battlefield and was to transport her to Ultra Magnus, but Lockdown was after us to get the codes for Megatron, only for that to get foiled by an EMP blast that ended up erasing Arcee's memory to protect the codes." Ratchet said. "Shockwave's after Arcee for the codes? But if her memory was erased, wouldn't that mean that they were deleted permanently from her?" Sari asked. "Not necessarily. Sometimes when a computer crashes on Earth, it's important data is saved in a back-up memory system to keep until it's fixed up. Shockwave could be after Arcee to get the codes out of her secondary memory storage banks." Andrea said, and the group reached the medical room they needed to access.

    Ratchet let them in, and found Arcee in stasis on a stasis bed. "That's Arcee?" Andrea asked, observing the pink Autobot. "Yes, this is Arcee, in the metal." Ratchet said. "She looks like she could be a teacher." Sari said. "She was a teacher." Ratchet said. "Well, this was easy," a familiar voice said, and they found Shockwave had followed them as the Decepticon said, "Thank you for making my search so much easier. And if you don't mind, I'll be taking her now." "No way, scrapheap!" Andrea said, and she and Sari fired several energy orbs at Shockwave. Shockwave backed away from the entrance, and the group took Arcee and raced down the hall. "We have to tell Alpha Trion! It's near the end of the cycle!" Ratchet said, but then he was blasted into Ultra Magnus's medical room, and Andrea and Sari came to his aid. Shockwave came into the room, then walked up to a stasis-locked Ultra Magnus and said, "Something that was started out should be finished off, don't you think?" and raised the Magnus hammer to kill Ultra Magnus. Before Shockwave could do so, Andrea's eyes flashed pink, and she stopped Shockwave by getting in the way of the hammer's swing, using what strength she had to stop it dead in its tracks. "You're not going to take anything out of here!" Andrea said, then blasted Shockwave in the face, causing him to drop the hammer so Ratchet could snatch it, but the Decepticon got Arcee just as Sentinel, the Elite Guard, and Alpha Trion entered the medical room, and Shockwave bridged himself and Arcee off of Cybertron. "You let him get away!" Sentinel said. "But at least you know who damaged Ultra Magnus!" Sari said. "And what was he after?" Sentinel asked. "Shockwave was after Arcee to get the codes to Omega Supreme." Ratchet said. "The activation codes to Omega Supreme? That old scrapheap of an Autobot project?" Sentinel said. "Sentinel," Alpha Trion said, and Sentinel shut his mouth.

    Ratchet, Andrea, and Sari were led to the Spacebridge Central Command, and a spacebridge vortex opened for the group to return back to Earth. "For your actions, you three and the team under Optimus Prime's command are allowed to come back at anytime." Alpha Trion said. "Thank you, Alpha Trion sir." Ratchet said. "Thank you sir." Sari and Andrea said. "But what about the Magnus Hammer?" Sentinel said, noticing that Ratchet was still in possession of it. "It'll be going with them, Sentinel." Alpha Trion said. "But it can't!" Sentinel said. "It is, and it will. Sentinel Prime, you have now proven yourself unfit to be replacement Magnus for accusing false information of these three and for talking back to your superiors." Alpha Trion said, leaving Sentinel in disbelief. "We bid you farewell." Andrea said, and she, Ratchet, and Sari jumped into the vortex. After getting back to Earth, Ratchet looked over the Magnus Hammer and said, "Optimus will be in disbelief that we have the hammer." "He will be, and everyone will be surprised to hear about our trip to Cybertron." Sari said. Just then, they heard someone else come through the vortex, and found Swiftcat had come out. "Swiftcat, what are you doing here?" Andrea asked. "I left Sentinel to join up with you guys. Plus, Sentinel's been a jerk anyway, even before he was replacement Magnus." Swiftcat said. "Cool!" Sari said. "Everyone will be surprised to you, too." Andrea said, and the group headed for Autobot base.

    With the Decepticons, Megatron commended Shockwave for his success in kidnapping Arcee, and Arcee was looking out to Earth as she whispered, "Ratchet."
  10. Lock Cade

    Lock Cade Tarn Fangirl

    Nov 16, 2006
    Trophy Points:
    Ha! Sentinel got what he deserved... told off that he makes a lousy Magnus.
  11. AndreaPrime101

    AndreaPrime101 AP101

    Aug 15, 2010
    Trophy Points:
    Yep, he was told off! :lol 

    Transformers: Outcast

    Final Battle Pt. I

    Jazz, Prowl, and Andrea were working on their meditation in the main room of the Autobot with Swiftcat watching, and Andrea was concentrating hard enough to start lifting an oil barrel. "You're doing excellent with that, Andrea, but why haven't you been able to do that a lot?" Swiftcat asked. "Guys! Guys!" Bumblebee shouted, causing Andrea to break her focus and drop the barrel on the ground, spilling the oil, then Bumblebee, Wasp, and Bulkhead came racing into the base, driving on the oil puddle and swerving out of control. Andrea quickly jumped out of the way before the three Autobots could crash into her and the wall, and she landed on the assembly line's conveyor track as Prowl and Jazz got to their feet. "There would be three reasons right there." Andrea said. Bulkhead, Bumblebee, and Wasp transformed, and Bulkhead said, "We just got news about the Decepticons." "They're cloning Omega Supreme and going use the activation codes from Arcee to activate them under Megatron's control!" Bumblebee said. "So that's why Shockwave went back to Cybertron the last time Ratchet, Sari, and Andrea last saw him." Swiftcat said. "And why the Decepticons led an attack to get Omega Supreme a few months ago." Andrea said. "We have to tell Optimus." Wasp said, and the group contacted Optimus.

    The whole Autobot group, Jake, Cassie, Sari, and even Simmons had come to the base to learn of this. "Cloning Omega Supreme and controlling the clones are the Decepticons' plans?" Optimus asked. "And I'll bet that they'll use them on both Earth and Cybertron to destroy any resistance and control both planets." Simmons said. "Shockwave did say that the Decepticons had plans for Earth and Cybertron." Andrea said. "But we don't know if these are the real plans that Megatron's going to use, and if the plans are true, we'll be at a disadvantage, even with the Magnus Hammer." Optimus said. "Ratchet could construct a jetpack for you." Jake said. "Impossible. Autobots can't fly, and that excludes Jetfire and Jetstorm." Ratchet said. "You could study my boosters," Prowl suggested, taking the boosters off. "Don't forget that Andrea and I have jetpacks of our own. Plus I know my dad would want to help, he's a wiz at reverse engineering." Sari said. "That solves that problem, but now we have to send someone to the Moon to spy on the Decepticons." Optimus said. "I'll go and spy on the Decepticons and confirm their plans." Prowl said. "And take five on the Cyber-Ninja training we've been doing? No dice. We'll need to get a real break through with the advanced techniques with Andrea." Jazz said. "Agreed. We'll send someone else." Optimus said. "Who'd be crazy enough to take that mission?" Wasp asked, then everyone looked at him and Bumblebee, making Wasp wish he'd kept mouth shut, and Bumblebee asked in an irate voice, "Why is everyone looking at us? WHY IS EVERYONE ALWAYS LOOKING AT US?!?"

    On the Moon, the construction of the clones was nearing completion with Megatron, Shockwave, Lugnut, and Starscream trying to get the codes from Arcee. "Are you certain that Arcee still has the codes?" Megatron asked. "Yes, Lord Megatron, we just have to find them." Shockwave said, and activated something, turning out to be old data tracks from before the Great War. "I'm terribly sorry, my lord, these are older data tracks. She was a school teacher before she came into Intel for the War." Shockwave said. "At least you know what you're doing, my most faithful servant." Megatron said. "Uh oh, looks like Megatron has a new favorite, and I'll give you a hint, Lugnut: It ain't you!" Starscream said as Lugnut's eye narrowed. "I'll find the codes, Master, it'll take some time before we can get them from the Autobot." Shockwave said, and Arcee's data tracks started to make the pink Autobot talk, annoying Megatron into saying, "Is there any way to shut her up? She makes Blitzwing sound like he has his head and all three faces on straight." "See? He even likes Blitzwing better than you." Starscream said to Lugnut, and Lugnut bashed his way to Starscream, making Shockwave hit the wall. "No! I am the most faithful to Megatron!" Lugnut said. "Have you blown a processor circuit? I'm trying to work here!" Shockwave said, only for Lugnut to start a scuffle with the Decepticon. Starscream grinned with amusement, and Megatron put his hand on his head as he growled, "Oh for spark's sake!"

    In the forest were no one could disturb the three, Jazz, Prowl, and Andrea were sitting at an equal distance from each other, and Jazz said, "If you want to perform the technique you're trying out now, you have to concentrate hard and have a clear processor. If this is accomplished, you should be able to feel it run through your body like how water rushes through a river." Andrea closed her eyes and bowed her head slightly, then her eyes started to glow pink as she opened them, and sparkles started to form an AllSpark shard before Jazz and Prowl's eyes. The shard soon was done being formed and floated to the ground before Andrea, and the shard blinked a little before Andrea's eyes stopped glowing and returned to normal. "An AllSpark shard?" Prowl asked. "Crazy!" Jazz said. Andrea picked the shard up, and got a small smile on her face as she said, "It's destiny." "What?" Jazz asked. "As the shard was forming, the AllSpark spoke to me. It said that it must be rebuilt if we want to save both planets and inhabitants." Andrea said, then her shard emerged out of her hand and glew as bright as it had when Andrea first absorbed it, then the shard sunk back into Andrea and the three continued the training.

    On the Moon, Bumblebee and Wasp transwarped to the Decepticon base in stealth mode, then Bumblebee said, "All right, all we have to do is plant the transmitter on Arcee, then we can bridge back to Sumdac Tower." The two Autobots snuck around to sneak past the Decepticons, and snuck around to find Arcee. "I don't see her anywhere." Wasp said. "We have to find her." Bumblebee said, then heard a door open and the two hid from Shockwave and Megatron coming out, then they entered the room after the Decepticons were out of sight, finding Arcee. "This is Arcee?" Wasp asked. "Yeah, Ratchet sure likes to talk about her, though." Bumblebee said, then planted the transmitter onto Arcee's communications patch and said, "Let's bridge back to Sumdac Tower." Wasp got the transwarper out and transwarped the two Autobots back to Earth. After they landed on the ground, Bulkhead shut the spacebridge off and asked, "Did you plant the transmitter?" "Yeah," Wasp said, then activated the program on the computers that allowed them to connect with the transmitter, getting an immediate feedback of what Megatron and Shockwave were saying after they got back. (Megatron) "Are you sure you'll be able to get the codes this time?" (Shockwave) "Yes, my master." (Megatron) "Good. Once those codes are in our possession, nothing can stop us from using the clones on Earth and Cybertron, not even Andrea Witwicky herself." "It looks like Simmons guessed right about the Decepticons plans." Bulkhead said. "We have to tell Optimus." Bumblebee said, and the three Autobots headed back to base.

    Meanwhile with Ratchet, Sari, Sumdac, and Simmons, they were working on the jetpack for Optimus. "There's no way that we can make this jetpack operational." Ratchet said. "We can." Sari said. "Really?" Ratchet asked sarcastically, then tried to activate the jetpack, only for a burst of smoke and sparks to come out. "You see? This won't work!" Ratchet said. Sari put a hand on the jetpack and scanned them, then said, "You're right. We need to add a microaerator to the fuel line." "And the jetpack just told you that?" Simmons asked. "Sorta." Sari said. Ratchet checked the fuel line, and found that she was right saying, "She's right, Simmons." Simmons took a look himself, then Sari said, "Who's right?" "Don't try that, kid." Simmons said. After the jetpack was finished, Optimus put the pack on, and stood ready to test them out. "To have a slow start, you might want to start out with 50% power." Sumdac said. "Alright," Optimus said, and activated the jetpack at 50%, only for him to take off crazily, making the group duck and hit the ground. Optimus yelled out as he was taking his out-of-control flight, then crashed down to the ground in front of the base. "Stabilizers?" Ratchet asked. "Stabilizers." Sumdac, Sari, and Simmons said. Half an hour later, Optimus had the improved jetpack on, but was hesitant about it this time. "You know? Maybe Ratchet was right, Autobots aren't really meant to fly." Optimus said. "Oh come on, what's the worst that could happen? Other than crashing into the ground?" Sari asked. "Just test it out to see if it works, Prime." Simmons said. Optimus tried the jetpack out for a second time, then started to have a smooth flight. "You're flying, Optimus!" Sari said. "I guess I am," Optimus said, then returned to base just as Bumblebee, Bulkhead, and Wasp came back with the news about the Decepticons plans.

    On the Moon, Shockwave was finally able to get Arcee to her original programming for the Intel Division, and used his Longarm Prime disguise to talk to Arcee. "Now, just hand the codes over," Shockwave said. "But, that's Megatron, the leader of the Decepticons," Arcee said. "Just give him the codes, and he'll let us off easy." Shockwave said. "No! I won't!" Arcee said. "Then we'll do this the hard way," Shockwave said, transforming out of the disguise and shocked Arcee, forcing the Autobot to give the codes to Megatron. "Excellent, now to activate the clones and launch our attack on Earth, starting with the city that the Autobots have been living in." Megatron said. "I wouldn't count on that without the clones being lifeless shells. I have the one thing that can activate them." Starscream said, pointing at an AllSpark shard in his head. "I won't have to worry about that, especially with four shards right here," Megatron said, holding the shards he had found in Omega Supreme, then aimed his fusion cannon at Starscream saying, "You are no longer of use," then blasted Starscream into pieces. "Shockwave, put the shards in the clones." Megatron said. "Will do, my lord." Shockwave said, and went to work doing so.

    At base, the Autobot group were discussing how to stop the Decepticon attack without any humans getting harmed. "We can't let the Decepticons harm anyone here in Detroit, and get it over with fast." Andrea said. "For all we know, the Decepticons could be moving in on Earth right now." Sari said. "We're going to need the Magnus Hammer if we want to try and get it over with as fast as we can." Ratchet said, grabbing the Magnus Hammer and giving it to Optimus. "But I don't know if I can wield it." Optimus said. "I'm sure Ultra Magnus would want you to, Optimus. After all, he had high hopes for you." Swiftcat said. Just then, they all heard sonic booms, and everyone saw the clones. "Yeah, we're definitely going to need that Hammer." Wasp said. "It's time." Optimus said, and they all stood prepared to fight.
  12. Lock Cade

    Lock Cade Tarn Fangirl

    Nov 16, 2006
    Trophy Points:
    I really like Simmons in this chapter.

    No! Megatron blasted Starscream to pieces! :cry 
  13. AndreaPrime101

    AndreaPrime101 AP101

    Aug 15, 2010
    Trophy Points:
    Transformers: Outcast

    Final Battle Pt. II

    When the clones hovered over the city, Bumblebee asked, "Are those the clones?" "Yep, pure Omega Supreme knock-offs." Ratchet said. Inside one of the clones, Megatron was sitting in a throne-like chair as he said, "Time to put this plan into action, starting by firing on my former prison that I was kept in for fifty solar-cycles," and the clones open fired on Sumdac Tower, which was protected by a force field. "The Tower! My dad's in there!" Sari said. "So are Simmons and my siblings!" Andrea said. "Jazz, Swiftcat, you two will gather the citizens and get them to Sumdac Tower, it's the safest place in the city as of now; Ratchet, Bulkhead, Bumblebee, Wasp, you four will go to the Moon and get Arcee and Omega Supreme back; Prowl, you and I will take care of the clones and lead them away from the city." Optimus said. "We're going to! We have jetpacks!" Sari said. "No Sari, it's-" Optimus started, but Sari cut in saying, "Yeah, yeah, yeah. It's too dangerous. I know, it's always too dangerous." "What I was going to say is that it's important for you and Andrea to protect your fellow organics and family." Optimus said. "Oh. Right. Sorry." Sari said. Prowl and Optimus powered up their ways of flying, then the two Autobots headed for the clones as the others split up to do their assigned jobs.

    Megatron saw Optimus and Prowl coming, and said, "Ultra Magnus? Here?" but zoomed in on what he thought was Ultra Magnus, only to discover it was actually Optimus. "No, just a cheap imitation. Time to take them out for good." The clones then focused on the two flying Autobots as Prowl and Optimus gave them what they had to show, making mere scratches on the clones. Optimus then powered the Magnus Hammer and swung it like a bat to shoot lightning at the clones, but was off by 45° and said, "I know I'm not good enough to battle with, but work with me, will you?" On the ground, citizens were running away from falling debris that was coming down, but Swiftcat and Jazz were able to catch the debris before it could crush anyone. "Everyone, hurry to Sumdac Tower, it's the only safe place in the city!" Swiftcat said. "You heard the girl. Let's get groovin'!" Jazz said, and the citizens started to evacuate to the Tower. At the Tower, Sari was still keen on going to the Moon, and she hugged her father as she said, "You were the best dad I've ever had, and wouldn't want to be raised by anyone else." "I'm glad you think so, Sari, but why are you saying this?" Sumdac asked, then found out when the spacebridge activated. "Wait, you're going to the Moon?" Sumdac asked. "Yes. Something tells me I just have to go there." Sari said, activating her jetpack. "But how will you breathe?" Sumdac asked, and Sari transformed into her robotic form, then she, Ratchet, Bumblebee, Bulkhead, and Wasp jumped through the spacebridge. "Goodbye, Sari," Sumdac said as the spacebridge deactivated, and Andrea came up to Sumdac and said, "She's right, you know. Something was telling me that I needed to go too, but I didn't because something else is calling to me here."

    On the Moon, Starscream put himself back together, since the pieces of his body weren't too far from each other, and said, "You may be through with me, but I'm not through with you, Megatron!" and left for Earth. Shortly after he did, the Autobot group and Sari arrived, and Sari said, "Whoa! I'm actually on the Moon! I wish Andrea came along." "She's been to the Moon before, Sari, so she's glad that she's not here." Ratchet said. The group looked around, and Ratchet spotted Arcee standing near Omega Supreme. "Arcee!" Ratchet said, and ran up to her as the others followed. "Arcee, can you speak to me?" Ratchet asked, only to regret saying that when she started to babble with lessons. "She can definitely speak." Wasp said. "And those will be the last things that she'll say," a voice said, and Shockwave, Lugnut, and Blitzwing stood ready to fight in the area. "We'll take care of these lackeys, you two get Arcee fixed and Omega reprogramed." Wasp said, and Ratchet and Sari took Arcee with them as a fight began. Bumblebee used different moves on Blitzwing and started using his Stealth Mode to confuse Blitzwing. "Where are you, you little insect?" Blitzwing asked, then was hit by a strong electric shock by Bumblebee and Wasp combined. "Right here," Bumblebee said, and stasis-cuffed the Decepticon. Bulkhead was able to knock down Shockwave long enough to defeat Lugnut, but was shot away before Lugnut could be stasis-cuffed. "Guys, I could use a servo!" Bulkhead said. "No problem, Bulkhead!" Bumblebee said, and he and Wasp started to shoot electric stings at Shockwave as Bulkhead took care of Lugnut again. Shockwave soon got an upper hand on the small Autobots until he was knocked to the ground by Bulkhead, which resulted in his cannon coming off of his arm, then transformed into his Longarm disguise and said, "G-Guys. Buddies. You wouldn't take out your old platoon mate Longarm now, would you?" "No, not at all," Bumblebee said sarcastically, seeing that Shockwave forgot Longarm's colors. "Yeah, not in a million stellar cycles, pal," Wasp said, but just as Shockwave was about to grab his cannon, Bulkhead crushed it with a wrecking ball, making it explode. "Sorry, Shockwave, but your game's up." Bumblebee said. "And my revenge is totally achieved," Wasp said, and the bot stasis-cuffed the Decepticon.

    Inside Omega Supreme in the medical bay, Arcee kept babbling out lessons, and Sari said, "Okay, now she's starting to get creepy." "The Decepticons fried her processor trying to remove the codes, but if I try to repair the circuitry, it could take her offline for good." Ratchet said. Sari put a hand on Arcee's knee, scanned the Autobot, and said, "You need to recalibrate the EMP generator into a data recovery tool, then salvage Arcee's secondary memory storage from her hard drive by bypassing the input/output systems." "And I suppose us machines just told you that?" Ratchet asked. "Pretty much, and Andrea only told me about the secondary memory storage." Sari said. "What are the re-calibrations?" Ratchet asked, pulling out his EMP generator.

    Back on Earth, Optimus got an idea to knock the clones away and said, "Prowl, fall back, you don't want to be around when I do this," and Prowl flew away from the area. Optimus started to spin in a circle with the Magnus Hammer, creating a twister, and the twister pulled the clones in so Optimus could hit them with the Magnus Hammer, sending the clones to an island in the middle of Lake Erie. Optimus stopped spinning, being slightly dizzy and panting a little bit, and Prowl came back into the area saying, "Good job." Megatron became furious to this and tried to get the remaining clones back to the Moon, but found their flight capabilities disabled from Optimus's attack. "That Autobot will pay for this." Megatron said to himself, then ordered to the clones, "Destroy the Autobots. Destroy the city. DESTROY ANYTHING THAT'S NOT ME!!!" The two remaining clones that were left got to their feet and started heading for the city, and Megatron got out of the deactivated clone and flew to the city himself to deal with Optimus and Prowl. "Jazz, Swiftcat, we took out one of the clones, but the other two are still heading for the city!" Optimus said. "What about Megatron?" Swiftcat asked. "If the clone are coming this way, so is he," Optimus said, and found he was right when Megatron came into view and fired on him. Optimus used the Magnus Hammer to block the lasers, then he started to square off with Megatron as the Decepticon leader fought with his blades. "You're persistent for an Autobot," Megatron said. "My name is Optimus Prime!" Optimus said, and batted Megatron away. Just after that happened, the clones stopped, catching Megatron's attention. "What? Why did they stop?" Megatron asked, making Optimus and Prowl notice too, then Starscream's face appeared on the clones faceplates and Starscream's voice echoed out, "You were a fool to think that you'd be rid of me that easily, Megatron. Your clones have time-bombs in their cockpits that will take out anything within one hundred miles of their detonation point, taking you, those Autobots, the city, and it's surroundings in it!" and the bombs started their countdown.

    Megatron scowled, then got focused on Optimus again as the Autobot looked at the Decepticon to see if he'd make a move, and the Decepticon leader said, "If this will be my last moment, at least I'll have the satisfaction of destroying you, Optimus Prime!" "So you can remember my name, just like how you can remember Andrea Prime's name as well!" Optimus said, and the two became locked into battle. At the Tower, when Andrea heard Starscream's declaration, she turned to Sumdac, Simmons, and her siblings and said, "Get to a bomb shelter, now!" "But what about you?" Jake asked. "I'm going to fight for what's right, Jake, and nothing can stop that." Andrea said. "No!" Cassie said, running up to and hugging Andrea, then cried as she said "Don't go like mommy and daddy did! Please! Don't go!" "I won't, Cassie, I promise." Andrea said, hugging Cassie back, then Jake came and hugged Andrea. "You were the best family that I've ever had, don't forget that." Andrea said to them, and they let go of her. "Mr. Sumdac," Andrea said, getting Sumdac's attention, "you were the best foster dad anyone could ask for, and please take care of my brother and sister for me." "I will," Sumdac said, and he and Andrea's siblings left. "Simmons?" Andrea asked, and Simmons said, "Good luck, and let what is right lead you through the toughest of times," then the man left after Andrea's family.

    On the Moon, Ratchet repaired Arcee, and he and Sari hoped for positive results, and Arcee said, "Ratchet? Is that you?" "Arcee, you remember me?" Ratchet asked. "I remember getting captured by Lockdown, then the rest was a blur." Arcee said. "We'll have time to catch up on all the stellar cycles you've missed, but right now, you have to activate Omega Supreme so we can stop Megatron." Ratchet said, and Arcee nodded. "Sari," Bulkhead said, getting the groups attention, "There's something you have to see." Sari went with Bulkhead, Wasp, and Bumblebee to a room in the Decepticon base that was filled with protoforms, and Sari walked up to one saying, "This is a protoform? This is where Andrea and I came from? I just knew there was a reason to come here!" Ratchet and Arcee were able to reprogram Omega Supreme, and the Autobot looked at Earth and said, "Autobots in danger! I am Omega Supreme!" then transformed and headed for Earth, taking the Autobot group and the imprisoned Decepticons with him.

    Back on Earth, Andrea contacted Jazz and Prowl saying, "Guys, the only way to stop the explosion is to use an AllSpark powered force field, but I'm going to need help in reconstructing the entire AllSpark itself." "We're on our way!" Jazz said, and Prowl picked him up and took him to the Tower. After the three regrouped, Andrea nodded, and the three started to use Processor-Over-Matter to pull AllSpark shards in to rebuild the Cybertronian relic, including the one from the deactivated clone. Starscream had arrived on Earth and transformed saying, "I can't wait to see my bombs...explode?" and saw the AllSpark getting rebuilt. "The AllSpark? In tact?" Starscream asked, then his shard started to pull him toward the area it was being rebuilt at. "Hey!" Starscream shouted. Andrea felt Starscream's presence, then said in her mind, "I'm sorry, Starscream, but it's for your own good now," and the AllSpark shard pulled itself free from Starscream's head, making the Decepticon go offline and fall into a city street, his body in grayscale. When the clones were half way to Sumdac Tower, Omega Supreme had gotten to Earth and transformed as Ratchet said, "Let's send these knock-offs to the scrapheap!" "It would be my pleasure!" Omega Supreme said, and attacked the clones, taking one of them out easily, but the second clone took Omega Supreme and threw him down to the ground after punching him a few times. The impacts shook everyone inside, then after everyone was still, Omega Supreme asked, "Is everyone all right?" "All Autobots, Decepticons, protoforms, and techno-organics intact." Sari said.

    Jazz, Prowl, and Andrea were able to reconstruct the AllSpark to make a weak force field around the last clone and the fight between Optimus and Megatron as Andrea's shard was put in with the other shards, then Jazz said, "We have to get more shards, the force field's not strong enough." "We can't pull anymore in, only one solution now," Prowl said, and concentrated hard. Soon Prowl started to levitate up to the AllSpark, and Andrea and Jazz got to their feet after realizing what Prowl was doing. "Prowl! No! There must be another way!" Andrea shouted, but Prowl looked at them with a sad smile, and a flash of light covered the area. The force field became stronger, and Prowl's body fell into Jazz's hands in a grayscale color. "Prowl!" Andrea said, then tried to revive the Autobot, but was unable to now that her AllSpark abilities were gone from her shards removal from her, and Jazz said, "It's for the best, Andrea." Andrea looked at Jazz, then nodded sadly. With Optimus and Megatron, both Transformers were scratched, battered, and cracked as Megatron pressed Optimus against the force field, then the Decepticon smiled as he said, "Say goodbye forever, Optimus Prime." The clone entered it's final countdown as Megatron kept a good grip on Optimus, but then Prowl's ghost appeared and saved Optimus, making the Autobot disappear and confusing Megatron. "What?!" Megatron said, and the clone self-destructed, taking Megatron in the explosion.

    After the explosion, the force field disappeared, and Optimus found himself on a city highway with the other Autobots regrouping with him. "We did it! We stopped the Decepticons!" Swiftcat said. "And we're all well!" Bumblebee said. "All but one," Jazz said, carrying Prowl's lifeless body. "Prowl!" Sari exclaimed, and Andrea said, "He gave up his Spark to make the force field stronger. It was his sacrifice that saved us." Optimus got to his feet with disbelief on his face, then was hit by an unexpected blast from a still-alive Megatron. "You will fall!" Megatron shouted, but Andrea quickly got in the way of the badly damaged Decepticon, shooting a strong beam at Megatron and hitting him on the shoulder, stopping Megatron in the air. Ratchet took the Magnus Hammer, which had been knocked out of Optimus's hands, and threw it to Optimus. The Autobot leader caught the Magnus Hammer and flew up to Megatron as Andrea was whacked down to the ground, and Optimus hit Megatron hard with the Hammer, making Megatron crash on the road. Optimus came down to Megatron and readied the Hammer for a last strike, but hesitated. "What are you waiting for, Autobot? Kill me. You'd be doing everyone a favor." Megatron said. Optimus raised the Magnus Hammer and brought it down, but it struck Megatron's cannon, sparing Megatron's life, then Optimus said, "That'd be the easy way out, Megatron. You don't deserve it," and the Decepticon was stasis-cuffed and restrained. After all of that, the entire group transwarped to Cybertron, where they all were recognized as heros, and the Decepticons were imprisoned in the Autobot Stockades on Cybertron with Prowl getting a proper burial and honoring.

    Epilogue: Ten years later on Earth, Cassie was celebrating her 16th birthday with Jake and Sumdac when Andrea, still looking like a 16-year-old herself, transwarped in her best form with the Autobot Elite Guard insignia on her chest. "Andrea! You came for my Sweet 16!" Cassie said. "I wouldn't miss it for the world, and neither could the Autobots," Andrea said, and the others had come too. Cassie hugged her sister with tears in her eyes and said, "This is the best Sweet 16 ever!" Andrea laughed and said, "I'm glad it is, little sis, I'm glad it is."
  14. Lock Cade

    Lock Cade Tarn Fangirl

    Nov 16, 2006
    Trophy Points:
    D'aaaw at the ending.
  15. AndreaPrime101

    AndreaPrime101 AP101

    Aug 15, 2010
    Trophy Points:
    Happy ending in the end, and unfortunately, that story's the last one. :(  But I'll make another fanfic soon.
  16. Lock Cade

    Lock Cade Tarn Fangirl

    Nov 16, 2006
    Trophy Points:
    I'll be looking forward to it. :) 
  17. jgoss

    jgoss transformers fan 4 life

    Feb 7, 2009
    Trophy Points:
    ap 101 finally caught up and i gonna say great job on outcast. i was sad to see it end. hopefully you have anither ff soon. also i like how you added your own story to it again great job:thumbs2: :thumbs2: