Regenesis Lore

Discussion in 'Transformers Fan Fiction' started by vatarian, Oct 25, 2015.

  1. vatarian

    vatarian Archentrope, Black Needle, Suzerain of Metabolisms

    Dec 20, 2010
    Trophy Points:
    West Coast, Worst Coast
    This, dear reader(s), is not a story. Well, perhaps it is by some standards... But there is no central, sequential narrative. No progressing storyline. Merely information on events and people.

    This is a sort of grimoire or lore-tolm. For the Regenesis RPG. Read it or don't as you please. It will start out small. I'll try to add at least one new segment per day. I also welcome questions if anyone is actively curious about particular elements of the roleplay's continuity and canon.

    Axios Prime, on legacy

    He didn't die. Somewhere out there, he's still alive. And yet, he is spoken of far less often than Nova Prime, who is deceased. Do you know why the legacy of Galvatron is silence? Because it ill-suits society to remember him. Ingrates. All of them. I remember him. In this age of entitlement and excess, I remember every victory Galvatron ever carved. I remember every lesson he ever taught me. I remember every beautiful stroke of violence he wrought on the cosmos.

    I remember.

    And one day, when I find Galvatron, my old master, my teacher, I will kill him. Perhaps he will thank me, perhaps he will not, but I know it's what he would want. I owe that much to him, after everything he gave me.

    Aphelion, on his pathways

    It isn't teleportation. This is not a gateway. It is a torn edge. Those other than myself who enter fall because they do not treat it as such. You are not slipping through a wrinkle from one place to another. You are climbing below the sheathe, the polish, the electron-charge and the gravity. You are climbing down into the forever-web of casual pathways. The weave of subatomic radiation in the cold dark between stars. You are riding rotting photons born of dead suns across the bottomless gap between places. Balancing astride the connections between one atom and every one of its sisters.

    Be careful, if you fall. Consider them, those little lights in the silent dark. Choose very carefully. You are the acting force, here. Feel those little filaments of light, strum them, put your audial to them.... Perhaps you'll wind up somewhere you know. Or perhaps you won't. But any place is better than none at all. Because it's a long fall to the bottom, and sooner or later, you'll run out of strands to reach for.

    Civitas Prime: Function

    It has been said by some that Functionism, our society, is not a pretty thing. Those who say this are idiots. What can Function be but beauty? What is more pleasing to the senses than purpose well-fufilled? Axios knows this, despite-- or perhaps because of-- her mad lust for war. Aphelion, in his pursuit on knowledge and advancement.... He knows this as well. We are in consensus, the three of us, however much we may gnaw at oneanother on other issues.... It is only the common mech, the laborer, the fool who rejects the notion of purpose.

    They say we should allow them to choose. Foolishness. Utter foolishness. What we will do is insure that they pleased in their purposes from conception. Axios tried to shape this, with her dreadful War Numens and the like.... I think Aphelion and his Ceres Units are a fair sight closer. The newer models are almost people. It's amazing what they can do these days.... And it is done through Functionism.

    Ruin Maidens

    Nine of us. A day ago, there were 18. Soon there will be 18 again. Maybe more. Such is the way. Such is the price. The power we are given, we must take to keep. For every one to rise, one must fall. Hush. Quiet. Here is one, brought to us through Her.... Grace. Ahaha. Will she be...? No. A Numen. She will be a Numen. To work, then. Our tools, sisters. Keep her very still. Slide the scalpel in just there, behind the corner of her optic. Just so. Tease it in. Carefully. We have time.

    I know you can see us. Such a shame. A pretty face gone to waste. Don't worry. You will forget the pain. You can't scream. Your vocal-processor has been partially disconnected. Shhh. There, there. Don't over stress yourself. Shhh. You're going to strain something. Sister, keep the scalpel steady as you cut. Shh. Shh. Don't fret. You'll make an excellent War Numen. Such fight in you. There. Was that so bad? Only a face.


    We march for [BATTLEZONE 1SIERRA, KILLBOX GAMMA]. Our subroutines dictate that we feel triumphant. We march one score thousand strong. We march on the broken corpses of our enemies. We march towards [PREDICTED BATTLE TERMINUS EVENT]. Victory. It will not be a whole victory. We will not be whole. Many [37-44% APPROX CALC] are close to cessation of function. Many will offline. This [STRAT ONFLD ASPECT] is not a triumph. But it is not a [TAC LOSS] either. We will take their individual datameshs with us when we depart. Their patterns will not be lost.

    I am close to cessation of function. To. Dying. I wonder. Am I a person?

    Ceres Coming soon.

    On The Priority of Lives Coming soon.

    An Unwilling Acolyte Coming soon.

    Priesthood Coming soon.

    What Lies In The Wake Coming soon.

    Twelve of Us Coming soon.

    Galvatron Coming soon.

    An Unfortunate Amputation Coming soon.

    Isolated Coming soon.

    Regicide Coming soon.

    A Sickness Coming soon.
  2. UltraGalvatron1

    UltraGalvatron1 General Kenobi, you are a bold one.

    Aug 3, 2015
    Trophy Points:
    Would ot be possible for me to write lore on Sandstorm/Beacon, or are you already planning on doing that?
  3. vatarian

    vatarian Archentrope, Black Needle, Suzerain of Metabolisms

    Dec 20, 2010
    Trophy Points:
    West Coast, Worst Coast
    Well, Sandstorm isn't really a hub of the roleplay's events, but I suppose I could certainly write a bit on him. You'll just have to see what all those segments labeled "coming soon" are about. I'll get around to filling out at least two or three of them today.
  4. God Ginrai

    God Ginrai Energon Enthusiast

    Feb 6, 2015
    Trophy Points:
    Maryland, USA
    Need me to write up anything on Crossfire?
  5. vatarian

    vatarian Archentrope, Black Needle, Suzerain of Metabolisms

    Dec 20, 2010
    Trophy Points:
    West Coast, Worst Coast
    If you want? Sorry I've been away. Busy during weekdays.
  6. God Ginrai

    God Ginrai Energon Enthusiast

    Feb 6, 2015
    Trophy Points:
    Maryland, USA
    I understand.

    If I do a writeup for him, do you want it to be about anything in particular?
  7. vatarian

    vatarian Archentrope, Black Needle, Suzerain of Metabolisms

    Dec 20, 2010
    Trophy Points:
    West Coast, Worst Coast
    Finally! Time to write! Ugh....

    Anyway, if you want to write something about Crossfire, write something that encapsulates his nature, or some aspect of him concisely, within a few paragraphs. It can also be something cryptic, or something that explains some detail in the actual Roleplay.
  8. God Ginrai

    God Ginrai Energon Enthusiast

    Feb 6, 2015
    Trophy Points:
    Maryland, USA
    I'll think of something.