What's with all the hate?

Discussion in 'Transformers Earthspark and Cartoon Discussion' started by AxionPrime, Aug 31, 2012.

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  1. RisingPhoenix86

    RisingPhoenix86 One of Soundwaves minions

    Sep 1, 2010
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    Its a good show. Most of the hate comes from only a select few people or members who tend to over react and make bigger deals out of things and makes things look worse for prime
  2. Starscream Gaga

    Starscream Gaga Protoformed This Way

    May 19, 2011
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    I was under the impression that he had set it just to kill the Decepticons. I need to re-watch it.
  3. tfomegaprime

    tfomegaprime tail pipe

    May 29, 2012
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    my first thread got blocked because it was insultive
  4. LCDR Blindside

    LCDR Blindside Banned

    Apr 1, 2012
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    It's a weapon of mass destruction. Like a soul-stealing nuclear bomb. It doesn't discriminate.
  5. Starscream Gaga

    Starscream Gaga Protoformed This Way

    May 19, 2011
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    But its still bad writing: Something this major wasn't even a major plot-point for the episode. It was just a starting point for why the Autobots were on the Nemesis. The decision to suicide yourself and your team-mates as well as your enemies should have gotten A LOT more exposure.
  6. LCDR Blindside

    LCDR Blindside Banned

    Apr 1, 2012
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    You're right. But it's dismissible to me as Optimus and the team swallowing their guts about it to avoid talking about the inevitable, as fighters often do.
  7. Decay_is_awesome

    Decay_is_awesome Well-Known Member

    Apr 19, 2004
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    I like the show and I am hopeful it is improving now the relic hunt is over.

    That said I think the hate is mostly because it can seem unfocused and unsure of what it wants to do. They obviously have a lot of ideas but they resolve some pretty huge plot points in an episode or two and then have other minor things linger around. Most of what they do doesnt seem to go anywhere long term. We get a hint of something that could have major long term implications but then the pay off is so fast and simple it doesnt feel gratifying.

    The usual example is the Bulkhead/Breakdown rivalry. We got several episodes where it was the main focus, but instead of any resolution Breakdown is killed offscreen and barely mentioned again. The same thing happened with Orion Pax, Prime helped Megatron and has no memory of just how much he has put his own cause (and the earth) in danger, but it seems to have had not long term importance other than to let them have a relic hunt so they can breeze through a handful of episodes without coming up with any other ideas.

    Things just seem to happen, be really important for a while and then be forgotten just as quickly so everyone can go back to how things were at the start of the episode.
  8. Starscream Gaga

    Starscream Gaga Protoformed This Way

    May 19, 2011
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    Not to mention the implication that he may choose to betray the Decepticons because they left him to die.
    Why plant the seeds if you wont let them grow? Breakdown was a hugely wasted character.
  9. ChromeBlade

    ChromeBlade Well-Known Member

    Aug 29, 2012
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    That I'll give you; it was a massive shock to me that they killed off Breakdown so suddenly like that. To say nothing of the unaddressed issues between him, Bulkhead and the questions left hanging in the air.
  10. Decay_is_awesome

    Decay_is_awesome Well-Known Member

    Apr 19, 2004
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    The dude had a whole lot of storylines going for him in the background, more than any other character I think. He had a debt to repay Starscream so that would have put him at odds with Megatron, he had a successful long term partnership with Knock Out and he had a feud with Bulkhead but at the same time seemed to legitimately appreciate the rescue and enjoy the fights they had. Depending on how seriously you want to take his one off comment he also had a weird thing for Airachnid too.

    On top of these he was also just a decent guy who, like you said, seemed like he could have changed sides completely.
  11. Valkysas

    Valkysas Attack Buffalo

    Sep 1, 2003
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    Welcome to the Transformers fandom, where every show is both the worst and best thing ever.
  12. ChaosDonkey

    ChaosDonkey Lord Brain

    Apr 9, 2012
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    People just expect to much from a TF serial.
    I see it as better then the unicron trilogy and that is good enough for me.
  13. Soundwave12

    Soundwave12 Well-Known Member

    Aug 31, 2009
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    It's an ok show to me, not fantastic but not bad either. One of the bigger things that bother me is how they "change" things. Let me give a few examples

    Vehicons, first episodes on a few take down cliff and bumblebee has a hell of time dealing with one or two? Then a bit later suddenly vehicons are NOTHING they get shot left right and center by the hundreds.

    Another one I have is the introduction of a new decepticon. In the first episode said decepticon is always decently competent but after that... Breakdown is a good example first episodes I found he doing decent, after that he couldnt hit the broad side of a barn anymore.

    then another feeling I have is that autobots just cant die... they either 1) survive any wound, 2) be out for a while but suddenly by some sort of plot device pop back in
    This feeling correct or not, takes quite a bit away from the show for me.
  14. ChaosDonkey

    ChaosDonkey Lord Brain

    Apr 9, 2012
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    If you dont count in Cliff, then you are right, probably down to the fact that the Autobots are outnumbered, and it is not good for the show loosing more of them
  15. DonJuan

    DonJuan Banned

    Aug 30, 2012
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    Yeah, remember, back then, how even Bulkhead had trouble fighting one Vehicon?
  16. soundwaverulls

    soundwaverulls Taking a break

    Dec 10, 2010
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    I know. I specifically said (in a part you conveniently left out) that the show's quality declined in season two. My hate towards this show lies there and there alone (mostly). The characters where great in season one. In season two, they're pretty bad.

    If I was writing the show, that's what would have happened. It would've been stupid if Arcee just randomly got over her vendetta with Airachnid. However, as she realized it's wrong in partners, it needed to be handled differently in season two. Some simple character interactions would have been sufficient. For example, in Crossfire ,before they showed Airachnid finding the Insecticon Hive, they could have had a scene of the Autobots going back to base. Prime says "I thought we got past this already" and Arcee say "I don't want to talk about it" and storms off into her Quarters or something where she sits down and buries her face in her hands, looking sad. Just to show while she can't help going after Airachnid, she regrets it.

    Optimus became ruthless last season in One Shall Fall. And while Silas is MECH's new project, it isn't Project Chimera. That was to build their own Transformer. Here, they're just putting Silas into a prebuilt TF they just patched back together. And I'll believe Airachnid will return when we see it. And if I do, I bet she'll be killed the same episode. Unless her escape is a cliffhanger. In which case she'll die in the first episode to have her as a major character.

    If Bulkhead never finds out Breakdown's dead, it'll be no better. As for the cloning idea. Well, maybe that would be OK. But I doubt that will happen.

    Cybertron will never be revived. The movies have dead Cybertron, so everything else has to. Just like Mute Bumblebee and colourless Decepticons (except for Knockout). And I guess the characters being boring is personal opinion but I can support mine with fact.
  17. Soundwave12

    Soundwave12 Well-Known Member

    Aug 31, 2009
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    well for one strange reason or another... I have this little feeling he's going to come back in one way or another :) 
  18. Soundwave12

    Soundwave12 Well-Known Member

    Aug 31, 2009
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    maybe the first were made out of real cybertronian alloy and the one's after that out of earth's tin foil :D 
  19. callMEcrazy

    callMEcrazy Member

    Aug 27, 2012
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    Love should always be tempered with hate. :D 
  20. Autobot Burnout

    Autobot Burnout ...and I'll whisper "No."

    Sep 18, 2008
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    You sure? I'd say Energon is the worst. Armada at least manages to save itself in the later half, but Energon starts strong and just degrades horribly to the point where they have to make up some excuse to bring back a defeated Unicron because they're 12 episodes short of a full final season at that point.

    The problem with what you said here is that while interactions with the kids are plentiful enough (and with Fowler too, for that matter), it's the severe lack of interaction the bots have between each other that's the problem. It's like there's no time for fun or anything with the Autobots. All they ever really do is just be on constant alert for the next problem or something, no friendly banter in between them during transit or goofing off at base. And there's evidence that there was plentiful time for this pre-kids, since Arcee and Cliffjumper are having a friendly chat about why their current positions on Earth suck so much in the opening moments of the first episode. Heck, half the reason I like Triage so much is because of the Ratchet/Wheeljack dynamic going on that actually gives them more character depth, I.E. Wheeljack intentionally pushing Ratchet's buttons with the nicknames because he thinks its funny.

    But had Arcee killed Airachnid, the idea behind "Hurt" would have been much better presented in the form of character development for Arcee, as Airachnid's death would not have brought back Tailgate (or whoever it was Airachnid killed), plus the Insecticon Army wouldn't have just been handed over to Megatron because Airachnid wouldn't have tried to usurp Decepticon leadership. Thus, by NOT killing Airachnid, Arcee essentially is the indirect reason why Bulkhead is in a stasis coma.

    1. The whole Orion Pax thing in the show was a cop-out used to kickstart the whole "item search" quest thing that's made up half of S2 so far. Optimus is not noticeably any more violent than he used to be, hell he's worked with Dreadwing TWICE since then, so if anything Optimus is slightly LESS ruthless since he's not tried to kill Dreadwing when the latter's guard is down.

    2. Because if Silas IS the next Project Chimera, it's going to end in a very disappointing way. Nemesis Prime had so much potential, but after all that build up the only thing NP turned out to be was a white elephant and essentially nothing more than an elaborate plot device to put Silas into the Breakdown machine.
    Because her being put into stasis is the closest thing to death the writers are willing to do short of actual death, so it leave the option open for her Soap-Opera styled return, but outside of the whole "Arcee's personal antagonist" thing Airachnid has almost no real purpose to come back plot wise.

    How the hell would a robot have DNA? I'm pretty sure Starscream needed some spare protoforms or something the one time he cloned himself. Plus, if Breakdown gets cloned back to life, it will just make things even more of the same as the end result would only be Silas with original Breakdown parts, which could have been plausibly been pulled off with normal human technology, rendering Breakdown's entire time spent dead nothing but a complete waste.

    Project Iacon is, as far as I can tell, nothing but one big elaborate armory of confiscated technology that exploded on Earth. With the exception of the Forge Hammer, absolutely NONE of the relics seen in the show seem to be anything more than just specialized pieces of technology, with Megatron outright stating that Decepticons built the Resonance Blaster. Plus, the whole "all the relics combine" idea kind of doesn't work when at least two of the relics (three if you count the Harvester from S1) have been destroyed by Bulkhead, with special note on the Tox-En as I don't really see how a small cansiter of anti-Energon that essentially kills any living cybertronian who comes near the stuff will revive a planet that right now is fully infected with Dark Energon.
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