Unicron And Primus Creation Myth (Singularity Lore)

Discussion in 'Transformers Fan Fiction' started by DrOblivian, Aug 19, 2016.

  1. DrOblivian

    DrOblivian Mad Doctor jAmS

    Apr 12, 2013
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    South Jersey
    The Dawn of Creation and the One

    Before time, before space, before reality had been born, there was nothing. But not just nothing, the absence of nothing, a lack thereof so great, so incomprehensible it defies explanation. This was a void so pure and unadulterated that one would be unable to grasp the sheer concept of it and go mad if they tried.

    But with nothing comes potential, a potential for more, something greater, for something, anything, to be, to exist.

    There was no big bang, no grand explosion, or no cosmic event that forced the universe to life. Rather there was nothing and then there was, simply because it could. This was the birth of existence and with it the first universe.

    This first universe existed much like our own did, but without the strict laws of reality to bind it together in the ridged unforgiving way they do now. Galaxies spun and black holes ate. Stars where born and died and life sprung up wherever it could and things simply were.

    The universe stayed this way for eons upon eons, ever changing yet stagnant. But then something amazing happened. The universe woke up.

    Reality opened its mind for the first time and looked upon itself in awe. The universe itself was alive, alive and willing. A new young mind that wished to know and see all it could with a childlike wonder. Thus The One was born, reality itself given life.

    However The One didn’t know much, if anything about itself or its possible role in the vastness of eternity. The One’s mind and being were a singular entity of pure energy directly connected to reality itself that while omnipotent, and intelligent, was not all knowing. Thus it wished to learn, it wished to explore and experience.

    So The One explored in search of whatever it could. It learned about the universe through firsthand experience, but it wasn’t enough. The One was lonely and so it started to search closer to the material planes of the universe and as such eventually came across life.

    Finally after so long there was something else, something it could talk to, to ask questions about the universe or itself, perhaps it would get answers to questions it had long since been seeking for. Why did it exist? Why was it the only one of its kind? Why did they exist? What was existing in the first place? And other such questions that burned within The One.

    However most life The One came across was simply too primitive to understand, or in worst cases driven to death by the madness caused by its attempts to communicate as they simply could not comprehend. The One felt awful when this happened, but unfortunately it could not be helped as many lifeforms on the lower planes of existence simply cannot comprehend a multidimensional being of Pure energy such as The One.

    Eventually though it started to find more intelligent life, ones that didn’t go mad upon looking at it or hearing it “speak”, but even these experiences where unsatisfactory in most cases. Some were appalled and thought it a monster. Some worshiped it expecting answer from The One rather than being helpful in any real way. And others simply didn’t have the answers it was looking for.

    Failure after failure The One became lonelier as it continued its exploration. Eventually out of desperation The One began conversing with itself. Purposely pretending to be different beings using different points of view to try and solve its own problems, the pessimist, the optimist, and the cynic.

    Out of this method of thinking a thought occurred to The One. “If I can’t find anyone to help me, I’ll create some.” The one had seen enough of how creation worked and how living this acted to know the very basics of what it wanted to do. It had tinkered with creation before and had a bit of experience. And so The One created the Vok.

    The Vok, were beings of pure energy as well much like The One itself while being able to converse with the lower planes without driving many natives insane as The One so often did. The Vok were to be guardians and teachers, explorers and emissaries to The One, purposefully created with a stern parental mentality to help The One better understand all that it saw and heard though another’s perspective.

    For a very long time, the Vok were exactly what The One needed. They taught and learned more about the universe than any before them, The One and the Vok grew together. However even this did not last. After a while the Vok could no longer help in the ways they once did slowly becoming servants and workers rather than the friends and teachers they once were to their creator. The One had outgrown them, and as such became lonely once again. As even with the Vok, as far as the One knew, it was still and always had been, alone.

    This prompted the return of the multiple personalities, the optimist, the pessimist and the cynic. The Vok warned that this was not a healthy practice but The One did not listen believing it knew better and disregarded them as a child would disregard a parent’s wisdom. The one grew lonelier and lonelier and the personalities it had created began to take on identities of their own. They were Primus the pessimist, Unicron cynic, and Chronarchitect the optimist.

    Over the eons these personalities began to develop what seemed to be minds of their own. They changed and evolved and eventually The One had driven itself mad. Unicron, Primus, and Chronarhnitect clashed with one another more and more often until eventually The One ceased to be as it was torn asunder by itself into three distinct entities entirely. Each one based off of those personalities it has created long ago. The One was gone. Unicron, Primus, and Chronarchitect lived.

    The three of them went their separate ways for the most part, no longer alone, they were all much happier with their existence simply knowing more like them existed and as a whole and the Vok became useful again to each helping them in new and different ways they could not before. Occasionally they would run into one another time and again and share their experiences with their siblings, but for the most part continued on with much better sense of self than The One ever did, and as such where able to understand more about the universe and themselves than The One ever could as a whole.

    Chronarhcitect was content. In many ways he was most like The One in that he wanted to learn, to see to experience with a childlike wonder but without the burning desire to know the questions that seemed unanswerable. He was happy to simply watch and listen to the beauty the universe already had to offer while learning along the way.

    Unicron and Primus however were not. They tinkered with the universe in their own unique ways still trying to figure out how any why everything worked. Why they were there and who they were and what they were for.

    Primus liked order he learned early on, a place for everything and everything in its place. And where he did not find order, he created it. Primus loved the concept of life, but found it so messy. And try as he might to create what he considered the prefect life, he always failed. He always found the worst in things and tried his hardest to “fix” his ill-conceived notions of what was broken with the universe. He loved the universe and he loved life, but it never met his standards of what he expected. Always unsatisfied and thus always fixing and creating.

    Unicron was the opposite as you might suspect. The universe was a noisy messy place and he didn’t like it. It annoyed him to great ends. So he usually found great pleasure in causing chaos and destruction. One of his favorite things was to irk his brother Primus.

    Unicron and Primus didn’t get along very well as is expected of manifestations of creation and destruction. They were polar opposite of one another and more often than not Chronarchitect had to intervene to stop his brothers quarreling over what would usually be insignificant disagreements. But they were brothers and after a while learned to live with each other, eventually finding a balance between them which pleased Chronarchitect to no end. Finally, after what felt like forever. The three of them, The One, had found a kind of peace. They each had a place in in the universe and helped reality keep on spinning, they were no longer alone and they no longer wished to know the impossible, they were content.

    Creation and destruction, order and chaos, with a balance to bind them. They fell into their rightful places as was always intended, but in the back of all their minds, something was missing, and while they themselves did not know the why. The hole they all now shared was the feeling of being incomplete. After all, they had all once been the same being, The One.

    The Vok were no longer needed and as such eventually drifted away from the three young gods. Though they still carried out the Grand Plan of the One, “the Project” as it were, to know and learn everything, to answer the unanswerable questions and silently steering Unicron, Primus, and Crhonarchitect and the rest of the universe in what they believed to be the right direction to the inner peace The One so desired. Without them ever even knowing it, The Vok were the ones who had helped them find their peace, a hint here, a small nudge there. All was well in the end.

    Until it wasn’t…
    Last edited: Nov 5, 2018
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  2. DrOblivian

    DrOblivian Mad Doctor jAmS

    Apr 12, 2013
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    South Jersey
    Unicron and Primus

    Unicron once came across Primus while he was deep in thought. Unicron had wanted to ask his brother something but noticed that Primus had not yet noticed his arrival. A rare opportunity had presented itself and Unicron’s first thought was to prank him, to break him out of whatever trance he was in by abruptly making his presence known to startle him or causing whatever spell he was weaving to blow up in his face to get a rise out of this brother for amusement. They would fight like always, Primus mad at Unicron for whatever reason, but eventually it would turn into friendly wrestling. This was their relationship for the most part.

    But Unicron stopped. What Primus was doing had caught him off guard. Primus was working with the very fabric of reality itself. He was in the process of building a star for a new solar system that he was to create, Primus was creating planets and moons and life. He had never seen his brother actually create anything before and while he knew the feeling and processes that went into manipulating the cosmos in such a way, he had only experienced them as The One and as such the experiences were hazy at best after all this time.

    So Unicron simply watched with a fascination and curiosity he hadn’t experienced in a very long time. Primus eventually noticed his presence and acknowledged he was there with a quick glance and a smile. Primus was pleased that his brother hadn’t interrupted him, which was what he had expected him to do and even more pleased that Unicron had taken interest in an interest of his own. Perhaps they could become closer through this.

    The two of them simply sat there together on opposite sides of this solar system, as much as two incorporeal masses of green and red energy could “sit”, as Primus played with his creation for millennia after millennia. Adjusting things and manipulating their lives of the creatures he had created on the many planets and moons in the system while unicorn simply watched in silence with the occasional question or to throw in a bit of chaos to annoy his brother. Primus would glare and Unicron would laugh but to primus Unicron’s presence had made things more enjoyable as managing this creation of his was a bit more challenging with his brother working against him.

    However as time passed the two of them played their game, Primus noticed that Unicron didn’t cause the chaos and destruction he was known for nearly as often as he expected him to. In fact he didn’t do it nearly as often as he should have been, as was his nature. Unicron’s interest in creation and life soon gave Primus a bad feeling, something was not right. While Primus had enjoyed it at first, this was most unlike his brother and it was beginning to worry him. The look on Unicron’s face only made things worse as he seemed much too interested.

    Primus then “decided” that he had become bored with this system and asked Unicron to cause the star to supernova as their game was over. Unicron hesitated, but did as was asked of him anyway. Primus noticed this hesitation and Unicron’s willingness to take instruction from him. Unicron never did anything he or Chronarchitect asked of him. Something was very wrong. Unicron tried to make up for his hesitation by quickly and abruptly causing the star to destroy itself, but had accidently done so in the wrong way causing the star to collapse into massive black hole instead that proceeded to swallow up a good portion of the galaxy that they had been in rather than just the one solar system he had intended. He profusely apologized to Primus after his perceived slight but Primus didn’t flinch, more worried about what was wrong with his brother. While normally something like this would have infuriated Primus he was more interested in why Unicron was acting this way.

    Primus began to leave; to consult with Chronarchitect about what he might think was wrong. Only to be stopped by Unicorn’s demand.

    “Teach me”

    This was not good, not at all, so that’s what was wrong with Unicron. After all this time the three of them had finally found their places in the universe, why did Unicron want this? He shouldn’t want this as it was not his nature, nor his place to do so.

    “Teach you what?” Primus responded pretending to play dumb.

    “To create, to give life” Unicron responded simply.

    “You already know how to do it”

    “I cannot create in the ways that you do. I wish to know how”


    “Because you are not meant to create.”

    “What is that supposed to mean? I am just as powerful as you, possibly even more so!” Unicorn questioned beginning to get frustrated.

    “I could easily create the way you do; I simply wish to know how. You are loved and revered by the things you create; some even call you GOD and worship your every action. Yet here I am, feared by all of creation because all I do is destroy it. I wish to be loved as you are, I wish to make the children you do, to weave the magic of the universe and cast the spell of life to give it rather than take that life away from those who were gifted with it.

    Primus thought long and hard, he had no idea his brother had felt this way. And if Unicron felt this way, then what did Chronarchitect feel? Primus answered in the only way he knew how, with the truth.

    Primus embraced his brother in an attempt to comfort him. “Unicron you are loved. Myself and Chronarchitect are your brothers and together we three are creation, have you forgotten that? Without us, this.” He gestured to the universe itself.

    “This doesn’t exist without us. Our role is to keep creation moving smoothly. I am creation, order, and life, you are destruction, chaos, and death, and Chronarchitect is the balance that keeps us in check. You should know your place.”

    Unicron pushed Primus off of himself violently just as Chronarchitect arrived to investigate managing to catch the very tail end of what had transpired between the two.

    “KNOW YOUR PLACE?! You are not better than I! We are supposed to be equals and you take pity on me?!” Unicron boomed, he had taken the last of what Primus had said and latched onto it, twisted it in his grief. Unicron lunged at Primus, they had not had a true fight like this in eons, but thankfully Chronarchitect was there to stop it before it got out of hand.

    After Unicron had settled down, Primus and Unicron both had explained what happened to their brother. Chronarchitect responded to Unicron in much the same way Primus did, but in a way that helped him better understand. Primus was the exact counterpoint to Unicron by nature; of course Unicron took it the wrong way. The direct contact Primus provided in an attempt console his brother had only made it worse without intending too. Chronarchitect WAS the balance however, and as such Unicron was much more open to listening.

    Unicron was being stubborn though. While he understood better now and apologized to Primus for his outburst he was still angry at his reluctance to teach him to create. And unfortunately Chronarchitect agreed with Primus which only further angered Unicron. He still wanted to learn to create, to create and be loved, ans his brothers were still denying him that.

    Not knowing what else to say, Unicron simply stormed off while causing chaos while he traveled, much more than he normally would however. He was taking his frustration out on the universe and continuing to do his job, but now it was out of spite for his position and his brothers decision rather than the peace he had with his place in the universe as before.

    Chronarchitect and Primus were worried. And rightfully so, the balance was skewed and the peace had ended and Unicron had simply disappeared and was now hiding from his siblings. Unable to locate him, they waited for his return hoping that he wasn’t getting himself too worked up over this. However they knew better. They next they saw Unicron; there would be another fight, a bad one. They had gotten through worse though, Right?

    Know you place, know your place. Unicron had latched onto those words spoken by Primus and his anger and frustration boiled over. He began to hate, to hate himself to hate the universe, to hate his brothers. What did they know? He was going to create anyway, be damned what his brothers thought he would teach himself how to birth life. So that’s what Unicron did. With little to no knowledge on the subject of creation let alone life he dove in.

    Unicron’s first creation was a disaster. He had underestimated how much power it would require to create and as such poured too much into his first creation. It was an incoherent mass of living chaos that spanned multiple dimensions and drove all who saw or heard it to death by madness almost instantly. It wreaked havoc with the fabric of reality just by existing and it multiplied quickly. While these spawn of this monstrosity had created were not quite as bad as the original, they too were abominations to creation itself. In an attempt to destroy this failed experiment that its spawns had begun to call Azathoth, Unicron was shocked to find that he couldn’t.

    He had accidentally given it a minuscule piece of himself when creating it and had made it into an everlasting piece of reality just as he was. And because it was a living thing he could not simply retake the peace of himself that he had accidentally given as it would need to be returned willingly. Unicron had made a HUGE mistake. In an attempt to rectify his blunder he gathered the spawns of Azathoth and taught them a spell that would keep the monstrosity asleep to prevent it from wreaking havoc on reality unchecked. He then shunted the entire group of abominations into a separate dimension to hide them like a child hiding a stolen cookie. Out of sight out of mind, his brothers would never know and it was taken care of.

    Attempt after attempt Unicron became more and more frustrated with himself and his inability to create life. After his first mistake and the piece of himself he lost he had learned to never do that again, and these failures were easily destroyed, but they were still failures and it infuriated him. Some however seemed to be successes in at least partly… they didn’t drive mortals mad, weren’t horrible murdering monsters or at least had some kind of intelligence worth saving. These he stored with his first creation in the void he had hidden them in for later use. He could learn from these failures as they seemed to be on the right track. Some however escaped before he could destroy them or place them into the void. Though for the most part they were insignificant and lacked any real power to contort things too badly. His brothers would probably think nothing of them and assume whatever changes were his doing. He was wrong.

    Primus and Chronarchitect had managed to find the hidden Unicron by capturing one of his creations, a strange golden multidimensional shape with a single eye that leaked chaos magic like a faucet. They used it to track down Unicron and confronted him about what he was doing.

    Unicron was furious. Accusing him of doing something that had had originally asked for help with! He was only trying to learn what they had refused of him, what right did they have to tell him what to do? Why wasn’t he allowed this? And for them to tell him to stop?! That what he was doing was wrong, was evil?! On what grounds?! They were supposed to be equals! Unicron should have been able to do whatever he damn well pleased just like his brothers!

    Unicron again attacked Primus, but with a rage and hate he had never felt before. They fought like they never had before while Chronarchitect tried in vain to separate the two of them. Eventually their fighting accidently opened tear in space-time, directly into were Unicron had been hiding the worst of his abominations and they began to spill out escaping into the universe. Primus was appalled and Chronarchitect speechless. These were not just some failed experiments these were abominations to creation of the highest caliber, their very existence damaged the fabric of reality, some of which even felt like Unicron himself, but wrong. What had their brother done? Unicron and Primus continued to fight, primus himself now angry that Unicron had the gall to attempt something like this behind their backs let alone encroach on HIS domain and damage what they sought to protect in such a horrific manner.

    As the two forces of nature continued to battle amongst the cosmos the Chronarchitect did something they never thought they would ever experience. He attacked both of them, Chronarchitect was furious beyond comprehension. It was like a primal instinct, Unicron had disrupted the cosmic balance to such a degree and now Primus was encouraging it by stooping to his level? He had had all he could take from his quarreling siblings.

    The three of them created a path of devastation throughout the heavens, each calling upon powers they did not know they even possessed in order to subdue the other two, the fabric of the universe torn asunder by their fighting. In the course of this awesome battle each had done what they never thought they would, each compelled to do the unthinkable. Unicron had already defiled the sanctity of creation, life and order so what did the other two cares? Primus for the first time in his long life destroyed and caused chaos and death in his rage and Chronarchitect did much the same by simply intervening as much as he had already manipulating his own realm of time and space to better take the advantage, but only causing more damage to the universe as a result.

    But the First universe was a flexible and malleable place; the three gods could never hope to do enough damage to the heavens that it could not heal from eventually. However this did not mean they could not inflict this damage onto each other. The battle ended in a way that none of them had ever expected something that they would have never even thought as it should have been impossible to begin with.

    Unicron had struck a fatal blow to Primus due to an opening Chronarchitect had created for him unintentionally, and in doing so, all of creation itself. Unicron and Chronarchitect simply stopped. Unicron did not know what he had done would kill his brother. It was just another attack he thought. They sat frozen in shock floating in the desolate, barren area of space they had created and watched their brother fade away to his grave.

    They could FEEL it the pain and anguish and fear and hatred coming from Primus, they could always feel one another. They were after all three parts of the same whole. Fear, REAL fear though, fear was something new to them. They had never truly experienced anything that would warrant this kind of emotion. They were creation itself; they were true gods, all powerful masters of reality. And they feared. not only for the universe and their brother, but for themselves, they could die… Reality itself could die.

    Chronarchitect did what he could, out of desperation poured as much energy into Primus as he possibly could in an attempt to save his life, in an attempt to save everything. The universe was dying around them and it was their entire fault… No, he thought, it was Unicron’s fault. Everything had been fine until Unicron developed his thoughts of grandeur, his lust and ego had gotten out of control and UNICRON had destroyed the balance and now everything was paying the price because of HIS jealousy!

    Unicron though realized that after the fear has subsided that he was still filled with rage; he still hated his brothers for what he believed they had done to him, what he had convinced himself they had done to him. And after sitting idly by as he watched as one brother attempt to save the other, Unicron thought. What was the point? Chronarchitect couldn’t save Primus. He was as good as dead and was only delaying the inevitable. He knew it was his fault and that should have made him feel awful everything was going to die and it was his fault but found that he didn’t care anymore, he was done with this, with life.

    Unicron instead saw this as a chance, a chance to end his own suffering. Without a second thought he pushed Chronarchitect out of the way and hovered above his dying brother as the universe crumbled around them twisted Primus could only ask “why?” as they locked eyes. Unicron gave no answer and twisted proverbial knife, not caring what would happen as a result. What had been an accident was now murder.

    Primus died, and took his siblings and all of creation with him.
    Last edited: Nov 5, 2018
  3. Cryptwire

    Cryptwire Cybertronian Engineer/Sniper

    Mar 28, 2010
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    Restored & Unified Cybertron
    I am loving and enjoying your origins story. More.
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  4. DrOblivian

    DrOblivian Mad Doctor jAmS

    Apr 12, 2013
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    South Jersey
    The Multiverse And Imprisonment

    However, creation works in mysterious ways. Primus had died before the universe itself could fully disappear, but the universe and his brothers could not exist without Primus and as such reality itself immediately recreated him as if nothing had happened. Primus was alive and well, yet he had awoken in a void with his brothers floating around him unconscious.

    But Unicron, Primus, and Chronarchitect cannot exist without the universe. The connection goes both ways, their existence without the rest of reality prompted a new one to be created simply because they were still there.

    This new universe was born haphazardly and violently as this was not supposed to have happened, this was not supposed to be able to happen; this event was the big bang that we all know. This new universe, this new Reality tried to make up for the failures of the old one. The laws of reality became much more ridged and harsh to try and prevent the same failures from happening twice. This new reality also did not create one universe, it created MANY. There where now an infinite number of individual universes, for if one were to meet its end as the first universe had, all of creation would not simply collapse in on itself has it had before.

    The event was Painful for the three gods, the most pain they have ever experienced, and reality was punishing itself by attacking its own mind as if to say “don’t do that again” and due to the new reality they had become split, yet whole, existing in every new universe at the same time.
    After the three of them had regained consciousness after their harrowing experience that was their second birth. They simply floated around staring at one another for a good long while unsure of what to say or do. That is until the Vok showed up.

    This stunned the three gods as they had assumed they were the only beings that could have possibly survived such an event. Apparently that was not true. The Vok explained that not only had they the three of them survived, so had many others. A few of the incredibly advanced species had prepared for this event and had found a way to survive. Along with many of Unicorns creations and while still threat, this new reality had taken them into account when it was reborn so they didn’t corrupt the very fabric of reality, but now were now interwoven with it in a similar manner that Unicron, Primus and Chronarchitect were. Primus and Chronarchitect where upset by this news, but the Vok assured them they did not present as much as a threat as they once did and that they could be left alone without issue.

    Still the question lingered though, what to do? Unicron had to answer for what he had done. Though Unicron had retorted that he already had, they all already had and that they should use this as a fresh start. Chronarchitect seemed to agree with this though slightly hesitant considering the ordeal. But Primus thought it suspicious.

    Unicron had been jealous and angry and sad. So much so that he had tried to commit suicide through the murdering one of his own. His own brother had murdered him and he was just asking to let that go?! He had tried to destroy reality itself because of a misunderstanding! Surely those feelings still existed? Primus knew he himself wasn’t ready to just let something like this go without some kind of a fight, in fact he wanted a fight, and he wanted to repay Unicron the kindness of murdering him! He needed some kind of payback! He didn’t want to kill him but refused to let this go! And regardless, this had to be taken care of less it come back to haunt them in the future. They did have to spend eternity with each other after all. And if he himself felt this way, surely Unicron did too.

    Primus had been right, Unicron had wanted it all to end when he murdered Primus and he had truly found peace for himself when in the void, the noise of the universe was gone, he himself was gone and his lack of being was the most at ease he had ever felt. He needed that feeling back and his damned brother kept him from it! And this new universe?! Was nosier and more restricting then the other had been and now there were multiple alternate universes to deal with as he felt himself split to accommodate it all!

    He was literally being torn apart and he was expected to live like this for the rest of eternity? Unicron didn’t want to let any of this go, of course he had been lying! He wanted it all to end, this endless suffering that was being everywhere at once! This noise! It was driving him mad! Not to mention he was even more furious at his siblings now than ever before. He hated them, loathed them even. Any love he had once felt for them was gone. Unicron wanted revenge on his brothers, and then to die and take all of creation with him so that he could finally be at peace, he had convinced himself that this was the only way.

    Chronarchitect was worried. Being the balance he could tell that something was amiss with Unicron and Primus but could not tell directly unless they wished him to do so and they were blocking him out. The Vok felt the same way and confronted Chronarchitect with their worries. Primus and Unicron’s relationship had been irreparably damaged and that is was only a matter of time until this happened again, perhaps sooner than they thought. That could not be allowed to happen. And so the Vok made a suggestion. A plan to keep everyone in check until the time came for “The Project” the Grand Plan of The One to be completed.

    Chronarchitect was to convince Primus that the only way to keep Unicron in check was to imprison him in the material plane an inescapable prison and that he needed Primus’ help to do so as he was not powerful enough alone to overpower Unicron. The balance would be kept by all of Unicron’s creations and the new laws of this universe effectively doing his job for him while imprisoned. There would be nothing to worry about. Primus agreed and Chronarchitect taught him the spell that The Vok had invented to imprison Unicron.

    There was however a catch that only Chronarchitect and The Vok knew about. The three of them were equals and one of them being imprisoned would upset the universal balance. What Chronarchitect had told Primus about Unicron’s creations and the new laws of reality was a lie. The truth of the situation was that if one of them had to be imprisoned, they all had to be imprisoned. All three of them were to each have their very being condensed and crushed into a singularity that would hold them there for eternity or until the Vok decided “the Project” had been completed.

    Primus and Chronarchitect then surrounded Unicron with their very being and began the spell as The Vok bore witness. As the spell continued and took hold, Primus realized that he could not stop it. The magic the Vok had taught them had taken on a mind of it’s on and fed off of his own power to sustain itself, he had been betrayed! Or so he thought, he had noticed that same was happening to Chronarchitect. That was when he understood what was happening. All three of them were being imprisoned, it made sense. He was angry that his brother had not trusted him with this information, but had agreed that this was the best course of action, as he knew that he would not have agreed to this if he had been told. There could have been another way, a better way to keep their freedom and only contain Unicron.

    Unicron had never been angrier! How could he exact revenge on his siblings if he were imprisoned, stripped of all his cosmic might! They had blindsided him perfectly has he was lost in his own thought while conversing with some of the Vok. Only now did he realize that the Vok had been in on it, the ones he was speaking to were a distraction so that they could ambush him. Of course this only fueled his hatred for his bothers but there was nothing he could do as the spell took hold. Unicron did everything in his power to escape, to attack his brother and fling them off course to disrupt the spell somehow but he was getting weaker by the second. And then he noticed the same was happening to the others. He laughed. He laughed and laughed, they hated him so much that they would sacrifice themselves just to imprison him? The irony was a bittersweet victory for Unicron, music to his incorporeal ears. If he could not be free, none of them would be.

    Surely enough each god’s incorporeal energy had been brought to the physical plane ripped from every universe they existed in and brought to one single place. Each of them compressed and squashed into small jewels the size of marbles each reflecting the original colors of their owner’s energy forms. Green for Unicron, Yellow for Chronarchitect, and Red for Primus. The plan had worked, each god imprisoned, still and silent.


    The Vok took the small gems and hid them away at the centers of the largest most secure things they could find. Stars, three of the largest stars they could find and flung their creators into them. Upon the gems reaching the center of each, the stars immediately collapsed in on themselves and their matter clung to the gems for dear life further trapping Unicron Primus and Chronarchitect for what would hopefully be eternity.
    Last edited: Nov 5, 2018
  5. Cryptwire

    Cryptwire Cybertronian Engineer/Sniper

    Mar 28, 2010
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    Restored & Unified Cybertron
    Nice. loving it. This is a pretty solid Transformers pre-history lore as they go. And I hope you continue this lore as your detailed, mythical take on Transformers pre-history is interesting.
    Last edited: Aug 21, 2016
  6. Militarist

    Militarist Member

    Jun 20, 2016
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    The reason why I prefer to assume this as a legend rather than real facts is the fact that Transformers were created somehow. If you want to create a race you need to possess information how sentient beings interact between each other and in groups and knowledge how the sentience is created. Another problem is, well, called Unicron. As I wrote before, to deal with the planet-sized aggressive entity you need an army of sentient spacecrafts, rather than planet-dwelling mechanoids. But this legend make sense if it was crafted by Transformers at the dawn of their civilization.
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    WEEGEE Cringe memer

    Jan 19, 2012
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    An Arby's parking lot
    I like it this is actually a surprisingly interesting take on the unicron/primus creation story

    WEEGEE Cringe memer

    Jan 19, 2012
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    An Arby's parking lot
    Take your time I'd rather wait and get good content then rush get subpar
  9. DrOblivian

    DrOblivian Mad Doctor jAmS

    Apr 12, 2013
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    South Jersey
    Dark Energon And The Primacon

    Unicron struggled against his new prison for what felt like an eternity. He gathered his power and lashed out again and again hoping that ANYTHING would happen. He wanted his freedom, he wanted his power back. But most of all, he wanted revenge on his brothers.

    But his prison itself!!! Along with fact that simply existing was now even more of a torture for Unicron than it had been before the universal reset, his prison was almost worse. It was the epitome of order and perfectness. Everything he was not and it drove him mad. He was a being of pure ever-changing chaotic energy and he was trapped inside of a small perfect unchanging, unbreaking sphere It was the worst thing he could think of. Unicron needed OUT and he needed it soon, otherwise he feared he might truly go mad.

    Eventually though after struggling against his prison for so long, he stopped fighting. Unicron’s spirit had broken and he gave up trying to escape. All his anger and pain and fear and depression had finally caught up to him, and he wept. His energies relaxed and stopped lashing out at the walls of his small green gem but instead flowed off of him in his sadness. He was truly going mad and wondered how long it would be until he lost himself completely. At this point he hoped he WOULD go mad if only to be free of this torture in some way. Perhaps he would forget he had ever been free to begin with and would become content in his madness.

    Unicron was a being of chaos and destruction, and while he would always be as such in his sadness his energies had changed, they were no longer chaotic and full of rage lashing out in every which way, but slow easy movements that simply pressed against the walls in defeat, befitting his changed demeanor. This change in behavior however had unknowingly found a small imperfection in his perfect prison. His energies began to leak from the gem, Unicron himself was reaching outside his prison and he didn’t even realize it at first. Eventually though he felt it, he didn’t feel as cramped as he had before and realized what was happening.

    Unicron was ecstatic! While truly escaping was still forever out of the question, he found he could project a portion of his being some ways outside the walls of his small physical form. He could finally stretch out to some degree and reveled in the feeling. But while on the outside he noticed something strange.

    Unicron found that the matter that made up the collapsed star that had surrounded his small gem that was his physical form had become corrupted and had crumbled away eventually creating a large cavern in which he found himself floating in the center of. Apparently simply by being in proximity of him and his perpetual lashing out, the outside world had reacted to the sheer amounts of power that his prison, and by extension he himself radiated while trapped within the physical realm and had taken its toll om his surroundings.

    One of the ways the material plane had reacted to his energies was that a strange crystalline purple ore had developed in the walls of the cavern that Unicron was shocked to find was a kind of physical manifestation of his power that while not directly connected to him was directly connected to his prison. His energies could flow in and out of his prison now so long as it was into this strange ore that apparently was both like him and like his prison. Unlike his prison however he could manipulate it with ease and through it, manipulate the outside world and anything this purple ore came in contact with.

    Regardless of what he tried however he could still not truly break free of his primary physical form that was the little green gem. He was forever bound to the physical plane in this manner and thus forever out of reach of his true potential; Unicron had only found a way to reach outside the bars. But that reach beyond the bars was further than expected.

    Apparently the entire collapsed star had had become tainted by his dark energies and had drawn the attention of multiple species of mortals that wished to mine it as a source of energy, among other substances that his larger planetoid prison apparently contained. They even fought over it and built their little cities on him naming what they though was just a normal planet, Methuselah. Learning this, Unicron reached further to see where the dark ore had ended up. And found it had spread quite far, though the further he reached the thinner and scarcer it became. The mortal beings had only spread his essence as far as this particular galaxy however which irritated him some.

    In his searching however Unicron came across one individual in particular. Very close in fact, on a small moon named Protos that orbited his planetary being of. His was a scientist named Zhizun and was a member of the strange ape like race named the Primacron that currently controlled Methuselah. Zhizun was one of if not the most prolific minds his species had ever produced. And yet here he was studying the ore, which they called Angolmois, when his time could be better spent on literally anything else.

    What caught Unicron’s interest about this insignificant alien however was where his true passion lay. Zhizun was hopelessly obsessed with the prospect of artificial life, to the point that he came off as unstable. He had even created a small golem to help to serve as his lab assistant. This golem however was special. It was an amalgamation of rock, biological matter, and simple robotics powered entirely by the Angolmois ore. The golem itself wasn’t very impressive, but the way it worked intrigued Unicron. His dark substance permeated this small golem’s entire being.

    So Unicron possessed the Angolmois inside the golem to discover it felt different then when he had done it elsewhere. The entire golem felt like it belonged to him rather than just manipulating something from through the ore itself. This fish monkey mortal could actually be of use and help him escape his prison in a manner much more efficient than his current methods of extending his reach. But he could not make his presence known immediately else he could risk scaring off the creature. So Unicron waited, and while he despised it with the very core of his being, he played lab assistant learning everything he could about Zhizun and his work with the Angolmois or otherwise in order to understand how this mortal though so he could manipulate him to do his bidding without ever thinking that his ideas were not his own.

    Unicron slowly fed Zhizun information though subtle ways, slowly pushing him into pursuing his true passions of artificial life and over the years he became a leading expert on the subject, creating biomechanical life to help better his species, as well as mastering the use of the dark Angolmois ore. Now that the small Primacron had mastered his field Unicron began to push him in other ways, use his science in ways he would have never thought of on his own, as smart as Zhizun was, he was so small minded.

    Unicron whispered things into him like power and wealth. Zhizun was the smartest of his species! He could do whatever he wanted. Zhizun slowly became more narcissistic and egotistical always wanting more and more until eventually he had had enough. The Primacron waged war against his own people with armies of his creations all of course fueled by the very Angolmois Unicron inhabited. Zhizun took complete control of Methuselah itself banishing his species back home. But it was enough. Unicron had made the small mortal hate his own kind to such a point he wished them all dead.

    This was what Unicron had been waiting for. And he fed the final piece of information to Zhizun that would insure his ultimate victory use his technologies on the very planet itself. Create an ultimate weapon to wipe the rest of the Primacron off the star maps entirely and then conquer the galaxy with it. Zhizun took the bait and began to use his armies tom convert the planetoid into a very similar looking planet sized golem much like his original prototype that Unicron had possessed long ago that he alone would control.

    Obviously unknown to Zhizun, Unicron had already begun the conversion at the core of Methuselah using the knowledge that he had acquired from Zhizun during his time learning everything he could. But it was slow tedious work as he had to work though numerous golems to construct everything manually and as thing became completed Unicron mode into those as well to only further speed up the process as he continued to build himself. So while Unicron worked from the inside out, the Primacron would work from the outside in, speeding up the creation of his new body.

    The minute construction was complete all of Zhizun’s armies and workers and factories stopped dead in their tracks. Of course Unicron had convinced the small Primacron to use Angolmois to power everything he had, and by extension putting Unicron in control of it all! Unicron began to shift his new physical form into a large planet sized robotic golem all while Zhizun panicked wondering what was wrong. Eventually though Unicron finally made his presence known to the Primacron and explained everything reveling in the crushed look on the mortals face as he learned that none of his achievements were his own. Everything he was, everything he had done had been Unicron all along.

    And so Unicron invited the small broken mortal to witness the first act of his marvelous “creation” as Unicron devoured his home world. Zhizun could only look on in horror as he could do nothing to stop the monster that he had unknowingly let manipulate him into granting it new life. A new life that he used to destroy everything he once loved.

    This was only the beginning of Unicron’s reign of terror across the multiverse.

    Last edited: Nov 5, 2018
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  10. WEEGEE

    WEEGEE Cringe memer

    Jan 19, 2012
    News Credits:
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    An Arby's parking lot
    Another good chapter and a nice way of fixing that continuity screwup from G1 I really like that you made unicron a legit manipulator like everyone usually just makes him a world eater
    • Like Like x 1
  11. WEEGEE

    WEEGEE Cringe memer

    Jan 19, 2012
    News Credits:
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    An Arby's parking lot
    Again it works especially considering your just fixing a mistake G1 made I like how your providing an explanation for how everything turned out the way it did
  12. WEEGEE

    WEEGEE Cringe memer

    Jan 19, 2012
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    An Arby's parking lot
    I've never heard of either of them
  13. WEEGEE

    WEEGEE Cringe memer

    Jan 19, 2012
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    An Arby's parking lot
    Good luck
  14. DrOblivian

    DrOblivian Mad Doctor jAmS

    Apr 12, 2013
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    South Jersey
    The Plan

    Unicron had started his long campaign of destruction and it had caught his siblings completely off guard. While they too had fought against their prisons to see what kind of weaknesses it might have or what kind of limited freedom they might be able to regain, Primus and Chronarchitect never truly planned to escape unlike Unicron had. Though Pangaea had still yet to recover fully from the imprisonment spell and make the same amount of progress in reaching beyond her bars as her brothers had. So when the Vok had informed them That Unicron had managed not only to construct a massive planet sized Physical body for himself, but to use it destroying everything he could come in contact with. To say they were shocked would be an understatement.

    While the Vok had been watching to make sure nothing could go wrong with Unicron’s imprisonment, they had not expected him to work with such subtly and to have had done so right under their noses. Unicron had learned how to manipulate the outside world with ease now through the dark ore he had accidently created. And even if they destroyed his new body he could easily create another one under his own power. They needed a plan to subdue Unicron and they needed one fast.

    The first plan they had come up with was to have Chronarchitect and Primus do the same as Unicron had and have large mechanical bodies constructed. It had turned out that both Chronarchitect and Primus had also accidentally created ores that acted as natural extensions of their prisons, allowing them to manipulate the outside world just as Unicron does. The Vok had called these ores Energon having learned of it through other species and explained that while the three brothers had inadvertently created their own brands of the substance that tied directly to them, Unicron’s Dark Energon being a perverted corrupt form of it, Energon itself existed throughout the universe just as anything else did. They could use this Energon in the same way that Unicron had and create new bodies for themselves to combat him.

    Chronarchitect wanted no part of this plan. They had imprisoned themselves and Unicron for a reason, to keep the four of them from meddling with the working of the universe due to their own petty arguments and keep their unlimited power in check. To so easily cast those chains away so quickly just because of some unforeseen setbacks that would defeat the point of imprisoning themselves the way they did to begin with. In fact he didn’t see a reason why they should do anything at all. Unicron was still technically trapped and vastly depowered, He simply couldn’t destroy reality as he was now and there was no actual threat. Unicron was just throwing a tantrum that would lead him nowhere. All of this along with the fact the Chronarchitect was tired, he simply didn’t care anymore about what his brothers did, and he was done keeping the peace. Reality was no longer at threat from his sibling’s infighting and so his job was done.

    Primus argued against him. Not only did he have arrogance to think that he could sit around doing nothing, but to say there was no threat and use that as an excuse! What Unicron was doing was absolutely a threat. Their brother may not be able to destroy the reality as he was now, but in the meantime billions of lives were at stake, he was causing genocide one galaxy at a time. Eventually he would be able to destroy the universe if he carried on as he was. So what if reality wasn’t at stake? Once he had caused one universe to crumble he would simply move on to the next, and the next. What if eventually, trillions of years from now, Unicron did find a way to take his destruction to the next level that threated reality itself? They couldn’t sit around doing nothing.

    Without Chronarchitect’s help and Pangaea’s inability to, Primus had no real reason to create a body for himself, as he and Unicron where very evenly matched. So to fight his brother for eternity in a stalemate was no better than letting him run free. That and creating a body for himself now would take too long, Unicron was becoming more and more efficient at destroying worlds every passing moment and they simply didn’t have time to prepare. Primus felt he needed to act as soon as possible. Unfortunately neither Primus nor the Vok had any idea, and Chronarchitect had decided to stop being helpful deciding to simply watch as events unfolded.

    Eventually it was decided that while Primus himself could not work against Unicron, perhaps he could do so by proxy. The plan was risky but it was better than doing nothing. Primus was going to take small portions of his own energies and split them off of his being much in the same way Unicron had accidently done so when he had created Azathoth. He would then change them on a basic fundamental level so that they could exist separately from him outside of his prison with fewer limitations than he currently had himself, while breathing new life in to each of them.

    These beings, Primus’s children, would have similar bodies to that of their uncle Unicron, a physical golem powered by the divine energies that were their true selves. Albeit their physical forms would be much more advanced than that of their uncle’s, their bodies would work with the spark of life they each had rather than be moved around by sheer force of will like Unicron’s. They would work against Unicron on Primus’s behalf. Each would be their own unique being with a mind and soul that could look at the problem that was Unicron through a new fresh set of eyes. A new perspective that hopefully could find a solution to defeating Unicron that Primus, his siblings, and the Vok had missed.

    There was a downside to this plan however. Because Primus was splitting off a large portion of his own power and changing it into something that was no longer a part of him, he would become weak and vulnerable and incomplete. Primus would go dormant and rest for an extended period of time to attempt to recover from his self-inflicted injuries as well as hide his energies from Unicron who would without a doubt try and take advantage of his weakened state. Primus began the strenuous task of creating his children. He reached though the accidental extension of himself he and his siblings had each created for themselves, the veins of Energon that permeated the planet’s being and forced his energies up and out to create his new weapons against his brother.
    Last edited: Nov 5, 2018
  15. WEEGEE

    WEEGEE Cringe memer

    Jan 19, 2012
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    An Arby's parking lot
    Thus beginith the reign of the thirteen great update again I'm really into this universe you've created
  16. DrOblivian

    DrOblivian Mad Doctor jAmS

    Apr 12, 2013
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    South Jersey
    The Children of Primus and The AllSpark

    Large earthquakes shook the very planet to its core as Energon in its many forms surged to its surface. Fissures and canyons broke open across its crust, all emanating the blue glow of the life giving substance as lightning shot forth from them into the skies lighting up the dark in brilliant shows of might. Giant stone spires sprung forth from the ground reaching unimaginable heights. The numerous impact craters that had accumulated over time that littered the surface began to fill with liquid Energon and other trapped subterranean liquids to become massive seas and lakes.


    Various points across the planet seemed to have a much higher concentration of energies however and from one such hotspot, Prima was born.

    Prima crawled out of the ground while his body continued to construct itself around his newly birthed spark. Energon and rock morphed and shifted as it tried to cling to Prima’s newborn spark. Dazed and confused he stumbled around trying to get to his feet while the Energon still continued to strike him from the hole in the ground he had emerged from. Parts of his body would fall off and crumble only to be remade a second time better than they had been before. Eventually however his form was stable and Prima simply lay there on the ground a short distance from the large crater his emerging form had created.

    Still struggling to stand Prima managed to get to his feet and take in his surroundings. The planet was still in a state of change though it was not nearly as violent as it had been previous to his creation. Lighting storms still raged overhead and the very ground beneath him shook, though the activity across the world seemed to be slowing. None of this matter however, Prima had no idea what was even happening let alone who he himself even was. He was terrified. And so he did the only thing that seemed to make any sense to him at the time, he crawled back into the crater from which he had been born and nestled up against the various crystal structures that grew from its walls.

    Prima sat against the wall hugging is knees as he tried to get his mind in order. Who was he? Why was he here? Where even was here to begin with? Thankfully his first question seemed to answer itself however. He knew who he was; he was Prima, First born of many. He didn’t not know why he knew this, he just did. Knowing something at all gave him comfort in his new surroundings but as time went by he found that his other questions did not answer themselves like his own identity did.

    At this point the planet had become calm, the quakes had stopped and the lightning no linger lit up the sky, all was still. That was until another lightning storm seemed to start up off in the distance. It was different however than the rest. Prima got up from his hiding spot and crawled out of the crater with a newfound sense of bravery and curiosity. He stood on the rim of his crater looking out to where the new storm had begun. It was different from the last however as the lighting only seemed to be coming from a specific spot off in the distance. That was when it struck him. His one and only memory had said he was Prima, the first of many. What if this new storm was another like him coming from the planet like he had? Whoever they were they would be scared and confused same as Prima had been.

    So Prima began walking towards the storm in hopes there would be another like him waiting for him there. He was still new on his feet however and the first part of his trek was mostly getting used to his new form. He found though that he did not seem to be getting any closer regardless of how long he walked, the epicenter of this storm must have been much further than he initially thought so Prima began to run with long bounding strides. The rush of this whole experience was exhilarating, before he had been scared and alone, but now he couldn’t wait to see what this new existence brought him next.

    Vector’s First moments where much like Prima’s had been, crawling from the ground as his body created itself around his newly birthed spark. However unlike Prima, Vector had an audience. A lone being sat and watched as Vector took in his first moments of life in awe. He knew this to be his elder Brother Prima, but was confused as to how he knew that, Prima had not even introduced himself yet. Everything seemed to fluid to Vector, almost as if everything was moving in reverse, or was it in fast forward? Or was it still? Regardless of his issues with preserving the world around him he still needed to get his bearings and while he too was scared of these new experiences, when was not alone.

    Eventually Vector found his footing and Prima approached him. Vector took a step back and asked who the stranger was, even though he had already introduced himself, it was confusing but it was getting easier with every passing moment. The familiar stranger looked taken aback when vector spoke.

    “You can speak?”

    “Apparently so can you.” Vector responded still wary of his visitor.

    Prima’s hand shot to his mouth in shock. He hadn’t even known he could speak himself! With no reason up until now he hadn’t even thought of speaking. He quickly got over himself however in an effort not to scare his newborn sibling off.

    “My name is Prima, and I think that you are my younger brother. May I ask what your name is?” Prima spoke as he approached further.

    Ah, here was the introduction that Vector remembered. It hadn’t happened yet, but here it was now, so all was well.

    “I am Vector. Do you know where we are?”

    Prima could not answer his question as he didn’t know himself. They spoke for a while comparing their thoughts and what they did and didn’t know, about who they were and such. It seemed that neither knew very much aside from basic knowledge like a common language and their own names.

    After a while another lighting storm seemed to start up on the horizon, vector seemed apprehensive until Prima explained that it was the exact same type of phenomena that had drawn him to Vector in the first place. His best guess was that it was another sibling of their being born. The two of them made their way towards the storm side by side eagerly waiting the coming meeting of their newest sibling.

    Epestimus’s first moments were much like Vector, only with two visitors instead of one. Epestimus however was the first to introduce himself this time. Prima and Vector was very pleased to add a third to their group. They talked with one another for quite a while before yet another storm started up off on the horizon. Vector and Prima explained what it was, and the three of them set off to greet yet another sibling.

    This routine lasted for quite some time. A storm would start up signaling the arrival of another like them and the grouped would go off to meet them and calm their worries should they have any.

    Next was Solus, to their surprise a sister this time. A sister that seemed to love to tinker with whatever she could get her hands on.

    Then Micronus, another brother, though much smaller than they had all been up until this point, and he radiated a power that the others seemed soak right up when they were near him. Micronus took a liking to Solus and ended up on her shoulder for much of the rest of their journey.

    Alchemist was next.

    Nexus seemed to be made up of a multitude of individuals much to everyone’s surprise. Nexus was many, but they all were Nexus. And yet all of these little Nexus could merge together to form a bigger Nexus, or split down even further into even more Nexus. And when he was all put together he was the largest of them yet with Prima only coming up to his knee.

    Onyx had four legs and a pair of wings much to the shock of the siblings who greeted him.

    Amalgamous, or, was it Adaptus? He could not seem to make up his mind, as he quite liked both of them equally. Adaptus was the most different of them however. He seemed to be able to change his physical form at will into whatever he wished. Everyone seemed very impressed with this ability and wished they could have a similar power. After seeing Amalgamous ability everyone almost felt as though they had something missing now. Solus vowed to try and do just that with his help, she just wasn’t quite sure how yet.

    Quintus was next, with his many arms and a multitude of spindly tentacles that looked like ribbons where legs should have been.

    Mortilus, was not too fond of Prima at first, nor did Prima like Mortilus. The others would notice that they seemed like polar opposites of one another.

    Megatronus was, strange. They had only just all met and so it was chalked up to simply not knowing each other well enough yet now that their group had grown as much as it had. But the others seemed to want to avoid him for some reason, but even they did not know why. Solus took pity and stayed by his side feeling a kinship as the other odd one out amongst their brothers as she was the only sister.

    Solomus was everyone’s favorite immediately. He was easy to talk to and would listen with whatever they all had to say. He was also very good at disarming tensions that arose fairly quickly amongst his siblings.

    Logos had much the similar experience that Vector had with his perception being disoriented in a similar manner.

    Autonomous was the last of them and boy did he make for a grand finale. He was kind and gentle but Autonomous was massive! All of the rest of his siblings could easily stand in the palm of his hand.

    For a while, they simply were. Each one had only been born with the knowledge of their own names, and it was up to them to figure out who they were as individuals. They played and fought and talked like any siblings would. They tested out the powers with each other, sometimes against each other. Together they learned who they were to themselves and to each other.

    Eventually though their peace was disrupted by yet another storm brewing off on the horizon. It had been so long since the last one. They had thought that there would be no more of their own kind and that Autonomous was the last of them. Excited at the prospect of another sibling they all rushed to the epicenter as quickly as they could manage.

    Much to their dismay it was not another brother or what Solus had hope for, a sister. What they got was a massive hole in the ground that seemed to drop down forever. Some of them were frightened that this might be a sign of the planet falling apart. It was then that Autonomous and his high vantage point noticed a light from deep in the well and alerted the others. Something was coming up.

    A large ever changing crystalline structure rose up from the bottom of the well and floated in the air near the opening above the ground. It shone with brilliant light that captivated them all. It exuded a power far greater than any of them had ever felt before; it shook them to their cores from the sheer awe of it. All thirteen of them all knew what this was without ever needing to speak about it. The ever changing crystal let itself be known just by being in its presence. This object was the AllSpark.


    It was then that it Spoke with a soft caring weak voice that demanded utmost attention. And as it did so it shifted into a massive head.

    “My children… I am Primus. My time with you is short and so I must speak quickly. The very universe may depend on what you do after I tell you my story and your part in it."

    Epestimus will later change his name to Alpha Trion
    Mortilus will later change his name to Liege Maximo
    Alchemist will later change his name to Maccadam
    Autonomous is the character "The Last Autobot"

    YES I know there are more than 13 of them. Yes I still refer to them as 13. This is intentional and NOT a mistake. I do not yet wish to disclose yet WHY as it is a very large plot point in singularity as a whole.

    Image sources:
    The AllSpark Write into Being
    Last edited: Nov 5, 2018
  17. WEEGEE

    WEEGEE Cringe memer

    Jan 19, 2012
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    An Arby's parking lot
    The birth of the primes was good imagery on your part
  18. DrOblivian

    DrOblivian Mad Doctor jAmS

    Apr 12, 2013
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    South Jersey
    The Wandering

    The young gods regaled in a tale of their "father’s" long existence and his struggles against their "uncle" and his machinations against creation. When all that was needed to be said had been told, Primus informed them that they had been created for the sole purpose of finding a way to stop Unicron once and for all as he himself had failed to hoping that they would see things in a new light and think of a solution that he had missed.

    Hopeful that his children would make the right choice and pursue the task laid before them, Primus finally allowed himself to succumb to his fatigue and fell into his rest. The planet rumbled one last time as the well that had birth the Allspark closed, the very ground stitching itself back together, leaving behind the object of immense power in their hands to do with as they saw fit.

    The Children of Primus were taken aback. They had been given a seemingly impossible task from a stranger they had not known existed, a father they did not know they had. Their origins and purpose revealed to them, it was almost too much to take all at once. It did not help that Primus's story and message for them had been, vague at best.

    After much deliberation, it was unanimously decided that they would indeed attempt to take on this task presented in front of them. They had spent so long on their rocky world that just the idea of leaving intrigued them and this goal would help set their path into the stars. So they left their barren rocky world that they had called home for the last millennia, and went forth out into the universe in search of adventure, and if by chance Unicron? They would deal with him when the time came.

    It would be a very long while before they ever actually manage to even find clues to the whereabouts of Unicron. A single universe was infinite after all, and they had an infinite number of universes in which to search. In their travels however they would see sight and meet beings that would change their outlook on nearly everything they had come to know and yet still learn more with every passing moment. The universe was a wonderful place filled with life and change.

    On their travels things happened that one might expect on such adventures. They saw sights both marvelous and terrifying, fought beats large and small. They learned more about themselves and their powers then they could possibly have hoped stuck on their rock. But to their dismay, or delight, they had yet to find traces of Unicron.

    One of the most interesting things they had come to find in their travels were other lifeforms similar to themselves in many ways then one, yet so very different. All of them either corporeal in their nature, unlike themselves who were pure energy clad in stone armor. Some of the creatures they had met even revered Them as gods, as if the stars themselves had decided to come down from the heavens. Other saw them as demons and monsters, come to eat their children and destroy their homes.

    Again, it was the same for quite a while, the thirteen of them falling into a bit of a pattern of travel and discovery. They would split up from time to time to either go off on their own or at least in smaller groups.

    It was during one of their rare trips home together as a complete group that Logos would bring to their attention very disturbing news.

    Note: this part is short sweet and to the point because while a lot happens, nothing "important" happens. this entire chapter could be fleshed out into an entire series of full fledged fics. But the point is, all they really do is wander the universe, explore their powers and essentially do the same thing they had already been doing back home, but with just a much larger, more infinite playground.

    also hehe look... this isn't dead! just my attention span being a fickle bitch... for two years...
    Last edited: Nov 3, 2018
  19. WEEGEE

    WEEGEE Cringe memer

    Jan 19, 2012
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    An Arby's parking lot
    IT LIVES, OH THANK PRIMUS YOU'VE RETURNED!!!!!!!! Good chapter and I'm glad to see you back.
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