[UK Ebay] :NEWS: Tranformers catagory finally fixed to Transformers

Discussion in 'Transformers On Ebay' started by Mighty.Maximal, Aug 11, 2010.

  1. Mighty.Maximal

    Mighty.Maximal Banned

    Jul 9, 2002
    Trophy Points:
    I wasn't quite sure where to put this in news, or in Marketplace but I've decided on Transformers General I hope that's OK.

    After years of pestering them I finally managed to get E-bay UK to fix the Ebay UK Transformers category miss-spelling so they've added "Transformers" as the option under the series category on the drop down list when you list an item on E-bay UK but mysteriously they have not removed the old miss-spell of "Tranformers".

    It's ironic if they'd miss-spelled it as "Trasformers" instead they'd have accidentally got it right.

    Anyway If your listing a Transformers item on Ebay UK this is just to let you know that the correct spelling is now an available option.

    All the Best M'M

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