TransFormers: Extermination

Discussion in 'Transformers Fan Fiction' started by Bumblebee765, Dec 2, 2011.

  1. SavageThunder

    SavageThunder Stalking the Shadows...

    Oct 14, 2011
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    Somewhere on Namek at this point
    that was intense! even SUSPENSEFUL!
  2. Jazzfan0217

    Jazzfan0217 Resident couch potato

    Nov 20, 2011
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    dude that was awesome :thumb  poor Charger.
  3. Bumblebee765

    Bumblebee765 Wrecker

    Sep 18, 2011
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    Thanks! Yeah, an Autobot had to die, and it just happened to be her!
    Chapter 11
    Denier had driven around for a short while when she met up with Wreck-Gar. After a quick exchange they drove off together to find Huntress, Charger, and Sandstorm.

    They had only gone a small distance when they once again ran into Jetblast. This time when he took off, Denier was ready. She quickly converted into her stealth force mode and took off after the Decepticon. She fired a number of bullets rapidly at Jetblast, one of the hit his rear windshield and it shattered; a couple others hit the metal of his trunk area, denting it in several places.

    Jetblast suddenly transformed and stood to face Denier. He converted his left arm into a blaster and began to fire on her. She dodged the bullets and when she turned quickly to the right to dodge an incoming bullet she transformed and whipped out one of her blades. She skated over to Jetblast faster than he could react and took a slice at his left leg. She hadn’t severely damaged him, but his paint had been scratched.

    Once Denier had passed by him she planted her blade into the pavement and swung around it. She came back towards Jetblast, who had begun to turn around, and sliced at his right arm. She stripped much of the armor off of it in that attack.

    Wreck-Gar had chosen that moment to drive up and Jetblast, realizing he was overpowered, ran away.

    “I could have finished him off, Wreck-Gar,” Denier spat in his direction as he converted into robot mode.

    “I could have helped junk him!” he shouted back at her. Denier took a deep breath. She found it was better not to argue with Wreck-Gar, he just got louder if you didn’t agree with him.

    “Come on, let’s go find the others,” she said and transformed. Wreck-Gar didn’t know it, but that was her way to keep him from talking.

    They hadn’t driven long when they came across a sight that made them both stop in their tracks. Sandstorm was lying on the ground, unconscious, and Charger was lying a short distance from him, dead. Denier shifted into her robot mode and looked at Charger’s headless body. She knelt down next to it and frowned. Wreck-Gar remained in vehicle mode a short distance away.

    “We have to take Sandstorm back to Red Alert. He was just knocked out, he’ll be fine. Charger on the other hand… She’s not going to be coming back…” Denier walked over to Sandstorm and wondered aloud:

    “Do you think we’d really need Red Alert? If Sandstorm’s condition is as it appears, he should be fine soon. Perhaps he just needs some time…” Red Alert was so far away from where they were. It would be a pain to take Sandstorm back there…

    So Wreck-Gar transformed and drew his weapon. Denier drew her blades, and they waited for Sandstorm to come back online. If it had worked with Hot Shot the previous night, then it should work now…
  4. Jazzfan0217

    Jazzfan0217 Resident couch potato

    Nov 20, 2011
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    suspence, suspence, suspence. i love it :thumb 
  5. Bumblebee765

    Bumblebee765 Wrecker

    Sep 18, 2011
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    This will probably be the second-to-last chapter. The next chapter will be a while to wait for, but I think it'll be worth it!
    Chapter 12
    Huntress was in the heat of battle with the Decepticon named Sunstorm. She had a large battle axe drawn, and Sunstorm was shooting at her with a laser crossbow mounted on his arm. Huntress spun around and brought her axe down on Sunstorm’s crossbow, hacking it off.

    Sunstorm quickly drew a large serrated sword, which had converted from panels on his back, and began to swing at Huntress. She blacked with her axe, and pushed Sunstorm back. Sunstorm’s hand that wasn’t holding the sword converted into a grenade launcher. He launched grenades at the ground around Huntress, making it impossible for her to maneuver. She tried to take a step towards Sunstorm, but she stepped on a grenade instead and it went off, knocking her into a second one. That in turn knocked her into another and so on until eventually she came to rest at Sunstorm’s feet.

    “It’s going to take a lot more than that to keep me down, Decepticon!” she screamed as she pulled Sunstorm’s feet out from under him. She picked up her axe, which had fallen out of her hand and lifted it above her head to deliver the final blow. She brought the axe down but it only hit the pavement. Sunstorm had rolled out of the way. Huntress had struck the ground so hard her axe was stuck. As she was trying to pull it out Sunstorm planted one foot firmly on the ground, the wings on his back shifting into their vehicle mode position, the jet cockpit on his torso flipping up into position. He then lifted his legs off the ground and completed his transformation, and flew off, executing a barrel roll in the process.

    Once Huntress had freed her axe and placed it in its place on her back, Denier, Wreck-Gar, and the awakened Sandstorm appeared. Dedcliff had been with other N.E.S.T. soldiers, but was now back to riding in Sandstorm’s vehicle mode.

    Huntress looked them over and asked, “Where’s Charger?”

    Denier transformed and put her hand on Huntress’s shoulder, “She’s gone. She was decapitated…”

    Denier removed her hand, and Huntress bowed her head, “Charger was a good soldier, how could this happen?”

    Sandstorm had converted into his robot mode while Huntress spoke, and it was him who replied, “It was Cyclonus. He attacked Charger and me, I was knocked out when she died, but I’m guessing it wasn’t pretty…”

    “Well, standing around here talking isn’t going to help anything. If anything, it’ll make us a target. We need to move,” Huntress said.

    Denier, who appeared to be acting as leader now that Charger was gone, said, “Let’s go then. Red Alert and Hot Shot are in a clearing in the forest over there,” she pointed in the direction of the forest, “We should go there and plan our next move.”

    And so it was done. The Autobots rolled out with Denier in the front. Huntress was close behind, and Sandstorm and Wreck-Gar were behind her.


    Cyclonus reloaded his gun and looked around him. The destruction pleased him. N.E.S.T. soldiers’ bones lay on the ground around his feet. He lifted his right foot and crushed a skull under it. N.E.S.T. vehicles lay in ruins around him. Some were on fire, others were only severely damaged.

    Sunstorm flew towards where Cyclonus stood, and in mid-barrel roll he transformed into his robot mode. He landed on top of one of the N.E.S.T. trucks, crushing its already damaged chassis.

    “My lord, I t-tried to crush the Autobot Huntress, as you t-told me, b-but I-I’ve failed…” he stammered, showing how he feared for his life.

    “That is alright. She will fall, as they all will. I’ll not give up until every last Autobot has fallen to my might.”

    Jetblast had walked up to the pair as Cyclonus said that. He never spoke, and this moment wasn’t going to change that. Instead he just stood there, and gave Sunstorm a look that would have made any lesser Decepticon cower in fear.

    “Do you have something to say, Jetblast?” Sunstorm shouted at him. Jetblast merely looked away.

    “What happened to your arm? Get in a little trouble with an Autobot, did you? Or was it one of these pathetic humans?” Sunstorm crushed a N.E.S.T. soldier’s skeleton with him foot as he said that.

    Jetblast didn’t react to that either.

    “Sunstorm, enough, Jetblast has his reasons for being injured. If does not wish to share them with you, then that is his choice.”

    Sunstorm spat at Jetblast and stepped back onto his place on top of the truck.

    “We must find where the Autobots are hiding. Then, we wait for them to leave, when they come back we strike,” Cyclonus said, almost begging anyone to disagree. Of course, Sunstorm dared.

    “What if they leave some Autobots there? I doubt they would allow their medic, Red Alert, to get into the heat of battle. He is much too valuable to them, and they would never leave him without protection. Even if he is just a medic, he’s still a strong warrior, and if there’s two Autobots left behind…”

    “You don’t use you mind, Sunstorm! There will be three of us- you, Jetblast, and me- up against two Autobots. One will be a medic, no less.”

    Jetblast just glared at Sunstorm.

    “Do you have something to say, Jetblast?” Sunstorm taunted. Jetblast remained mute.

    “Lord Cyclonus, I feel a direct strike on the Autobots would be the best option. We could simply overpower them.”

    “That is not such a bad idea. The Autobots have been helpless to my power before. Charger was hardly able to put up a fight… This is what we shall do then! Jetblast,” Jetblast looked up at him, “Come with us, we are going to exterminate the Autobots once and for all!”

    Cyclonus began to walk off; the hunt was nearing its end…
  6. Jazzfan0217

    Jazzfan0217 Resident couch potato

    Nov 20, 2011
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    ok, exciting conclusion time. can't wait to see how this ends :popcorn 
  7. Bumblebee765

    Bumblebee765 Wrecker

    Sep 18, 2011
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    As promised, here is the exciting, action-packed final chapter of TransFormers: Extermination!
    Chapter 13
    The Autobots pulled up to the clearing where Red Alert was working on Speedstrike, Hot Shot was still standing guard. Red Alert looked up for a brief moment and said:

    “Where’s Charger?”

    Sandstorm replied, “She’s dead. Decapitation. Cyclonus took us by surprise.”

    Huntress strode over to where Red Alert was working and asked:

    “Is that Speedstrike’s body? What are you doing with it?”

    “I’m trying to repair him, there’s a slight possibility that he could recover. Very slight…”

    “No matter how slight, we have to try!” everybody except for Red Alert jumped when they heard Denier speak. He was used to not being reactive to situations around him when lives were at stake.

    Denier once again spoke and said, “We’re going to have to hit the Decepticons hard and soon. We should take them by surprise. If we all charge at them, weapons locked and loaded, they won’t expect it. I know the stuck up Cyclonus won’t. He would think we’re going to bow to him.”

    Denier’s speech was interrupted by Hot Shot laughing and saying, “Fat chance of that!”

    Denier went on, “Exactly! That’s the kind of mentality we need! Now, Red Alert, you’re going to stay back here with Speedstrike. The rest of us will move out and strike at the Decepticons. If I fall, it has been a pleasure serving with you all.”

    And so the Autobots rolled out, possibly for the last time…


    From his perch on top of a large building Sunstorm saw the Autobots drive out of the forest and transform. They all drew their weapons, Huntress drawing multiple weapons. Some on her shoulders, wrists, and a shot gun and a melee weapon in her hands.

    Better watch out for that one, he thought. He turned around and ran towards the other side of the building. Once he reached the edge he jumped and transformed in midair. He rocketed off to tell his master the news…


    Denier skated over and came to halt behind the edge of a building. She looked around a corner and saw Sunstorm flying away.

    “Alright,” she turned around and said to her team, “The Decepticons know we’re here. It’s too late to turn back now.”

    She cocked her rifle and fired at Sunstorm’s shrinking form. The bullet grazed his right wing, causing him a momentary moment where he was off balance, but he soon righted himself and flew away.


    Hot Shot ran forward and shouted, “I’ve got him!” before transforming and racing off after him.

    “No! Hot Shot, we have to stay together!”

    Hot Shot slammed on his brakes, and reversed back to where they stood. He converted back into his robot mode and said, “Oops, forgot.”

    Before they knew it, Cyclonus was rocketing towards them in vehicle mode. He transformed in midair and landed on top of Wreck-Gar, who was severely injured by the blow.

    “Autobot scum! Now, you fall!” he shouted at the assembled team.

    Huntress charged at Cyclonus, her axe held high above her head and her shot gun firing at him. Cyclonus swiped at her with a large staff and knocked her to the side. Denier followed up the attack with her pistol, swinging and leaping around Cyclonus with unmatched agility. While she did that, Sandstorm fired at him in vehicle mode with Dedcliff inside him, also firing at Cyclonus through the roll cage.

    Hot Shot transformed into his vehicle mode, then converted into stealth force mode and fired at Cyclonus like that. Cyclonus saw him and aimed at shot at him, but Hot Shot was too quick. He avoided the blast with ease.

    In the midst of that battle, Jetblast appeared out of nowhere. He slammed his hammer into Hot Shot, halting his movement. Huntress had recovered from being knocked aside, and Jetblast had noticed. He ran at her and swung his hammer. She raised her axe in retaliation and the blow of the hammer knocked the head off the axe, but Huntress was ready. She had loaded her shotgun before she even got up, and used this opportunity to fire it. The bullet hit Jetblast in the abdomen and knocked him back several yards.

    Huntress ran up to where Jetblast lay and a converted her hand into a rocket launcher. She shot the weapon at Jetblast, but Jetblast managed to move out of the way just in time. Realizing he was greatly overpowered, he ran away. Huntress didn’t pursue him; she had more pressing matters to deal with.

    Denier looked around and saw how badly the fight was going. Both Hot Shot and Wreck-Gar were crippled, only Huntress, Sandstorm, and herself remained. Things were not looking good. She whipped herself around Cyclonus and shot at him with her pistol. She threw the pistol to the ground, realizing it would be more effective if she used one of her blades. She swung herself up onto Cyclonus’s back, but Cyclonus reached up with his free had, pried her off, and threw her onto the ground in front of him.

    Private Dedcliff had climbed out of Sandstorm, and remained firing at Cyclonus. Sandstorm had transformed into his robot mode when Dedcliff climbed out of him, and he was shooting at Cyclonus with his shotgun. Cyclonus swung at him with his staff, but Sandstorm was too quick, and he dodged the strike.

    Sunstorm flew into the fight in his robot mode, using the jets on his back to stay in the air. He shot at the Autobots with the grenade launcher he had used before on Huntress. Huntress was wiser from that experience though, and shouted at her fellow Autobots:

    “Watch out! If you step on one of those, you’re done for!”

    Denier took things into her own hands. She skated up to Sunstorm and sliced the grenade launcher off his arm.

    “Autobot scum! I’ll rip you apart!” he said as he picked up Denier and slammed her into a building. She fell to the ground.

    Huntress saw a group of grenades at Cyclonus’s feet, and shot one of them. It didn’t have the same effect on him that it had on her, but it was enough. The grenade exploded, causing the other grenades to explode. It didn’t knock Cyclonus off his feet, but it did cause extreme damage to him.

    “I’m going to kill you!” he screamed above the noise of the explosions. He converted his hand into a large Gatling gun and began to shoot at the Autobots. He hadn’t targeted anybody before he began firing, so the Autobots had time to get behind cover.

    Huntress aimed her shotgun around the corner of a building and was about to fire at Cyclonus before she noticed something wasn’t right. Sunstorm was nowhere to be seen.

    “Surprise!” he shouted from behind her.

    From out of nowhere a gunshot rang out and Sunstorm was knocked out of the air.

    “Who did that!” he screamed.

    Denier was in stealth force mode behind a building on the other side of the street. She quickly drove across the street with Cyclonus firing at her the whole way across, and her firing at Sunstorm.

    When she got near enough to Sunstorm she transformed and flew into him, knocking him off his feet and onto the pavement. Sunstorm threw her off of him and transformed before she could recover.

    The sound of Cyclonus’s gunshots had ceased. Sandstorm took that opportunity to peer around the corner of the building he was hiding behind. Cyclonus seemed not to have hit Hot Shot or Wreck-Gar, they would still need medical attention, but at least they were still functional. Cyclonus was slowly walking towards where the Autobots were hiding.

    “We’ve gotta to move,” Sandstorm whispered at Huntress and Denier, “Cyclonus is comin’ right for us.”

    The three Autobots and Dedcliff quickly maneuvered around the opposite corner of the building, and onto another street. This time Denier looked around the edge and saw Cyclonus turn the corner to continue pursuit.


    Cyclonus rounded the corner of the building and was surprised by what he saw. Or more, what he didn’t see. The Autobots were nowhere to be found.

    “Come out, come out wherever you are,” he said menacingly, “You might as well take your deaths with dignity.”

    Denier, Huntress, and Sandstorm came out from around the corner and began the fight again. Huntress and Sandstorm ran at Cyclonus firing slugs from their shotguns at him. Denier quickly skated over to him and struck at him with her blade, which didn’t seem to cause as much damage as she had hoped. It seemed Cyclonus was made of tougher stuff than the other Decepticons.

    Cyclonus kicked at Denier and knocked her off her wheels. He then turned to Sandstorm and shot a large cannon, which had converted from his left arm, at him. Sandstorm was blown back against a building and knocked out. In that time Denier had gotten up, and shot at Cyclonus with her pistol once again. This did little more than provide a minor disturbance to the giant.

    Cyclonus swung around for the final strike on Denier.

    “You’re a resilient for an Autobot,” he observed, “Most others would have died by now. It’s almost a shame to kill you; I do enjoy a challenge, after all.”

    Huntress shot Cyclonus in the back with a rocket she fired from a launcher on her arm. Sunstorm flew over in jet mode, transformed into robot mode. Without even touching the ground he grabbed Huntress and brought her to the roof of one of the buildings. He then kicked her off the other side. She was severely crippled by that attack.


    During that time, Cyclonus continued to stride towards Denier.

    “There’s nobody here to save you now, Autobot!” he said the word like it was a curse.

    “I don’t need saving! I can handle you on my own!” she shouted at him. She wished some of her comrades were here to assist her, but she knew they were busy…

    Cyclonus drew a large sword, which had converted from the panels on his back.

    Then the sound of a shotgun blast rang out, along with the whir of a buzz saw. The shotgun bullet struck Cyclonus in his right shoulder and he dropped his sword.

    The moment the sword fell to the ground Denier saw a sight she thought she would never see again. Speedstrike was running out of the outskirts of the forest, only, he didn’t look quite the same. Instead of red and black armor covering his form, there was now white and gold coloration. There were blue flames on certain parts of his gold armor, and his black visor was covering his eyes. It was game time.

    “You don’t mess with my team!” he shouted as he ran after Cyclonus. Red Alert came out of the tree line after him. Denier got back up and assisted in the strike on Cyclonus. She managed a quick glance in the direction Huntress had disappeared and saw an orange and white F-15 Eagle flying away. Moments later Huntress added her gun to the fray.

    “Glad to see you could handle him!” Denier shouted in her direction.

    “I defeated him once, and I did it again!” Huntress shouted right back.

    Speedstrike used his buzz saw to cut off Cyclonus’s cannon he had drawn, and then utilized his shotgun for a follow up attack. Denier used that chance to leap up onto Cyclonus’s back and struck at him with her blade in multiple places. Huntress attacked Cyclonus with a Gatling gun of her own, tearing up his armor in some places. Sandstorm mostly stayed behind cover and shot at him from afar.

    Instead of fighting with his comrades, Red Alert had made his way over to Hot Shot, who was still in stealth force mode. He was only knocked out, and would be easy to revive later. Red Alert then saw an opening for him to get to Wreck-Gar and examine him. Wreck-Gar would need some more serious attention, but Red Alert would be able to fix him up now, even in the heat of battle. As long as the others kept Cyclonus distracted; and he didn’t think there would be any problem there.

    Red Alert bent over Wreck-Gar and got to work. Wreck-Gar’s damage was mostly armor casing damage. Nothing critical was damaged, but he couldn’t function properly with his armor pressing down on his interior workings. Red Alert started by welding some plates back into their proper place. Some of the plates had to be removed and hammered back into shape, but before long Wreck-Gar was functioning properly once more, his armor was just a little dinged in some places.

    With that, Wreck-Gar began to attack Cyclonus as well, with a battle cry of:

    “I’m going to turn you into junk!”


    Cyclonus realized that he was outnumbered and outgunned. The second one worried him the most.

    “Sunstorm!” he shouted over his comm.

    “Yes?” was the reply.

    “Where are you? These Autobots are causing more damage than I had expected!”

    “Oh, I’m sorry to hear that, I guess you should have thought your plan through better.”

    “It was your plan!” Cyclonus shouted as he came under fire from a range of bullets from Huntress’s Gatling gun.

    “Was it? Guess you have learned a valuable lesson, my lord,” Sunstorm said in a mocking tone.

    “And what lesson would that be?” Cyclonus was starting to get aggravated.

    “Think your own plans through a little better, even if I was the one to give it to you! Ha-ha!” and with that the comm. went dead.

    “Sunstorm!” Cyclonus shouted as he dodged another buzz saw attack from Speedstrike, which made him get close enough to Denier for her to strike at him. He used the thrusters on his back to get into the air and out of range of the Autobots’ weapons.

    “You may have won this battle, but one battle isn’t a war! I will return, and I’ll be back with even stronger forces at my command!” and he transformed into his Cybertronian jet and blasted away from the battle.

    Speedstrike approached his team, raised his visor, and said, “You all fought bravely in my absence, and I thank you for that. Red Alert, I’m assuming it was you who radioed for N.E.S.T. support?”

    “Yes, and they came, but we haven’t heard from them since, and I fear we won’t…”

    “So you managed to get all the humans out of the city?”

    “Yes, N.E.S.T. was a great help with that. That’s how Denier, Sandstorm, and Private Dedcliff came to fight alongside us.”

    “Good job, all of you. But, where is Charger?”

    This time it was Huntress who replied, “She died, at the hands of Cyclonus. I’m sorry…”

    Speedstrike bowed his head in respect, “Charger knew what she was getting in to… She knew the risks… She knew the consequences…”

    There was a moment of silence before Speedstrike spoke again, “I am glad to see that the rest of you have survived. That is a feat that you all should be proud of.”

    “So, what are we going to do now?” Denier asked.

    “Firstly, I’m going to try to repair poor Hot Shot here,” Red Alert replied.

    “Then we’ll return to N.E.S.T.”

    “We’re not going to go after the Decepticons? We’re not going to go after Cyclonus, Sunstorm, and Jetblast?” Huntress asked.

    “No, they will be fights for another day. Next time we will be sure we are ready. As well as we’ve held up against these foes, I think we’ve gotten lucky. We can report Cyclonus’s new involvement in the war to Optimus Prime; he can decide what to do from there,” Speedstrike said.

    All the while the others had been speaking; Red Alert had been operating on Hot Shot. Finally, Hot Shot shifted into his robot from, and spoke to them, “What’d I miss this time?”

    Huntress walked over to him and said, “This does seem to happen to you a lot, doesn’t it?”

    With that final word, Speedstrike radioed for N.E.S.T. escort. Now that Huntress was no longer a hauler, he had to ride in a N.E.S.T. truck again.

    Denier spoke a thought that had been on her mind since Cyclonus left, “How long do you think it will be before he returns?” Everybody understood that she meant Cyclonus.

    Speedstrike was the one who answered her question, “I don’t know. It could be years, it could be weeks, but when he does, we’ll be ready!”
  8. Jazzfan0217

    Jazzfan0217 Resident couch potato

    Nov 20, 2011
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    lights go on *stands up and claps very loudly* BRAVO BRAVO my friend, this was awesome, esecially with Speedstrike coming to the rescue :jawdropper:  :D  i'll be looking out for the sequel whenever you decide to start posting it. and i'll be looking out for your other one as well. :thumb  !!!
  9. Bumblebee765

    Bumblebee765 Wrecker

    Sep 18, 2011
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    *bows* Thank you! You helped me a lot with this! You gave me the motivation to continue, usually my projects like this never get finished, but you really motivated me! Thank you again! I don't know when I'll start posting my next fan fiction, but when I do you'll be the first to know! Also, keep your eyes out for character art of the characters in Extermination, they should start appearing soon! Denier's almost done, even!
  10. Jazzfan0217

    Jazzfan0217 Resident couch potato

    Nov 20, 2011
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    i feel special now :D  and on the subjet of not finishing, i've noticed that a lot with some of the older fan fics, its quite sad really, considering the fact that some can be really really good, like Extermination for example. i was in sitting in the family car at a taco bell parking lot reading through the fan fic forum on an iphone, clicked on Extermination, read the first chapter you wrote, became interested, whole time thinking man i hope this guy finishes this one, i really like reading these. this was a really really good story. can't wait to see how Denier turns out :D  !!!
  11. kiko315

    kiko315 Well-Known Member

    Jun 29, 2011
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    This one's worthy of a screenplay... and all of the 'Bots and 'Cons here need to be seen... and putting Cyclonus as the nearly-unstoppable bad guy is a very nice touch... I could imagine Overlord in his place, but Cyclonus is a good twist...

    We need that sequel, stat!! :) 
  12. Yuki3500

    Yuki3500 New Member

    Jan 18, 2012
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    Some gramattical errors, but the story is VERY good! I like how you put a lot of unexpected twists in there.
  13. Bumblebee765

    Bumblebee765 Wrecker

    Sep 18, 2011
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    Thanks! I plan to draw character art for all the characters, I already have a bunch of vehicle modes from Google images saved. Yeah, I really wanted Cyclonus to seem really indestructible. Even when he leaves (I didn't want to kill him off, he's coming back!) it's really just to "reboot his systems", so to speak. For some reason I've always wanted to see Cyclonus in the Movieverse, he's the character I hope for in the fourth movie! :D  Overlord? I'm not too familiar with that TransFormer. I'll have to look him up. Who knows, maybe once I'm done with this series of fan fictions, I might write one with him in it!

    I'm working on the sequel right now actually! I've finished writing the short prologue, and I plan to post it soon! It's going to be called "The Return" And depending on how that one ends, I may write one after that. I hope to write a decent arc with Cyclonus...
    Yeah, my grammar is one place I need to work on in my writing... Yeah, plot twists are something I try to keep in mind when I write. I try to keep my readers on their toes! :lol 

    Don't forget to check out my fan art I've posted! So far Denier and Cyclonus are up in the fan art forum, and more are to come! I also plan to redo Cyclonus...
  14. Fisitronus

    Fisitronus Wrecker

    Jan 10, 2012
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    oooh yay! can't wait for the sequel! I'm ready for it!
  15. Jazzfan0217

    Jazzfan0217 Resident couch potato

    Nov 20, 2011
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    gonna be pretty EPIC !!! :D  !!! can't wait !!!
  16. Bumblebee765

    Bumblebee765 Wrecker

    Sep 18, 2011
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