The "UnExPlAiNeD!" Thread

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by netkid, Jun 6, 2007.

  1. SamiWCP

    SamiWCP Guest

    I was just going to make a thread like this the other day..But it was more so on unexplained events, and how it makes life a little more entertaining, interesting..By not knowing it all. Leaving a bit of mystery to our existence is great, I think. I believe in ghosts, spirits, ufo's etc. I find stuff like bigfoot, and lockness etc, to be fun things, but, just odd random legends and stories from times long ago passed down for what couldn't be explained then. But the idea of a old monster in the woods, beats the scientific "It was a branch in the water" type explanation any day.
  2. pscoop

    pscoop Dead inside

    Dec 16, 2006
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    :lolol  And the whole thread comes around full circle.

    BTW eyeballkid KNEW you were going to type that.

    So did I. And I usually don't believe in ghost stuff.

    'cept for Ghostbusters. That was real.
  3. wavelength

    wavelength Well-Known Member

    Apr 18, 2006
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    i got one. why are there always carrots in puke, even if you have never eaten then for 10 years plus?
  4. Phy

    Phy I want... ROOM SERVICE!!

    Dec 10, 2005
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    It's the 8-10 spiders you eat in a year while you're asleep. Spiders are actually carrots.
    Sami, y'do know she was most likely experiencing something called sleep paralysis, right? If you haven't heard of it, it's a paralysis much like the one that keeps you from thrashing around in REM sleep; and it's often accompanied by hallucinations of a "presence" that can seem as real as waking to someone who doesn't know what's going on. It's a relatively well-studied and consistent phenomenon; happens just before drifting off or just after coming out of dreaming.

    I get that you're not all that enthusiastic about scientific explanations for oogie mysteries, but this is one place I think it would be more relieving to know that it was just my brain acting up, and not a smoking hole in the universe holding me down.
  5. SunDown

    SunDown Fatty McFatFat

    Jan 30, 2007
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    I too believe in things supernatural, but mainly from relatives stories. Relatives that have credibility in my eyes and wouldnt otherwise speak of such things.

    In any case, I had not had any experiences myself until we bought our first house. The odd thing was the house was only 6 years old so it was still fairly new and the guy we bought it from was a preacher that traveled all the time sot he house mainly sat empty.
    Anyway, the master bathroom had only a standup shower in the very corner of the house. It was a small room that only had one entrance. The shower door was frosted so you could see light and movement but not make anything out. Often time my wife would come in there and sit down while I showered and just talk. So when she would come she would cast a moving shadow from the single center mounted flood light.
    No real big deal but many times I would see "her" shadow or a shadow move into the bathroom and stop to sit down. I would strike up a conversation only for there to be silence. I'd pop the door and look around and the room would be empty and I felt stupid for talking to myself. After the fifth time this happened, I stoped talking to myself and brought it up with her after the shower, see if she was playing tricks on me. She wasnt and she never claims to have had the same experience.
    We have since moved twice and it hasnt happened again...
    I know it was a spirit or something coming in and sitting down, and it would happen about twice a week, maybe three times a week.
  6. Alpha Prime

    Alpha Prime Ten Years Strong

    Apr 17, 2006
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    -I have had A LOT of ESP moments lately.
    -Saw a figure in the hallways when i was 3
    -I see a cat figure sometimes in my hallway when on the computer
    -The most unexpanlable thing i know of is: Asheboro, have to live here
  7. Alpha Prime

    Alpha Prime Ten Years Strong

    Apr 17, 2006
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    Woops, double post
  8. MegaMoonMan


    Jul 13, 2004
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    I've experienced sleep paralysis before (a few times, actually), and I can tell you it's NOTHING like what Sami's friend felt.

    It could be different for others, but to me it feels like I'm half asleep, half awake, and no matter how much I try I can't move. There's no feelings of being restrained or pressure on my chest, it just feels like I can't move. It's a little frightening, but I can usually will my way fully awake.

    Once in a while I'll feel a "presence", but I never see anything. If I ever did see some guy looming over me while it was happening, I would probably crap myself.
  9. Triformis

    Triformis Insecticon Fanatic TFW2005 Supporter

    Oct 1, 2005
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    Interesting...I have never heard anyone use this "joke" before. I've always said it and came up with it independently 'cause I'm genuinely curious. The English language is a strange one.
  10. theLostSeeker

    theLostSeeker Well-Known Member

    Jan 26, 2006
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    My brother had an interesting episode when our family moved to a new house in 1999. He said he couldn't determine if he was asleep, or awake. He said his eyes were opened, but he couldn't move. He managed to turn his head towards the corner of the room where he saw a white being with black eyes standing in the corner and just putting his finger in front of his mouth saying "shhhh…". My brother was scared and just stared at the ceiling until he "woke up", though he never felt the transition, dismissing this as a nightmare. Did it really happen? We'll never know.

    I wish I was joking, but I got a few creepy stories that I wish I'd never have heard. I believe in ghosts, that we're not alone and all that. But in order to confirm something as "fact", or "unexplained", I try to find every single way to prove it wrong.
  11. seeker311

    seeker311 The Collector

    May 14, 2007
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    When I was in highschool, I was pursuing a girl for sometime, unsuccessfully. For one month I had nightmares that she would humiliate me, so I stopped talking to her and gave up trying to get her attention. The nightmares stopped.
  12. Phy

    Phy I want... ROOM SERVICE!!

    Dec 10, 2005
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    MMM - I'm not saying that everyone has the same experience. Sleep paralysis episodes vary between individuals, though possibly not as widely as do dreams. The common element seems to be the feeling of being awake, but not able to move, and the occasional "presence", but the details and intensity are different. Sometimes there's just a presence, for other people it's Dark Men or the Greys or succubi.

    SPLIT LIP Be strong enough to be gentle

    Oct 22, 2005
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    agile house
    One day, the power went out in my house for a few minutes, not too bad right? Well, that's just the setup part.

    I was in my bathroom brushing my teeth when it went dark, when I looked in the mirror, my eyes were bright, not glowing, but like they would look in normal light, while everything else was dark.

    I almost peed, cause (even though you can't see yourself blink) when I winked at myself, neither eye closed.


    I fucking ran.

    Another scary bathroom story was when I heard what sounded like frightend breathing in the heat vent, followed by whimpering.


    Which is weird cause 1. I was alone in the house, and 2. this is a new house, so it wouldn't make sence if it was ghosts.
  14. Thundercracker

    Thundercracker Contemptuous

    Jul 5, 2002
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    Clover, SC
    I experienced the exact same feeling once. Totally aware that you are asleep and dreaming but for the life of you cannot open your eyes.

    Sami, my wife has had a similar experience with a mist/cloud like haint in her childhood home when she was about 12. She gets very emotional when talking about it and you can tell it really shook her up. Her parents both worked the night shift and she would be alone at night (she was pretty independant as a child). Well one night she was in the den watching tv and her dog, who she had let out to use the bathroom kept barking outside. Her house was kind of isolated and surrounded by woods so the thought of what in the world could be making the dog bark started to scare her a little. So she went and flipped all the outdoor floodlights on and shined a big flash light out of her den window into the woods to see what was causing the commotion. Then she heard what she described what sounded like someone flipping through a magazine quickly directly behind her. At that point she turned and saw a white vapor/mist like form hovering near the ceiling about 3 feet away from her. It scared her so badly she said it literarly took her breath away.

    The strangest thing that ever happened to me was when I was a boy living in Charlotte, NC and my brothers and I were camping in the backyard on a moon lit night. I awoke in the middle of the night and saw a sillouette of what looked like a Civil War era solider complete with a kepi hat and long rifle with a bayonet on the end of it against the side of my tent. Curious, I poked my head out to see what was there but saw nothing. When I got back in the tent, the sillouette was gone. The land we lived it was said to be an old Confederate instruction camp so maybe it was a Confederate sentry on duty...
  15. Rodimus Prime

    Rodimus Prime Sola Gratia, Sola Fide TFW2005 Supporter

    Jul 12, 2002
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    C&P'd from last ghost/supernatural thread:

    Our land/house used to be haunted. I say land because while my dad, etc. was building our house, my family lived in a trailer they borrowed. I'm not sure if it started before they got the Ouiji board or as a result, but it apparently picked up after they started messing with it. Now, I'm well aware that Ouiji boards do jack all. It's not the stupid board, but whether you're opening yourself to something. Among the wonderful things predicted by it was... me! Seeing how my mom was 45 when she had me, I wasn't expected.

    Anyhow, there was a lot of stuff that I was too young to remember. If anyone's interested, I'll ask my family about some of it later. As for what I recall off of the top of my head:

    -- There were these little "shadow things" that would rush across the trailer hall at times. No one ever got a good look at them, just little black things with yellow eyes. They never did anything, just run across the hall from one end to the other.

    -- There were at least two spirits in the house once it was built. The first was a little girl or girls. Almost everyone saw a little blonde girl of about five or six at some point. She would watch my dad from the bathroom doorway while he shaved, would run down the hall and twirl her dress in front of my mom when she was alone, etc. Later on, my niece (about six at the time) saw what she said was a "Indian girl."

    -- There was also a male presence in the house. Again, I'm unsure if it was just one that changed appearances or multiple, but sometimes it came off as being adult sounding/looking and other times as a kid. Most of the time it came off as being aggressive/mean, but it liked to play with me. I'd get up at night and play with it after everyone had gone to bed.

    Now, oddly, I do not recall actually ever SEEING it. I could hear it and it'd move things, but I never saw it with my eyes. Yet, I could always tell where it was. Before anyone goes "oh, just an imaginary friend" recall I said I could see it MOVE THINGS. My sister Melissa would also see it step out of the bedroom at times, if she happened to be awake. She's always been more sensitive to this kind of stuff.

    -- Whatever was in the house, didn't like the twins, Linda and Glenda. If both were in the house, it'd leave them alone, but if one was home by themselves, it would always harass them. For example, Linda was by herself one time after school, and was cleaning some dishes when she hears a male voice go "Get out." She just pauses and starts cleaning again when it goes "I SAID GET OUT." She ran out and stayed on the front porch until my parents came home.

    -- There were some more classical stuff, like hearing voices in a room and nothing being there when you step in, chairs rocking by themselves, etc. One time we were at the table and my dad had a cup of coffee. All of a sudden it started going down like someone was drinking it. It paused, and started going down again. It kept doing this until it was almost gone.

    -- When I was seven, one of our dogs died. Ebies (ee-bees) was a chihuahua and while he could get an attitude, he always loved us kids. Anyhow, a couple of nights after he died, Linda and her husband are spending the night and since we were short on rooms, I had to sleep with my dad. (Quick Aside: After my dad returned from Vietnam, my mom slept on a fold out couch in the living room because of his nightmares and the fact that he snored too loud, so it was just my dad and I in the bed.) For my brother in law and nieces' sake, they left the kitchen light on so that you could see down the hallway and find the bathroom.

    Well at some point in the night, I suddenly find myself awake, needing to pee. With how the bed was positioned, I could see down the hallway from my side. All of a sudden, I see a shadow start coming down the hall. I tense up for a moment, due to all the creepy stuff that's happened in the past, then I relax as I realize it's just Ebies. I'm getting ready to get up and go do my business when it dawns on me. Ebies died. We buried him. At seven, I was well aware this meant. It started towards my room, where my sister and her husband were staying, when he began sniffing the floor at the doorway. I'm freaking out, my bladder now forgotten, and I make a noise in my throat. You know, the kind you always make when you're terrified beyond words and are trying to keep silent? Of course Ebies notices me and turns towards my dad's doorway. I make a gasp and the little ghost starts running towards me, like it's going to leap up on the bed with me. Now, to be fair, a lot of the stuff that happened in our house was not pleasant, so you can't really blame me for how I responded to this.

    I scream. Like a little girl. For whatever reason, my mind was going "DEAD DOG. DEAD DOG. BAD. IT'LL RIP MY THROAT OUT. OH CRAP HE'S DEAD. NO NO" you get the point. Remember how I said my dad was in Vietnam? Well when I screamed, he grabbed me and flipped over to the opposite side of the bed, out of pure reaction. Everyone comes running into the room and wants to know what's going on. I start telling them about seeing something coming down the hallway when I realize that I'd just screamed and nearly pissed my pants over a chihuahua. A chihuahua that had came back from the grave, but still a chihuahua. So what do I do? I lie, and tell them it was a giant dinosaur skeleton. Not original but that's all I could come up with at the time. So everyone dismisses it and we all go back to sleep... me with my face against my dad's back.

    -- As time went on, my family got less of the "good" spirits through the Ouiji board, and more of the "bad" who would not answer questions, lie, or insult people. After it got to the point that my dad was no longer comfortable with it, he took it out back where they had dug out a pit for burning trash. According to all of my family present, once m dad set it on fire, the thing began to make a noise, like a lot of screams coming from it. Several minutes of this passed and then the four corners of the hole collapsed, partially burying the board. My dad then finished covering it up. I was just a baby when this happened, and so I have no way of verifying this. As crazy as it sounds, my family insists it happened and since I've seen a lot of crazy stuff, I have no reason to doubt them.

    -- Here's the biggie. When I was about eight or there abouts, Melissa had a friend (I forget her name so let's call her Jamie) over to spend the night. Being the loving brother that I was, I tagged along with them all about the house. Now, my sister had told her friend several times about our house, but she absolutely refused to believe that ghosts or spirits existed. Anyway, we end up in her room after sunset, where Jamie remarked on the lack of posters on Missy's walls.

    See, my sister used to have tons of posters on her walls, probably more than most normal girls, I don't really know. However, she soon felt that the eyes were watching her. Okay, you say, that's just a trick of the image, which is what my parents thought too. Their removal came once they started crying. I mean honest to goodness crying, not just water leaking from an image, I mean drops pouring out of several different pictures' eyes, rolling down like tear. No, it was not a water pipe or anything, this was thoroughly checked after their removal. In fact, there's no water pipes in any of those walls.

    Now Jamie had been making comments about our supposed "haunted house" all night, from once she got there, through dinner, and so her reaction shouldn't come as any surprise. She tells my sister to stop making up stuff because there is no such things as ghosts, that's just bull s***.

    Apparently, the spirits had been listening.

    And they were not happy.

    I cannot tell you the order these events happened in, as they all seemed to take place simultaneously. All I know is that the lights overhead went out, the bedroom door slammed, and the light bulb to the reading lamp (setting on the dresser next to my sister and turned off) exploded. I only had a few seconds to start screaming before I feel a hand grab at me. I'm about ready to stain my pants when I realize that I'm sitting between the two girls and it's obviously Jamie that grabbed me. This calmed me for about a half minute until I hear what she's screaming about.

    Something was dragging her under the bed.

    I can still feel her grabbing at me, trying to hold on as she cries for help. I'm petrified that I'll be dragged in with her and even if the room wasn't completely pitch black thanks to the pulled blinds, my sister is yelling that she's been cut. The door to the hallway starts showing a small sliver of light that appears and disappears as it makes a slamming noise meaning someone's trying to get in to us. This is as much as I can take and I just start bawling.

    Finally my dad busts in through the door, flipping the light switch on and asking if we're okay. I can tell he's scared and my dad rarely showed if he was. Come to find out that both my parents heard our screams and he came rushing down the hall to see what was the matter. Finding the door closed, he tried to open it, only to be resisted. Keep in mind that my sister's room did not have a lock on it due to the fact that she has asthma. It wasn't like it was locked anyhow, more like someone was on the other side, holding it shut. After slamming against it multiple times, the resistance just disappeared.

    My sister's holding her side which had been sliced when the light bulb exploded. It is lightly bleeding, nothing that required stitches. I'm proud to say I did not soil myself that night. As for Jamie, she lays there for a moment, halfway under the bed, and then she gets up and goes running to the phone, calling her mother to come pick her up.

    Strangely enough, Jamie didn't want to hang out with my sister much after that.
  16. SamiWCP

    SamiWCP Guest

    One last addition..
    In my previous post, I mentioned how when I'd wake up at night, Iwould look around whatever room I was in and then go back to sleep.

    3 years ago I lived outside of Boston MA and was living on my own, after having recently leaving Brandon.

    I woke up one night, I didn't have my glasses on, but I did the usual scan of my room..Closed my eyes, and it was only then that the image of what I saw cleared up in my mind from my less than perfect vision. The image formed in my head..And I realized someone was standing about 4 feet from the edge of my bed down by my feet.

    That'll wake you up REAL quick. I grabbed my glasses and looked back at the figure. It was Brandon. He was just standing there looking down at me. After a very heated yelling match and threats of police action he left. He had told me that he'd been there for about 20 mins watching me sleep. I never forget to lock my doors now.
  17. KA

    KA Well-Known Member

    Jul 23, 2003
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    yikes. creepy.
  18. KA

    KA Well-Known Member

    Jul 23, 2003
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    for some reason sami's plan diagram made me laughed too, inexplicably.

    but for the record, i do believe in the supernatural.
  19. SamiWCP

    SamiWCP Guest

    You're saying I missed my calling in CAD?
  20. KA

    KA Well-Known Member

    Jul 23, 2003
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    no NO im not making fun of youre CAD skills XD

    i thought it was just funny that the story actually necessitate visual aids...

    ...yeah, i got nuthin.