Nitrofire's Spotlight:in episodes!

Discussion in 'Transformers Fan Fiction' started by Richard598, Apr 26, 2010.

  1. Richard598

    Richard598 Always think positive

    Nov 14, 2009
    Trophy Points:
    My fan character,Nitrofire,just got a sticker set(classics Deadend),so,to celebrate,I'll be telling stories of my life.Thanks!C&C,hope U N-JoY!!!!!!!!!

    My name is Autobot Nitrofire,and these...are my stories.

    Chapter one:Before the war

    Back in my days as a protoform,I hung out with two good fellers.Sideways,and Blackout.Blackout was there to be sure Sideways was alright.Sideways,well,we were the best of freinds.Then the war happened.I got done in by this new "war lord".Called himself...Megatron,or some crap like that.I'd be familiar with him soon enough.Then,DARKNESS

    Chapter 2:We have all changed.Thanks alot Mr. War
    That Blackout/Grindor Rivalry thing,my fault.At the time,I was the fallens worst agent.He sent me to revive Blackout,possibly something even RAVAGE could do.I had heard about Jetfire,a seeker that changed sides,thought that was awesome,so,I tried to appeal to Grindor's common sense.He hated me.He was all "All hail Lord Megatron"this,and"Megatron still reigns!" that.He told the Fallen about my "betrayal".I was sent to the fallen.Big forest battle happen,I got killed.Darkness,Again.I was hoping this wouldn't keep happening.I see a gold gate,busted,torn up.Then,light.I see beady red optic sensors of some old guy,least,he sounded old."Don't worry young one,Prime'll catch you up soon enough".
  2. Richard598

    Richard598 Always think positive

    Nov 14, 2009
    Trophy Points:
    Chapter Three:What happened?
    "What's going on?"I questioned.
    "Where am I?!Who are you?!!"
    "Now,now,calm yourself child," he croaked.
    Next thing I now,I'm in this "medical room".I had no idea what was going on.They ran a few tests,like,"Can you transform?",or,"Try moving foward".Then,this big HUGE HUGE HUGINORMAS guy comes out of nowhere."Come with me.Let me tell you what's going on,"he boomed."Deep voice,"I thought.He put me in front of this Really tall,really big screen.Tons of things just flashed on the screen,then it stoped.Two fimiliar faces,beady red eyes though.I knew the face,just not the pace."Theese,"the big guy said,"are old freinds of yours,".Then it came back to me!
    "Sideways and Blackout!" although that was all I remembered.
    "No more,this photo was taken in 2007." he said."The big one is now Grindor,Sideways ... is offline."
    "Who's that?" I said,gesturing to the ugly red guy in the lower corner.
    "That was you,we have removed your decals so that no Decepticon will murder you for treason,or spying."
    "Oh,".I wondered how I knew theese guys.
    "I am sorry for this situation.I am Optimus Prime.Sorry for not saying so earlier.Do you have a name young one?"
    I sttudered.I thought is was "culdisac" or "end-of-the-road" or something.Then I thought THRUST!,but,then I thought it was to short.Oh,I know!
    "Easy son,AUTOBOTS,ROLL OUT!" My receptors still hurt.
    "What's that mean?"
    "You remember the transformaition test,well,with us,those modes move fast.You can see they're quite common here on Earth.They also disquise us.I become,what some call,a "semi truck" or Tractor trailer".You see?" then he transformed.
    "You try."
    he said I became a -uh ... uh ...Camaro or something?OH,it was a corvette!
    "where are we going" some big guy asked.
    "Ironhide,you will take Bumblebee and sideswipe and head east.Jolt,you take Skids and mudflap and head west.I'll head north.Rookie,your with jolt.
    "Thanks for givimg me someone actually responsable."
    "Don't you be a hatah!"said the green small car.
    "Yeah man,hate da player,not da game!" said the orange one
    "You dumass!It's da utter way around!"
    "Yep,it'll be fun" I thought