For those who have watched it, how good is the movie?(no major spoilers please)

Discussion in 'Transformers Movie Discussion' started by Prozak, Jun 13, 2007.

  1. Prozak

    Prozak Well-Known Member

    Jun 11, 2007
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    Ok I have a couple of questions, so I'd appreciate it if you could answer them as I'm going crazy wondering about it :banghead: 

    1.) Ok, I know there is another thread going on with people discussing the movie, but I can't read it without probably stumbling onto major spoilers or at the very least minor spoilers, which I am trying to avoid as best as possible. First I would like to know if there is an orchestrated musical score for this movie, and if so does it pay tribute to the original theme and is it any good? If not is that rock song that recently came really the new theme? Here is the link to the song I'm talking about

    2.) Ok a second thing, Bumblebee doesn't talk in the movie, which was a bit of a disappointment for me when I heard, but did Michael Bay and crew pull this off well? Bumblebee in G1 has a fantastic personality and I was really hoping they kept it, but I imagine it would be difficult to do without him having a voice.

    3.) My third question. Is this really a movie about Transformers? Or is this more of a movie that happens to have Transformers in it? The reason I ask is because I read before that the movie would concentrate more on the human characters. Or did they really pull off some great personalities for the transformers?

    4.) My last and maybe most important question, is the movie any good? I know I'm bound to recieve a lot of biased opinion since this is a transformers forum, but if you're not a transformers fan can you still see people enjoying this movie? And is the movie epic? Or is it more like the latest movies by Spielberg that I would say are good, not great, but definately not bad.

    Also, I'm trying to avoid spoilers as much as possible. I'm hoping to recieve answers that can explain my questions without going into the details of the storyline of the movie.

    For example, for question two maybe the answer could be, "Bumblebee doesn't talk but his personality still manages to stay intact, as he's still an underdog and he keeps his charm from the G1 series". It's a pretty generic answer that tells me what to expect from the movie without actually using any real spoilers.

    And thankyou in advance to all those kind enough to read through this and answer my questions!:D 
  2. Prozak

    Prozak Well-Known Member

    Jun 11, 2007
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  3. OmegaVPrime

    OmegaVPrime Uhm, yea? So what?

    Jan 12, 2007
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    Well im unsure if youve watched any of the recent TV spots, but you should no the amwser to your last question already.

    As for the rest unfourtanetly I have to see the movie first, but im sure these will be anwsered in all good time.
  4. Prozak

    Prozak Well-Known Member

    Jun 11, 2007
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    I haven't seen any of the tv spots as I'm not aware of them. In my experience though, tv spots are incredibly biased so I wouldn't trust them anyway.