Bumblebee Movie Themed Show- My University's Film Program

Discussion in 'Transformers Movie Discussion' started by BB127, Dec 13, 2018.

  1. BB127

    BB127 Active Member

    Dec 9, 2018
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    Hi! Not sure if this is where I'd post this, but I figured you would appreciate it. I am a film student and Transformers fan, love the movies, especially after attending the early screening of Bumblebee. For my class's final, we have to produce a live on air production/variety program. While roles were assigned by the professor and I was not in charge of production, I pushed for an eighties/Bumblebee theme, came up with the title based on our mascot and Bee, and produced/made the intro and stop motion music video, based on Hailee Steinfeld's song from the movie, and wrote some of the Bumblebee based dialogue. Travis Knight has been such a huge inspiration to me, as he started off with just making stop motion videos, too. Here's a link to the show and the music video. I hope you enjoy it. This has been broadcast on my school's television network.

    Some context for the music video is: There are special effects added in order for it to resemble a worn VHS tape including grain and text, as the Bumblebee Movie is set in the eighties. The music is intended to be a bit muffled in the beginning, as Bumblebee is watching the Watchman TV. When the scene transitions to the full screen of the feature stop motion sequence, the music is intended to be at full volume without any muffle effects, as Bumblebee is now immersed in the scene.