Comments on Profile Post by Venixion

  1. MrNiceGuy
    What the hell, that sounds awesome. Clearly the Japanese should have taken notes from you.
    Jul 15, 2017
  2. Venixion
    =^^= Haha , it wasn't one of my brighter moments.

    Eesh. Looks like that thread turned into a shit storm fast.

    If they were portrayed as adults, I wouldn't mind it really, as I delved into certain parts of freaky fanfic Friday out of overwhelming curiosity. (Human/TF romance NOT Kiss Player)

    But those girls look like they barely started puberty its just gross.
    Jul 15, 2017
  3. MrNiceGuy
    Oh, the thread? (I didn't even notice this reply)
    What the heck happened? I expected it to go south, yes, but not THAT quickly. Deleted the next day, I mean come on.

    Yeah, they're supposed to be in high school but the art says otherwise.

    And what's freaky fanfic friday?
    Aug 14, 2017
  4. Venixion
    To be honest, I don't remember how it went to hell.

    Freaky Fanfic Friday?

    I think it's just a sort of nickname for fanfics that go all out on the uh...kink factor, but I'm not 100% sure.
    Aug 14, 2017