Comments on Profile Post by Olymprix

  1. Necromaster
    One thing I figure is worth bringing up is that a lot of the other Spiders seem to have been based on the older Peter, which would raise the question of why, say, Ben Reilly is older than Peter himself despite being a clone. You can have the younger Peter if you want, I just feel like it's an issue that needs to be addressed.

    And sure, you can have Taskmaster instead if you want.
    Dec 12, 2016
  2. Olymprix
    I suggested in the bio that timeline screwing had something to do with it. How would you suggest making it more blatant?
    Dec 12, 2016
  3. Necromaster
    The biggest issue with that idea is that it would effect more than just Peter, it would effect everything.
    Dec 12, 2016
  4. Olymprix
    So... change him back to being 25+ then? Just for the sake of ease?
    Dec 12, 2016
  5. Necromaster
    That'd probably be the smartest move, yeah.

    Sorry if this frustrates any plans you had.
    Dec 12, 2016
  6. Olymprix
    Not really. Just liked how Tom Holland played the character, that's all.
    Dec 12, 2016
  7. Necromaster
    Hey, same here. Too bad he only showed up for five minutes in Civil War, eh?
    Dec 12, 2016
  8. Olymprix
    Yeah. Really looking forward to Homecoming!
    Dec 12, 2016