Introductory: Before You Start, READ: Things Others Wished They Had Known Prior to Creating Customs

Discussion in 'Tutorials and How Tos' started by Superquad7, Jun 1, 2010.

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  1. Superquad7

    Superquad7 OCP Police Crime Prevention Unit 001 Super Content Contributor

    May 19, 2003
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    One of the great things about our Tutorials Section here is that it's created by a community of artists. These artists come from many different backgrounds, have varied skill levels, and create a wide variety of different customs. When Radicons first ventured out to revamp itself, one of the things that the original Radicons Staff sought to create was a resource of resources: this very tutorials section! It's a compilation of lessons set up in a "how-to", "step-by-step" format to help any artist ranging from the expert to the novice who has never done anything before!

    While you can certainly learn from the lessons others offer to you in order to specifically teach you something, another thing many artists will tell you is, "learn from my mistakes so you won't make the same one!" With that being said, there have been many artists share their thoughts on this very issue.


    Several Radicons have shared things they have learned either in the very short time they have been creating customs, while others provide an insight from years upon years of creating projects.

    It is the hope of the Radicons here that if you're reading this, the advice shared can help deter you from some headaches, and some project blunders!

    A special "thank you" goes to Radicons member, Sioce, for initiating the original discussion!

    Also, a bit of warning: one of the topics that came up in the thread was the use of products that can be harmful to your health. Often times creating projects means that you will be using chemicals that are hazardous to your health and that of others. Make sure you read the labels of each product you use, especially any warnings that may be explained. You, and you alone (not or Radicons) are responsible for your safety and your health. Proceed at your own risk!

    That being said, let's see what some Radicons have to impart to you . . . .

    I really wished I had known about Future.
    Cross posting on multiple other boards wastes a ton of time, especially since the same folks are doing the same.

    Last edited: Jul 12, 2011
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