Why you're passionate about something (what's the story behind it?)

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Drangleic, Feb 27, 2018.

  1. Drangleic

    Drangleic Banned

    Feb 3, 2015
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    What's the story behind why you love something? (whatever it may be)

    My example: one of the only things I had from my real Dad was his old comic books. I never knew him personally. So those comics were like a link to him and became my passion. I've always had superhero love because of that.

    Kirby drawings in particular grab me because most of his old comics were Kirby stuff.
    Last edited: Feb 27, 2018
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  2. JaZzPrImE74

    JaZzPrImE74 Sub to my YT Supreme J

    Jun 20, 2013
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    In my Corvette
    October 2016 i got into Sneakers. Before that i was never really into them. I would get like 2 pairs a year, maybe 3. But my favorite Youtuber CJ SO COOL has like 200+ pairs and as i saw him buy more i started to get into them. Since then i have almost 30 pairs. I just love how nice they look, how alot of them have cool inspiration behind them (i mainly have jordans)

    Another thing i am passionate about is fashion. Also thanks to. CJ SO COOL. Ever since the 8th grade i have always liked dressing nice. Its funny looking back at my clothes all the way from 6th grade and seeing how my style has changed.
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  3. Wolfguard

    Wolfguard Your own personal Jesus.

    Apr 29, 2004
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    Planet California
    For 22yrs I've studied and immersed myself in Persian, Armenian, and Kurdish history, cultures, and languages. It's something I always had an interest in but didn't "recognize" it until January of 1996. Despite having zero known relatives who are of any of these races (I'm half Mexican and half Brit), I seem to have an easy time at knowing the correct pronunciations or words and phrases, and understanding obscure cultural nuances which may seem strange to most Westerners, but for me is like second nature. Even in crowds, when the average person tends to look for others of their own who they are familiar with, my eye is trained for spotting people who are of the Indo-Aryan peoples.

    The origin of this is a story I have been working on since 1990. It's gone through several changes since I first conceived it, but one thing which is consistent is the languages and names I created for it. Which brings me to this Middle Eastern connection - many words, places, and names I created for my story turned out to be very real. Some were just a little off on pronunciation, while others were exact or near exact. Even certain places in Iran, Armenia, Kurdistan, and Republic of Georgia (whose people are not Indo-Aryan) seem familiar OR were exact to any location I made for my story. Not sure if one of my waaaaay back ancestors was perhaps from the region or migrated, but there are some theories which point to Armenians being related to the Basques of Spain and possibly the Irish. I know for sure I have ancestry from both of those people, so who knows. I don't really question why it is, I just go with it.
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  4. Mako Crab

    Mako Crab Well-Known Member

    Jun 27, 2002
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    Dinosaurs. Loved them ever since I was a kid. They’re huge, they’re awesome, and they’re extinct. And being extinct, they live in my mind as the ultimate beast that no human can ever hunt or stuff or mount on their wall. Oh sure, people can fantasize about what it would be like to hunt dinosaurs. But to me, they’re an indomitable kingdom of animal that ruled the planet for millions of years. It took a cataclysm of global scale to knock them out before mammals could even think of getting a foothold in the food chain.

    Also Halloween, but I’ll do one thing per post.
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  5. G1Prowl

    G1Prowl Prick, apparently

    Jan 7, 2008
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    Monticello, IN
    Some bad life experiences and merciless bullying at school led me to the conclusion that I'd rather be dead than deal with it any longer. As I sat in my parents' closet with a loaded 12 gauge marshaling the courage to make the leap, so to speak, my mom came to the stairs and yelled up that my brother Jeff was home from Germany where he was stationed with the Army on leave, and that he wanted to see me. I had stuff to get finished, so I was a little annoyed, but Jeff was always my favorite family member back then, and I decided that I couldn't do the deed without speaking to him.

    So I leaned the loaded 12 gauge against the corner and went out to the front room to find my brother in front of the family, strumming a guitar he had picked up while in Germany. He had been taking a few lessons and trying unsuccessfully to learn some songs by ear, and wanted to see me because I had always had this ability to learn by ear on any instrument I messed around with. He asked me to listen to a song from a tape he had (Tells you the time frame of this story), and to show him the proper way to play it since he knew his was wrong. I was conflicted: my date was waiting for me in the closet, but I'm not one to refuse helping people. I decided to do him this favor and finish the OTHER job once he was bound for Germany again.

    So I took the tape upstairs and listened to the song he wanted me to learn Crazy Train by Ozzy Osbourne, from the Randy Rhoads Tribute album. I listened to the song, which was my first time hearing it. I rewound it and listened again. I did this probably about 10 times in a row before I realized I was crying. Something about Randy Rhoads' guitar playing clicked with me. I eventually wore that tape out to the point I had to buy a replacement.

    I went downstairs and took the shell out of the 12 gauge, and I kept it in my dresser as a reminder that no matter HOW BAD I thought life was getting, no matter the loss, no matter the pain, there was ALWAYS something to live for. For me, that became the guitar.

    I shoveled shit out of a hog barn for next to nothing until I saved up enough to by a lousy learner guitar from a friend of mine. I learned the song Jeff asked me to, and have played guitar religiously ever since. When I deployed, I had a First Act guitar from Walmart shipped over so I could have an expendable instrument because I couldn't see going THAT long without playing. It's now probably the most defining thing about me. Sure, I'm pretty passionate about Warhammer and Transformers, but nowhere NEAR as passionate as I am about music.
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    WEEGEE Cringe memer

    Jan 19, 2012
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    An Arby's parking lot
    *sniff* that was beautiful man. I'm glad you got out OK, really inspiring story.
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  7. JaZzPrImE74

    JaZzPrImE74 Sub to my YT Supreme J

    Jun 20, 2013
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    In my Corvette

    When i was younger (im not even old) i searched up hownto transform a transformer because i was stumped. I found peaugh and emgo316. They inspired me to make reviews, did that for 3 years, once i stopped buying transformers and moved on i was reinspired by many other youtubers to make new videos (this links with my passion for sneakers and fashion)
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  8. G1Prowl

    G1Prowl Prick, apparently

    Jan 7, 2008
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    Monticello, IN
    I did, for the most part. I have a rock to stand on when the water gets turbulent. It also colored my opinion on bullies, and also my opinion about actually talking about what bothers you. I think that's part of the reason that my post deployment integration was... smoother than some. It's not without issues, don't get me wrong, but it isn't NEARLY as pronounced as it is in people who don't talk about what they're going through or what happened.
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  9. Team Jetfire

    Team Jetfire Pop-POP!

    Apr 27, 2006
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    Jesus, that's a inspiring story. Music is super important to me too and while I was never able to play very well, some of my best memories growing up was either playing in my band, or going to rock shows.
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  10. eltonlin98

    eltonlin98 "Boy, you returned for me" - me when MPMs

    Feb 27, 2011
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    Friggin' Hot Wheels. Always found them to be super gaudy, until 2004 when I went to Blockbuster in search of a "Matchbox" movie. Hot Wheels World Race permanently sold the concept that Hot Wheels were cool, and AcceleRacers came and etched the concept into my mind. So much love and passion put into product lines only meant to make Mattel a profit. It's unbelievable how life-affirming the creators of the story/products and the narrative they told is. Some very tragic endings too, working hard to get these personalities the recognition they deserve

    And of course, I discovered the series back when my family was still a complete family of 4. Though my mom's in another country (not divorced, just taking care of elders), my family has always been super supportive of a hobby and passion they can't (and don't have to) understand

    I know to some they're just rolling pieces of plastic/metal. To others, they're all in it for 1/64 replicas of real life cars. But I have a serious affinity for the originality and creativity Hot Wheels itself is capable of. I'm certainly not going to become famous for defending my vision of the brand, it's solely something I do out of passion
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  11. ssjkazer

    ssjkazer mr dyslexia

    Feb 24, 2007
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    New Zealand
    trees i get really angry when someone damages them without reason, ive always liked trees i grew up less then 3 minutes from a forest, i knew it so well i could walk around it for hours and hours.

    littering, i really REALLY hate this, if i see someone drop abit of rubbish i will pick it up and give back to them and make them put it in the rubbish bin, its not eco friendly and it looks terrible just siting around, reason for this well the forest thing lol i use to pick up rubbish while walking though it to clean it up.

    weight lifting, ive always liked being strong the oldest of 12 ive always had to be the mountain they can lean on when they need it, feeling physically strong as made me feel mentally stronger
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  12. saitoh155

    saitoh155 Seeker

    Jul 8, 2010
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    Ever since I was little, I was a shy kid. Had a few friends but always kept to myself. Didn't really talk much, didn't really participate in class. Just sorta existed.... then one summer afternoon my mom took me somewhere I never though I would go. My first Karate class. Truth be told, I hated it. Then I went back a second time and a third and eventually got my first white belt and realized this was it. This was my "thing". Fast Forward 5 years, I earn my First Degree Black Belt. 15 years old and I could feel myself finally not being scared just to talk to people. Then one of the toughest things I ever had to do happened. I had to teach my very own Karate Class. I was terrified, but I survived. At that moment I realized that this was what I was meant to do. So there started the journey of being a Martial Arts Instructor. I had the ability to help people just like me to not only defend themselves, but also how to feel and be more confident with themselves. It has to be one of the most fulfilling feelings EVER, to have a kid that is timid and unconfident come up to you one day and tell you how he FINALLY stood up to that bully at school. Didn't have to beat the kid up, didn't have to kick him in the head. Just showed that bully he was not scared of him anymore and IT WORKED!!!!!!. I was that kid once, and the first student I had tell me that , I couldn't help it. I broke down and cried my eyes out that night at home. I was changing peoples live. And am proud to say that I have the privilege to do so everyday. This all started way back in 1992. Still doing it to this day.......but it never gets old.
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  13. GBglide

    GBglide Furst Fanatic

    Oct 17, 2002
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    Anton Furst was the production designer for the '89 Batman film. He designed the look for: Gotham, the Batmobile, Batwing, and painted the Bat-logo that was plastered all over everywhere back then. He also designed additional Gotham buildings that were used in the comics from 1991-1998. I loved the movie but when I found an issue of "The Destroyer" arc in the comics my passion really kicked in. His work started my interest in Batman and in real life architecture. For the last three and a half years I have been working to recreate his vision of Gotham in Lego bricks.
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  14. Galvatross

    Galvatross Dom Dom, Yes Yes Veteran

    Aug 24, 2013
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    The subject I'm most passionate about, even more than Transformers (That's saying something!!!), is dinosaurs and most things paleontological. Funny enough, Jurassic Park had little to do with it.

    I remember being a kid and visiting this local science museum with animatronic dinosaurs: Tyrannosaurus, Apatosaurus, Triceratops, Maiasaura, Deinonychus, Tenontosaurus, Pachycephalosaurus, Stegosaurus, and Parasaurolophus. When I was really little I thought they were real and would hide from them.

    Then for my eighth birthday I was given a dinosaur book with well over a hundred dinosaur genera described, and there was this fascinating documentary on dinosaurs on television, and I was hooked.

    The thing about dinosaurs is that they were not these evolutionarily throwbacks, but active, dynamic animals that dominated the Earth (or at least the large-bodied niches in terrestrial environments) longer than any other group. It's not even close. They were monstrous to us humans, and some were giants, but the vast majority were similar in size to common animals, and they were animals trying to survive. They look as mythical as dragons and unicorns, but they lived on the same planet as us. Evidence in the last half century has strongly pointed to the vast majority of dinosaurs having fast-running metabolisms like mammals and birds. There's a lot of evidence of many dinosaurs being social animals, although dinosaurs undoubtedly had their loners as well. Evidence of nest-brooding theropods, relatively helpless hadrosaur nestlings, adult-juvenile associations, and that the vast bulk of modern archosaurs take care of their young after hatching strongly suggest that most dinosaurs cared for their young in some capacity. Again, there appear to have been some exceptions that would laid their eggs and never seen their offspring. They were incredibly diverse and had a variety of niches and environments and behaviors. They also survive as feathered flyers, the birds, and many bird characteristics had their origins in dinosaurs. Many, if not most, dinosaurs were feathered and were often colorful.

    I also love zoology, natural history, and conservation. My neighbor growing up was a world-renowned herpetologist, and I love reptiles.

    I'm half Armenian (you already know this Wolfguard), and I am very much into Armenian and Near Eastern natural history and history. I taught myself the language. I have been to Armenia. One day I want to go to Western Armenia and Cilicia in modern-day Turkey. I also want to go to Armenia again to focus more on the natural history and beauty since my previous trip focused more on the spiritual and historical aspects. I even have ideas on how to make Armenia a better country for wildlife and those interested in the natural history of the area. Many Armenians and other people from Iran, Turkey, and the Transcaucasus don't fully appreciate how the Caucasian ecoregion is likely the most biodiverse terrestrial ecoregion for its size outside of the tropics. In a day's drive you go through so many different landscapes and ecosystems. That region is quite diverse culturally and biologically.

    Funny enough, my first crush was on a Persian girl from Iran, so I've always been fascinated by Middle Eastern cultures other than Armenians.
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